Topic: John McCain sold his soul to the Devil.
Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:24 PM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....

glasses A Vietnamese fisherman has claimed that then prisoner of war John McCain had oral sex with him in exchange for food, blankets and ‘hugs’ in the winter of 1968, the Vietnamese media reported today. Leung Ong Lhan, now 78, says that McCain and other prisoners ‘would have done just about anything to get the necessities of life and survive because of the desperate conditions that they had to endure. Experts say that compared to European prisoners of war, those held prisoner in Asian countries needed to go to greater lengths if they were to survive due to the value placed on life in Asia being ‘much less’. glasses

MIRROR....PLEASEsick sick


MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/23/08 06:29 PM
glasses First his name. He was called Johnny by his mother to
differentiate him from his dad, the alcoholic Admiral John Sidney
McCain II. So with Johnny Sidney McCain you have the number of his
name equalling 666. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18.

Next, John McCain is known for his hot temper, and when he gets angry,
which is often, a stream of profanity and blasphemies stream out of
his mouth. "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things
and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and
two months." Revelation 13:5. Finally, the Antichrist will be someone
who has been wounded unto death, but then lives again. John McCain was
severely injured in Vietnam. He probably would have died if he hadn't
agreed to collaborate with the North Vietnamese and give them military
information in return for being taken to the hospital. "And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and
all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. glasses

s1owhand's photo
Sat 08/23/08 07:54 PM
i wouldn't worry about it.
surely no one would vote for mccain
when obama could be our commander in chief
for the next four years



Dionaa's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:34 PM
I don't vote either "party" but for the policies of the candidate.

I heard a woman say "Watch, soon Bush will have the draft!"

Hellooo, Charlie Rangel of NY, has had a bill "tabled" until after the presidential election to impose the draft. Pelosi herself said it would be decided in 2009. Why?

So, all of the anti-war folks, better know that Dems are the ones who will impose the draft, not the Reps.

Know your candidate, forget the silly name calling, and decide based on what they propose to do. Change is not always a "good thing". If you think it can't get any worse, think again.

I give Pres. Bush credit...7 yrs and no further attacks! And how many under Clinton, who did nothing??

The blind hatred and name calling accomplishes nothing. Learn about the candidates platforms, what they propose to realistically accomplish and think for yourself.

It makes me crazy, when people blindly hate a candidate and "label" him/her...knowing nothing about what each candidate proposes to do.

I won't vote for Obama, as I do NOT want Universal Health Care. Have heard horror stories from a good friend in Ontario. The HMO's are bad enough! I want the option to CHOOSE my doctor and not be herded off to some govt. doctors, wait long periods of times for tests, surgery, etc.

Do you know in Ontario, if you have a car accident on Friday night, and require surgery, you are put on life support, until Monday when a surgeon is available??

Read McCain's webpage. He sounds like a reasonable man to me. He proposes to FIX what we have in place..and that makes sense.

Obama is proposing pie in the sky stuff, that will NEVER happen.

IF he is elected, watch this country will headed for an even worse downward spiral.

I have NEVER understoof the blind hatred for Pres. Bush! Clinton was a complete waste of time...and he is beloved. Shows where people's priorities lie, I guess.

"We shall never forget" re 9/11/01...yeah, right. If you don't live in New's already forgotten and the fact that there have been no further attacks is dismissed. It's a HUGE thing to this gal. I will NEVER forget the horror of that day, living about 75 miles from NYC.

Obama went to church all those years with that racist minister and didn't sit there and knod his head in agreement?? I'm not buying his line of crap. Sorry.

I think McCain's experience is needed during this time of war. And to EVEN question him, as to anything he may or may not have done, while held prisoner under those brutal conditions, is totally unfair, imo. He had the opportunity to leave and stayed..and was held captive, as a result. AND he doesn't call himself a hero...he rarely even speaks of it.

Obama has been caught one time too many, in wishy washy change ups for my liking. Plus, a biggie to me, is I don't want a Dem proposed draft nor do I want Universal Healthcare.

I've read both webpages, and of the two, McCain seems the most sensible to me.

I agree with the gal above as to today's liberals and the comparison to JFK. I prefer a moderate and McCain IS moderate. He is actually TOO moderate for the far right.

I don't want far right or far left..but prefer a moderate with it's McCain for me. AND I pay no mind to all this talk of the "devil"'s plain silly, imo.

Learn and judge for yourself, instead of watching the liberal media or blogsters. It's scary how uninformed voters are in this day and age.

Obama and JOE BIDEN??? I can't imagine anything worse..except may Hillary and whatever far leftist she would pick. AND watch out for her..she isn't finished. Mark my words..the ole Clinton "machine" is going to pull a fast one at the Dem Convention..with the delegates and super delegates. I've been saying all along, she is NOT done..and lo and beholf, she's back as a nominee. Methinks, Obama is going to have some pie in his face, when the Clintons pull a fast one at the convention. We shall see..

And that's it for me, as to politics. lol

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:29 PM
Yes I do . Hope your day is going well.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:38 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 10:45 PM

glasses First his name. He was called Johnny by his mother to
differentiate him from his dad, the alcoholic Admiral John Sidney
McCain II. So with Johnny Sidney McCain you have the number of his
name equalling 666. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18.

Next, John McCain is known for his hot temper, and when he gets angry,
which is often, a stream of profanity and blasphemies stream out of
his mouth. "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things
and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and
two months." Revelation 13:5. Finally, the Antichrist will be someone
who has been wounded unto death, but then lives again. John McCain was
severely injured in Vietnam. He probably would have died if he hadn't
agreed to collaborate with the North Vietnamese and give them military
information in return for being taken to the hospital. "And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and
all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. glasses

wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. What are you reading cliff notes of the bible???

"And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed:

This is a Government/nation not a person- its a nation that is wounded and then healed.
Part of a world government I might add.A nation that is ruled by the anti-christ.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:41 PM

glasses First his name. He was called Johnny by his mother to
differentiate him from his dad, the alcoholic Admiral John Sidney
McCain II. So with Johnny Sidney McCain you have the number of his
name equalling 666. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18.

Next, John McCain is known for his hot temper, and when he gets angry,
which is often, a stream of profanity and blasphemies stream out of
his mouth. "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things
and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and
two months." Revelation 13:5. Finally, the Antichrist will be someone
who has been wounded unto death, but then lives again. John McCain was
severely injured in Vietnam. He probably would have died if he hadn't
agreed to collaborate with the North Vietnamese and give them military
information in return for being taken to the hospital. "And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and
all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. glasses

:thumbsup: rofl

Dragoness's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:44 PM
McCain will continue the flush of this country down the toilet that baby shrub started. No intelligent person watching this campaign would vote for McCain unless they had their heads so far up baby shrubs butt they haven't seen the light of day for 8 years, but I guess that still would not make them intelligent. JMOOC

Dionaa's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:44 PM
laugh Sorry, I was agreeing with YOU, Hinky..didn't realize you are male. lol

Lol at the "cliff notes" comment.

Seems all the religious jibberish should be in the religion threads, no?

How about what each candidate is proposing?? Will he carry through on his promises, exactly WHAT "changes" will take all change is not good change.

Okay, I lied. NOW this is my last post in the political threads. lol

Wanted to clarify I was agreeing with Hinky!

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:49 PM

laugh Sorry, I was agreeing with YOU, Hinky..didn't realize you are male. lol

Lol at the "cliff notes" comment.

Seems all the religious jibberish should be in the religion threads, no?

How about what each candidate is proposing?? Will he carry through on his promises, exactly WHAT "changes" will take all change is not good change.

Okay, I lied. NOW this is my last post in the political threads. lol

Wanted to clarify I was agreeing with Hinky!

Iwas replying to mirror mirror not you.I know you were with me thanks Dionaa. Did I post on your thread by mistake? Love your smile.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:52 PM

laugh Sorry, I was agreeing with YOU, Hinky..didn't realize you are male. lol

Lol at the "cliff notes" comment.

Seems all the religious jibberish should be in the religion threads, no?

How about what each candidate is proposing?? Will he carry through on his promises, exactly WHAT "changes" will take all change is not good change.

Okay, I lied. NOW this is my last post in the political threads. lol

Wanted to clarify I was agreeing with Hinky!

I think our "choice's suck" good old boy club vs young communist club.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 06:24 AM
Well I wonder when dems will clean up their OWN backyard full of lowlife politicans & pundits?

It seems they only want to drag REPS through the mud. Yet say nothing about what DEMS do...

Where are all the
"All politicans are crooks"
"So what" excuses when it
comes to REPS???

OOPS! Don't look now but I
think your hypocrisy is showing. laugh :wink:

t22learner's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:22 AM

Where are all the "So what" excuses when it comes to REPS???

Um, here's a recent one with Faux News tool Sean Hannity ripping John Edwards' infidelity while defending John McCain's.

It's got to be killing the right they don't have this kind of dirt on Obama, but you can be sure if he ever even dated a white woman it will come out close to the elections.

Lindyy's photo
Sun 08/24/08 09:49 AM

Where are all the "So what" excuses when it comes to REPS???

Um, here's a recent one with Faux News tool Sean Hannity ripping John Edwards' infidelity while defending John McCain's.

It's got to be killing the right they don't have this kind of dirt on Obama, but you can be sure if he ever even dated a white woman it will come out close to the elections.

frustrated Oh boy, another stuck head in the sand….obviously you are dangerously overlooking the facts, negative and rather frightening facts, that are being revealed more and more about your buddy obama...too bad for you that the rest of the USA is NOT overlooking the little bits of information that come to light more and more each day...

I, for one, do not want a socialist, Marxist, tax you to death, want to kill babies who survive an abortionsick, cannot state when life begins (IF the moron WERE (were being used in connection with something CONTRARY TO FACT) [the obama is lying thorugh his teeth on being a Christian,just look at his actions...reveals the truth - 20 years in a church with religious leader who hates America sick] a Christian, he would know this right off the bat as God states In Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I KNEW you, and before you were born I consecrated you”, has a wife wo thinks America is hateful and is not proud of America and is a pompous, arrogant individual, knows NOTHING about foreign policy, has NONE, ZILCH economic experience or knowledge or plan, elitist, has half-brother who lives in a hut on $1.00 a day, flip flopped on Iraq from day one, mouths off to the Prime Minister of Australia (I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT ONE), thinks he can have ‘tea and crumpets’ with leader of Iran and other mid east terrorist countriesslaphead, refused to visit our troops in German hospital thinking a work out in the gym more important:angry: , has no idea what is taking place in Georgia, can only give a decent speech via use of a teleprompter, cannot speak in a town hall forum as the poor baby does not have his teleprompter.... if he ever speaks without stuttering or stammering it will be the miracle of the century.....IMBECILLIC MORON in the White House.....

Daffy Duck would be a much better choice for the damocrats...laugh

And being jealous of Sean Hannity will get you nowhere... cannot help if if your left libbers have no one as intelligent and respectful and loves America, the way Sean Hannity does...NOPE, will get you nowhere....noway

:heart: :heart:

t22learner's photo
Sun 08/24/08 09:53 AM
I think you forgot "uppity."

Lindyy's photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:01 AM

I think you forgot "uppity."

obama is that too! rofl rofl

:heart: :heart:

t22learner's photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:14 AM

I think you forgot "uppity."

obama is that too! rofl rofl
:heart: :heart:

And there you have it. I give you credit for admitting it. The small percentage of neanderthals who oppose Obama at least in part because of his race, usually don't have the courage to admit it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:29 AM
glasses First his name. He was called Johnny by his mother to
differentiate him from his dad, the alcoholic Admiral John Sidney
McCain II. So with Johnny Sidney McCain you have the number of his
name equalling 666. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18.

Next, John McCain is known for his hot temper, and when he gets angry,
which is often, a stream of profanity and blasphemies stream out of
his mouth. "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things
and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and
two months." Revelation 13:5. Finally, the Antichrist will be someone
who has been wounded unto death, but then lives again. John McCain was
severely injured in Vietnam. He probably would have died if he hadn't
agreed to collaborate with the North Vietnamese and give them military
information in return for being taken to the hospital. "And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and
all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. glasses

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/24/08 10:43 AM
glasses The Colorado Springs organization True Bible Society will soon publish their analysis on John McCain in the End Times Journal. According to an article published last week in The Nation, biblical scholars will reveal John McCain to be the true Anti-Christ. True Bible Society scholar David Jenkins explains, "What started us looking at this issue is the fact that Senator McCain has declared his intention to maintain US forces in Iraq for a hundred years. That means that McCain wants to control Babylon for at least a century." He goes on to say, "We believe that the end times is near, based on the pattern of wars, earthquakes, and other strange phenomena we've been witnessing since the start of the New Millennium," said Jenkins. "Given that it may be imminent, the person who controls Babylon must be the Antichrist."glasses

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:03 AM

glasses First his name. He was called Johnny by his mother to
differentiate him from his dad, the alcoholic Admiral John Sidney
McCain II. So with Johnny Sidney McCain you have the number of his
name equalling 666. "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:18.

Next, John McCain is known for his hot temper, and when he gets angry,
which is often, a stream of profanity and blasphemies stream out of
his mouth. "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things
and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and
two months." Revelation 13:5. Finally, the Antichrist will be someone
who has been wounded unto death, but then lives again. John McCain was
severely injured in Vietnam. He probably would have died if he hadn't
agreed to collaborate with the North Vietnamese and give them military
information in return for being taken to the hospital. "And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and
all the world wondered after the beast." Revelation 13:3. glasses

wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. What are you reading cliff notes of the bible???

"And I saw one
of his heads wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed:

This is a Government/nation not a person- its a nation that is wounded and then healed.
Part of a world government I might add.A nation that is ruled by the anti-christ.

The Nation article points out that the True Bible Society analysis reveals, "McCain's great-grandfather was actually not John McCain, but John Mihai. Mihai is an ancient Romanian name, and according to Bible-believing Christians, the Antichrist is likely to be a Romanian." "What clinched it for us was that the name Mihai means 'who is like the Lord,'" said Jenkins. "As far as we're concerned, that was enough. It means that McCain might easily pretend to be the Redeemer." The True Bible Society also proves that Barack Obama can not be the Anti-Christ.

Two weeks ago, I pointed out that the Anti-Christ is also known to be the Great Deceiver. According to, John McCain's ad campaign was outlying Barack Obama at a ratio of 9 to 1. McCain has been spewing out lies so fast that they can make any astute political junkie's head spin completely around. For example, over the last few weeks McCain has repeatedly lied about Obama's tax plan. According to the Annenberg Foundation's recent analysis on one of McCain's attacks, "The ad continues McCain's pattern of misrepresenting Sen. Barack Obama's tax proposals as falling on middle-income families." That's right; McCain has demonstrated a "pattern of misrepresenting."

Morally, we know John McCain will never be a candidate for sainthood. points out that McCain lied and cheated on his first wife Carol while she was recovering from a life threatening auto collision. Eventually, McCain left Carol and their three children for a younger model. Additionally, according to a Los Angeles Times article dated July 11, 2008, "Although McCain suggested in his autobiography that months passed between his divorce and remarriage, the divorce was granted April 2, 1980, and he wed Hensley in a private ceremony five weeks later. McCain obtained an Arizona marriage license on March 6, 1980, while still legally married to his first wife." This fact, of course, made John McCain a polygamist and in violation of the law. One only needs to look at the photo of the John McCain last week at the Sturgis event with Cindy by his side and holding up that pink sign announcing, "Topless Model Contest" to understand what kind of folks are the McCain's. Just imagine what the religious right would have said if the Obama's were on that stage and Michele held up that sign. But, what do you expect from a guy that married an heir to the Budweiser fortune?