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Topic: god created man an women
SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:09 PM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Tue 10/14/08 05:13 PM

MirrorMirror ...what can I say....
You are always such a Sweetheart!!flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

(and You are a good friend too , Precious..but it is not at all , about believing what I say....
it is ONLY about believing what the Holy Spirit says about God's Word.....
without the the Holy Spirit's leading, all we have is just a bunch of man's opinion circulating out there)flowerforyou

Sharpshooter My Friend?flowerforyou

If God rested on the SEVENTH day, why in the world would He arise from His REST , and go back to creating on the EIGHT day?

Sharpshooter, I see great kindness in you...and I think you are very wonderful person...flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

But , I will speak up when I see just "man's opinion" being written on here ,and it being called the Word of God.flowerforyou
That is this mans "opinion" based on The word of God and the way it is written. How would you account for all the different peoples, races and cultures? How would you account for the land of "Nod" and these "people" Cain feared would harm him, and these "people" whom God protected him from and these "people" whome Cain took a wife from? The word "Man" in Gen Chap 1 of the sixth day is plural and does not have the "eth" before it in the Manuscripts, The 2nd Chapter, Man for the Garden created after God rested is singular, has the article "eth" meaning, (the, this, this same man Adam) How can you and so many NOT see it the way it is written in all its simplicity, This is not the "popular" christian teaching , nor what most are taught, However, it is my understanding and belief, based on My study as a student of scripture.
And as you share your thoughts and beliefs on things, So shall Idrinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:11 PM

that story or theory is as stale as the bible Morning song, find something new.

27 So God <0430> created <01254> (8799) man <0120> in his own image <06754>, in the image <06754> of God <0430> created <01254> (8804) he him; male <02145> and female <05347> created <01254> (8804) he them.

strongs man 0120 - can mean a man singular or mankind plural - in this case i believe its mankind plural not just speaking of A&E but of all mankind -if it was as everyone else says then explain to me where all the different feautures we see in all the worlds cultures came from? even at the beginning they would have only produced there kind meaning what ever color hair,skin,eyes,etc.. would have been the same or similiar - there were no jeans that would have produced off the bat from one gene source - red.black, brown,or other color hairs, no source from the First pair for that. of course you'll say well god can do anything, well you can believe that but show me the evidence please for what i'm stating please? not verses.

so my friend in my views All races were made at the start- for adam and eve it was different they were not spoken into being god actually formed them personally and seperated them and placed them in the garden, they were to be the chosen ones to bring forth the decendants that would lead to your christ. that is why the geneologies start with Cain and his wife [another race]be she black, brown, white,red,or yellow, and all his decendants and then seths lineage. if you want more truths let me know.

So I'm not quite sure I'm following you here. Are you saying that we are not all decendants of Adam and Eve, and that this is supported biblically?
Thats the way I see it,

Hey by the waydrinker

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:17 PM
Edited by SharpShooter10 on Tue 10/14/08 05:18 PM

He had to take a day off! Even god gets tired evidently. laugh
Well, we are told that "God Rests":wink:

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:20 PM

I think Cain had relations with a female chimp. That satisfies both the evolutionary premise and the biblical mythology.with one fell swoop. :tongue: I came up with it last night after 3 martinis. Look for my book due out sometime next year. happy
laugh drinker Oh no, a Hybrid

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:23 PM

that story or theory is as stale as the bible Morning song, find something new.

27 So God <0430> created <01254> (8799) man <0120> in his own image <06754>, in the image <06754> of God <0430> created <01254> (8804) he him; male <02145> and female <05347> created <01254> (8804) he them.

strongs man 0120 - can mean a man singular or mankind plural - in this case i believe its mankind plural not just speaking of A&E but of all mankind -if it was as everyone else says then explain to me where all the different feautures we see in all the worlds cultures came from? even at the beginning they would have only produced there kind meaning what ever color hair,skin,eyes,etc.. would have been the same or similiar - there were no jeans that would have produced off the bat from one gene source - red.black, brown,or other color hairs, no source from the First pair for that. of course you'll say well god can do anything, well you can believe that but show me the evidence please for what i'm stating please? not verses.

so my friend in my views All races were made at the start- for adam and eve it was different they were not spoken into being god actually formed them personally and seperated them and placed them in the garden, they were to be the chosen ones to bring forth the decendants that would lead to your christ. that is why the geneologies start with Cain and his wife [another race]be she black, brown, white,red,or yellow, and all his decendants and then seths lineage. if you want more truths let me know.
What's up Tribo?

I think That in Gen 1:26-27, "man" is mankind, male and female, cultures, races etc in the plural.

In Gen 2:5-7, this was "man" in the singular, The Man Adam, eth Ha Adam in Heb, created after the seventh day of Gods rest. The line through which Christ would come.

the sixth day creation of mankind are the ones Cain feared and found a wife among. The land of Nod Gen 4:16

Looks like we agreedrinker The first six chapters of Genesis say so much. Lots of people believe and are taught that Adam and Eve were the first two people and all of us came from them. Makes more sense when you know that "man" has more than one meaning and is used in plural and singular. Since "The Man Adam" was created after God rested on the 7th, that makes him an 8th day creation and "man" as used on the sixth day creation is plural being mankind,(males and females of different cultures and races and such). But that in not the way it is read or taught very often. Sixth and Eighth day creation, that doesn't go well with a lot of Christians either. It is how I read and understand those verses however.

Nothing was created after the sixth day. Read your bible again, you're skipping over verses.
I believe others are not reading what it says but blending what is commonly taught and reading over a few things myself though

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:29 PM

that story or theory is as stale as the bible Morning song, find something new.

27 So God <0430> created <01254> (8799) man <0120> in his own image <06754>, in the image <06754> of God <0430> created <01254> (8804) he him; male <02145> and female <05347> created <01254> (8804) he them.

strongs man 0120 - can mean a man singular or mankind plural - in this case i believe its mankind plural not just speaking of A&E but of all mankind -if it was as everyone else says then explain to me where all the different feautures we see in all the worlds cultures came from? even at the beginning they would have only produced there kind meaning what ever color hair,skin,eyes,etc.. would have been the same or similiar - there were no jeans that would have produced off the bat from one gene source - red.black, brown,or other color hairs, no source from the First pair for that. of course you'll say well god can do anything, well you can believe that but show me the evidence please for what i'm stating please? not verses.

so my friend in my views All races were made at the start- for adam and eve it was different they were not spoken into being god actually formed them personally and seperated them and placed them in the garden, they were to be the chosen ones to bring forth the decendants that would lead to your christ. that is why the geneologies start with Cain and his wife [another race]be she black, brown, white,red,or yellow, and all his decendants and then seths lineage. if you want more truths let me know.
What's up Tribo?

I think That in Gen 1:26-27, "man" is mankind, male and female, cultures, races etc in the plural.

In Gen 2:5-7, this was "man" in the singular, The Man Adam, eth Ha Adam in Heb, created after the seventh day of Gods rest. The line through which Christ would come.

the sixth day creation of mankind are the ones Cain feared and found a wife among. The land of Nod Gen 4:16

Looks like we agreedrinker The first six chapters of Genesis say so much. Lots of people believe and are taught that Adam and Eve were the first two people and all of us came from them. Makes more sense when you know that "man" has more than one meaning and is used in plural and singular. Since "The Man Adam" was created after God rested on the 7th, that makes him an 8th day creation and "man" as used on the sixth day creation is plural being mankind,(males and females of different cultures and races and such). But that in not the way it is read or taught very often. Sixth and Eighth day creation, that doesn't go well with a lot of Christians either. It is how I read and understand those verses however.

Nothing was created after the sixth day. Read your bible again, you're skipping over verses.
so how come after God rested on the seventh day did he say, I need a man to till the ground and placed him in Eden, just a man at that time, not a woman for him, yet on the sixth day he created male and female?.

I don't doubt my understanding of this will be mentioned by Christians as well, its what is taught commonly and most have grown up hearing in church and sunday school, Eve didn't eat an apple or a piece of edible fruit either, she had sex with the Devil, that is not commonly taught either but is correct. That was the "sin in the Garden". The sixth day creation had a 1000 years of procreating on the seventh when God rested, these are "people" male and female created on the sixth day, where amongst them, the land of Nod and the woman that was to become Mrs, Cainsmokin

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:42 PM
I need me a man to till some ground. Get to it! laugh

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:45 PM

MirrorMirror ...what can I say....
You are always such a Sweetheart!!flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

(and You are a good friend too , Precious..but it is not at all , about believing what I say....
it is ONLY about believing what the Holy Spirit says about God's Word.....
without the the Holy Spirit's leading, all we have is just a bunch of man's opinion circulating out there)flowerforyou

Sharpshooter My Friend?flowerforyou

If God rested on the SEVENTH day, why in the world would He arise from His REST , and go back to creating on the EIGHT day?

Sharpshooter, I see great kindness in you...and I think you are very wonderful person...flowerforyou:heart:flowerforyou

But , I will speak up when I see just "man's opinion" being written on here ,and it being called the Word of God.flowerforyou

Morning Song how are you?flowerforyou waving waving waving waving

Principles for Profitable Bible Studies

In addition to a loving, faithful and obedient attitude toward God, there are five major principles that are essential to a correct understanding of Scripture. These vital keys must always be kept in mind when studying the Word of God. These important principles are:

"All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV throughout).

Many who profess to study the Bible completely disregard this vital principle. Rather than seeking the truth of Scripture, they look for verses that appear to support their personal beliefs, but ignore those verses that clearly contradict their beliefs. This approach to study can never lead to understanding because it denies that every part of Scripture is inspired. Those who use this approach are exalting their own beliefs above the authority of Scripture.

When we study the Scriptures, we should always be careful to seek the true meaning of the words that were inspired by God. No study of the Scriptures should be designed to support time-honored church doctrine or to "prove" a personal interpretation of the Scriptures. If these motives are involved, for whatever reason, do we think that God overlooks such deceptive use of His Word? If we think that we can fool God, we are only deceiving ourselves.

"Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? [them that are] weaned from the milk, [and] drawn from the breasts. For precept [must be] upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, [and] there a little: " (Isaiah 28:9-10).

The book of Isaiah tells us that in order to understand doctrine, we must study the Scriptures line upon line and precept upon precept. This is exactly how we should study every doctrinal question. The New Testament confirms this approach to understanding the Word of God and establishing sound doctrine!

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).

In order to come to the knowledge of the Truth, we must always follow the Biblically outlined method of study--" straightly cutting" or "rightly dividing" the Word of God. Any other type of study is useless and all in vain!

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost [more accurately translated Holy Spirit] " (2 Peter 1:20-21).

In today’s world, we find many pseudo-teachers who are twisting the Scriptures and deceitfully using their own personal interpretations in order to persuade others to believe their false doctrines. To support their teachings, they may quote numerous Scriptures. To their listeners, their teachings sound very authoritative, but the way that they apply the Scriptures exposes their craftiness. They are using the same subtle methods of deception that Satan the devil uses.

The fact that a minister or teacher may continually quote the Scriptures does not guarantee that he is teaching the truth. Scripture that is quoted accurately is often misapplied to teach false doctrine! True servants of God do not use such deceitful tactics. Those who are truly serving God will not deceitfully use Scripture to promote their own ideas and personal interpretations. They will seek to understand and teach the true meaning of the words that God inspired by the power of His Holy Spirit.

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

The command to "prove all things" is a lifelong responsibility for every true believer. We must continually be testing every teaching that we read or hear by carefully studying the Scriptures. The Bereans were commended because they diligently searched the Scriptures:

"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:11).

The account in the book of Acts reveals that the Bereans were diligently studying the Scriptures to prove whether or not the things they had heard were true. They did not react with blind emotion and refuse to consider the teachings of Paul. Rather, they carefully examined the Scriptures and proved to themselves that Paul was, in fact, preaching the true message of God. We, like the Bereans, must diligently search and examine the Scriptures in order to discern true doctrine from false doctrine.

The final vital principle to remember when we study Scripture is that we must be led by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is called the Word of Truth. Furthermore, it is the Spirit of Truth that teaches us all things. The Bible makes it clear that the Spirit of Truth works hand in hand with the Word of Truth to give us the understanding God wants us to have.

"But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost [Holy Spirit or Spirit of Truth], whom the Father will send in my name, he [it] shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:26).

Regardless of how brilliant or how great the intellect may be, God's Truth is not understood through human wisdom and rationale. It is only through the Spirit of God that the Word of God can be understood.

Which Bible translation should we use?

Which version of the Bible we should use, especially for in-depth study? Numerous translations of the Scriptures are available to us today, and new versions continue to be published. The modern versions may be very attractive because they are easier to read than the older versions with their archaic words and expressions. However, these modern versions generally cannot be relied on for doctrinal study because they do not closely follow the original text. In some of these versions, thousands of words have been omitted. Despite repeated attempts to discredit the King James Version, it is still the most reliable translation of the Bible. While no version of the Bible has been published that is perfectly accurate in every respect, the translators of the King James Version took great care to follow the original text. For those who seek to understand the true teachings of Scripture, the King James Version is highly recommended as the safest and most reliable translation.

Rules for Profitable Bible Studies

If possible have a regular, private place for your Bible studies.

Before each study ask God to give you a spirit of humility while reading His word and guide your heart to comprehending, accepting and practicing His precious truth.

Start with Bible verses that are easy to understand when studying on a particular topic. Then, use these scriptures to understand harder, vaguer passages of God's word.

Let the Bible interpret and prove the Bible. Don't look for what you want to prove; look for what the Bible actually proves.

Seek to understand the general context of a particular Bible verse by reading the verses and chapters just before and after it. Does your understanding of a Bible passage harmonize with the rest of Scripture? Remember, the Bible does not contradict itself!

Study the original language (Hebrew or Greek) words and their meaning(s) behind a Bible verse. Remember, however, that although study aids like Strong's Exhaustive Concordance can be helpful, they should not be exclusively used to discover and prove what the Bible teaches.

Ask, what does the scripture you are studying clearly say?

Ask, what does the scripture you are studying not say?

Ask, to whom was the Bible book containing the scripture you are studying written to? Who wrote the book? Who is speaking the scripture(s) in question?

Seek to understand the general time frame in history when the Bible verses you are studying was written.

Remember that the Bible at times uses parables, allegories, symbols, poetry, metaphors and other figures of speech and literary techniques to reveal God's truth.

Don't bring your own personal assumptions and preconceived notions into your understanding or conclusions.

Base your study on scriptural knowledge that you already understand. What do you know up to this point in time?

Do not form conclusions based on partial facts or insufficient information, or the opinions and speculations of others.

Remember that your or anyone else's convictions, regardless of how strong they may be, don't necessarily count. God's word is your ultimate standard and guide.

Article content taken from Fourteen Rules for Bible Study by F. Coulter.

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 10/14/08 05:47 PM

I need me a man to till some ground. Get to it! laugh
I wouldn't mind taking care of the Alpacas, bet it's a lot of work though

Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/14/08 06:01 PM
Well yes and no. I have a 16 year old kid that comes over and helps me with physical labor that is too much for me alone. I manage. The animal care itself is fun and nice outdoor work but I have pastures to mow and all that.Soon the snow will be on the ground and then its plowing. I have a small backhoe for the major jobs. :tongue:

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