Topic: Is divorce a sin?
no photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:10 PM
Yes you can divorce. It is not a sin except as explained above. Was the
question; "is divorce a sin or can you remarry." The 'yes I put above is
with respect to if you can remarry. Yes U can remarry as just stated.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:38 PM
Book of Matthew vs 31 and 32 (King James Version)



One thing I like about the bible, is that very rarely does it tell you
to seek MAN'S judgement on something, or to have man create or abolish.
In the case of a wedding it states let a man enter upon/into a woman adn
the two become one (my words, I dont have time to find the exact wording
in the bible.) You have read above what jesus has said in Matthew
concerning divorce:


It does not say go to your local judiciar (judge) and let the people
decide. It says in the case of fornication (adultery) let the man give
the wife a letter of divorce. That simple. it goes on to say what
happens if you divorce your wife unjustly as well, so do think carefully
about it; talk with your Priest or Pastor, talk with friends and family.

no photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:51 PM
By the way, the word 'fornication' doesn't mean 'adultery' only. These
words are misunderstood. Fornication? The Hebrew word is 'Erwah' and the
new testament greek is: Porneo, pornea from which we get the term
pornography. It means Leviticus 18 and also 20. Etc. FORNICATION IS THE
TOPIC. a woman shall not stand up before a beast to liedown thereto.; A
man should not lie with mabkind as with womankind; A man shoud not lie
with his daughter; A man should not lie with his sister whether she be
born at home or abroad. Aman shlould not lie with his father's daughter.
WIFE.(This one is adultery. or if you wish you could. Matt: 5. Some
churches made their own ideas doctrine like they say 'fornication' is
sex between two unmarried (unregistered) people. and adultery is sex
between two registered people or one registered. Where did they get that
from? NOT IN THE SCRIPTURE. They are teaching for doctrines
commandments of men. Mark: 7:7

daniel48706's photo
Wed 03/28/07 02:57 PM
thank you for the clarification grieving, and may I say, I am glad to
see a pic of you up finally...

babyblus's photo
Wed 03/28/07 03:22 PM
I myself don't feel getting a divorce is a sin, besides there's a lot
worse sins out there then getting a divorce! To me I don't consider
myself a sinner just because I got a divorce, for the simple fact it was
best for me emotionally and physically to get out of that marriage!

As for you asking should you wait for her to file for a divorce first or
you, due to what you said here, maybe you should file first since like
someone else told you, that way you have control of the ground rules and

I have learned that going through a divorce is very hard more so if the
other person fights you on everything, then that drags on with trying to
get the divorce, but now a days you can get a divorce first, then work
out the details who gets what down the road!

I'm not sure if that helps!

no photo
Thu 03/29/07 03:19 PM
Years ago, I asked a female Attorney for advice on divorce. She told me
NEVER introduce a woman to Court house. You never know what her defense
is going to be and she could carry you for a run because women have the
advantage all the time. Wait until she is ready.I followed HER advice
instead of others. SHE WAS RIGHT.!! In Trinidad, they will have a
probation's Officer report on you, the man, which you won't see. The
persons who get the information for this report are biased women and you
will be surprised what some of these reports say about you that you
NEVER DID. It might very well be THE SAME in the USA. Let her know that
you will NOT stand in her way if she wants a divorce to move on with her
life. She must feel that she is being done a favour. Not she is doing
YOU a favour.

no photo
Thu 03/29/07 03:23 PM
Go ahead and have a relationship with someone according to what I said
above. When you get the document cancelling the registration, register
with your new mate if you both want to according to the culture

no photo
Thu 03/29/07 04:22 PM
If you take a legalistic approach, the sin is not in the divorce, it is
in the remarriage, but an examination of the cultural backdrop with
regard to scriptures about divorce still begs the question and leaves it
wide open to mitigating circumstances. I.e. When the adulterous woman
was brought to Jesus in the famous scenario "Let he that is without sin
among you cast the first stone" it is of note that the other male party
was not brought, which was in violation of the Law. However, Jesus
removed all doubt when he said, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no
Hypocrites then and now have misapplied the Law. The Apostle Paul made
it clear, as did Peter, that no one kept the Law, and that it was
intended to sentence all as having come short of the "glory of God."
Now, to reality: John 10:10 clearly depicts the heart and motive of
Christ, to bring LIFE, and not steal, kill, or destroy. Further,
understanding marriage in our culture, versus the Genesis account of
Adam/Eve, reflects that God intended marriage as a mutual and helpful
With this in mind, it is "written again" that "it is not good for the
man that he should be alone" which overrides whatever is meant by any
Law rendered since God ordained a relationship between a man and a
From this point on in life, you can be proactive with destruction or
with life...and if ANYONE is trying to leverage you with legalism or
financial concerns to save marriage as an 'institution', they are being
proactive with destruction.
Divorce does not destroy anyone, but a hypocritical, double standard
PERCEPTION of divorce sentences divorcees or discovered adulterers to be
the 'walking dead' among pew dwellers at family reunions and church
Marriage is about two people, and the scripture does not ascribe the
overt concerns for children that is emphasized in American culture...we
are 'extra-biblical'.
The same folks who press you about divorce are the same folks who have
no power, promote select verses out of context to raise money via
tithing (which is not a New Testament/Apostolic teaching) and live their
lives void of Grace.
In short, there is nothing REDEMPTIVE in their approach.
The illusion that you need to do all you can to make your marriage
'work' is based on a letter-that-killeth life approach.
In many cases, control issues come to the forefront, and immoral issues
are simply the outcome/outgrowth of that because sex is about an
exchange of POWER, not love.
Respect and love run together, and if two people can no longer listen to
and/or advise each other, consider one another credible, then the
inevitable is not too far down the road.
Some persons can remain in a marriage and they manifest their resistance
by finding a 'corner in the rooftop', or a golf course, or a women's
meeting, and skip the sex in favor of maintaining an 'image' at the
expense of a viable, BIBLICAL, is, again, embracing a
less taboo, set of sins.
Others attempt to change their 'performance' and it creates a breeding
ground for resentment, because it is not coming from a heart fully
persuaded that certain prescribed actions are genuine or authentic.
There's much more that can be pointed out, but as much as God hates
divorce, He allowed it, and hates hypocrisy even more...either way, the
whole mess is due to what Christ called "hardness of heart" and when you
have let someone other than your spouse exercise control over you,
whether physically, soulishly, or spiritually, you work destruction in
the inner life.
Whoever has your ear eventually has your heart and your body.
God can take you on, and he is good all the way through...anything else
comes from the destroyer of souls...and all that is in this world which
resists goodness.
To sum: The Good News also applies to divorcees...once, twice, or ten
times over...or "70 times 7"...for such is the nature of God.
That's how I look at it, based on several years of experience, with the
hope that what I have written will not be viewed as a license to break
up, but a response to anyone who works in league with the accuser.
Fare ye well.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 03/29/07 05:07 PM
well hell if it is almost all of us on here are gonna go to hell. and
haven't you already screwed yourself by looking for another relationship
by being on here since your not divorced? Aren't you planning on god
forgiving you for that? Why stop at one so called sin you may as well
give him something to do and get divorced so he can forgive you of both.

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 03/29/07 07:23 PM
Divorce is not a sin.

Its permitted in the Bible for a reason - the rules, regulations etc are
all spelled out. Its there because marrige is sacred. And to keep it
pure, you need procedures to "clean the temple" when its been fouled.

Every major religon has rules for divorce (yes, even the Catholics!),
its there because its obvious that most of us enter marrige with the
best of intentions, and many times it just doesnt work out. Divorcing
for the sake of cruelty, for the sake of self-indulgence - that would be

Think of the alternative which is worse than 'sin', the alternative is
downright Evil. It is EVIL to emotionally jail two people into a marital
bond when its just not going to work. Its evil because it locks up FOUR
people - the couple, plus two other ppl who may very well be the RIGHT
person for each.

I beleive in the sanctity of marrige, and I beleive the temple must be
cleaned when needed.

netuserlla's photo
Fri 03/30/07 01:25 PM
Well I guess that I can put in my two cents worth, but it seems that
your question has been answered.

According to the bible, it is a sin to get divorced. But there are some
acceptions. I went through this same thing at one point of my life, and
thought that I would either be doomed for life at never having another
in my life, or that I would be living in sin. So I through out
questions, and searched the scriptures, finding that God actually nulls
a divorce during the very first infedlity act. So if she cheated on you,
then you are free from sin if you marry your next wife to be before
having intercourse. That will make you right in God's eyes.

no photo
Fri 03/30/07 02:20 PM

is divorce a sin? hmmm does it really matter? people lie all the time
thats a sin? people lust all the time thats a sin? some kill and steal
those are sin, but for some odd reason we worried about divorce? i say
in most cases its a sin, but i wouldnt worry about it, i mean are you
really worried about all the other sins, or just wanting to make your
self feel better if you get one?

bigermay's photo
Sat 03/31/07 08:47 AM
God does not like divorce. I am sorry folks, there is no way around the
Word Of God.

silkia's photo
Mon 04/02/07 05:44 PM
your right GOD does not like divorce,but we were granted a bill of
divorce because man hearts were cold,the sin part comes in when a
divorce man or woman remarries while there first husband or wife is
living you are still married till death due you part,you may then marry
again only to a man or woman of God

twosteper's photo
Mon 04/09/07 01:32 PM
in my opinion

n i can be wrong

but if ya ask JESUS for forgiveness

then all sins are washed away all things become new

its ppl who cant forgive

not GOD

party on...drinker drinker drinker drinker

TRS's photo
Mon 04/09/07 02:17 PM
Asking for forgiveness is one thing and though you can be forgiven, the
bible also states that if a man marries a woman who has been put essence they are committing adultery. So if you divorce
someone other than for the reason of adultery and remarry, you are
committing adultery and causing your new mate to do so as well.
Same scenerio about forgiveness applies here:
If you go out and steal a new car and ask for forgiveness for stealing
it you can be forgiven...but do you think you can keep the car and still
expect forgiveness?

klugman's photo
Mon 04/09/07 02:19 PM
I think God will give me a medal for staying with the one I had for so

Westdeck's photo
Mon 04/09/07 02:27 PM
I will burn in hell sad sad sad

Belushi's photo
Mon 04/09/07 02:54 PM
Bert!! What the hell are you doing in here!!

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 12:37 AM
i dont think divorce is a sin! sometimes you have no choice.