OrangeCat's photo
Wed 09/03/08 11:29 PM
there is no color

every one is human,every one bleeds red,every one gets cuts bruised and hurt just like the next.

no photo
Thu 09/04/08 06:39 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 09/04/08 06:48 AM


I really am not trying to be rude. I am not sure what the topic of discussion is.... I think that pretty much most educated people will say that racism is a bad thing. I don't really think it is debatable except for the ignorant and uneducated. So what is there to discuss beyond that?

why are you assuming all racist people are uneducated and ignorant?

are they not allowed to have their own views on things just as you have yours?

In my view they are uneducated, but so are ALOT of people who are not racist also . . . . call it what you will: Here is my justification . . . . if you look at the genes . . . its clear we are all the same with an extremely null variation, this is due to the fact we split off from our common ancestor in evolutionary terms extremely recently.

To trace back our lineage is to see clearly how we are related.

I think specisim (just made this one up!) is just as bad as racism. People think they are superior to less intelligent animals, or species. I ask what does it mean to be superior?

A giraffe is superior to humans at getting tender leaves from high up in a tree lined with thorns . . . so should they feel generally superior or just specifically superior in this one case, or should they care?

Take me as an example, I consider myself well educated and quite knowledgeable (not tooting my own horn wait for the other shoe to drop) But I did not invent the gun, I did not invent any of the technology we rely upon to distinguish ourselves as superior, so I cannot claim my intellect as the defining characteristic of my survival in every scenario requiring said tech to survive. In fact I could only claim my intellect as the defining trait related to survival if I fashioned what ever tool I use for survival myself using my own skills.

IF I was dropped into any land based environment with a tiger and only what I could fashion, Id be screwed if that superior creature decided Id made a tender morsel, how much good do you think it would do me to fashion a spear when I am trained to understand nature through MATH and computers lolololol, how ready would I be to face that environment?

There is no such thing as general superiority, only specific superiority and if you are going to be racist/specist by its very nature you are making a general statement, this shows me you are uneducated, AND not thinking things through clearly.

no photo
Thu 09/04/08 06:46 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 09/04/08 06:50 AM

ME, as soon as I saw this topic I was hoping for some racist folk to come on here and spout ignorance . . . it helps to know the idiots from the normal racially apathetic folk.

and this emit
is why you are only going to hear from the people who are against being racist

the minute someone says
"yeah i hate the white folks"
"yeah i hate the black folks"
they will be jumped on for thinking this way
and then it will get personal

Name me a single defining characteristic that can be attributed to one race only, but not another that would generally qualify as superior or inferior? Objectively can you even call something superior or inferior without a context? Answer: no

Hell, don't even be that exact, just tell us about an experience that made you think less of someone based on skin color?

That should be fun.

duckiegiggles's photo
Thu 09/04/08 08:57 AM
Edited by duckiegiggles on Thu 09/04/08 09:16 AM

ME, as soon as I saw this topic I was hoping for some racist folk to come on here and spout ignorance . . . it helps to know the idiots from the normal racially apathetic folk.

and this emit
is why you are only going to hear from the people who are against being racist

the minute someone says
"yeah i hate the white folks"
"yeah i hate the black folks"
they will be jumped on for thinking this way
and then it will get personal

Name me a single defining characteristic that can be attributed to one race only, but not another that would generally qualify as superior or inferior? Objectively can you even call something superior or inferior without a context? Answer: no

Hell, don't even be that exact, just tell us about an experience that made you think less of someone based on skin color?

That should be fun.

think what you will weither i am for it or against it its your opinion and you are allowed to have it

the point i am trying to make is this
you are allowed to hate or like who ever and what ever you want weither you are right or wrong
to you , you made it clear you are against it
but the minute someone says they are for it they get jumped is their decision to be this way
could be white on black
black on white
japanesse on korean
korean on swiss
they all have their reasons weither you or any one eles likes them or not
they for all you know could have study or lived with this other race and picked up their beliefs from there
or like you asked could have had something happen in their life done by the other race and they take it out on all of that race
this doesnt not mean they are stupid, uneducated or ignorant for having their own veiw and reasons for things

he asked for both sides view on this did he or did he not?
the other side is not going to come out and say
yeah im rasist and??....
because the minute they do the name calling starts and they get bashed for it so this thread is not going to have 2 sides on it talking about their opinions on it
it is going to have nothing but people for it name calling and putting the other down instead of letting them post their own views

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/04/08 02:30 PM
the only race i despise is the human one. if i use the N word, fine. i will call a cracker a cracker and white trash white trash. im just not big on the govt telling me ot be nice ot everyone. i fought for the right to say what i want when i want to. lol. i dont hate everyone now mind you, i just dont like anyone i dont know. and with the state of the world can you blame me for hating humans?

no photo
Thu 09/04/08 09:25 PM

think what you will weither i am for it or against it its your opinion and you are allowed to have it

the point i am trying to make is this
you are allowed to hate or like who ever and what ever you want weither you are right or wrong
to you , you made it clear you are against it
but the minute someone says they are for it they get jumped is their decision to be this way
could be white on black
black on white
japanesse on korean
korean on swiss
they all have their reasons weither you or any one eles likes them or not
they for all you know could have study or lived with this other race and picked up their beliefs from there
or like you asked could have had something happen in their life done by the other race and they take it out on all of that race
this doesnt not mean they are stupid, uneducated or ignorant for having their own veiw and reasons for things

he asked for both sides view on this did he or did he not?
the other side is not going to come out and say
yeah im rasist and??....
because the minute they do the name calling starts and they get bashed for it so this thread is not going to have 2 sides on it talking about their opinions on it
it is going to have nothing but people for it name calling and putting the other down instead of letting them post their own views

Ok. let me restate what has previously been stated and stress it more. EVERYONE is ENTITLED to believe what they want about everything. People have the right to believe that the world is flat even though someone can prove beyond any reasonable doubt through math, physics and general observation that it is in fact round. They can go on believing such a thing in spite of overwhelming evidence, logic, and their own vision. They can obstinately refuse to accept that it is a truth...they have that RIGHT! People can believe that the moon is made of cheese or that the moon landling was faked in a Burbank sound studio. People can believe anything and everything they want regardless of how silly, dumb, or outrageous it may be. I know people like this who will take overwhelming evidence and visual proof that their point of view is wrong and still refuse to agree that they were wrong. I deal with people like this everyday in my job! The fact that they believe it does not make it correct. You have read all the arguments on here about why and how racism is wrong. I have yet to see you give a reason as to why or how it is correct. You keep falling into the same trap of saying that people should be allowed to believe whatever they want. Nobody has disputed this assertion. The argument is not about what someone is entitled to believe. It is about whether that belief is right or wrong.

Something from above I would like to comment on...

" could have had something happen in their life done by the other race and they take it out on all of that race"

Did the entire race do it to them? If a black man rapes a white woman is that woman then entitled to hate and persecute the remainder of the race for the action of one individual? If a chinese soldier kills a korean child is all of Korea entitled to hate all chinese and label them all baby killers? Why do people justify hating an entire race because of what one member of that race did? If that is the case then it would hold true that if a white woman were raped by a white man then it was the fault of the man being white and she should then begin dating only men of other races exclusively. Or perhaps she should just hate all men and turn lesbian since it was a man who did it or she must hate all white people....including herself and take immediate action to get to a plastic surgeon to turn her into an asian woman....

I am truely sorry but this is the logic which you seem to be ascribing to and as you can see that logic does not work when played out in other scenario's.

A man in an El Camino pulled in front of my parent car 4 years ago. Both my mother and father were killed instantly. Do I get to hate and persecute all men driving El Camino's?

If you can give me one argument that is based in logic as to how racism is CORRECT thinking and not just a person's right to believe that way then I will retract my statement about racism being ignorant and will start a thread to support your argument. That will probably get me kicked off but I feel safe that you are not going to be able to find a single logical argument for the basic rightness of being a racist.

SkaryKoolAide's photo
Thu 09/04/08 09:26 PM
i dont see color haha

bergeia's photo
Thu 09/04/08 09:45 PM
i have no view against racism. and its not ignorant. often people who are racist have had several personal altercations and base their views on that. if being ignorant means not knowing everyone or everything then color me ignorant. ive seen the world guys. lots of it. racism exists because werre different, not out of ignorance. if we werent different colors wed hate based on where people came from or lived. hate is a natural human emotion. you have to learn to deal with it. go ahead and show those "ignorant people" that color doesnt mean different and change their minds, but if you call them ignorant based on your ideas alone, its you who comes off looking foolish and uneducated.

no photo
Thu 09/04/08 10:05 PM

i have no view against racism. and its not ignorant. often people who are racist have had several personal altercations and base their views on that. if being ignorant means not knowing everyone or everything then color me ignorant. ive seen the world guys. lots of it. racism exists because werre different, not out of ignorance. if we werent different colors wed hate based on where people came from or lived. hate is a natural human emotion. you have to learn to deal with it. go ahead and show those "ignorant people" that color doesnt mean different and change their minds, but if you call them ignorant based on your ideas alone, its you who comes off looking foolish and uneducated.

Ok. Let me start by first saying thanks for your service. I never served and I have immense respect for those who do. That being said...hate is natural and understandable I agree with you there. Now to where we disagree. I disagree with the basic assertion that one or many altercations with people a different race, ethnicity, religion, or geographaphical location is not ignorant. It just doesn't make all! If you cannot learn to take each person in turn without prejudice or prejudgement then that is ignorant. Not every single person of every single race is one way or another....there is good and bad in all men. a person who cannot look past the exterior of someone and find out whether they are worth knowing or not is the fool. Maybe you have been around the world and maybe that has jaded you to some extent. It still does not excuse supporting a belief system that goes against everything this country stands for. ALL MEN CREATED EQUAL! If those words don't ring in your heart and soul then why wear the uniform?

Giocamo's photo
Fri 09/05/08 07:00 AM
it's not a question of's a question of class...

duckiegiggles's photo
Fri 09/05/08 10:24 AM
once again
weither it is wrong or right
im not getting into
weither i think it is wrong or right is my opinion

people are allowed to hate, dislike, or what ever eles any thing they want to
you say its wrong
well to them its right
and yes there are people that just because one person of that race did something to them they will take it out on the whole race
but that is their choice

you think your right that rasist should not exsist
well they think they are right it should
and maybe if they knew they could come in here and talk to you or any one about it without being called names or put down for it they would tell you why
but you and i both know thats not going to happen so why would they waste their time?

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 06:54 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sat 09/06/08 06:58 AM

i have no view against racism. and its not ignorant. often people who are racist have had several personal altercations and base their views on that. if being ignorant means not knowing everyone or everything then color me ignorant. ive seen the world guys. lots of it. racism exists because werre different, not out of ignorance. if we werent different colors wed hate based on where people came from or lived. hate is a natural human emotion. you have to learn to deal with it. go ahead and show those "ignorant people" that color doesnt mean different and change their minds, but if you call them ignorant based on your ideas alone, its you who comes off looking foolish and uneducated.

Me and you are also different, even though we are both white . . . .

The thing here to notice is that color does not dictate these differences.

It is the least of all attributes that could set us as the same or different.


Again I would love to here told an event that caused someone to hate/judge another race.

I am not judging you, I reserve judgment until I know you, I do not know you. Please help me understand by telling me what would make you hate/judge a person based on skin color?

We are all ignorant of everything we do not know.

EMIT's photo
Sat 09/06/08 08:49 AM
Edited by EMIT on Sat 09/06/08 08:51 AM
Good day everyone
I am taking this opportunity for saying; Thank you very much for continuing this discussion, i'm sorry for been away so long.
It's very interesting that we can all share our differences without been heated up.

I believd that this discussion is really a great one, please continue to share your opinions, you will never tell who's heart may be healed by your own comments.

I have learned alot since i posted this topic, and i am saying thanks to you all.

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:04 PM

once again
weither it is wrong or right
im not getting into
weither i think it is wrong or right is my opinion

people are allowed to hate, dislike, or what ever eles any thing they want to
you say its wrong
well to them its right
and yes there are people that just because one person of that race did something to them they will take it out on the whole race
but that is their choice

you think your right that rasist should not exsist
well they think they are right it should
and maybe if they knew they could come in here and talk to you or any one about it without being called names or put down for it they would tell you why
but you and i both know thats not going to happen so why would they waste their time?

Ok. Since the point you are arguing is not really debateable and you can't or won't provide a logical argument in favor of racism I guess the conversation is over.

I will argue the point that people couldn't come in here a provide arguments for racism. There have been no nasty posts in here and if there what? Hotly debated issues should be talked about. And they should be talked about with passion and intelligence. All that political correctness has gotten America is an inability to have serious discourse on issues that might offend one person or anothers fragile psyche if they were actually talked about with the passion they deserve. If America doesn't learn to cut through all the bull**** and say what needs to be said then nothing is ever going to get resolved!

I challenge anyone who reads this to offer a single logical reason for why racism is RIGHT! Nobody will because nobody can! Racism is flat out ignorance!

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:10 PM
Race=human...and yes I do hate humans.

no photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:14 PM
Edited by Mindless_American on Sat 09/06/08 11:14 PM

Race=human...and yes I do hate humans.

SEE. Now there is a logical answer! Hate everyone equally! Then you really aren't a racist.

usernamefayou's photo
Sat 09/06/08 11:27 PM
Without reading this thread or anything,

Racism to me is like discrimination based on the will to separate a person from another person based on differences of physicality.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 09/07/08 12:33 AM

Without reading this thread or anything,

Racism to me is like discrimination based on the will to separate a person from another person based on differences of physicality.

That's called discrimination...just discrimination, racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Again, race equals really if you dislike someone based on their appearance and/or religion you are discriminating against them.

bergeia's photo
Mon 09/08/08 03:20 PM
look, mindless. im just saying it is NOT your place or anyone elses to tell me if i have to like anyone or not. it just is not. thats one of those silly liberties i fought for. freedom of speech. i hate humanity because of what theyve shown me. i dont hate whites blacks mexicans or asians. i hate HUMANS. were a disgusting breed for the most part plain and simple, and i defy anyone to disagree with me, ive met quite a few nice people in my time, but theyre few and far between.

duckiegiggles's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:14 PM

look, mindless. im just saying it is NOT your place or anyone elses to tell me if i have to like anyone or not. it just is not. thats one of those silly liberties i fought for. freedom of speech. i hate humanity because of what theyve shown me. i dont hate whites blacks mexicans or asians. i hate HUMANS. were a disgusting breed for the most part plain and simple, and i defy anyone to disagree with me, ive met quite a few nice people in my time, but theyre few and far between.

save your breath hun no matter what you say to some youre are going to be wrong stupid uneducated and ignorant for having your own beliefs and some are just on here to argue and make their point because they are sooo right in every thing they say and want a good one sided debate