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Topic: Pro Life?....
Giocamo's photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:37 PM
you like his policies ?...which ones ?

no photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:42 PM
Geezuz, what have I created? Well, I stick with pro choice.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:45 PM

you like his policies ?...which ones ?

I cant speak for the other poster. Were you addressing her? He is the pro-choice candidate and he wants to pull us out of Iraq. That is merely two issues of course.

Giocamo's photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:48 PM
you sound like me in reverse....I'm votin' for McCain because I'm Pro Life, and I think it's important that the USA finish what it starts...I can't see letting those heroic soldiers dying in vain...

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:54 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 10/21/08 05:54 PM

you sound like me in reverse....I'm votin' for McCain because I'm Pro Life, and I think it's important that the USA finish what it starts...I can't see letting those heroic soldiers dying in vain...

Well thats fair enough. We just are polar opposite of one another. Although the abortion issue will come down to the supreme court anyway. McCain is obviously the pro-life candidate but so was Bush so Im not terribly worried about it

So would you say our soldiers that died in Vietnam also sacrificed themselves in vain simply because the US recognized that involvement to be an unresolvable quagmire?

Giocamo's photo
Tue 10/21/08 06:00 PM
I thought Nixon tried as hard as he could NOT to let them die in vain...in the eyes of the protesters back then...he was prolonging the war...what he was doing was justifying American blood lost for a cause...think about it...could you imagine losing a boy in battle...then having your country pull out...it would be like..." what was it all for "...

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/21/08 06:02 PM
there is no such thing as an unresolvable quagmire though. all it takes is being willing to do what it takes to win. vietnam was very nearly won, but the media as aalways put the spin on it that we were all dying, etc. meh.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/21/08 06:10 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 10/21/08 06:20 PM

I thought Nixon tried as hard as he could NOT to let them die in vain...in the eyes of the protesters back then...he was prolonging the war...what he was doing was justifying American blood lost for a cause...think about it...could you imagine losing a boy in battle...then having your country pull out...it would be like..." what was it all for "...

My opinion on Vietnam was that we were there initially because we were fearful of what would happen if Vietnam fell to the communists regime. The concern was that Asian nations would collapse one on top of another. The real worry was that Japan would fall next. We could have not cared less about Vietnam itself. Japan was big money potentially and the real concern.

I myself recognize and share the sentiments of many of the families across the US of the soldiers who have already been lost or permanently disabled due to this unjustifiable invasion. Get out now and spare the further and continued pain and agony of losing a son or daughter as they were forced to endure.

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/21/08 06:48 PM
i like bacon.

you know what stinks? a 3 day old batch of sheep on the back of a truck driving by. lol

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/21/08 06:52 PM
uh huh huh

Lily0923's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:06 PM

i love lily. shes great, but shes being very bullheaded in this convo and it is upsetting.

ntm she said im racist sinc ei noticed obama was black? WTF?

No what you said was that his spiritual leader was a black racist, and that meant that Obama was also, and therefor you would not vote for a black man because he was not going to look out for you the white guy....

That's f*cking racist.

I also may have mispoke, or over exagerated my stance about this thread,

If I was in a relationship, I would give my partner a say, but ultimatlly the decision would be mine.

When it comes to the overall thoughts about abortion and it's legality, it is none of a man's business what the laws are because they don't have the correct equiptment.

I hope that clarifies what I may have misspoken previously.

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:07 PM
it does lily my dear. and i said i wish people would account for his going to that church is all. you cant go to a church for 20 years and not be affected? i mean i havent been to church in awhile so mayeb im wrong,lol.

Lily0923's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:12 PM

it does lily my dear. and i said i wish people would account for his going to that church is all. you cant go to a church for 20 years and not be affected? i mean i havent been to church in awhile so mayeb im wrong,lol.

You said because he is black he won't look out for you because you are white....

Call it what you want, but it's racist.

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:15 PM
its more like preventative racism. i have to worry if im going to elect the person who is going to F me over. if i could be assured by someone who is impartial of his sincerity, i would be fine with it all. being afraid of someone screwing you over isnt racism is caution

Lily0923's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:20 PM

its more like preventative racism. i have to worry if im going to elect the person who is going to F me over. if i could be assured by someone who is impartial of his sincerity, i would be fine with it all. being afraid of someone screwing you over isnt racism is caution

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

It is the definition of racism dear....

Judging others based on their race, creed or color and not of the acts of the individual...Seriously buy a dictionary.

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:31 PM
i knwo what it means. but i should let it go if it means its goignt o be bad for me? so then by your reasoning i shouldnt worry about a robber in my home? im not going ot elect an official if hes going to actively try to harm ym life. am i not explainign this right? lol

Lily0923's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:35 PM

i knwo what it means. but i should let it go if it means its goignt o be bad for me? so then by your reasoning i shouldnt worry about a robber in my home? im not going ot elect an official if hes going to actively try to harm ym life. am i not explainign this right? lol

What proof do you have that he IS going to harm you?

You have propoganda, and opinion only, no facts or even a solid therory...

Get a clue..

bergeia's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:38 PM
get a clue that politicians dont like ot let out their dirty secrets.

how am i supposed ot know hes even out for my own good to begin with? he spends millions on his campaign ads, money that if he really loved change would be going to other programs.

i dont mind him, really i dont. but if were gooing to elect someone to office, why the ehck dont we dissect their lives?

Lily0923's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:40 PM

get a clue that politicians dont like ot let out their dirty secrets.

how am i supposed ot know hes even out for my own good to begin with? he spends millions on his campaign ads, money that if he really loved change would be going to other programs.

i dont mind him, really i dont. but if were gooing to elect someone to office, why the ehck dont we dissect their lives?

Why aren't you saying the same thing about McCain?

RKISIT's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:44 PM
il giglio de mancane e duro discutere con fortuna cosi buona

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