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Topic: Are any of you
itsmetina's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:30 AM
worried about the economy?How is this effecting you if at all?

franshade's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:32 AM
I'm hosting a straight to hell, dont pass go, dont collect $200 party... laugh

crm1068's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:32 AM
Edited by crm1068 on Fri 10/10/08 07:32 AM
I'm investing all my money in Tattoos. Art only appreciates right?

jtip1977's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:33 AM
I'd be worried if someone wasn't worrying about it. The economy is horrendous. grumble

CATBW56's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:34 AM

I'm hosting a straight to hell, dont pass go, dont collect $200 party... laugh

sounds like my kinda party!!!!!!

sh*t, I've been having an economic break down of my own for the past 4 years (even before it hit the rest of the country) so it's not really effecting me all that much, right now. Let's see what happens after the first of the year:wink:

no photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:34 AM
Im really thinking I might want to take all my money out of the bank and bury it in my back would be safer therelaugh

no photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:37 AM
i spending all my money , now...while it is worth something...

itsmetina's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:38 AM
I think its the goverment's fault for wasting so much money and not making the people's best interest a priority

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:40 AM
Humm not sure about anyone else but I'm not rushing out to buy anything or refinance ect intstead looking to pay off bills just in case.

franshade's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:41 AM

Humm not sure about anyone else but I'm not rushing out to buy anything or refinance ect intstead looking to pay off bills just in case.


TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:42 AM

I'm investing all my money in Tattoos. Art only appreciates right?

bigsmile that is a nice one I have to show my son that one. Think he would like itbigsmile

itsmetina's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:42 AM
some people won't be notice anything diffrent until it gets so bad mingle is shut downscared scared scared

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:43 AM
Yea I think about it a lot. Going to be very rough on a lot of people. So many people are one or two paychecks away from defaulting on their morgages for houses that are bigger than they can afford. Now is the time to get a room mate and start building some cash at hand before you get laid off and are in a panic. Everyone wants to end the mess in Iraq but I don't know how we are going to absorb all the un-employed service members. I think a lot of the single parents are very vunerable. Seniors are already feeling the pinch with state budgets not being funded for months a lot of careproviders have been laid off. Already seeing for home invasion robberies and winter has not set in here yet.

no photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:45 AM
OMG...of course...laid off right now and this mere 140 a week doesn't go far...especially when the rent takes 105 a week...really sucks...but the Grace of's working

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:45 AM
I gave up worrying about it. I mean, my credit took a hit after Ivan tore through NW Florida (where I used to live), my house insurance went through the roof, had to pay crap loads of money to get things fixed and to help out others, and then more hurricanes hit, Katrina tore through the Gulf and after that oil went sky high, food went up, blah...blah......

All I know is that neither McCain or Obama will fix the economy. Let me repeat that....Neither McCain or Obama will fix this economy....until Washington gets it's head out of its' ass! And all those rich bastards their don't want to lose money. Until they make some big changes and stop blaming this and that on Bush (I know he aint perfect, but all of this is not on him, so shut the f*ck up about it) our econmy is gonna suffer.

Oh...and Wall Street. Somebody needs to fix that place to. I'm so happy to see them lose their asses right now. Course, people with 401k's are hurting, but it is taking the Wall Street guru's to go through this to maybe realize they need to stop being greedy bastards.rant rant

Okay...rant over. I am all happy now.:wink:

itsmetina's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:46 AM
I saw on the news people are dropping their teenagers off at the fire station because they can't afford to take care of them

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:48 AM

I'm investing all my money in Tattoos. Art only appreciates right?

LOL well at least it will be easy to carry to the shelter if they reposses your house and car.

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:50 AM

I saw on the news people are dropping their teenagers off at the fire station because they can't afford to take care of them

scared scared shocked

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:51 AM

i spending all my money , now...while it is worth something...

LOL that is kind of what I did. Bought and older place I could easily afford so my rent would quit going up. It isn't fancy but sure beats worrying at night.

no photo
Fri 10/10/08 07:56 AM
It's not too bad around here. Seems like things go on as usual. Wierd and I don't know why.

After a hurricane though, the greed kicks in and everybody's labor is all of a sudden worth double what it was.

I'm thinking about investing in the stock market now that it's so down. It WILL go back up!

My boss has a Thrift Savings Plan and he told me yesterday that if he hadn't of moved his money from the "stocks" plan over to the "government backed" plan back in January, he would have lost 98,000.00 over the last week!! WOW!!

No one is gonna be able to fix things though until we americans start taking care of our OWN and stop trying to take care of the rest of the world!! They don't appreciate it anyway, and then they hate us.

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