Topic: John McCain sold his soul to the Devil.
MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:07 AM
John McCain is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and as an
early member of the Project For a New American Century he and other
NeoCons sent a letter to President Clinton in 1998 urging him to
invade Iraq. McCain is rumored to have visited the occultic Bohemian
Grove meeting of 2008, as his alcoholic dad had done earlier. McCain
is promoting the New World Order which is a revived Roman Empire
dominated by the United States, Israel, Great Britain, and recently
also France and Germany. These people are planning a terrorist attack
on the United States before long, maybe blowing up New York City with
an atom bomb, that they can use as an excuse to declare martial law
and then round up true Christians and New World Order resisters and
behead them with guillotines.

The concentration camps have already been set up under the Rex 84
program, my friends. They're already fully staffed just waiting for
martial law to be declared after another "terrorist" incident. And the
guillotines are also all ready, at Fort Lewis near Tacoma, Washington,
ready to be shipped out to the various concentration camps at any
time. I don't know the details of the exact timing, but it is time to
seek the Lord with all of our hearts to escape all of these things
which are to come to pass and to stand before the Son of man. Luke
21:34-36. See

Lynann's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:16 AM
There is a ton of information on the Bohemian Grove available. Some of it hype and some, well...

I became interested in the subject when I chatted with a political science instructor of mine many years ago.

What is true about the Bohemian Grove is that major political and business figures of both parties have been meeting there for many years.

Are they the secret power that manipulates the world and reaps the profits or are they simply powerful people gathered with their economic and social equals letting it all hang out?

It is food for thought.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:34 AM
While there has always been mystery surrounding what form the Antichrist will take when it comes to Earth, there is one thing that is assured - that the Antichrist will be a Sinner of world-class standing. By looking at the Seven Deadly Sins, it is easy to see that McCain has taken sinning to an unholy level:

Lust: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Lust. He is an adulterer, very likely several times over.

Gluttony: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Gluttony. From his seemingly endless barbecues to being presented with donuts by Associated Press Political Reporters Liz Sidoti and Ron Fournier to gorging on German sausage, McCain's lust for food is legendary. And in other areas - such as his sudden desire to drill for oil anywhere and everywhere - McCain continually has shown that he can never get too much of things he likes.

Greed: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Greed. McCain and wife Cindy are worth as much as $100 million, own 10 homes, and favor expensive Italian shoes. McCain's home in Arizona comes with its own man-made lake.

Sloth: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Sloth. As a Senator from Arizona in the 110th Congress, McCain missed 64 percent of the votes. He has now missed 42 consecutive Senate votes on a wide range of subjects.

Wrath: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Wrath. His deep inner Wrath is well-documented and many colleagues deem him far too Wrathful to be trusted with the U.S. Presidency. Even McCain's famous "I lived at the Hanoi Hilton longer than anywhere else" comment came from his Wrath, as he admitted afterward: "I was just mad and had taken a swing."

Envy: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Envy. Since the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, McCain has been blatantly obvious with his envy, first with George W. Bush, then to Mitt Romney and now Barack Obama. When you have something McCain wants, he has shown he will do or say anything to try and even the score.

Pride: John Sidney McCain is guilty of Pride. The next time McCain stops talking about his experiences being a POW will be the first since Nov. 2006.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:36 PM

McCain is a golddigging Loser. The man doesn't know how many houses he owns yet he portrays Barack Obama as "elitist."

Well, then maybe he can get the US to marry another country for their money.drinker

I don't see what this has to do the the presidency at all. Its just name calling.


LOL..Charactor? From someone who thinks sick willie was a (choking) great prez??? hahahahah

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:41 PM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

Read the new book that just came out about will crap your pants. He is a typical red diaper doper baby. He was indoctrinated in college by Liberal professors like most good communist.

Ya know what ? I don’t think McCarthy was far off. After world war 2 I do believe the Soviet Union was infiltrating our government and educational systems. If you look at modern day liberalisms values you can see a definite relationship to Leninism…Marxism etc. Gee look at JFK and tell me that today’s Lib could hold a candle to his belief system cant. JFK would have black balled most modern day LIBS from the Democratic party. Bunch of commies hiding behind global warming and political correctness. It makes me sick.

Wow. Scary views.

Uh...YEAH! Scarey & true...

I guess I'm not the only one who read books written from the russian archives.

You might want to read up on the facts, TRUTH...but then again I don't think you could handle the counter culture shock or anything. After all, why interupt your "bliss.?" Right? :wink:

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:43 PM

So lindyy, you are supporting a man who committed adultery, applied for a wedding license for his second wife before divorcing his first and then lied about it?

I thought you were solidly against that sort of behavior.


Let's see... we had to endure a felon like sick willie...Kennedy who killed a female. (BTW, Where's your femaninni nazi hate there?)

There is too much lib/DEM corruption that makes REPS look like cookies & milk. You really don't want to go there with your trumped up charges now do yu?

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:45 PM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

From what DEMS in NJ are doing to us in the state. that's where...

t22learner's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:49 PM

McCain is a golddigging Loser. The man doesn't know how many houses he owns yet he portrays Barack Obama as "elitist."

Well, then maybe he can get the US to marry another country for their money.drinker
I don't see what this has to do the the presidency at all. Its just name calling.


LOL..Charactor? From someone who thinks sick willie was a (choking) great prez??? hahahahah

No, "character." Also, I don't recall stating any opinion of the Clinton presidency here. He got a blow job. Get over it. Compared to the current dolt you helped put in office, he's Abraham Lincoln.

Lindyy's photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:09 PM

I think you forgot "uppity."

obama is that too! rofl rofl
:heart: :heart:

And there you have it. I give you credit for admitting it. The small percentage of neanderthals who oppose Obama at least in part because of his race, usually don't have the courage to admit it.

Oh, geez I am a neanderthal???? Now, please apprize me, how can you derive that I oppose your buddy obama because of his race??? Eh poochy pooh? Because I agree with YOU that he is 'uppity'???what

You are 'slipping' my friend....:laughing:

:heart: :heart:

Lynann's photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:15 PM
Some posters ought to slip into an elementary school writing class before posting.

t22learner's photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:19 PM

I think you forgot "uppity."

obama is that too! rofl rofl
:heart: :heart:

And there you have it. I give you credit for admitting it. The small percentage of neanderthals who oppose Obama at least in part because of his race, usually don't have the courage to admit it.

Oh, geez I am a neanderthal???? Now, please apprize me, how can you derive that I oppose your buddy obama because of his race??? Eh poochy pooh? Because I agree with YOU that he is 'uppity'???what

You are 'slipping' my friend....:laughing:

:heart: :heart:

I was being sarcastic, but apparently that eluded you. And yes, I am slipping... :wink:

Lindyy's photo
Sun 08/24/08 01:25 PM

I think you forgot "uppity."

obama is that too! rofl rofl
:heart: :heart:

And there you have it. I give you credit for admitting it. The small percentage of neanderthals who oppose Obama at least in part because of his race, usually don't have the courage to admit it.

Oh, geez I am a neanderthal???? Now, please apprize me, how can you derive that I oppose your buddy obama because of his race??? Eh poochy pooh? Because I agree with YOU that he is 'uppity'???what

You are 'slipping' my friend....:laughing:

:heart: :heart:

I was being sarcastic, but apparently that eluded you. And yes, I am slipping... :wink:

OK, you tricked me....hmmmmmmmm I have now taken on my Tinkerbell attitude.....tongue2


mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 06:59 AM

I don't hate Christians. I have deep respect for the rare few who walk the walk.

I have no respect for sheep however or for idiots, or for those who inflict their religious values on the rest of us.

Look at some of the posts here. There's a great sampling to chose from from so-called Christians who have commented on threads here advocating murder, discrimination, and the suppression of thought.

Real Christians, gosh I am glad I am not like those posters.

Instead of trumpeting my faith while advocating immoral, violent acts and following sheisters like the PTL club and mega-churchs (who btw are laughing all the way to the bank)I chose to live my life in a way I think is productive and respectful of others.

I am not worried about my immortal soul. Not because I don't think I have one or because I am afraid of hell or because I tithed and gave up thinking to be programed by a pastor. I am not worried because I live a life in which I behave morally and exercise what may be Gods greatest gift and that is free will.

I don't want a world without God. I want a world without idiots who presume they can speak for God.

I don't hate Christians either.

Just Religious Right Christians (and they are a minority) who follow Bush Jr. and have crammed their beliefs (which are NOT mainstream Christian beliefs) down all our throats for the past 7 years.

They have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for people (even Christians) whose belief does not match their own.

They've bought into the neocons mindless drivel of labeling people who are against the war 'appeasers' or 'terrorist sympathizers'.

Their blind, myopic, twisted view of the world is irrational, and most sane people do not share it.

Lets flip that. What about all the dems than think anyone who supports the war is brainwashed or a neocon. This is happening on both sides of the fence.

Support for the war is an entirely different matter.

That is your right.

You can support the war and not be for everything the Bush Jr. Administration represents.

I don't agree with the dems on everything, since I am an Independent (as in independent thinker).

I supported Bush Jr. going into Afghanistan after the 9/11 attacks and still think it was the right decision.

But whether you support the war or not, the main question now is:

How soon do our troops come home?

mnhiker's photo
Mon 08/25/08 07:11 AM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....



His wife forgave him, for what it's worth.

What was most disingenuous to me was that he was running as a Presidential candidate knowing this.

His wife knew it too.

Very disappointed in Edwards.

I guess this sad episode should be a lesson for both Republican and Democratic politicians running for office.

The skeletons in their closets will eventually be discovered.

Lindyy's photo
Mon 08/25/08 04:25 PM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....



His wife forgave him, for what it's worth.

What was most disingenuous to me was that he was running as a Presidential candidate knowing this.

His wife knew it too.

Very disappointed in Edwards.

I guess this sad episode should be a lesson for both Republican and Democratic politicians running for office.

The skeletons in their closets will eventually be discovered.

Goodness, this is the most "neutral" I have seen you....rather refreshing.....and a little scarey.....hmmmmm....hiker, what are you up to?


hinkypoepoe's photo
Mon 08/25/08 10:30 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Mon 08/25/08 10:46 PM

I think you forgot "uppity."

obama is that too! rofl rofl
:heart: :heart:

And there you have it. I give you credit for admitting it. The small percentage of neanderthals who oppose Obama at least in part because of his race, usually don't have the courage to admit it.

He looks like Curious George and has no substance and he is a Marxist. That’s why I don’t like him. Don’t play the race card, I know you wouldn’t want to wear it out to soon. No.. the Curious George comment is not racist. Look at a picture of Curious George and a picture of Oboma and tell me there is no resemblance.

Dionaa's photo
Tue 08/26/08 02:48 PM
My not liking Obama has nothing to do with race! It's the same ole "No Plan Dem" thing that bothers me. They throw out the ole "I'll bring change to this country!" and people jump at it, like a fish to bait.

WHAT change?? I, for one, would like to know!

Plus you cannot tell me he sat in front of that racist Rev. Wright and did NOT knod his head in agreement for all that time! I'm not buying it.

He's a cut out doll..with no substance whatsoever.

Oh yeah, he and the wife had it REAL hard...trying to figure out how set up their children's college funds! lmao

How many here can say they have money for college funds?? I have trouble having enough money for gas and food!! And savings? I don't remember when I could actually SAVE money! And I worked 25 yrs as a legal assistant and my ex worked at IBM..and we still struggled!

People today, no longer have the luxury of Mom staying home. Most families can't even survive on two incomes..have to work side jobs.

So, just what we need..more taxes!! The Dems are notorious for taxing us to death! And sorry, but I don't care for my tax dollars going to the care of illegal immigrants. I much prefer that money go to our OWN poor families, in this country legally and working their butts off to survive.

How about the miners? What happened to the promised changes there?? All talk.

We need a President with experience, who won't have to rely solely on his VP and advisors and can actually make decisions on his own.

Unemployment in upstate New York is unbelieveably high! Hillary did NOTHING to help New York State..just used us as a stepping stone.

And so what if McCain married money! How about Kerry? His wife is filthy rich. What does that have to do with how good of a President he will be??

Unfortunately, we don't have a strong 3rd party, which I would be all for. We have a cut out doll, no substance, know nothing candidate vs. an experienced and foreign affair savvy candidate...who won't throw the baby out with the bath water..McCain proposes to fix what exists. Makes sense and will sure cost less!

Read everything you can on both, and skip the far left or far right kooky name calling and blind hatred. We need a moderate, common sense President, to unite this country and I believe McCain can do that. Obama scares me...very much! And not because of his race, but because he hasn't a clue.

mnhiker's photo
Tue 08/26/08 10:04 PM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....



His wife forgave him, for what it's worth.

What was most disingenuous to me was that he was running as a Presidential candidate knowing this.

His wife knew it too.

Very disappointed in Edwards.

I guess this sad episode should be a lesson for both Republican and Democratic politicians running for office.

The skeletons in their closets will eventually be discovered.

Goodness, this is the most "neutral" I have seen you....rather refreshing.....and a little scarey.....hmmmmm....hiker, what are you up to?


Because, as an Independent, I can see flaws and hypocrisy in certain politicians, it doesn't matter which party they subscribe to.

As far as the Presidential race goes, it often comes down to the lesser evil, and you have to make a decision, even if you don't agree with everything that politician stands for.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:49 AM

My not liking Obama has nothing to do with race! It's the same ole "No Plan Dem" thing that bothers me. They throw out the ole "I'll bring change to this country!" and people jump at it, like a fish to bait.

WHAT change?? I, for one, would like to know!

Plus you cannot tell me he sat in front of that racist Rev. Wright and did NOT knod his head in agreement for all that time! I'm not buying it.

He's a cut out doll..with no substance whatsoever.

Oh yeah, he and the wife had it REAL hard...trying to figure out how set up their children's college funds! lmao

How many here can say they have money for college funds?? I have trouble having enough money for gas and food!! And savings? I don't remember when I could actually SAVE money! And I worked 25 yrs as a legal assistant and my ex worked at IBM..and we still struggled!

People today, no longer have the luxury of Mom staying home. Most families can't even survive on two incomes..have to work side jobs.

So, just what we need..more taxes!! The Dems are notorious for taxing us to death! And sorry, but I don't care for my tax dollars going to the care of illegal immigrants. I much prefer that money go to our OWN poor families, in this country legally and working their butts off to survive.

How about the miners? What happened to the promised changes there?? All talk.

We need a President with experience, who won't have to rely solely on his VP and advisors and can actually make decisions on his own.

Unemployment in upstate New York is unbelieveably high! Hillary did NOTHING to help New York State..just used us as a stepping stone.

And so what if McCain married money! How about Kerry? His wife is filthy rich. What does that have to do with how good of a President he will be??

Unfortunately, we don't have a strong 3rd party, which I would be all for. We have a cut out doll, no substance, know nothing candidate vs. an experienced and foreign affair savvy candidate...who won't throw the baby out with the bath water..McCain proposes to fix what exists. Makes sense and will sure cost less!

Read everything you can on both, and skip the far left or far right kooky name calling and blind hatred. We need a moderate, common sense President, to unite this country and I believe McCain can do that. Obama scares me...very much! And not because of his race, but because he hasn't a clue.

He will "CHANGE" the amount of income you get after tax's. You get less the government gets more of your money. Tax and spend, tax and spend ,tax and spend!!!!!! Washington is about money not the people.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 08/27/08 11:59 AM

There is a ton of information on the Bohemian Grove available. Some of it hype and some, well...

I became interested in the subject when I chatted with a political science instructor of mine many years ago.

What is true about the Bohemian Grove is that major political and business figures of both parties have been meeting there for many years.

Are they the secret power that manipulates the world and reaps the profits or are they simply powerful people gathered with their economic and social equals letting it all hang out?

It is food for thought.
bigsmile Thanks flowerforyou Im gonna do more research on this Bohemian Groveflowerforyou