Topic: Urine testing = welfare check
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Tue 09/23/08 12:53 PM
Edited by symbelmyne on Tue 09/23/08 12:54 PM
I just love reading all the rantings and ravings against "illegals"..always the same story, always the same finger pointing..yawn yawn yawn yawn

You have undocumented workers because greedy American businesses dont want to pay American workers...they hire undocumented workers without impunity...there are laws protecting American workers but a quick internet search will provide you with the facts regarding how many companies were fined for breaking the law..Few if any...your government doesnt care because illegal workers are the backbone of the construction,restaurant & hotel and agricultural industry..(duh)

So if you dont want illegal immigrants in your country "stealing your jobs... STOP HIRING THEM..!!!!!!, man, its not rocket science...frustrated

Oh and to the OP who was complaining about having to take a pi$$ test..well, it is America right?? dont like it?.., get another job...

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/23/08 12:57 PM

I just love reading all the rantings and ravings against "illegals"..always the same story, always the same finger pointing..yawn yawn yawn yawn

You have undocumented workers because greedy American businesses dont want to pay American workers...they hire undocumented workers without impunity...there are laws protecting American workers but a quick internet search will provide you with the facts regarding how many companies were fined for breaking the law..Few if any...your government doesnt care because illegal workers are the backbone of the construction,restaurant & hotel and agricultural industry..(duh)

So if you dont want illegal immigrants in your country "stealing your jobs... STOP HIRING THEM..!!!!!!, man, its not rocket science...frustrated

Oh and to the OP who was complaining about having to take a pi$$ test..well, it is America right?? dont like it?.., get another job...

Amen, stop hiring illegals and they will have no way to live here. They cannot get benefits unless they fraud the system. We had very few illegals here in Colorado who frauded the system when I worked for the Department of Social Services so the lie about how they recieve the benefits is just that, a lie.

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:01 PM

So if you dont want illegal immigrants in your country "stealing your jobs... STOP HIRING THEM..!!!!!!, man, its not rocket science...frustrated

Agreed. Let's face it, if there were no jobs unless you could prove you were here legally, people MIGHT stop coming here illegally. I say might, because, well we can't really know for sure what would happen. But I'd say it was a step in the right direction.

And, let it be known I am not against immigration, that's what our country was founded upon. But, I do believe that if people want to come here to better themselves and their lives, they should do it legally, wholly above-board and should make every attempt to assimilate into our culture. That doesn't mean giving up their own by any means, but it does mean learning our language, customs, laws, etc and abiding by them, especially in the workplace.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:17 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 09/23/08 01:41 PM

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me.

I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine
test with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the
distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because
I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no
problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other
hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing
drugs, while I work. . . .
Can you imagine how much money the state
would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public
assistance check?
:smile: no no no no no no no. noway Its against the Constitution.noway We are supposed to be a democracy.noway this is a stupid idiotic idea.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:18 PM
:smile: It will hurt children:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:19 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:20 PM

Would the cost of all those urine tests at certain intervals of time negate the cost to the tax payers? Have you worked out the math on this? Then, how do they compel people to show up at a place to tinky-winky? The water bill alone will balloon. Not sure this is quite the answer, either.

I searched a bit and found this:

Two general methods of testing are immunoassay or radioimmunoassy (RIA) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Immunoassay is used for initial screening of many drugs, like amphetamines, marijuana (cannainoid or THC), cocaine, opiates, and phencyclidine (PCP). However, GC-MS is the acceptable industry standard testing procedure for steroids and for confirming any positive test results. The cost for each immunoassay screening package ordered to test for all the drugs listed above typically costs $20 to $50. To also test for alcohol, nicotine (tobacco), and LSD typically adds another $10 per substance per screening test ordered. Including anabolic steroids in the initial screening would cost between $80 and $120 per test ordered because GC-MS is required to test for steroids and is a more expensive testing procedure. All positive results of initial tests should be confirmed by GC-MS. Thus, a higher percentage of initial positives drives up the cost of a testing program.

So yeah it's pretty expensive, I guess it would be cheaper to test them once, then quit paying them. Peace Out!!!

You're assuming that they are going to flunk the urine test.
That's just wrong!!!

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:21 PM
but what most dont understand is that by not taking some of these test and told if by not doing so would result in jail time is COERCION...nothing less against the law and a person's rights

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:23 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

That's what happens one gets edumcated.:wink: flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:24 PM

but what most dont understand is that by not taking some of these test and told if by not doing so would result in jail time is COERCION...nothing less against the law and a person's rights
:smile: Ive noticed that as well.:smile: Obviously we are not free people any longer.:smile: This entire thread is based upon ethnic stereotypes, lets just be honest about it.:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:26 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

That's what happens one gets edumcated.:wink: flowerforyou
:smile: Im training to be a social worker and we literally just discussed this issue in class.:smile: The data simply does not show this stereotype to be true.:smile: Public assistance is needed to help children.:smile: I do not believe we should be in the business of taking food out of the mouths of children.:smile:

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:27 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

That's what happens one gets edumcated.:wink: flowerforyou
:smile: Im training to be a social worker and we literally just discussed this issue in class.:smile: The data simply does not show this stereotype to be true.:smile: Public assistance is needed to help children.:smile: I do not believe we should be in the business of taking food out of the mouths of children.:smile:

smooched flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 01:30 PM
:smile: I dont believe poverty is a crime.:smile:

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:08 PM

:smile: I dont believe poverty is a crime.:smile:


wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:44 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 09/23/08 02:46 PM

and the poverty stricken don't vote 72% of the time even when registered to vote.

the most diligent voters are the government workers.

They vote 80% of the time when registered to vote.

who is controlling whom at the ballot box?

democrats love giving the poor a free lunch to keep them poor.

government workers tend to vote democrat to protect their jobs. They hate bush the most.

talk about patronizing and condescending attitudes?

I see government as a toll for acquiring advantage and privilege.

but that brand is worse than the other brand.

The other brand pays all of the taxes.

the top 1% OF TAXPAYERS pay 85% of the taxes collected.

I fail to see how the votes of the rich influence anything.

unless the rich are government employees.


that can't be true.


see table 7 and open it if you HAVE excel, or don't bother looking. It won't open with the most data to review otherwise.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:53 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 09/23/08 02:54 PM


and the poverty stricken don't vote 72% of the time even when registered to vote.

the most diligent voters are the government workers.

They vote 80% of the time when registered to vote.

who is controlling whom at the ballot box?

democrats love giving the poor a free lunch to keep them poor.

government workers tend to vote democrat to protect their jobs. They hate bush the most.

talk about patronizing and condescending attitudes?

I see government as a toll for acquiring advantage and privilege.

but that brand is worse than the other brand.

The other brand pays all of the taxes.

the top 1% OF TAXPAYERS pay 85% of the taxes collected.

I fail to see how the votes of the rich influence anything.

unless the rich are government employees.


that can't be true.


see table 7 and open it if you HAVE excel, or don't bother looking. It won't open with the most data to review otherwise.
:smile: The top 1% pay the most taxes because the top 1% have almost all the wealth.:smile: Im not sure what else your trying to say :smile: I care about the children,the elderly,and the disabled. These are the people that are hurt when you cut social programs like welfare and unemployment benefits.:smile:

warmachine's photo
Tue 09/23/08 02:56 PM
I guess the only thing I can say is: This is the Nanny state using steriods to join the Police state.

If Americans had been allowed to, we would easily have taken care of the less fortunate, I firmly believe we have one of the most generous people on the planet.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:01 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 09/23/08 03:01 PM

I guess the only thing I can say is: This is the Nanny state using steriods to join the Police state.

If Americans had been allowed to, we would easily have taken care of the less fortunate, I firmly believe we have one of the most generous people on the planet.
:smile: The fact that 1 out of every 150 American is in prison is what scares the hell outta me.:smile: If there is ever a revolution-type conflict in this country, this will be the reason.flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:06 PM
27% of the prison population are illegal immigrants, according to statistics.

That skews things a bit.:wink:

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:08 PM
If that is true, that leaves 73% that are not illegal immigrants.

So...what is your point?