Topic: How do we test spirits?
Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/07/08 03:52 AM

was itnot also written "i will have mercy upon whom i have mercy".......

that dosen't sound like anything mortal has BIGGER WILL than the will of "god".........

but your god is small, for he is your brain alone, as all other brains are as pathetic, as they "sadden" great wisdom when they speak, and each and every last one spoke a truth........

for if one think of evil being outside alone, then the mind is decieved by it's own grandeaur......
Huh? God is not the God of confusion, that belongs to satan!

You mean to say the bible nor its parables cant be interpreted as even slightly confusing? happy
Not confusing to me, but of course, I ask God to help me with understanding them instead of listening to what some other human says they mean, try it sometime, you might be suprised!

So in other words, your understanding of the bible is infallible because you have a direct line with god? What about every other Christian on the planet that seems to make this claim? Are they speaking with impostor gods? Why, pray tell, are their so many disagreements then even amongst professed followers of the same faith? Hmm? Sorry, I ask the advice of humans because thats all I have access to. I could ask my cat but she says its all crap.

davidben1's photo
Tue 10/07/08 11:43 AM
how can there not be sight that saying "not confusing to me, but i ask god for understanding of things of him my dear", is the same as to say,

you ask not or speak to god like i my humble servent, and i have true greater understanding than you, nananananana.....stick out tongue.......

god loves me cause i am a good little boy, and listen, and i believe when my mind finds truth that tell me i am better than all other two eyes on the planet, and see more wisdom that all others that do not see as i, as i peer harder cause i am smarter, and inpsired by god don't you know, which make my two eyes look and see more than all other eyes in the universe........

wow.....yes, i think my truth be so pure and much more perfect, that i believe i am perhaps great, my mind indeed more grand than all others......

yea, it is probably true i would know if i spoke this aloud it was untrue, but since my mind does not, and hides who it is, i can believe it, for it's illogical notion i cannot see, for i hear from god, and thou dost not......

so bow now to my truth, and heed my words of sight of myself greatest, and follow me to streams of blindness, that has faith with eyes wide shut, as i never looked into what i believe, to see the motive it would have to create in my heart, but the future is determined by the belief that create the true motive.......

where are you driving to with eyes wide shut of what belief must provoke the hearts motive to be.......

does not your mind look into itself and see what the belief will create?

how can one not be decieved less there is looking, into what it is calling as god......

is not the total belief of any human being it's god?

whether it be called his beliefs or his god, they are of the same essence, as regarded as the greastest truth in the universe.......

so what good does belief if it speak what cause one to think opposite of self is evil......

basically, all that is opposite of self belief becomes in time to be the total sum of all things evil as a total group.....

imagine, all the opposite of what oneself is, somehow regarded as not truth, less value, less good, less sight, less holiness, less sexy, less good looking, lol.....hell yes, it can go to infinity what can become as worshipped as greatest to any mortal thing.......

just what the hell are you worshipping as god my friend.......

the motive it will create within the heart be what decide what is of god or not.......

this certainly seems a much smarter safer way to assess oneself first, then all others.....

to speak of others to you is not appropriate yet, as you have only tested others, and not yourself yet, as each time your mind see another error, it has to first find itself as guilty, as this be the only sight one have of self, as if one reside within self, self cannot be viewed but from the outside looking in........

to look at self from inside to inside, is only to see what is wished, as whatever motive one has when looking to see self, but since motives shift so rapidly within any human cell, this motive of sight is impossible to be accurate......

is testing the spirit, as you wish to do, one would need to know there are only two spirits, fear and love, god and satan, ying and yang, holy spirit or spirit of god, heads and tails, kingdom of heaven and kingdom of hell, conscious and subconscious, mind and heart, tree of knowledge of good and evil and tree of life, good and bad, hot and cold, evil and good, holy and not holy, inner sanctum and outer sanctum, the ark and the waters, the fire and water, the oil and the water, oxygen and the other, lol......

thats a lot of pairs, that each pair utilize all opposite energies.......

come on man, think outside the box.......

let it ring in the ears......ALL THINGS POSSIBLE....

just ideas.....


Krimsa's photo
Tue 10/07/08 02:27 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 10/07/08 02:29 PM

Sometimes what it reminds me of is that Dr. Seuss children's story. I cant remember for the life of me what the name was but the basic plot was these critters that some had stars on their bellies and others didn't. The ones that had stars of course featured themselves as being superior to the ones that had no stars on the bellies. So it starts this big mess between the two factions. The idea behind the story was to teach children about the horrors of racism I think. Thats been one interpretation anyway. But sometimes when a person claims "they are in touch" with god or a have a personal connection with him, it bothers me and automatically sends up red flags.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 10/07/08 02:50 PM
How do I test spirits...

If I get drunk when I drink-em...

they must be good.


no photo
Tue 10/07/08 08:24 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Tue 10/07/08 08:34 PM

... But sometimes when a person claims "they are in touch" with god or a have a personal connection with him, it bothers me and automatically sends up red flags.

Krimsa..... That is why it is best to study the Word for yourself, which you are now doing.

Basically in a nutshell..... if someone tells you something... and that someone claims he/she is "hearing" from God....or tells you he/she is a "messenger" from God....and if what that person is telling you does NOT line up with the Word of God ?

Chuck it.
And Run ...

God Will NEVER Impress upon someone's heart ,a Word that does NOT line up with the Word of God .... or is COMPLETELY CONTRARY to the Word of God.

Be Blessed Krimsa.....:heart:

splendidlife's photo
Wed 10/08/08 11:04 AM


Sometimes what it reminds me of is that Dr. Seuss children's story. I cant remember for the life of me what the name was but the basic plot was these critters that some had stars on their bellies and others didn't. The ones that had stars of course featured themselves as being superior to the ones that had no stars on the bellies. So it starts this big mess between the two factions. The idea behind the story was to teach children about the horrors of racism I think. Thats been one interpretation anyway. But sometimes when a person claims "they are in touch" with god or a have a personal connection with him, it bothers me and automatically sends up red flags.

Quick-Star Belly Sneetches

Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/08/08 11:22 AM
Thats it! Thanks Splendid. The Sneetches! laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/08/08 11:25 AM

What is the one thing that an evil spirit will almost always do when it feels threatened? ...Strike out at whatever it feels threatened by!

If that's the case then Christians must be evil spirits since they always strike out at whatever they feel threatened by.

splendidlife's photo
Wed 10/08/08 11:44 AM

What is the one thing that an evil spirit will almost always do when it feels threatened? ...Strike out at whatever it feels threatened by!

If that's the case then Christians must be evil spirits since they always strike out at whatever they feel threatened by.

What if the "Beast" and the "Holy Spirit" were one and the same?

Totage's photo
Wed 10/08/08 12:21 PM

What is the one thing that an evil spirit will almost always do when it feels threatened? ...Strike out at whatever it feels threatened by!

If that's the case then Christians must be evil spirits since they always strike out at whatever they feel threatened by.

But doesn't everyone strike out at whatever they feel threatened by?

Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/08/08 01:35 PM

What is the one thing that an evil spirit will almost always do when it feels threatened? ...Strike out at whatever it feels threatened by!

If that's the case then Christians must be evil spirits since they always strike out at whatever they feel threatened by.

But doesn't everyone strike out at whatever they feel threatened by?

Well explain why simply asking a few questions and pointing out inconsistencies and contradictions in the bible would immediately throw Christians into an absolute snarling, teeth gnashing frenzy?

"Ignore the man behind the curtain!"

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 10/08/08 02:12 PM
Christians have nothing to fear from Evil Spirits.

Evil spirits do exist, there is not one behind every bush, but they do exist.

annoint yourself and your home and order them out in Christs name, it is instant death to evil spirits.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 10/08/08 02:33 PM
I agree with sharp.....

I am the kind of woman that when my feet hit the floor in the morning the devil says, "Oh crap shes awake"

laugh laugh :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Krimsa's photo
Wed 10/08/08 02:37 PM

Christians have nothing to fear from Evil Spirits.

Evil spirits do exist, there is not one behind every bush, but they do exist.

annoint yourself and your home and order them out in Christs name, it is instant death to evil spirits.

That sounds reminiscent of a Pagan practice. Hate to break it to you. happy Cast a circle in the main room (livingroom) and after casting, visualize the circle expanding to include the entire house. Call upon the spirits and energies living in the house (or apartment). Invite those who will be harmonious with the new household and its energies to remain. Invite/ask those who will be happier elsewhere to depart. Release all "energies" not compatible with the new household. (This may be expressed as a "release" in order to unbind anything that may be stuck.)

Similar, yet its done in a manner as to not invoke hostility.

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 10/08/08 02:39 PM
no just Christ give you authority over them.......So if I say satan you have no power in my are nothing in my life.....Christ is the only one....(Which he hates) and all is through Christ....not ourselves....

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:57 AM

Christians have nothing to fear from Evil Spirits.

Evil spirits do exist, there is not one behind every bush, but they do exist.

annoint yourself and your home and order them out in Christs name, it is instant death to evil spirits.

That sounds reminiscent of a Pagan practice. Hate to break it to you. happy Cast a circle in the main room (livingroom) and after casting, visualize the circle expanding to include the entire house. Call upon the spirits and energies living in the house (or apartment). Invite those who will be harmonious with the new household and its energies to remain. Invite/ask those who will be happier elsewhere to depart. Release all "energies" not compatible with the new household. (This may be expressed as a "release" in order to unbind anything that may be stuck.)

Similar, yet its done in a manner as to not invoke hostility.
it is hostile only to the evil spirit, evil is hostile in itself, so I don't have a problem being hostile backdrinker waving

Krimsa's photo
Thu 10/09/08 08:03 AM

Christians have nothing to fear from Evil Spirits.

Evil spirits do exist, there is not one behind every bush, but they do exist.

annoint yourself and your home and order them out in Christs name, it is instant death to evil spirits.

That sounds reminiscent of a Pagan practice. Hate to break it to you. happy Cast a circle in the main room (livingroom) and after casting, visualize the circle expanding to include the entire house. Call upon the spirits and energies living in the house (or apartment). Invite those who will be harmonious with the new household and its energies to remain. Invite/ask those who will be happier elsewhere to depart. Release all "energies" not compatible with the new household. (This may be expressed as a "release" in order to unbind anything that may be stuck.)

Similar, yet its done in a manner as to not invoke hostility.
it is hostile only to the evil spirit, evil is hostile in itself, so I don't have a problem being hostile backdrinker waving

Well thats one of the main underlying themes that courses through the very foundation of Christianity so that doesnt really surprise me. There have also been many practices taken/stolen from much older Pagan traditions and simply "tweaked" a bit. That is but one example. Especially in Catholicism. Oh brother. :angel:

SharpShooter10's photo
Thu 10/09/08 08:23 AM
Krimsa - "Top O the Morning" to ya drinker

Krimsa's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:18 AM
Hi sharp. pitchfork

arkdanimal's photo
Sat 10/11/08 03:28 AM
Evil spirits are very entertaining. I like a good laugh. The ones I laugh at the hardest, are the ones who think they are as smart as God! It's easy to tell which ones these are, they think they will somehow escape God's wrath without living for him. Remember God is love, but he is a jealous God. Without love all else is useless. Wish everyone could grab a little faith and try to do nice things instead of trying to tear other people down. But without lessor people, Satan has no chance. As for me and my body, we will serve God.