Topic: RACISM ----- WHAT'S YOUR VIEW? | |
Judging by how popular NASCAR is these days, I'd say racism is going strong. I'm not much of a NASCAR fan, but I do enjoy the NHRA and IHRA drag-racing. But I wouldn't classify myself as a racist. More of an admirer of a good a race.
well anyhow no one wants to refute the argument of racism is free speech and hence protected by the constitution?
look, mindless. im just saying it is NOT your place or anyone elses to tell me if i have to like anyone or not. it just is not. thats one of those silly liberties i fought for. freedom of speech. i hate humanity because of what theyve shown me. i dont hate whites blacks mexicans or asians. i hate HUMANS. were a disgusting breed for the most part plain and simple, and i defy anyone to disagree with me, ive met quite a few nice people in my time, but theyre few and far between. Ok. Here is the point. You don't hate people based upon their race. You don't hate people because of ethnicity. You are judging people by their actions and you have found that mankind is seriously flawed! That is not racism. That is experience. Whether or not you have been jaded to some extent is an issue of self. You are not supporting racism. You are supporting your right to hold a dim view of most of humanity. Granted! I basically agree with you. Again though, the fundamental question is not whether a person has the right to be a racist. The question is whether or not that being a racist is a good thing. save your breath hun no matter what you say to some youre are going to be wrong stupid uneducated and ignorant for having your own beliefs and some are just on here to argue and make their point because they are sooo right in every thing they say and want a good one sided debate me a favor! Read what I have written several times already and then answer the freaking question. The question.... in case you have failed to miss it yet again is this...... Can you provide me a single logical reason to be a racist? or more simply.... Refute any one of these statements with a logical and well thought out argument 1. It is unfair to judge an entire group of people for the actions of one or more individual from that group. 2. There are evil and violent people from all races and there are good and wonderful people from all races. 3. Racism is an inherently ignorant and flawed belief system because it is based on a lack of knowledge, understanding, and experience with people from other races and cultures. or even more simply....... provide a single statement that explains how racism is GOOD! Cmon. You have three options here. Surely if racism is right and fair then you should be able to do one of the above. If not then I guess it is time for you to open your eyes to a much larger and more complex world. this has only been a one sided argument because you have yet to provide a single argument in favor of racism and keep returning to the tired old whining of "its my right to remain ignorant!" |
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it.
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it. Yep, I'm all for race, the Human race. |
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it. Hate is a valid emotion when it based upon something rational. You are more than free to hate. Probably not the best thing in the world for you but it is understandable! Irrational hate based upon a lack of knowledge and experience is foolish. Do we agree? |
Unfortunately It's still alive. and it is working both ways. ![]() Yea, ya gotta love this one. They hate me so I am gonna hate them back. Stupid, stupid stupid. The issue of racism is that one race believes they are superior to other races for whatever their sick reasons are. White folks feel superior and due to the racist base for this country continue to ignorantly carry out what they are taught. This is racism. Black folks and other minorities just want to be equal to the white man. They fight for equality not superiority. Due to the continue racism of the white folks the minorities have alot to deal with. Is this racism? No way. If they dislike white folks it is usually because they have been subjected to the racist hatred. Sure you can say you did not do it but that does not remove the fact the minorities suffer this at the hand of whites to this day. How can you help? Make sure that every single time someone is racist around you, you single them out and make it known that it is not acceptable. You can start with our president and move your way down the republican ladder, it is filthy with racists. |
what if one has plenty of experience to draw upon? more so say then the average person? then its a logical hate? a calculated one too?
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it. Yep, I'm all for race, the Human race. ![]() ![]() |
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it. Hate is a valid emotion when it based upon something rational. You are more than free to hate. Probably not the best thing in the world for you but it is understandable! Irrational hate based upon a lack of knowledge and experience is foolish. Do we agree? Hatred eats up the person feeling it, there is no constructive purpose for hatred, none. Name me one. |
i judge humanity by its actions, that speaks volumes. dont tell me i cant hate, i have that emotion and i like it. Yep, I'm all for race, the Human race. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what if one has plenty of experience to draw upon? more so say then the average person? then its a logical hate? a calculated one too? Care to elaborate? What kinds of experiences are we talking about? |
what if one has plenty of experience to draw upon? more so say then the average person? then its a logical hate? a calculated one too? Ok. Maybe I am missing something. Do you hate one entire race of people simply for being of that race? And don't give me that tired line about the human race. |
for goodness sake man, read a paper. watch adoumentary, the number of people in prison is growing, and they like it there, kids are shooting eahc other up, the human race has hit the big meltdown switch, us norms need ot dig deep holes and wait for the bombs to fall.
Edited by
Tue 09/16/08 10:03 PM
for goodness sake man, read a paper. watch adoumentary, the number of people in prison is growing, and they like it there, kids are shooting eahc other up, the human race has hit the big meltdown switch, us norms need ot dig deep holes and wait for the bombs to fall. That whole statement was demented and who are the norms? My opinion of course. |
for goodness sake man, read a paper. watch adoumentary, the number of people in prison is growing, and they like it there, kids are shooting eahc other up, the human race has hit the big meltdown switch, us norms need ot dig deep holes and wait for the bombs to fall. having a dislike of the entire f-d up world and the morons who inhabit it is not racism. Anti-social to some extent but not racist. Being nervous driving through a crime ridden inner city neighborhood is not racist. It is knowledge and common sense! Hating the respectable, educated black man acroos the street because he is black and lives on your street is racist. |
im racist to the human race. theyre definitely a race,lol
Without reading this thread or anything, Racism to me is like discrimination based on the will to separate a person from another person based on differences of physicality. That's called discrimination...just discrimination, racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Again, race equals really if you dislike someone based on their appearance and/or religion you are discriminating against them. By definition, it is the belief that there are races and one is superior to the other race, yes, but trying to define what is "human" and what is "race" is folly. I just can't honestly believe that a sane person would stop inquiring, as belief is the end of all inquiry. |
at the end of the day, racsists are idiots. We all bleed the same way, we all need the same things to survive (water, air,food) we all want to take care of our children, we all die.
Racism is stupid. There. That's my view.
OK, so all joking aside... Here's a lovely debate or maybe a socialogical exploration, because more often than not, any debate supposedly about racism ends up being about something completely different. We're not going to end this discussion at any point during human existence. As long as there is a concept of race, there will be racism. As long as we are human we will create a reason of why we are superior to someone else. I don't have a problem with racism as a concept or ideal or whatever you want to call it as long as it doesn't infringe on my safety and basic rights as a resident of planet earth. Hate me or love me, I really don't care. Pull a gun on me or try to hang me and we might have a problem. Of course, we'd have a problem with that even if your reason was because I was in the wrong place at the right time and not the color of my skin. The problem with racism isn't the hatred of another race. If we said I hate you and let you go on your merry way who would care? It is how that hate or in some cases just this idea that one race is better and therefore should have more opportunity oppresses the other race(s). Not hate, but just as killing to the soul. Hate me and I'll ignore you and we all go to work tomorrow, kiss our kids good night, pay our bills and go on. If only it were that easy. The fact will always be that there are people who won't like you for a lot of reasons. Most of these people won't ever lay eyes on you. Can you change that? Does it even matter? Not really, if it were only about hate. I don't like cauliflower. I hate it, one might say. I therefore choose to not eat it, not buy it or grow it or have anything to do with cauliflower when I can help it. If somehow a stray floret crosses my path, I leave it be. I don't stab it repeatedly screaming with my eyes rolled back. I leave it alone. If somehow it gets into my mixed vegetables I don't get rid of the rest of the vegetables. I eat them and leave the cauliflower. Not all vegetables are bad so no reason not to enjoy my carrots. This chick is bent right? Not really, it's just that I could hate all vegetables because I hate cauliflower. That would be within my rights I would think. I could boycott cauliflower growers or sabotage their crops. I could go around and commit produce murder or refuse services to anyone having to do with cauliflower. Why not take them out too, after all, they are contributing to this evil cauliflower plot. I could take this to an even more insanely satirical level, but my point is it is not my hatred of cauliflower that matters. It's what I do with my hatred of cauliflower. And what are we to do about those actions or re-actions? That is the debate I think is more interesting. Is it possible for racism to exist and not affect the people beyond a base level opinion or conjecture? Is racism the cause or the effect? Does it ever end or does it give way to a new way of establishing superiority? As in, by not being preceived as racist, we are therefore better than you? If racism doesn't go away, do we care if it is wrong? I don't know the answers, but I still have my carrots. I'll leave the cauliflower for the rest to decipher. |