Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:05 PM

The U.S. needs a change and Obama is the best candidate!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

breathless1's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:11 PM

Who needs the national polls..Mingle 2 has spoken!!!!

laugh laugh laugh

Now, if everyone who posts here with their computer terminal "vote" would actually get off their couch potatoe arses to the polls this year, we may actually have a real Presidential race here, don't you think? :wink:

Just make sure you are WELL informed before making your decision, aside from what you "google", regardless of race/running mate's gender, and what you hear on your local news network and what your neighbor's..aunt's dog groomer's...pedicurist''s says, okay? :wink:

This is YOUR life, YOUR livliehood, your children's future...BE INFORMED and actually VOTE! drinker

For those of you who say "they are both idiots and liars and I don't care", well don't come back here b*tching with your distress and woes when the nation is still distressed and filled with woe for the next 4 years, okay? :wink:

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:21 PM
Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:25 PM

Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.
With the last eight years I think our expectation can be very low and we still wouldn't be disappointed.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:30 PM

Cheers to Mccain winning this upcoming election ALL THE WAY TO VICTORY


Well then, **** on McCain we want Obama!:wink: laugh

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:32 PM

Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.

The next 4 years is going to be rough for either candidate.
They have a mess to clean up.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:33 PM

Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.
With the last eight years I think our expectation can be very low and we still wouldn't be disappointed.

Wow is that ever the truth. I always said Mickey Mouse could run this country better than Bush.

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:33 PM
that's really sad....

Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.
With the last eight years I think our expectation can be very low and we still wouldn't be disappointed.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:35 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/20/08 08:35 PM

Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.
With the last eight years I think our expectation can be very low and we still wouldn't be disappointed.

Sad but true. We have been put through the wringer.

But...I am more hopeful then that with Obama.

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:35 PM

that's really sad....

Do ya'll actually think he can make all this CHANGE come to fruition? It's almost as if people have been brainwashed to believe that a president-elect will DO exactly as his campaign says he will. Change is needed, yes, but the adoration Obama is receiving is quite scary indeed. The guy's fallible people, and I'm afraid some of you are going to be sorely disappointed when he can't make your dreams come true.

"If an eloquent speaker speak not the truth, is there a more horrid kind of object in creation?"
Thomas Carlyle

The next 4 years is going to be an interesting show. I think we should keep our minds open to both sides of the story.
With the last eight years I think our expectation can be very low and we still wouldn't be disappointed.

Its not sad..Its going to take along time to straighten out this mess..Its not going to happen overnight!!!

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:37 PM

it's really sad that "your" last 8 years have been that bad

Dangerous_Kitchen's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:40 PM
i don't care for either of them, however, will mccain live thru a whole term? if not, you're comfortable with palin taking the reigns? hahahahahahahaha bwahahahahahahahaha!

i'm moving to canada drinker

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:42 PM


it's really sad that "your" last 8 years have been that bad
Its just not me and Ill say I manage alot better than most..Look around, a hell of alot of people are hurting..

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:44 PM
The Republicans are sure getting angry.

They are really turning up the volume on the hate talk.

McCain campaign is finished.

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:50 PM
where are these hurting people?


it's really sad that "your" last 8 years have been that bad
Its just not me and Ill say I manage alot better than most..Look around, a hell of alot of people are hurting..

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:52 PM

where are these hurting people?


it's really sad that "your" last 8 years have been that bad
Its just not me and Ill say I manage alot better than most..Look around, a hell of alot of people are hurting..

Wow!! You really have blinders on.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:53 PM

The Republicans are sure getting angry.

They are really turning up the volume on the hate talk.

McCain campaign is finished.

It's so ugly too.

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:54 PM
Edited by ddn122 on Mon 10/20/08 08:58 PM
winx, you say that but where are they????

what has been so terrible for or anyone the last 8 years?????

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:03 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/20/08 09:06 PM

winx, you say that but where are they????

what has been so terrible for or anyone the last 8 years????? the top of my head....I can't sell my house right now because the value has gone down so low. Houses aren't selling. My kid's tuition has increased greatly because of the
the rising costs of utilities and benefits for the teachers.

Groceries and gas and utilities cost more. I have contractor friends that don't have enough work. The hospitals are cutting back on staff. 2,000 lost their jobs here this month with a plant closing. Anheuser Busch here sold out. Small business around me have folded. People aren't eating out as much so the waitresses are getting lower tips. I used to have more money in my pocket. People I know are going off to war. People I know don't have health insurance.

I could write more but I'll spare you.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:05 PM

i don't care for either of them, however, will mccain live thru a whole term? if not, you're comfortable with palin taking the reigns? hahahahahahahaha bwahahahahahahahaha!

i'm moving to canada drinker

Not even comfortable with Palin.noway