Topic: John McCain sold his soul to the Devil.
Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:11 AM

McCain is a golddigging Loser. The man doesn't know how many houses he owns yet he portrays Barack Obama as "elitist."




Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:14 AM

I don't hate Christians. I have deep respect for the rare few who walk the walk.

I have no respect for sheep however or for idiots, or for those who inflict their religious values on the rest of us.

Look at some of the posts here. There's a great sampling to chose from from so-called Christians who have commented on threads here advocating murder, discrimination, and the suppression of thought.

Real Christians, gosh I am glad I am not like those posters.

Instead of trumpeting my faith while advocating immoral, violent acts and following sheisters like the PTL club and mega-churchs (who btw are laughing all the way to the bank)I chose to live my life in a way I think is productive and respectful of others.

I am not worried about my immortal soul. Not because I don't think I have one or because I am afraid of hell or because I tithed and gave up thinking to be programed by a pastor. I am not worried because I live a life in which I behave morally and exercise what may be Gods greatest gift and that is free will.

I don't want a world without God. I want a world without idiots who presume they can speak for God.

I don't hate Christians either.

Just Religious Right Christians (and they are a minority) who follow Bush Jr. and have crammed their beliefs (which are NOT mainstream Christian beliefs) down all our throats for the past 7 years.

They have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for people (even Christians) whose belief does not match their own.

They've bought into the neocons mindless drivel of labeling people who are against the war 'appeasers' or 'terrorist sympathizers'.

Their blind, myopic, twisted view of the world is irrational, and most sane people do not share it.

tears tears tears

HIKE HATES ME....tears tears tears

THAT IS OK...I HAVE GOD...:banana: :banana: :banana: AND PRESIDENT BUSH:banana: :banana: :banana:


Chazster's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:34 AM
Actually, if he was a gold digger, he would know how many houses he owns, because he would be all about money. Not knowing leans more towards he doesn't really care about it.

Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 08:42 AM

Actually, if he was a gold digger, he would know how many houses he owns, because he would be all about money. Not knowing leans more towards he doesn't really care about it.




t22learner's photo
Sat 08/23/08 09:25 AM

McCain is a golddigging Loser.

OK, I'll retract that. It was mean and unfair.

Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 09:33 AM

McCain is a golddigging Loser.

OK, I'll retract that. It was mean and unfair.

what what ARE YOU FEELING OK TODAY????NOW YOU HAVE ME WORRIED....surprised scared


Lynann's photo
Sat 08/23/08 09:56 AM
So lindyy, you are supporting a man who committed adultery, applied for a wedding license for his second wife before divorcing his first and then lied about it?

I thought you were solidly against that sort of behavior.


hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:05 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 10:16 AM

McCain is a golddigging Loser. The man doesn't know how many houses he owns yet he portrays Barack Obama as "elitist."

Ok...lets look at Oboma. He has 4 million dollars in the bank. He is a brat too. Rich is rich. Oboma is a communist not an elitist. ..That much is true. He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C. Cause you know the government does great things with our tax money.. bhaaaa haaaaa haaa.

By the by McCain is not rich his wife is rich. Look it up. Also some of the homes he owns are rental property. He is a business man.

t22learner's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:06 AM
Again... Moral relativism. The right panders to the evangelicals with phony "family values" issues in exchange for their votes and attacks on Democratic rivals for cheating, gold digging, etc. Those Christian voices become silent when the guilty is a Republican.

Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:08 AM

Again... Moral relativism. The right panders to the evangelicals with phony "family values" issues in exchange for their votes and attacks on Democratic rivals for cheating, gold digging, etc. Those Christian voices become silent when the guilty is a Republican.



hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:10 AM

So lindyy, you are supporting a man who committed adultery, applied for a wedding license for his second wife before divorcing his first and then lied about it?

I thought you were solidly against that sort of behavior.


No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag. Most of the A-holes we have in office are jumping from bed to bed and loven them ear marks. They care about themselves and their family not the American public. You are sticking up for people who would not piss on you if you were on fire. Wake up People.

Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:14 AM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag. Most of the A-holes we have in office are jumping from bed to bed and loven them ear marks. They care about themselves and their family not the American public. You are sticking up for people who would not piss on you if you were on fire. Wake up People.

Hinkeypoe, calm down.....I call it 'reverse psychology'....the leftie libbers use this kind of 'tactic' to cover up their flaws.....

Rather obvious, don't you agree?

rofl rofl rofl


t22learner's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:14 AM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

t22learner's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:17 AM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

Lindyy's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:32 AM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....


hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:41 AM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

Read the new book that just came out about will crap your pants. He is a typical red diaper doper baby. He was indoctrinated in college by Liberal professors like most good communist.

Ya know what ? I don’t think McCarthy was far off. After world war 2 I do believe the Soviet Union was infiltrating our government and educational systems. If you look at modern day liberalisms values you can see a definite relationship to Leninism…Marxism etc. Gee look at JFK and tell me that today’s Lib could hold a candle to his belief system cant. JFK would have black balled most modern day LIBS from the Democratic party. Bunch of commies hiding behind global warming and political correctness. It makes me sick.

t22learner's photo
Sat 08/23/08 10:56 AM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

Read the new book that just came out about will crap your pants. He is a typical red diaper doper baby. He was indoctrinated in college by Liberal professors like most good communist.

Ya know what ? I don’t think McCarthy was far off. After world war 2 I do believe the Soviet Union was infiltrating our government and educational systems. If you look at modern day liberalisms values you can see a definite relationship to Leninism…Marxism etc. Gee look at JFK and tell me that today’s Lib could hold a candle to his belief system cant. JFK would have black balled most modern day LIBS from the Democratic party. Bunch of commies hiding behind global warming and political correctness. It makes me sick.

Wow. Scary views.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 11:22 AM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 11:49 AM

Oboma is a communist not an elitist..that much is true.
He wants 78% of our income to go to D.C.

A Communist! OMG! Somebody bring Joe McCarthy back from the dead! Oh, and where did you get the 78% number?

Read the new book that just came out about will crap your pants. He is a typical red diaper doper baby. He was indoctrinated in college by Liberal professors like most good communist.

Ya know what ? I don’t think McCarthy was far off. After world war 2 I do believe the Soviet Union was infiltrating our government and educational systems. If you look at modern day liberalisms values you can see a definite relationship to Leninism…Marxism etc. Gee look at JFK and tell me that today’s Lib could hold a candle to his belief system cant. JFK would have black balled most modern day LIBS from the Democratic party. Bunch of commies hiding behind global warming and political correctness. It makes me sick.

Wow. Scary views.

I know McCarthy is the boogie man to the left..Boooo!!!

My point is still valid though. Its been proven that Germany had placed spies an operatives into U.S. government and educational positions during world war two. Don’t you watch the history channel?? So don’t you think the soviets did the same thing. It's logical my friend and it has shown fruit since that late 50's up until today. Especially in our education and entertainment industries.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:03 PM
glasses John McCain's name means "Son of Cain". If you look in the bible it says Cain was the first murderer and all his descendants are cursed like him.glasses Could this be John McCain?glasses

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:35 PM

No! we should have voted for John Edwards there is a light on top of the hill..not. Screwing around behind is terminal wifes back. He could have waited till she was gone dont you think? What a freaking scumbag.

When Republicans do it - He's human. He made a mistake...
When Democrats do it - "freaking scumbag"

frustrated frustrated
But you have to admit...Edwards was/is a scumbag...his wife dying of cancer..... that cannot be the most liberal of you lefties.....

glasses A Vietnamese fisherman has claimed that then prisoner of war John McCain had oral sex with him in exchange for food, blankets and ‘hugs’ in the winter of 1968, the Vietnamese media reported today. Leung Ong Lhan, now 78, says that McCain and other prisoners ‘would have done just about anything to get the necessities of life and survive because of the desperate conditions that they had to endure. Experts say that compared to European prisoners of war, those held prisoner in Asian countries needed to go to greater lengths if they were to survive due to the value placed on life in Asia being ‘much less’. glasses