Topic: God is a loser, for the Bible tells us so!
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Thu 10/09/08 02:58 PM

Right. Just like there is no more stoning.....I think you basically still are asking human sacrifice in the form of hopeless devotion to an egocentric, angry, militant, faceless, formless deity.

And there is no more stoning either, Krimsa...

That is why it is important to read the find out these things for yourself..

Krimsa's photo
Thu 10/09/08 03:15 PM

Right. Just like there is no more stoning.....I think you basically still are asking human sacrifice in the form of hopeless devotion to an egocentric, angry, militant, faceless, formless deity.

And there is no more stoning either, Krimsa...

That is why it is important to read the find out these things for yourself..

Oh, yeah right. Of course I could not have deduced that without your help MS. laugh laugh

Its a good thing these atrocities are NO LONGER permitted or considered lawful under the much more reasonable and just Hammurabi code of the Babylonians. The basis of our modern day legal system. Dodged a bullet on that one. :tongue:

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/09/08 03:55 PM
Abra...years ago, you came to Jesus , because you wanted to preach the gospel for other words, you had all ulterior motive....but there was NO REAL HEART CHANGE...see what I mean?

This is total bull MorningSong.

I asked Jesus to come into my life because I was pure in heart and wanted to do he RIGHT THING!

The fact that I also wanted to teach the gospel of Jesus to others was secondary (after the fact!)

I wanted to help others UNDERSTAND the Gospels because people seemed to have so many question EVEN THE PREACHERS!

However, the more I studied the Bible the more I realized it can't be true.

This happened over a period of about 15 YEARS! And I didn't give up easily!

I was as dedicated to the discovery of TRUTH as the great Isaac Newton was!

And you know what?

Isaac Netwon did PRECISELY the same thing!

He wanted to know God more than anything, and he turned to the Bible. He was a believer for a while, but the more he studied it the more he realized it can't be true!

So I'm not alone in my assessment. I'm in the company of Great men. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, and countless others.

I don't denounce that a man named Jesus (or whatever) live, preached and was wrongfully crucified, either by the Romans for civil misconduct, or by the Jews for Blaspheme!

I think the jury is out on exactly who killed him. But because of his brutal crucifixion he was made into a martyr. There were many rumors about the life of Jesus and what he preached.

The authoritarians were upset about this and so they forged the gospels that you now believe to be true.

This I believe with all my heart and soul. Jesus was a victim of ruthless authoritains who wanted to use his fame and martyr status to back THEIR original religion!

A religion that Jesus himself actually denounced I believe!

You've been duped by the people who used Jesus to kindle a rebirth of their own dying religion. A religion that I don't believe Jesus even accepted to be perfectly honest about it.

I believe that Jesus was basically attempting to teach Buddhism and there is actually historical evidence that at least suggest that this is possible.

The claim that I'm not interested in knowing my creator with a pure heart is totally false.

The Bible is a lie MorningSong. I'm telling you. It can't possibly be true. It IMPOSSIBLE. It's too self contradictory.

I still believe in Jesus. Just like I believe in Buddha. I see nothing wrong with following Jesus. I think much of what he tuaght did make it into the Gospels because eveything that Buddha taught is THERE!

But you can get the very same morality from the teachings of Buddha. Jesus didn't have any corner on morality. That's a total lie. Jesus didn't teach anything that Buddha hadn't already taught.

You can't follow one with out following the other. They said the PRECISELY SAME THINGS if you subtract all the demagoguery that comes from the Old Testament! And Jesus himself didn't seem to care for one iota for the Old Testament!

He seemed to be in complete disagreement with it on some very major issues!

no photo
Thu 10/09/08 04:20 PM
Abra..You Gotta READ the Bible first....
before you honestly can say you "Studied" the Bible.

You yourself have stated several times, that you never Read the Bible.

Don't you think it is foolishness, to keep carrying on , about a Book you never read?

Maybe its about time you took the time to read the Bible first?

Before posting anymore on the subject?


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:39 PM

Abra..You Gotta READ the Bible first....
before you honestly can say you "Studied" the Bible.

You yourself have stated several times, that you never Read the Bible.

Don't you think it is foolishness, to keep carrying on , about a Book you never read?

Maybe its about time you took the time to read the Bible first?

Before posting anymore on the subject?


MorningSong this is the biggest lie ever told.

You asked me once if I had read the Bible in it's entirety and I gave you the honest answer; NO!

Now you are jumping to the totally erroneous conclusion that I never read any of it.

I've read far too much of it to be perfectly honest about. The parts I haven't read was because they were SO ABSURD I had to quit reading it!

Other parts I just skimed over because they had nothing interesting to offer.

Sure there is SOME GOOD STUFF in the Bible. I won't deny that.

But that's a moot point.

The main point is that the major premise that all men fell from grace of God and must accept Jesus Christ as their savior to get back in good with God is a total lie.

Anything else the Bible might have to offer is completely moot! That's not going to change the underlying lies.

Krimsa's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:44 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Thu 10/09/08 05:48 PM
MS, the only reason why I wont read the bible cover to cover is it is jammed packed with boring genealogies. Do we really NEED to know who begot who to this extent? They list everyone except who Cain's wife was of course. The only one people actually might give a rat's butt about. :tongue: I wonder whos idea it was just to gloss over that minor plot point. laugh They need a bitc- slappin.

Dan99's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:55 PM
I just wanna add randomly to this thread that i really like to follow posts made By Abra, Krimsa and Tribo. You are all making me believe that the bible is barely worth even ripping up and wiping your butt with, even more than i already believed beforehand. You all come out with good, interesting and solid points. I read all sides to the arguments in these religion threads, but unfortunately the other side to the arguement is always incredibly weak and often totally delusional. I get more confident that i am right to dis-believe with every post of yours i read.

Ok, brown nosing is now over, carry on.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:59 PM
Here's another thing MorningSong,

Just a mere 300 years ago Isaac Newton couldn't make public his belief that Jesus was not God. To do so could have resulted in being hanged at worst, and imprisonment at the least!

You just didn't question the religion at all, a mere 300 years ago.

This wasn't a religion. It was an evil thing that men used to keep society under their thumbs.

Why should God be so anxious to murder heathens? What would God have to fear?

Clearly this is a manmade religion used to suppress society and keep them cowering beneath the authority of the church.

I thank God (the real God) that this religion is finally dead. And it is dead for all intents and purposes. There was never anything good about it as far as I can see. It was abusive mind-control from the word go. Completely with male-chuavanism and all.

How to explain the male-chuavanism in the Bible MorningSong?

How can you speak out about the religion when your God said that women aren't to do that?

Do you think God changed his mind on that?

What good is having a doctrine if you aren't going to believe it anyway?

tribo's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:04 PM

I just wanna add randomly to this thread that i really like to follow posts made By Abra, Krimsa and Tribo. You are all making me believe that the bible is barely worth even ripping up and wiping your butt with, even more than i already believed beforehand. You all come out with good, interesting and solid points. I read all sides to the arguments in these religion threads, but unfortunately the other side to the arguement is always incredibly weak and often totally delusional. I get more confident that i am right to dis-believe with every post of yours i read.

Ok, brown nosing is now over, carry on.

hell, don't take my word for anything - i could be wrong.

tribo's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:31 PM

I did not start to post here or debate or argue my point of view for "ANYONE" to take my comments as something they should take to heart or live by or accept as anything other than my personal opinions, i think everyone here has both good and bad takes on certain things, but no one, especially me, thinks he has all the correct answers to religion or life or anything else. opinions are just that - and are subject to change as new or better info may come along as to whats being talked of. So dan, or anyone else, do not follow someone elses opinions check it out for yourself "Thuroughly" before making up your mind as to what suits your personal wants or needs. thnx.

no photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:49 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/09/08 10:56 PM
Tribo wrote...

"....So dan, or anyone else, do not follow someone elses opinions check it out for yourself "Thoroughly", before making up your mind as to what suits your personal wants or needs. thnx..."


And what Tribo spoke here, applies to ANYBODY!!

Don't just "gobble up" what someone tells you ..anyone for that matter.......find out for yourself!!

Dan99's photo
Thu 10/09/08 11:23 PM

I just wanna add randomly to this thread that i really like to follow posts made By Abra, Krimsa and Tribo. You are all making me believe that the bible is barely worth even ripping up and wiping your butt with, even more than i already believed beforehand. You all come out with good, interesting and solid points. I read all sides to the arguments in these religion threads, but unfortunately the other side to the arguement is always incredibly weak and often totally delusional. I get more confident that i am right to dis-believe with every post of yours i read.

Ok, brown nosing is now over, carry on.

hell, don't take my word for anything - i could be wrong.

I dont!

no photo
Fri 10/10/08 01:34 AM

Abra...years ago, you came to Jesus , because you wanted to preach the gospel for other words, you had all ulterior motive....but there was NO REAL HEART CHANGE...see what I mean?

This is total bull MorningSong.

I asked Jesus to come into my life because I was pure in heart and wanted to do he RIGHT THING!

The fact that I also wanted to teach the gospel of Jesus to others was secondary (after the fact!)

I wanted to help others UNDERSTAND the Gospels because people seemed to have so many question EVEN THE PREACHERS!

However, the more I studied the Bible the more I realized it can't be true.

This happened over a period of about 15 YEARS! And I didn't give up easily!

Abra..... you wrote.....

" I asked Jesus to come into my life because I was pure in heart and wanted to...


the ...



Abra...see the picture here?

Years ago, when you accepted Jesus, you WANTED TO DO THE RIGHT THING ..... but that is NOT what SALVATION is all about...which is BELIEVING Jesus died for your sins....AND THEN BELIEVING and ACCEPTING JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR.

Abra.....if someone accepts Jesus , cause he just wants to do the right thing...or because he wants to please others...or because he wants to please God......or just because he wants to live a good chrstianlife......quess what ,Abra!!

NONE OF THE ABOVE , is going to get that person saved.....cause Salvation has to ALWAYS COME FROM THE HEART.

But first, in order to get saved, One has to truly believe that Jesus died for our sins.

But that you know that long ago...your "wanting to do the right thing" did not get you saved , it is not too late Abra, to REALLY get saved now.

But only God knows when that day will be, when that think "spirtual light bulb" turns on........and you will finally at long last.... "see".flowerforyou

Belushi's photo
Fri 10/10/08 02:09 AM

Abra...years ago, you came to Jesus , because you wanted to preach the gospel for other words, you had all ulterior motive....but there was NO REAL HEART CHANGE...see what I mean?

This is total bull MorningSong.

I asked Jesus to come into my life because I was pure in heart and wanted to do he RIGHT THING!

The fact that I also wanted to teach the gospel of Jesus to others was secondary (after the fact!)

I wanted to help others UNDERSTAND the Gospels because people seemed to have so many question EVEN THE PREACHERS!

However, the more I studied the Bible the more I realized it can't be true.

This happened over a period of about 15 YEARS! And I didn't give up easily!

Abra..... you wrote.....

" I asked Jesus to come into my life because I was pure in heart and wanted to...


the ...



Abra...see the picture here?

Years ago, when you accepted Jesus, you WANTED TO DO THE RIGHT THING ..... but that is NOT what SALVATION is all about...which is BELIEVING Jesus died for your sins....AND THEN BELIEVING and ACCEPTING JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR.

Abra.....if someone accepts Jesus , cause he just wants to do the right thing...or because he wants to please others...or because he wants to please God......or just because he wants to live a good chrstianlife......quess what ,Abra!!

NONE OF THE ABOVE , is going to get that person saved.....cause Salvation has to ALWAYS COME FROM THE HEART.

But first, in order to get saved, One has to truly believe that Jesus died for our sins.

But that you know that long ago...your "wanting to do the right thing" did not get you saved , it is not too late Abra, to REALLY get saved now.

But only God knows when that day will be, when that think "spirtual light bulb" turns on........and you will finally at long last.... "see".flowerforyou

Is this an opinion?

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 10/10/08 02:17 AM
Happy Yom Kippur!

CleanBathroom's photo
Fri 10/10/08 02:17 AM
Happy Yom Kippur!

no photo
Fri 10/10/08 02:18 AM
Edited by invisible on Fri 10/10/08 02:19 AM
Is this an opinion?

Nah, it's nothuh

It's saying: I'm always right, no mattersmokin

Belushi's photo
Fri 10/10/08 02:23 AM

Is this an opinion?

Nah, it's nothuh

It's saying: I'm always right, no mattersmokin

Oh? Thats ok then, because she says in another thread she doesnt give opinions, right before she gives an opinion.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/10/08 03:36 AM

Is this an opinion?

Nah, it's nothuh

It's saying: I'm always right, no mattersmokin

Oh? Thats ok then, because she says in another thread she doesnt give opinions, right before she gives an opinion.

laugh laugh laugh I noticed that. But now she is claiming that they arent actual "opinions" but the Word of God. So she is the spokeswoman for ALL Christians on forum now evidently as she personally is being led by the Holy Spirit. Something to that effect. happy

Krimsa's photo
Fri 10/10/08 04:42 AM
Proverbs 1

1:26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

1:27 When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

1:28 Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:

God will laugh at your misfortunes, mock you when you are afraid, and ignore you when you ask him for help. And if you seek him, you will not find him. Thats because you arent supposed to "pay attention to the man behind the curtain."

laugh laugh