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ohwidow's photo
Wed 10/22/08 08:55 AM
O offers much too much debit, added onto an already failing budget. Not even sure if he can pull much of anything off. Do we want to borrow more money from Chinia?? BB
Why I Would Vote Mc Cain... If I Were American.


The only reason I am writing this column is because I owe it to the American people. I have no interest in doing so, being surrounded by an overwhelming wave of democratic excitement - not to say hysteria - here in New York, at work, in political circles, among friends. But I have decided to speak out the day Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama as the presidential candidate of his choice. After the endorsement of one of the greatest Americans in a generation, here is the witness stand of a not yet American, let alone famous in his own French, native country.

I did not travel more than 3,000 miles and re-invent myself in your blessed country, study here night-time while I was working full time during the day to feed my family, work very hard and started to succeed just to see the "Land of the Free", the country I love, take the path of the near-death experience Europe took for more than seven decades with various forms of socialism, from the mild social-democrat one to the heavy-handed soviet one. All failed, one way or another, as socialism is contrary to human nature and the fundamental values supporting its progress: Liberty, Justice for All, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama, whom I admire and would be honored to meet. The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama's amazing achievements, which remind us that the American Dream exists. The choice at hand is about Barack Obama's judgment and policies, and the now more than real risk that his presidency would destroy this American Dream that made Barack Obama become Barack Obama.

Change is essential, but more essential is the direction that change might take. And change in the wrong direction is worse than no change at all. I have carefully read and listened to Barack Obama's economics and tax arguments and they are based on, and driven towards, big-spending, pro-Government philosophy, agenda and policies: I hope I am wrong, but like anyone very well aware of the early signs and disastrous effects of a poison for having been exposed to it, I recognize the features and, through this campaign, early symptoms of what brought Europe to its knees.

Maybe it is not yet too late. Maybe, in a few days from now, I will not have to say to my French-American kids in front of the TV, "people have the Governments they deserve".

Winx's photo
Wed 10/22/08 09:05 AM

by grade three there is no statistical difference in head start students vs. non- head start students....it is subsidized day care... and yes ...i took advantage of it....

Given the current lack of actual education in some of our schools...

Home school. At least then you won't have to worry that your child will end up at a same sex marriage as part of a 'field trip'. Nor will you have to worry about your child learning politics from anyone other than you, faith from anyone other than you, or morals from anyone other than you.

Our education system is way broke... Government can't even run itself... How then is it supposed to run, regulate, or even administrate an education system.

Wow!! I can't believe that you said that if someone is homeschooled that they will not be gay. People don't learn to be gay. slaphead

Ge how did you get that from my comments... One track eyes...

Our education system is broke... Home schooled childrent get an actual education Math, science, reading, writing, and important stuff... my point on the above is that schools allow many things to be included in what they allow than the education that they are supposed to be the steward for. GET OFF THE GAY IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

I care not what you are, live like or do with yourself... OR THE CHOICES YOU MAKE PERSONALLY.

I care that...
1. Our educations system is not working.
2. Our Government is not working.
3. Yet we expect that the GOVERNMENT will fix the education system.

EEEEEK.... History will look back at this generation and wonder where we all were when it came time to step up.

Ya can't even mention a REAL problem without someone calling you a racist, or implying that you have a much narrower view than you do.

some of you are so concerned with unimportant stuff such as gay marriage, color of skin, rights of turtles, seals, crawdads, germs, ameboes, and possibley even the right of dirt to exist that you are missing the REAL issues.

My apologizes.flowerforyou I misread a sentence.

I don't like the public school system in my city. The country schools are fine though. The city school are no longer accredited. Because I live in the city and education is a priority, I send my child to a Lutheran school.

Btw, I'm not concerned about gay people and the color of a person's skin.

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 11:04 AM

O offers much too much debit, added onto an already failing budget. Not even sure if he can pull much of anything off. Do we want to borrow more money from Chinia?? BB
Why I Would Vote Mc Cain... If I Were American.


The only reason I am writing this column is because I owe it to the American people. I have no interest in doing so, being surrounded by an overwhelming wave of democratic excitement - not to say hysteria - here in New York, at work, in political circles, among friends. But I have decided to speak out the day Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama as the presidential candidate of his choice. After the endorsement of one of the greatest Americans in a generation, here is the witness stand of a not yet American, let alone famous in his own French, native country.

I did not travel more than 3,000 miles and re-invent myself in your blessed country, study here night-time while I was working full time during the day to feed my family, work very hard and started to succeed just to see the "Land of the Free", the country I love, take the path of the near-death experience Europe took for more than seven decades with various forms of socialism, from the mild social-democrat one to the heavy-handed soviet one. All failed, one way or another, as socialism is contrary to human nature and the fundamental values supporting its progress: Liberty, Justice for All, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama, whom I admire and would be honored to meet. The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama's amazing achievements, which remind us that the American Dream exists. The choice at hand is about Barack Obama's judgment and policies, and the now more than real risk that his presidency would destroy this American Dream that made Barack Obama become Barack Obama.

Change is essential, but more essential is the direction that change might take. And change in the wrong direction is worse than no change at all. I have carefully read and listened to Barack Obama's economics and tax arguments and they are based on, and driven towards, big-spending, pro-Government philosophy, agenda and policies: I hope I am wrong, but like anyone very well aware of the early signs and disastrous effects of a poison for having been exposed to it, I recognize the features and, through this campaign, early symptoms of what brought Europe to its knees.

Maybe it is not yet too late. Maybe, in a few days from now, I will not have to say to my French-American kids in front of the TV, "people have the Governments they deserve".

Im just wondering why you have to copy and paste someones elses opinion instead of putting your own in words..This is a forums..Its a place to tell what you think!!!

Winx's photo
Wed 10/22/08 11:07 AM

O offers much too much debit, added onto an already failing budget. Not even sure if he can pull much of anything off. Do we want to borrow more money from Chinia?? BB
Why I Would Vote Mc Cain... If I Were American.


The only reason I am writing this column is because I owe it to the American people. I have no interest in doing so, being surrounded by an overwhelming wave of democratic excitement - not to say hysteria - here in New York, at work, in political circles, among friends. But I have decided to speak out the day Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama as the presidential candidate of his choice. After the endorsement of one of the greatest Americans in a generation, here is the witness stand of a not yet American, let alone famous in his own French, native country.

I did not travel more than 3,000 miles and re-invent myself in your blessed country, study here night-time while I was working full time during the day to feed my family, work very hard and started to succeed just to see the "Land of the Free", the country I love, take the path of the near-death experience Europe took for more than seven decades with various forms of socialism, from the mild social-democrat one to the heavy-handed soviet one. All failed, one way or another, as socialism is contrary to human nature and the fundamental values supporting its progress: Liberty, Justice for All, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama, whom I admire and would be honored to meet. The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama's amazing achievements, which remind us that the American Dream exists. The choice at hand is about Barack Obama's judgment and policies, and the now more than real risk that his presidency would destroy this American Dream that made Barack Obama become Barack Obama.

Change is essential, but more essential is the direction that change might take. And change in the wrong direction is worse than no change at all. I have carefully read and listened to Barack Obama's economics and tax arguments and they are based on, and driven towards, big-spending, pro-Government philosophy, agenda and policies: I hope I am wrong, but like anyone very well aware of the early signs and disastrous effects of a poison for having been exposed to it, I recognize the features and, through this campaign, early symptoms of what brought Europe to its knees.

Maybe it is not yet too late. Maybe, in a few days from now, I will not have to say to my French-American kids in front of the TV, "people have the Governments they deserve".

Im just wondering why you have to copy and paste someones elses opinion instead of putting your own in words..This is a forums..Its a place to tell what you think!!!

Especially in another person's thread.

franshade's photo
Wed 10/22/08 11:08 AM

O offers much too much debit, added onto an already failing budget. Not even sure if he can pull much of anything off. Do we want to borrow more money from Chinia?? BB
Why I Would Vote Mc Cain... If I Were American.


The only reason I am writing this column is because I owe it to the American people. I have no interest in doing so, being surrounded by an overwhelming wave of democratic excitement - not to say hysteria - here in New York, at work, in political circles, among friends. But I have decided to speak out the day Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama as the presidential candidate of his choice. After the endorsement of one of the greatest Americans in a generation, here is the witness stand of a not yet American, let alone famous in his own French, native country.

I did not travel more than 3,000 miles and re-invent myself in your blessed country, study here night-time while I was working full time during the day to feed my family, work very hard and started to succeed just to see the "Land of the Free", the country I love, take the path of the near-death experience Europe took for more than seven decades with various forms of socialism, from the mild social-democrat one to the heavy-handed soviet one. All failed, one way or another, as socialism is contrary to human nature and the fundamental values supporting its progress: Liberty, Justice for All, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama, whom I admire and would be honored to meet. The choice at hand is not about Barack Obama's amazing achievements, which remind us that the American Dream exists. The choice at hand is about Barack Obama's judgment and policies, and the now more than real risk that his presidency would destroy this American Dream that made Barack Obama become Barack Obama.

Change is essential, but more essential is the direction that change might take. And change in the wrong direction is worse than no change at all. I have carefully read and listened to Barack Obama's economics and tax arguments and they are based on, and driven towards, big-spending, pro-Government philosophy, agenda and policies: I hope I am wrong, but like anyone very well aware of the early signs and disastrous effects of a poison for having been exposed to it, I recognize the features and, through this campaign, early symptoms of what brought Europe to its knees.

Maybe it is not yet too late. Maybe, in a few days from now, I will not have to say to my French-American kids in front of the TV, "people have the Governments they deserve".

Im just wondering why you have to copy and paste someones elses opinion instead of putting your own in words..This is a forums..Its a place to tell what you think!!!

tempt - because it hasnt been written for her yet in a blog laugh

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