Topic: god created man an women | |
ok i have a question that i have gotten many different answers from many different preachers an followers of the god. on the six day god created adam then he took a rib from adam an made a woman for adam so he would have a companion to comfort him. they bare 2 sons cain an able. so when they went out to find a wife where did the people come from remember there were only 2 on earth so where were all these other people an when were they created? it baffles me . The American Wisdom Series Presents Pamphlet #1069 Eve was not just any women, was she? She had a special purpose, as did Adam. By: John Rhine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creation of the many different races - Mankind Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. This creation recorded in Chapter 1 of Genesis describes the creation of mankind; male and female. This is not a description of the two individuals; Adam and Eve being formed! No, It's a description of the races being created. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forming of two individuals - Adam and his wife Eve Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. [21] And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; [22] And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. [23] And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. This description recorded in Chapter 2 of Genesis describes the forming of one particular man and one particular woman on the eighth day; Adam and Eve. From the seed of these two individuals would the savior of all mankind, including the races, be born. That is why Satan seduced Eve in the garden; in order to try and contaminate this newly formed pure line of humans from which Jesus would decent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You say, "John, I never heard of such a thing!" Well, let's look closely at what happened starting on the sixth day . We now come to the sixth day as described in Genesis chapter 1. Six is the number of man. Genesis 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. [25] And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. This is the restocking of the earth with wild beasts, water buffalo, elephants, tigers and what have you. You won't find any milk cows in this group! [26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. This is God placing man back on the earth after Lucifer's Flood; all men having been previously removed, when the first earth was destroyed following Satan's fall. The difference is; this time mankind will have flesh and blood bodies like the animal kingdom. In this way God will teach mankind to appreciate the life of his soul by personally experiencing physical death just as they witnessed animals die in the first earth age, dinosaurs, mastodons, etc. These Genesis 1:26 mankind are hunters and gathers. The Hebrew word translated "man" is adam. In the manuscripts it is not preceded by the definite article 'eth and so it does not refer to a specific person, i.e. the word adam means human being or mankind, and no gender is implied. This is an extremely important point to understand in order that you may fully comprehend the events in the next few chapters. If you have a Companion Bible it will document it for you. And so God said, let "us" make mankind in "our" image. The words "us" and "our" refer back to Elohim, which is to say God and the host of heaven, or God and the angels. It does not say that man just looks like God, does it? Keep that in mind as we continue. Let's look back for a minute; just before God creates mankind. To whom is He speaking? He says, "Let us make man in our image", "after our likeness", to look just like us. Now think hard. Do you suppose that you look like yourself? As you did before you were born in the flesh? I'll bet you do! [27] So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. On the sixth day God created mankind, the different races, the ethnos. And He created them male and female! Was this before "'eth ha Adam" and his wife Eve were formed? Yes it was! This was the sixth day. The man we call Adam was formed on the eighth day and we haven't gotten there yet. So hang in here! However, you now know the answer to a question that often puzzles ministers and even scholars, "When Cain was sent forth into the land of Nod, it says he took a wife. Where in the world did she come from?" The answer is simple, she was of the sixth day creation. [28] And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. One of the preliminary requirements for understanding the Bible is that we learn to read what is written, as it is written, and not assume that it aligns or conforms with "tradition", i.e. what we think it says. Did you catch the word "replenish" when you read verse 28? I know I missed it for many years and my mind read "plenish". To replenish the earth is to populate it once again, for it had been populated in the world that was. Now that too makes sense! Notice also, that God gave the sixth day man dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, and the entire wild kingdom. And so they became hunters and fishers. However, conspicuously absent from this account is any mention of farming and/or tilling the ground. Why? Keep reading! Genesis 1:30 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Now that we are reading the scriptures much more closely than we used to, we notice that this creation of mankind, of the races, was not just pronounced "good", it was pronounced "very good". Next we notice God resting on the seventh day (How long would that be anyway?). One day is as one thousand years for the Lord. The heavens and the earth "which are now" (2 Pet. 3:7) were finished, and all the "host" of them. Look up the word "host" in your Strong's concordance if you have one (and you should). The Hebrew word is tsaba and it means a "mass of people, in waiting", i.e. the newly created heavens and earth are finished and the sons of God await their turn to "pass through this earth age", in a flesh body, born of woman. Mankind would be going forth and replenishing the earth during this seventh day, this millennium [1000 years] of rest. Then on the next day, the one following the seventh day, which would be the eighth day, we shall meet the great, great, great..... grandparents of Jesus Christ. Now, you will find that in just about every commentary of the Bible extant, that the creation which follows is presented as a parenthetical insertion, a more detailed account of the creation of man which we read of in chapter 1 beginning in verse 26. This false assumption will lead to great difficulty in explaining how it is that in chapter one the animals are created first, then man, while here in chapter two man is formed first and then the animals. Which is it? The answer is BOTH. There are two separate actions. We begin to "see" in the next verse. Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Do you recall in Chapter 1 there was no mention, whatsoever, of a farmer, a man to till the ground and plant seeds? The sixth day man was given dominion over the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea. There were only hunters and fishers. And so here on the eighth day, following God's day of rest (Sabbath), God says that He has "no man to till the ground". It is significant that eight, in Biblical numerics, means "new beginnings", because God is about to form a new man for a very, very special purpose. [6] But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. [7] And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. There are several important things to notice in this verse: First, the Hebrew word for "formed" is yatsar, meaning to "mould" or "form" as a potter. It is not the same word as "created" in Gen. 1:26, which is bara. Secondly (and this is crucial to our understanding), the word "man" used here is " 'eth-ha adham", with the article and particle, and means "this same man Adam". It means a specific man, not mankind in general. Lastly, we see God "breathed" into Adam's nostrils the "breath of life". Note: The word translated "breathed" is naphach, which means to "inflate", as in He inflated Adam's lungs. But the word translated "breath" is neshamah, which means "divine inspiration", "intellect", "soul" or "spirit". So God not only inflated Adam's lungs with "air", but placed in him his "breath of life body", i.e. his spiritual body. The apostle Paul makes it very clear in 1 Cor. 15 that we have both a flesh body and a spiritual body, and so did Adam when God was finished forming him. [8] And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. God did not tell this "man" to go forth and replenish the earth, like he told mankind in Chapter 1, did He? Instead, He prepared a special garden and in it placed this "same man Adam", whom He had formed. [15] And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Our Father now has a man to till the ground, an husbandman, a gardener. His name is Adam and he is given charge to dress and maintain Eden. We are on the eighth day. God has just formed (not created as in chapter one) a special man to "till the ground" and has placed him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it. Why this special forming of another man? Because it would be through this man, 'eth ha Adam, and his soon to be formed wife, Eve, that the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would be born. It was God's plan from the beginning. And so, we better be prepared to expect that Satan will try his best to thwart this plan of God and to destroy this woman and her offspring! If we keep this objective (to destroy the seed line of Christ) in mind throughout the Old Testament, as we read it, we will better understand the events that took place, like when king Abimelech took Sarah, after Abraham told him that she was his sister, and when Judah took "foreign" wives, and produced "non-qualified" offspring, etc. Let's now look in on Adam and see how he is doing. Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. [19] And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. These are the domestic animals, or better said, the "farm animals" that were formed to compliment the "man to till the ground" whom our Father had just formed. You will find, if you care to check it out, that in chapter 1 verse 24, God brought forth the beasts of the "earth", erets in Hebrew, meaning the "earth at large" or "wilderness", i.e. the wild animals. But here in chapter 2 verse 19 he formed every beast of the "field", sadeh in Hebrew, meaning "country" or "field", i.e. field animals or farm animals. Once again, notice that these animals were formed AFTER the man was formed whereas in chapter one the wild animals were created BEFORE mankind. Yep!, These were separate acts. [20] And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. [21] And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; The Hebrew word translated "rib" is tsela, and it is derived from the root word tsala, which means "curve", not rib. [22] And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Maybe the "curve" taken from Adam was in fact his DNA! Isn't God's Word exciting? Very often, not much in the way of details is supplied to an event or occurrence, leaving us free to speculate and use good common sense. [23] And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. God's plan is for Jesus, the savior of all mankind, to descent from this newly formed pure human stock. Wow! Are we saying that the males and females from the sixth day creation are no longer pure? Read Genesis 6:1-4 and realize that these sixth day humans have been procreating for one thousand years, but they had visitors. That's right, not all of us sons of God waited our turn to be born of water! That's why God placed these two newly formed people, farmer [Adam] along with women [Eve], his help mate, in a garden to til the earth. God did not want this man roaming around the country side, hunting and gathering, meeting and mating with females from the sixth day creation? No wonder Satan seduced Eve in the fig grove! No wonder one of Eve's paternal twins was evil and murdered the other. It took another flood [Noah's flood] to help preserve the pure line from Seth [Adams second son] up to and until Mary, the mother of Jesus was born, but it did happen. Jesus, The Christ, was born to a virgin who descended directly from Adam and Eve uncontaminated by Satan or any other of us sons of God who left our first estate, by coming to earth and fathering children without being born of water [the womb]. Since all sixth day females were created [did not come from man] and half of Eve's female descendants [Cain's offspring] did not come from man [Adam], but from another son of God [Satan] it is a pretty sure thing that not one woman [as women is defined in Genesis 2:23] exists on earth today. Don't feel bad girls, I'm pretty sure no pure blood male descendant of Adam exists today, either! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This "American Wisdom Series" pamphlet is Published by: Rhine Publishing Co. 199 Joseph Drive Middletown, PA 17057 If you would like to have your essay published as part of the American Wisdom Series submit your manuscript to Rhine Publishing Co at the address above for consideration, or e-mail us at the address shown on our home page. Click Here to Return to "The American Wisdom Series" home page. |
thnx for that sharp, i'll study it.
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Mon 10/13/08 07:03 PM
Sharpshooter....What you shared here...about Adam and Eve being created on the 8th NOT what the Word of God says.
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Mon 10/13/08 07:12 PM
It would be the only plausible explanation MS even though the entire concept is impossible and inconceivable unless you live in never never land. So in that case, its a moot point.
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Mon 10/13/08 08:16 PM
Sharpshooter....What you shared here...about Adam and Eve being created on the 8th NOT what the Word of God says. Cosmos a monk in the 3rd century wrote 10 books of basically christian apologetics about combating the pagan beliefs of Greek philosophers and others of their thoughts that the world was not flat - he used scripture to do so he was a fervent believer in god, jesus, and the bible, yet with all his scripture that he used to do so, the pagan answer was the correct one the world is round. of course now people point to scripture of it saying the world is round, but that's only with hindsight available today, had we not really been able to prove even today that the world is/ was """round""" - you would be saying the same thing - the world is flat - the bible says so and bringing all that cosmos wrote and others to bare witness. his arguments for the time were well thought out and super sound scripturally!! Actually very impressive and convincing. The MORAL? people who live and breath scripture and profess wisdom, knowledge, and supernatural guidance, while leading a holy life dedicated to god and jesus, can be just as wrong as any pagan about what the book actually says or states. ""your pride"" goeth before ""your fall"", as your book so earnestly points it out to ->you. how many countless times can we look to history to show how misunderstandings of the book have been wrought upon mankind as a whole - both to destruction as well as outright lies. see my post - christian topography!! |
Tribo My Friend...listen....
People don't need to hear just man's personal "opinions", when it comes to the Word of God !! People need to Hear the Word of God, RIGHTLY DIVIDED and INTERPRETED!! (Now that does not mean that any of us know EVERYTHING about the Word.......however, some things are quite clear in God's Word , IF one takes time to study and rightly divide God's Word). AND FUTHERMORE......Being able to Rightly divide the Word of God , can ONLY come ,IF a person is first a believer( the Holy Spirit indwells a believer). But the BEST and SUREST way to Properly divide the Word, is IF the believer is not only indwelt with the Holy Spirit(which comes when he confess Jesus and means it)... but ALSO when a believer is FILLED with the Holy Spirit!!! OTHERWISE, unless a believer is FILLED with the Holy Spirit,a believer sometimes won't be able to tell man's opinion from truth( this is why we have so many different "opinions" on this board). Now...there is also one more thing to consider: Sometimes a person can say he/she is a christian ,but just have "HEAD" knowledge of Christ ,and not "HEART" knowledge of Christ..and thus , another reason for the many different"opinions" out there(and only God knows to whom this applies, if to even any on this board). Now...going back to the discussion of Adam and Eve... Let me share this: In Scripture, Adam named his wife Eve.... "because she was the MOTHER OF ALL LIVING!!! (Genesis 3:20) Eve means "life," "life giving" or "mother of all who have life." See the picture here?? EVE is the Mother.... OF... ALL ...LIVING!! Mother.... OF... ALL ... LIVING!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning, there could NOT NOT NOT have been any of mankind born YET, BEFORE EVE!! So..Let's not share the Word here , unless we first study it wholely first!!! And again... man has to be indwelt and filled with the Holy Spirit..... in order to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD.... or else.... man will make the Word of God say any ole thing man wants it to say(man's Opinions only)!!! And Tribo? This has nothing to do with pride, but simply getting the Word CORRECTLY out there. And once more.... ONLY the Holy Spirit in a believer , enables the believer to give the RIGHT INTERPRETATION OF GOD'S WORD..... (so you's not OUR interpretation we believers are giving you.....NO.... but the HOLY SPIRIT'S INTERPRETATION !!!!!!!!!!! AMEN?? Be Blessed Now. |
Tu es ma meilleure amie madame Morningsong
Je crois toi Tendres baisers |
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Mon 10/13/08 10:25 PM
MirrorMirror ...what can I say....
You are always such a Sweetheart!! (and You are a good friend too , Precious..but it is not at all , about believing what I say.... it is ONLY about believing what the Holy Spirit says about God's Word..... without the the Holy Spirit's leading, all we have is just a bunch of man's opinion circulating out there) Sharpshooter My Friend? If God rested on the SEVENTH day, why in the world would He arise from His REST , and go back to creating on the EIGHT day? Sharpshooter, I see great kindness in you...and I think you are very wonderful person... But , I will speak up when I see just "man's opinion" being written on here ,and it being called the Word of God. |
that story or theory is as stale as the bible Morning song, find something new. 27 So God <0430> created <01254> (8799) man <0120> in his own image <06754>, in the image <06754> of God <0430> created <01254> (8804) he him; male <02145> and female <05347> created <01254> (8804) he them. strongs man 0120 - can mean a man singular or mankind plural - in this case i believe its mankind plural not just speaking of A&E but of all mankind -if it was as everyone else says then explain to me where all the different feautures we see in all the worlds cultures came from? even at the beginning they would have only produced there kind meaning what ever color hair,skin,eyes,etc.. would have been the same or similiar - there were no jeans that would have produced off the bat from one gene source -, brown,or other color hairs, no source from the First pair for that. of course you'll say well god can do anything, well you can believe that but show me the evidence please for what i'm stating please? not verses. so my friend in my views All races were made at the start- for adam and eve it was different they were not spoken into being god actually formed them personally and seperated them and placed them in the garden, they were to be the chosen ones to bring forth the decendants that would lead to your christ. that is why the geneologies start with Cain and his wife [another race]be she black, brown, white,red,or yellow, and all his decendants and then seths lineage. if you want more truths let me know. So I'm not quite sure I'm following you here. Are you saying that we are not all decendants of Adam and Eve, and that this is supported biblically? |
ok i have a question that i have gotten many different answers from many different preachers an followers of the god. on the six day god created adam then he took a rib from adam an made a woman for adam so he would have a companion to comfort him. they bare 2 sons cain an able. so when they went out to find a wife where did the people come from remember there were only 2 on earth so where were all these other people an when were they created? it baffles me . I'm not sure where they came from but if this story is true it explains the stupidity of people (from inbreeding) and homosexuality (lets face it, it's not like Cain and Able had much choice!) its only wrong becasue society says it is =).. Humanity at this time actually didnt cause the defects it causes today, this is actually science.. People have been sh!tty to each other long before science came into it. And if science is causing so many problems, why not boycott it? Next time you're sick and have some sort of infection, don't take those horrid anti-biotics, god will surely save you, just pray and you'll be better in no time. Dont have a problem with science, dont tell me because science might know an answer, God doesnt exist =) So science causes the defects but you don't have a problem with it for that? Don't tell me that just because you believe in God that one exists. My belief is simply that the Bible, the 10 commandments and pretty much most other religious things are ways to keep people in line. Not necessarily in a bad way though. I just can't remember any scientists killing people for not believing in science. I do, however, recall hearing of the crusades, of witch hunts, torture and murder committed in the name of God. But that has nothing to do with God. It has to do with people's ignorance of God. |
that story or theory is as stale as the bible Morning song, find something new. 27 So God <0430> created <01254> (8799) man <0120> in his own image <06754>, in the image <06754> of God <0430> created <01254> (8804) he him; male <02145> and female <05347> created <01254> (8804) he them. strongs man 0120 - can mean a man singular or mankind plural - in this case i believe its mankind plural not just speaking of A&E but of all mankind -if it was as everyone else says then explain to me where all the different feautures we see in all the worlds cultures came from? even at the beginning they would have only produced there kind meaning what ever color hair,skin,eyes,etc.. would have been the same or similiar - there were no jeans that would have produced off the bat from one gene source -, brown,or other color hairs, no source from the First pair for that. of course you'll say well god can do anything, well you can believe that but show me the evidence please for what i'm stating please? not verses. so my friend in my views All races were made at the start- for adam and eve it was different they were not spoken into being god actually formed them personally and seperated them and placed them in the garden, they were to be the chosen ones to bring forth the decendants that would lead to your christ. that is why the geneologies start with Cain and his wife [another race]be she black, brown, white,red,or yellow, and all his decendants and then seths lineage. if you want more truths let me know. I think That in Gen 1:26-27, "man" is mankind, male and female, cultures, races etc in the plural. In Gen 2:5-7, this was "man" in the singular, The Man Adam, eth Ha Adam in Heb, created after the seventh day of Gods rest. The line through which Christ would come. the sixth day creation of mankind are the ones Cain feared and found a wife among. The land of Nod Gen 4:16 Looks like we agree The first six chapters of Genesis say so much. Lots of people believe and are taught that Adam and Eve were the first two people and all of us came from them. Makes more sense when you know that "man" has more than one meaning and is used in plural and singular. Since "The Man Adam" was created after God rested on the 7th, that makes him an 8th day creation and "man" as used on the sixth day creation is plural being mankind,(males and females of different cultures and races and such). But that in not the way it is read or taught very often. Sixth and Eighth day creation, that doesn't go well with a lot of Christians either. It is how I read and understand those verses however. Nothing was created after the sixth day. Read your bible again, you're skipping over verses. |
Tribo My Friend...listen.... People don't need to hear just man's personal "opinions", when it comes to the Word of God !! People need to Hear the Word of God, RIGHTLY DIVIDED and INTERPRETED!! (Now that does not mean that any of us know EVERYTHING about the Word.......however, some things are quite clear in God's Word , IF one takes time to study and rightly divide God's Word). AND FUTHERMORE......Being able to Rightly divide the Word of God , can ONLY come ,IF a person is first a believer( the Holy Spirit indwells a believer). But the BEST and SUREST way to Properly divide the Word, is IF the believer is not only indwelt with the Holy Spirit(which comes when he confess Jesus and means it)... but ALSO when a believer is FILLED with the Holy Spirit!!! OTHERWISE, unless a believer is FILLED with the Holy Spirit,a believer sometimes won't be able to tell man's opinion from truth( this is why we have so many different "opinions" on this board). Now...there is also one more thing to consider: Sometimes a person can say he/she is a christian ,but just have "HEAD" knowledge of Christ ,and not "HEART" knowledge of Christ..and thus , another reason for the many different"opinions" out there(and only God knows to whom this applies, if to even any on this board). Now...going back to the discussion of Adam and Eve... Let me share this: In Scripture, Adam named his wife Eve.... "because she was the MOTHER OF ALL LIVING!!! (Genesis 3:20) Eve means "life," "life giving" or "mother of all who have life." See the picture here?? EVE is the Mother.... OF... ALL ...LIVING!! Mother.... OF... ALL ... LIVING!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning, there could NOT NOT NOT have been any of mankind born YET, BEFORE EVE!! So..Let's not share the Word here , unless we first study it wholely first!!! And again... man has to be indwelt and filled with the Holy Spirit..... in order to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD.... or else.... man will make the Word of God say any ole thing man wants it to say(man's Opinions only)!!! And Tribo? This has nothing to do with pride, but simply getting the Word CORRECTLY out there. And once more.... ONLY the Holy Spirit in a believer , enables the believer to give the RIGHT INTERPRETATION OF GOD'S WORD..... (so you's not OUR interpretation we believers are giving you.....NO.... but the HOLY SPIRIT'S INTERPRETATION !!!!!!!!!!! AMEN?? Be Blessed Now. did you even read my other post? christian topography? |
that story or theory is as stale as the bible Morning song, find something new. 27 So God <0430> created <01254> (8799) man <0120> in his own image <06754>, in the image <06754> of God <0430> created <01254> (8804) he him; male <02145> and female <05347> created <01254> (8804) he them. strongs man 0120 - can mean a man singular or mankind plural - in this case i believe its mankind plural not just speaking of A&E but of all mankind -if it was as everyone else says then explain to me where all the different feautures we see in all the worlds cultures came from? even at the beginning they would have only produced there kind meaning what ever color hair,skin,eyes,etc.. would have been the same or similiar - there were no jeans that would have produced off the bat from one gene source -, brown,or other color hairs, no source from the First pair for that. of course you'll say well god can do anything, well you can believe that but show me the evidence please for what i'm stating please? not verses. so my friend in my views All races were made at the start- for adam and eve it was different they were not spoken into being god actually formed them personally and seperated them and placed them in the garden, they were to be the chosen ones to bring forth the decendants that would lead to your christ. that is why the geneologies start with Cain and his wife [another race]be she black, brown, white,red,or yellow, and all his decendants and then seths lineage. if you want more truths let me know. So I'm not quite sure I'm following you here. Are you saying that we are not all decendants of Adam and Eve, and that this is supported biblically? well i can't say eljay - i've been told again that i can't talk about god because i have no understanding - nor the holy spirit - and that NO ONE here that does not >fit this criteria< outlined by morning star should refrain from saying anything they don't know to be absolute truth according to her understanding of what the RIGHTLY DIVIDED WORD happens to be as shown her personally by gods almighty spirit! so at this point i really dont give a ****! |
He had to take a day off! Even god gets tired evidently.
He had to take a day off! Even god gets tired evidently. |
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Tue 10/14/08 03:29 PM
I think Cain had relations with a female chimp. That satisfies both the evolutionary premise and the biblical mythology.with one fell swoop. I came up with it last night after 3 martinis. Look for my book due out sometime next year.
I think Cain had relations with a female chimp. That satisfies both the evolutionary premise and the biblical mythology.with one fell swoop. I came up with it last night after 3 martinis. Look for my book due out sometime next year. |
Sharpshooter....What you shared here...about Adam and Eve being created on the 8th NOT what the Word of God says. That's not the way it is commonly taught, but the way I read and understand it. Makes far more sense. |
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Tue 10/14/08 05:14 PM
Tribo My Friend...listen.... People don't need to hear just man's personal "opinions", when it comes to the Word of God !! People need to Hear the Word of God, RIGHTLY DIVIDED and INTERPRETED!! (Now that does not mean that any of us know EVERYTHING about the Word.......however, some things are quite clear in God's Word , IF one takes time to study and rightly divide God's Word). AND FUTHERMORE......Being able to Rightly divide the Word of God , can ONLY come ,IF a person is first a believer( the Holy Spirit indwells a believer). But the BEST and SUREST way to Properly divide the Word, is IF the believer is not only indwelt with the Holy Spirit(which comes when he confess Jesus and means it)... but ALSO when a believer is FILLED with the Holy Spirit!!! OTHERWISE, unless a believer is FILLED with the Holy Spirit,a believer sometimes won't be able to tell man's opinion from truth( this is why we have so many different "opinions" on this board). Now...there is also one more thing to consider: Sometimes a person can say he/she is a christian ,but just have "HEAD" knowledge of Christ ,and not "HEART" knowledge of Christ..and thus , another reason for the many different"opinions" out there(and only God knows to whom this applies, if to even any on this board). Now...going back to the discussion of Adam and Eve... Let me share this: In Scripture, Adam named his wife Eve.... "because she was the MOTHER OF ALL LIVING!!! (Genesis 3:20) Eve means "life," "life giving" or "mother of all who have life." See the picture here?? EVE is the Mother.... OF... ALL ...LIVING!! Mother.... OF... ALL ... LIVING!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning, there could NOT NOT NOT have been any of mankind born YET, BEFORE EVE!! So..Let's not share the Word here , unless we first study it wholely first!!! And again... man has to be indwelt and filled with the Holy Spirit..... in order to RIGHTLY DIVIDE THE WORD.... or else.... man will make the Word of God say any ole thing man wants it to say(man's Opinions only)!!! And Tribo? This has nothing to do with pride, but simply getting the Word CORRECTLY out there. And once more.... ONLY the Holy Spirit in a believer , enables the believer to give the RIGHT INTERPRETATION OF GOD'S WORD..... (so you's not OUR interpretation we believers are giving you.....NO.... but the HOLY SPIRIT'S INTERPRETATION !!!!!!!!!!! AMEN?? Be Blessed Now. I know how it is taught in most Churches, not the way I read and understand it though |
MirrorMirror ...what can I say.... You are always such a Sweetheart!! (and You are a good friend too , Precious..but it is not at all , about believing what I say.... it is ONLY about believing what the Holy Spirit says about God's Word..... without the the Holy Spirit's leading, all we have is just a bunch of man's opinion circulating out there) Sharpshooter My Friend? If God rested on the SEVENTH day, why in the world would He arise from His REST , and go back to creating on the EIGHT day? Sharpshooter, I see great kindness in you...and I think you are very wonderful person... But , I will speak up when I see just "man's opinion" being written on here ,and it being called the Word of God. If God rested on the SEVENTH day, why in the world would He arise from His REST , and go back to creating on the EIGHT day? Because Gods Word says he did darlin, "did not have a husbandman, or man to till the ground" and since He rested on the seventh then I'm going on the fact that 8 comes after seven |