Topic: Is divorce a sin?
no photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:39 AM
divorce has been known to save lives and cure cancer and restore dignity
and well being..........................

NO IT IS NOT A SIN!!!!!!!!!! MARRIAGE IS A LIE>>>and lieing is a sin

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:09 AM
No, I don't think of divorce in terms of it being a "sin." It's not a
good thing, but there are justifications for divorce: abuse (physical or
mental), infidelity, and TRULY irreconcilible differences.

I do think that people marry too quickly without thinking, and then
divorce too quickly. It's sometimes too easy of an "out," but I'd rather
divorce than stay together and be miserable or cheat on each other.

and staying married "for the sake of the kids" I'll never understand.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:46 AM
There is the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus says he
that is without sin cast the first stone.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:11 AM
Since this thread is whether it is a sin to divorce, I assume it is
Biblical in nature.

Matthew 19:3-9
What reason is given why remarriage is forbidden and why it is called
"adultery"? Because God declared man and woman should "cleave" to one
another. He joins them (by witnessing their marriage covenant and
holding them to it). He forbids their changing their mind and says no
man can put their marriage "asunder".

So, if man divorces his wife and marries another, the second marriage is
"adultery" because he is having the sexual union with a second wife
while God still holds him obligated to his marriage "covenant" to have
the sexual union only with his first wife.

Notice the terms "marry" and "divorce" (or "put away," and also
"husband" and "wife") as used to refer to the relationship as viewed by
society and the law of the land. In a "first" marriage, both God and
society recognize the marriage commitment to exist between the man and
woman. They are both "married" in the eyes of society and "joined"
("bound") in the eyes of God.

Society and civil law may then grant them a "divorce" (not for
fornication) and they may "marry" again. Society and civil law then
views them as ":free from their first marriage" and entered into a
second one, and the Bible calls this "divorced" ("put away") and
"married" again. But though God uses these terms as society does, He
does not recognize the divorce as making a valid end to the covenant
commitment that He recognized in the first marriage. God still considers
them "bound" or "joined" or held accountable for the commitment of the
first marriage (verse 6).

There is a definite distinction between the covenant commitment (bond)
which God recognizes and the divorce and marriage which civil law
recognizes. ( Mk. 6:17,18)

Again, the second marriage is "adultery" because the person is still
joined in God's eyes to his/her first spouse, but they are having a
sexual relationship with a second spouse. That is adultery, and it will
continue to be adultery every time they have the sexual relationship,
because God has still "joined" them to their first spouse and He will
not "put asunder" that bond.

1 Corinthians 7:10,11
This explains why, if a woman divorces her husband, she still has no
right to remarry. She may get divorced in the eyes of civil law, and God
calls it "divorce" and says she is now "unmarried." But that does not
free her from her bond or covenant obligation to her first husband.
Since she is still bound to her first marriage vows "covenant", her only
choice then is to be reconciled to her husband (the one God recognizes)
or else remain unmarried.

Sexual relationship outside of a Scriptural marriage bond constitutes
"fornication" (verse 2-5). Hence, if the woman divorces and remarries,
that second marriage, as long as it lasted and as long as her first
husband was still alive, would constitute adultery.

(((Note that adultery involves a sexual act - John 8:4; Heb. 13:4; Prov.
6:20-35. It is not just the act of divorcing and remarrying that is

God Allows an Exception to the Rule When One's Spouse Has Been Guilty
of "Fornication".
This exception is clearly stated in Matthew 19:9 (and 5:32).
"Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall
marry another, committeth adultery" ("except for the reason of
fornication" - Matt. 5:32).

The question originally asked Jesus concerned the grounds or cause for
which a man may divorce his wife (verse3). In (verse9) Jesus clearly
says "there is no acceptable cause except if ones companion has been
guilty of fornication".
Jesus's teaching allows one and only one cause.

Note that the only one who is granted the right to divorce and remarry
without being guilty of sin is the one who has been :sinned against" by
his/her companion who committed fornication.

Fornication: "illicit sexual intercourse in general" "every kind of
unlawful sexual intercourse" Fornication includes any form of sexual
intercourse with anyone other than ones scriptural spouse, regardless of
whether that person be of the opposite sex or of the same sex.

1 Corinthians 7:2-5 - To avoid fornication, one is to satisfy the sexual
desire with and only with "his own wife" or "her own husband." If we
satisfy this desire with anyone else, the passage says it would be
fornication, whether it be with someone we are not married to, someone
else's husband or wife, or someone else of the same sex (i.e.,
homosexuality). (See also Heb. 13:4).

Jude 7 - Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves over to fornication. But
Gen. 19 shows this refers to homosexuality (men wanted to lie with men,
not with women) ["and going after strange flesh" has the significance of
even going after...]. Therefore, homosexuality is a form of fornication,
and would be scriptural grounds for one's companion to obtain a divorce
and remarry.

Some say fornication would not include adultery (i.e., the case in which
one who is married has relations with someone not their spouse). But the
following passages use "fornication" to include extra-marital sex: 1
Cor. 5:1; Amos 7:17; Ezek. 16:8,15,26,29; Jer. 3:6,8. Jesus used
"fornication" in order to include, not just extra-marital sex, but also
premarital sex and homosexuality - any form of illicit sexual

I hope this helps someone. Of course we all read what we understand
something to mean. Me included


no photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:15 AM
In terms of what Jesus taught? Yes, divorce is a sin unless the spouse
or children are in danger or if the spouse has commited adultry. God's
desire is that we choose our mates carefully and stay commited to the
relationship. The instruction "Be ye not unevenly yoked" is also
helpful in a successful marriage. But remember that Christians are
under grace and not the law. We should follow Jesus out of love and
know that when we fail we will be forgiven.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:26 AM
Wow, sorry guys. I didn't realize that it was so long until after I
posted it and saw it myself. Sorry...sorry.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:38 AM

Your post was great, anyone who takes the time to read it will be
edified. I took a little liberty in writing my post to include physical
abuse, because it would be immoral to allow such abuse to continue. I
can do a scripture study to support that position if anyone desires, but
not now as I'm working.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/11/07 09:05 AM
Roy wrote:
“There is the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus says he
that is without sin cast the first stone.”

To me the moral of this is not that there were no men there who were
without sin, but rather that men who are without sin simply aren’t
interested in casting stones.

Would you desire to cast a stone at the woman Roy?

Probably not. You’d probably give her a sucker well wishes. (ha ha)

The messages in the Bible are aimed at malevolent people who like to
throw stones. People who aren’t inclined to throw stones have no need
for the book, they obviously already have high morals.

As far as divorce being a sin. I personally feel that marrying the
wrong person in the first place was the sin.

izzyva's photo
Fri 05/11/07 09:29 AM
The Sin will be staying married.


scttrbrain's photo
Fri 05/11/07 09:44 AM
The messages in the Bible are aimed at malevolent people who like to
throw stones. People who aren’t inclined to throw stones have no need
for the book, they obviously already have high morals.

Do you really think I am throwing stones Abra? Do you really?? So what
you are saying is that I wish harm or evil on anyone?
Come on Abra...that is a statement beneath you. To say that people that
choose to believe in the words of the Bible are "malevolent? Give me a
I assure you my morals are as high as yours or most anyone elses here.

As far as divorce being a sin. I personally feel that marrying the
wrong person in the first place was the sin.

According to the word; We are to be sure and not be "unequally yoked"
one to another. We must have the same goals and have like beliefs. We
must wait until He has shown "the one" to us. The Bible says that we
should me married "one man" to "one woman", not girl to boy. So to wait
til we are adults is reasonable to say. We have much better perspective
and are supposedly have our own finance, not dependant on parents. We
will be able to afford a home and be able to raise our children away
from our mothers and fathers.

I was married as a child, MISTAKE!!! It was only after I was an adult
that I made real and good choices. I was very happy with my choices.(
after I grew up)
I am still waiting for " the one" to come into my life, again. I believe
that the Lord will send him in His time.


Abracadabra's photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:33 AM
Kat wrote:
“Come on Abra...that is a statement beneath you. To say that people that
choose to believe in the words of the Bible are "malevolent? Give me a

Come on Kat, that’s not what I said.

I said the messages in the Bible are AIMED at malevolent people.

I never said that people who choose to believe in the words of the Bible
are malevolent.

That’s a TOTALLY different meaning!

I know you didn’t mean to twist my words on purpose. But none the less
you have twisted them about as far as they can be twisted.

Kat wrote:
“I assure you my morals are as high as yours or most anyone elses here.”

I’m sure they are, and I have never questioned that. You just
misunderstood what I said is all.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 05/11/07 11:56 AM
I concede Abra. I reread it. I analized the wording, then again, then I
saw my problem. My bad.flowerforyou
The Bible is for teaching. Teaching us that when we do wrong or think we
are better. So, I guess, yeah, it is.

Still thinking.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/11/07 03:27 PM
marriage is a silly social experiment..grumble

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:52 PM
ALL AND ANY BIBLICAL SCHOLORS and those with opinions. I have a

IF - one marries, according to Biblical law, and later divorces, it
seems that, that's ok. But the sin is in falling in love with someone
else and creating a physical bond as well as an intellectural bond with
the second person.

So here's my questions, Is this just one sin, or is it considered a new
sin every time you have sexual relations with this second person?
Also, is there a set number of times that sin is allowed? So, like, if
there's a lot of sex early causing a lot of sins to accumulate, and then
later it starts to calm down so maybe you only have relations once a
week, then month and maybe in the later years never.

So now being older and wiser, you look back and realize how terrible it
was that you sinned so much. And truely you are sorry. Will that
clear all those sins or do you have to ask for absolution one at a time
as you go along.

This might be something Mike should know. It will help determine the
amount of time he needs to save to ask for forgiveness....

again? Imagin falling in love with that one truely wonderful, perfect
person for you. Oh PLEASE - NO SEX - Change your focus, if you are to
be judged for falling in love and communicating that love with the
emotions that God created you with, then let that judgement be that you
did it right the second time.

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:58 PM

The sin has nothing to with love and love has nothing to do with the
sin. If you are divorced for any reason other than infidelity, it is
adultry to have sex with anyone.

One sin is enough to die, the number of times you have adultry is of no

You are condemned by the Law, not saved. You can only be saved through
Grace. Grace is freely given to all who accept Jesus and repent.

If you had read the long post by scttrbrain, you would have already
known these answers.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:06 PM
To accept that a single sin, any sin is enough to plumit one to hell, is
to deny the very thing that makes one a Christian.

It was because man is week of will, because not all sin may be known to
the person committing it, that Jesus had a physical existence, was
persecuted and was slain.

The nature and punishment of sin was set forth in the OLD Testament, The
NEW testament was to abolish judgement and punishment. In other words
you are all dictating what the sin is and imposing the full punishemnt
allowed - hell. It is not your right to determine that a sin has been
committed and it is not your right to dictate to others thier judgement.

Was not the purpose of Jesus to abolish the old ways, forgive those who
commit sin without knowledge and to create a path of 'personal'
communication between the believer and God?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:21 PM
I would say a bigger sin is to cheat, and being an hypocrite.
If you stay within that marriage you would be reducing urself as a

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 05/12/07 08:49 AM
I agree with Red on this one because to me God is Love and Love is God.
I say that because to me love is the greatest thing there is. To me God
is a synomyn of love. To me love is the answer and communication is
important. To me what ever is greatest to a person is there God. I know
it sounds like semantics.laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:31 AM
Red wrote:
“Was not the purpose of Jesus to abolish the old ways, forgive those who
commit sin without knowledge and to create a path of 'personal'
communication between the believer and God?”

I believe this was indeed the purpose of Jesus. Unfortunately, his
message seems to have been grossly misunderstood.

no photo
Sat 05/12/07 09:56 AM

The purpose of Jesus's ministry was:

1) to explain the spiritual nature of God's laws.
2) To be a blood sacrifice for our sins.

Jesus taught that there is only ONE way to God, that is through him.