Topic: Urine testing = welfare check
Plainome's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:12 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.

warmachine's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:19 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.

Sounds to me like a state funded financial trap.

Winx's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:20 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.

Sounds to me like a state funded financial trap.


That is the reality of it. That is how my state does it too.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:25 PM

27% of the prison population are illegal immigrants, according to statistics.

That skews things a bit.:wink:
:smile: Doesnt really change anythingflowerforyou the number is still way too high. :smile: Especially considering most of the people are in prison for non violent offenses.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 03:28 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.
:smile: Your right. When the government makes it harder for people to get financial assistance and lowers that financial assistance its just making it tougher for people to get themselves off of the assistance.:smile: When a person cant even make enough to cover their basic living expenses then whats the point in working when it actually costs more to have a job?:smile:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 09/23/08 04:11 PM

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me.

I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine
test with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the
distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because
I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no
problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other
hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing
drugs, while I work. . . .
Can you imagine how much money the state
would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public
assistance check?

can you imagine how much money would be saved not dealing with illegal immigrants that don't pay taxes?

look at southern California.

Our state has lower tax revenues and illegals are not paying their taxes and taking jobs from taxpayers that are citizens.Why?

This is libtard socialism at its zenith.

coming to a state of dysfunction near you.


Just One State

This is only one State................If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will!

From the L. A. Times..............
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L.A.County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are mostlikely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A.are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English,3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L.A.County. )

(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue

This is only one State...............

If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will! and you wonder why Nancy Pelosi wants them to become voters!

I already proved this "information" to be false when someone else posted it.

This information is racist garbage propaganda and should not be posted as fact.

Whether the information is true or false, how on earth is "illegal immigration" and it's subject matter racist?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:49 PM

Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me.

I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine
test with which I have no problem.
What I do have a problem with is the
distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because
I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no
problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do, on the other
hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their A--, doing
drugs, while I work. . . .
Can you imagine how much money the state
would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public
assistance check?

can you imagine how much money would be saved not dealing with illegal immigrants that don't pay taxes?

look at southern California.

Our state has lower tax revenues and illegals are not paying their taxes and taking jobs from taxpayers that are citizens.Why?

This is libtard socialism at its zenith.

coming to a state of dysfunction near you.


Just One State

This is only one State................If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will!

From the L. A. Times..............
1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L.A.County has 10.2 million people)are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are mostlikely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A.are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English,3.9 million speak Spanish.
(There are 10.2 million people in L.A.County. )

(All 10 of the above are from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare. Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue

This is only one State...............

If this doesn't open your eyes nothing will! and you wonder why Nancy Pelosi wants them to become voters!

I already proved this "information" to be false when someone else posted it.

This information is racist garbage propaganda and should not be posted as fact.

Whether the information is true or false, how on earth is "illegal immigration" and it's subject matter racist?
huh I dont know:smile: There was some subtly rascist suggestions being said but that wasnt it:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 05:50 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.

Sounds to me like a state funded financial trap.
:smile: Reserve work force:smile:

s1owhand's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:00 PM
3 words

black market urine


AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:03 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.
:smile: Your right. When the government makes it harder for people to get financial assistance and lowers that financial assistance its just making it tougher for people to get themselves off of the assistance.:smile: When a person cant even make enough to cover their basic living expenses then whats the point in working when it actually costs more to have a job?:smile:

A valid and important point to our current welfare system!

One of the biggest problems is they remove the help at a greater percentage then the work you do to replace it... which puts you in a downward sprial from the get.

adj4u's photo
Tue 09/23/08 06:21 PM

I have personally tried for assistance myself. I sat there for several hours watching people come and go. I can tell you that the majority of the people I saw come through looked perfectly capable of holding down a job just as well as I can. I also work for a doctor and have people who can work constantly trying to get disability just because they don't want to work. So, I have been closer to this subject than I'd like to be!

just out of say curiosity

if you are working and are capable of working

why were you sitting there several hours trying to get help

is it that you were one of those you are complaining about

and if not what makes you think they were not going through the same kind of situation you were going through

anyone that has worked has paid for their right to apply for benefits

i am not attacking you just making a point about what was said

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:12 PM
I miss those yellow blocks of cheese....

tngxl65's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:31 PM

kudos to single parents.

I am one too.

my industry, construction, is sufferng the free lunch program of free houses to democrats at the lower end of the cess pool to vote democrat as a bribe.

they mostly lost their free lunch homes.

Now Congress and the Fed want to bailout those idiot homeowners.

well what about bailing out construction workers that have no work becuase of the libtard free lunch program?

they are trying to foist another free lunch program onto us with this bailout morphing into a refinance instrument for comrade faithful.

I love how the rise in unemployment is attributed to jobs going off shore lately.

I am laughing my butt off at the idea that bush's policies have caused the rise in unemployment, and no lip service is given toi the facts.

The construction industry will be dead until the country selols off all of the foreclosed homes that tanked the economy, and not before.

Supply and demand balance will not occur until that unwinds completely.

How about free homes for tradesmen and craftsmen that through unemployment are also losing their homes which they have had for many years? I see that all the time. not me, though, thankfully.

But still, how do these liars expect unemployment to decline and productivity to increase when the construction industry is dead in the water and rusting away in inactivity?

Single parents and hard working honest Americans with families are getting left out in these free lunch programs for socialist voters and the poor base of the democratic party that squander the hard earned tax dollars of us, the working patriotic American.

Who cares? certainly not our self preening representatives in WASHINGTON.

God bless the single parent. No one else will


Sadly, your presentation, name calling and vehemence make it tough to give your arguments any weight, even when you make a point that I agree with.

You seriously believe that democrats were the only ones, or even were the predominent ones that got caught up in the housing bust? I know two families myself that were about as conservative as you can get that got turned upside down and lost their homes. Wealthy people. Fine, upstanding Republicans. I also know of a very nice, upstanding, church going, and I assume (though I don't know) conservative single parent that lost her home. How do you honestly attribute every failing to a party line?

no photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:34 PM

I miss those yellow blocks of cheese....
Man I love that cheeze..To bad you cant buy it,,,,

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 09/23/08 07:37 PM

The problem I have is all the people who get welfare and let it become a way of life rather than getting off their lazy duff to get a job. I'm a struggling single mom but do I get help when I need it? Why heck no! But they sure don't mind taking the money I work hard for to try and put food on my own table and give to those too lazy to work for their own! Sure I realize there are people who need it.. but there are too many on it that are too lazy to get a job because our government makes it too easy for them NOT to!
:smile: I just learned in sociology class that is only a sterotype.:smile: Its not true.flowerforyou

Well, I don't need to take a sociology class. For all you people who complain..........a CASH welfare check covers nada. Of course it depends on the state you live in.........but I have had to apply for cash assistance...........

I went through the "job" training program. Let me see

I was getting a total of $300 on cash, for a family of three.........this is enough for me to be lazy and do nothing, and be living the high life while you pay for it?? I think not.

I DID get a job.....ummmmmmmm, making $6.50 an 30 hrs (they wouldn't give me more hours because then I would be consider full time and they'd have to offer me benefits) So, I was making a whole $780 before taxes........(btw, I was making more than minimum wage). I then no longer qualified for cash, but still got $225 for groceries.....and my kids got medical, but I didn't........yet my job didn't offer benefits.

Anyhoo, my point IS that you do not get ENOUGH help to get off the system. They actually paid my daycare provider to watch my kids while I was at work MORE than I made in a month....just so I could work while someone else raised my children....and I still didn't make enough money to live on my I applied for housing which had months worth of a waiting list...........

Why do people who are getting assistance NOT get out of their situation. Let me see........they will pay your childcare IF you are working at least 20 hrs a week to go to work.......and to go to school IF it is only a one year certificate (which wouldn't make you much more than your making at McDonald's so why invest the time??) You get food help, but no medical........... You may be able to get housing assistance.......eventually, but where I live now.....there is no waiting list. They have people waiting years to get housing they can afford. I am currently with someone.......but I could not afford to move out if I wanted to....and that is working full time at a job that has average pay in my area.

Anyhoo. You certainly don't live the "high life" and they don't even give you enough to pay rent are lucky to have family who will allow you to stay, and the lil you get is to help alleviate some of the burden from them.

Some people may be driving brand new cars, though they'd have to be in someone elses name as they'd begin to ask questions, buying new clothes (though u are more than likely stealing them)......... Or you are working under the table AND collecting welfare....because welfare alone doesn't support a family....and the system isn't designed to actually help enough to get people off the system. To do that, you need an education, and not an education that teaches you squat (referencing most one year certificates).

But go ahead.........think you know what ur talking about.
:smile: Your right. When the government makes it harder for people to get financial assistance and lowers that financial assistance its just making it tougher for people to get themselves off of the assistance.:smile: When a person cant even make enough to cover their basic living expenses then whats the point in working when it actually costs more to have a job?:smile:

A valid and important point to our current welfare system!

One of the biggest problems is they remove the help at a greater percentage then the work you do to replace it... which puts you in a downward sprial from the get.
:smile: But we MUST have it.:smile: A civilized and humane society does not let children,elderly, and disabled people starve to death in the streets:smile:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:29 AM
We SHOULD have it, not MUST. Anyhow, the biggest problem with the system is that it doesn't allow people to get ahead. There needs to be some way to regulate out many of the people that abuse the system.

For instance, I know several people that avoid working too many hours because they jst got a raise. That would put them into a slightly bigger income bracket than they would lose insurance, or take a pay cut, and that would actually put them behind.

And the people who just refuse to work because they cand live for free, or the ones that pop out kids so they can both stay on welfare, and make more money on the system. Then there are the immigrants who come to this country and immediate go on welfare. And why is it they get free education, yet little Jonny whose parents bust their asses to pay taxes has to fork over an arm and a leg to pay for an education?

Maybe the welfare system shouldn't be a free paycheck, maybe it should be an actual job? Make the people clean up garbage on the side of the street, plant some trees, work on the highway, or SOMETHING...?

Not sure what they should do, but someone in charge needs to do their homework...

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:32 AM
Edited by symbelmyne on Wed 09/24/08 07:32 AM
Housing, Education, Food, Healthcare...when did these things become priviledges of the few??...

these are RIGHTS that belong to everyone...I wonder how much more mean-spirited Americans can get towards one another...its really scary sometimes to read these posts...

no photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:43 AM
Welfare reform..We have been hearing it for to many years to count..Cutting benefits is not reform..With the economy the way it is more people need help..Not because they are lazy and don't want to work, there are just no jobs..

Winx's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:46 AM
People don't "pop out" kids to stay on welfare. They do not receive enough money for the kids to get out of poverty. The monies they receive are not enough to even feed a child!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 09/24/08 07:52 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Wed 09/24/08 08:04 AM

Housing, Education, Food, Healthcare...when did these things become priviledges of the few??...

these are RIGHTS that belong to everyone...I wonder how much more mean-spirited Americans can get towards one another...its really scary sometimes to read these posts...

The only RIGHTS we have are liberties, and the persuit of happiness... The rest is up to us...

And constructively, how was i being "mean"? If people really need help we should help them... How is that philosophy heartless or cruel?