Community > Posts By > ShadowSeeker

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 01:06 AM
This is a good question. At first thought, I would say destiny as we do have free will and to say that it's already been determined almost says that no we don't because the end was decided. That's alot of assumptions though. I mean there are almost always several ways to get to the same result, so even if we chose whatever we chose we might still end up in the same place.

I'm going with we do have free will and we make our own choices, but these choices and the end is already known. That's not to say chosen for me or against my will or in spite of my will, but already written out. It's never about the destination though, so I say relax and enjoy the journey to wherever it takes you.

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:55 AM

I don't think god intended on there be Abortion

Care to elaborate a bit?

I mean, for me... I'm Pro Life, but I'm also pro free will. I believe we were all given the capacity to make our own choices be the ones I agree with or not, so then I wonder who am I to completely take that choice away from another woman? Then of course, free will also means I could commit murder, that's my choice right? Where is the line? Know what I mean? It can cause quite a philosophical confusion.

Just wondered how you saw it.

I hate abortion, it should be outlawed, If you don't want kids, Both parties need to do something about it besides Murder.

OK, I don't want this to turn into an abortion debate. There's definitely a lot of other issues to tackle, but on this one... I'll pose the question of what about rape or when the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother? I don't want to forget that not all abortion happens because there was an oops or something like that.

This is actually one of the reasons why I'm for all intents and purposes pro choice. To me, it's a lot harder to make a decision on something I had no control over to begin with. I can't even begin to imagine how you handle that one.

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:44 AM

I don't think god intended on there be Abortion

Care to elaborate a bit?

I mean, for me... I'm Pro Life, but I'm also pro free will. I believe we were all given the capacity to make our own choices be the ones I agree with or not, so then I wonder who am I to completely take that choice away from another woman? Then of course, free will also means I could commit murder, that's my choice right? Where is the line? Know what I mean? It can cause quite a philosophical confusion.

Just wondered how you saw it.

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:30 AM
Don't ya love idiots?

Anyone who has the time to send that crap obviously has some self esteem issues. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the need to try and belittle others.

Or maybe it's overcompensation? Actually, it has been my experience that small minds mean small... ummm brains...yeah...that's it...

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:16 AM

Thank you both very much. I guess I have just reached the point of no return . LMAO!
I dont even laugh as I used to.
Everyone thinks when you lose weight everything will get better, but I KNOW DIFFERENT!
It kills me these guys say, "I am here to find my TRUE love"
Yet the minute they find out your size ....
They Run like hell and wont even say hello.
Here I go ..... Feeling sorry for myself again! lmao!


No slapping... I gave it up for Lent...

Don't worry, we all feel similar at some point even if not for that exact reason. At least you can see how you're feeling. Don't give into it though. I read somewhere that we generally get what we expect out of life. I expect the best life there is and I'm gonna get it. So will you!!!!

You should be my theropist LMAO!



OK... so that'll be $100 an hour... I think that's fair... Nah though... you'd probably end up worse off!

I'll be your cheerleader though!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:13 AM
This may be out there somewhere, and I think it could be in either topic, but I think it goes better here in my opinion because it deals more with being a Christian than what your political idea is from my vantage point because I think your religion might have more weight than your political persuasion or rather it influences your political affiliation.

Anywho... I once dated a guy who said it was impossible to be Christian and a liberal because to be liberal meant that you had to entertain ideas that were incongruant with a Christian life so you would in essence turn your back on the other to follow the other's ideology.

Any thoughts?

ShadowSeeker's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:02 AM

Thank you both very much. I guess I have just reached the point of no return . LMAO!
I dont even laugh as I used to.
Everyone thinks when you lose weight everything will get better, but I KNOW DIFFERENT!
It kills me these guys say, "I am here to find my TRUE love"
Yet the minute they find out your size ....
They Run like hell and wont even say hello.
Here I go ..... Feeling sorry for myself again! lmao!


No slapping... I gave it up for Lent...

Don't worry, we all feel similar at some point even if not for that exact reason. At least you can see how you're feeling. Don't give into it though. I read somewhere that we generally get what we expect out of life. I expect the best life there is and I'm gonna get it. So will you!!!!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:56 PM

Hope you enjoy it here!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:53 PM

Welcome from another Newbie.
I hope you enjoy it here!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:52 PM
Country, you are absolutely awesome!!!!! :banana: Don't ever forget that. I commend you on your weight loss. No matter what the reasons, that's just wicked awesome!!! That's something to be immensely proud of. I'm sure you know that though!

As for the people who are fake on here and completely different off of here. Well, I think we're all like that to a certain extent. Some are just a lot worse than others. I met a guy on here who was actually exactly like he was online and then I realized that only worked online because all I have to do is sign off to get away. That's a lot harder when you're sitting in the same room. Though some people would say I sign off in person all the time, but I digress... People are odd... Don't give up on here or any other place. You're bound to run into a few bad apples, but there's a lot of shiny ones waiting to get picked!

Keep Smiling!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:44 PM
I think there are at least five different statements I would love to comment on or at least question on this thread, but then I'd bore everyone and it's already late. Some highlights though... Trump supports McCain... this surprised who? IMO, all you have to do is look at what each candidate says they'll do to big business and the wealthy and you know exactly who he was going to vote for.

Then I thought, why do we always resort to baseless generalizations? Are Liberal and Conservative four letter words? I'm pretty sure they're not. Common sense to me would mean you don't make blanket statements about people of any group because more than likely it does not apply to ALL them, so it really kind of makes you look a bit ignorant and serves no real purpose other than to incite argument of some sort. And what is the point of that?

Also, I'll keep this as short as I can, but I've never been known for the simple and I realize I don't have all the facts in that I didn't major in Political Science and my sister is asleep now and would probably be very angry that I called and woke her up to explain every bit of this to me. OK, excuse the tangent. Someone, and please forgive me, but I don't remember who, said what happens when taxes are raised for small business or maybe it was just businesses and they have to turn to cheaper labor overseas or completely shut down. Total paraphrase there and I think I might have combined two arguments. I apologize. Well, I don't know exactly how this works, wich is part of the problem, but I know that Obama says there's some sort of tax relief, I think $500 for small businessed that is supposed to help the double payroll tax. I would think this would help if there is not another tax imposed negating this issue. I'm not saying there isn't, as I don't proclaim to know every nuance of either campaign, but if not. It is something. Also, I would think the idea of eliminating tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas would make it less desirable to do so. I think we should go a step further with that, but I'm not running for president.

I bring these ideas up only because it seems that both sides like to inflame the other by picking out things that on the surface seem pretty horrible, but really, may not be true or not as bad as they are painted. It is possible that both sides can achieve the same end by completely different means.

So who is right?

Lucky for us, we get to judge, eh?

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:12 PM

I love these tests! The sad part is, I've taken this test at least three times before and I still fell for the first three. I gave up after that. My brain is fried... those pesky early adult years. I shudder to think what I won't be able to figure out in another ten years.

Wait...where am I again?

I've seen your posts. You're no dummy.:wink:

It's not age. It's late at night.flowerforyou

Aww, thanks! blushing

I still think it's my age. I used to be so smart! OK I was never smart, but I'm so good at pretending!!!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 11:01 PM
I love these tests! The sad part is, I've taken this test at least three times before and I still fell for the first three. I gave up after that. My brain is fried... those pesky early adult years. I shudder to think what I won't be able to figure out in another ten years.

Wait...where am I again?

ShadowSeeker's photo
Thu 09/18/08 10:55 PM
It seems like there's a lot of reasons you'd like a new job and each of them seem pretty valid to me. Also, it's a cycle. It's hard to enjoy much when you're being screamed at all day. If you're unhappy, it can be difficult to do what you need to do to be healthy, including execise and sometimes eating well. Part of being healthy is your emotional and mental state, so dealing with all of that stress each and every day is no good for anyone. Look for a new job, but try not to be discouraged if you don't find one right away.

Good luck!!!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Wed 09/17/08 08:39 PM
The Kill
30 Seconds to Mars

What if I wanted to break
Laugh it all off in your face
What would you do?(Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh)
What if I fell to the floor
Couldn't take this anymore
What would you do, do, do?

Come, break me down
Bury me, Bury me
I am finished with you

What if I wanted to fight
Beg for the rest of my life.
What would you do?(Do,do)
You say you wanted more
What are you waiting for
I'm not running from you (from you)

Come, break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you

I tried to be someone else
But nothing seemed to change
I know now: this is who I really am inside
I Finally found myself
Fighting for a chance

Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh

Come, break me down
Bury me, bury me
I am finished with you, you, you
Look in my eyes
You're killing me, killing me
All I wanted was you
Come, break me down
Break me down
Break me down

What if I wanted to break...? (You say you wanted more, what are you waiting for? (marry me) I'm not running from you...)
What if I, what if I, what if I... (bury me, bury me)

ShadowSeeker's photo
Wed 09/17/08 07:52 PM

Anybody else notice that the original poster has deactivated? huh huh huh

apparently she received one too many "I know I'm ugly, but..." messages.

I say you relpy to them by saying, "Yes you are, but that's OK because ugly is in this season."

Sometimes you just need an icebreaker and not everyone can be witty.

ShadowSeeker's photo
Wed 09/17/08 07:47 PM

Those kinds of hackers are not liberal nor conservative. They exist just to create havoc. I've had my email hacked before, and its not because i'm into politics, its because they wanted to have fun. mad

Now you've proven her point. Only LIBERALS like to have FUN. :wink: :wink: laugh laugh


glad that someone does these days!

ShadowSeeker's photo
Wed 09/17/08 07:33 PM
I think I just grabbed a few more pet peeves after reading this...

but I hate the sound of a fork on a ceramic plate scraping whatever it is. Makes me relish the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

ShadowSeeker's photo
Wed 09/17/08 07:30 PM
I've read some lovely work here and just thought I might share a bit of my own...


Alone again
Scared again
Darkness swallows your soul
and I watch you drown
Banging again
Screaming again
I watch from the sidelines
not knowing answers

Silent again
Shut off again
Buried the pain below
but not far enough
Tried again
Cried again
Hurt that your trust in me
is not fully whole

Let me In
And I'll be Your Light
Illuminate your fears and
Chase them thru the Night

Let me in
And I'll be your guide
I will show you the way
right there by your side

Walk away again
Ignore me again
Push me away thinkin'
I could leave like them
Stand by again
Wait for again
Shattered confidence in
the power of love

Forget it again
Laugh thru it again
Cling to the hope that it
won't come around
Pretend again
Hold you again
Show you my only want
is you to feel loved

Oh, won't you let me in


Memory Shroud

Wretched everpresent paranoia
of a prior stake on the beat
Drowned intentions of
the noble warrior
Come Calling to
question the blood
flowing through the vein
That speaks the song and
does not dance
in moonlight nor ray
When doves call
through breath and veil
But never to stay

ShadowSeeker's photo
Wed 09/17/08 07:01 PM
Englewood, CO

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