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Topic: Where did manners go???
spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:05 AM
I am starting to think I was raised in a convent or something. What happened to simple manners?? And what is it with all the incredibly annoying little quirks?
I find someone that is fairly decent, seems mature and they start doing stupid stuff like forgetting please and thank you, never open a door for you, or my absolute pet peeve, spitting.
I don't get it. I'm not asking for an angel, I am looking for someone who simply uses good manners. Simple things like not eating and talking at the same time or chewing with their mouth open, not pausing in the middle of a sentence to look at someone else’s anatomy while supposedly talking to you, or simply saying thanks when you pick up the tab after drinks....
I just don't see how time has changed so much in the last ten years. And I don't understand why some men have to be so rude. I know I'd beat my sons if they behaved like some of the men I've met! And so would their girlfriends!
Like when you first meet someone, you really don't have to look bored if they aren't a perfect 10! Doesn't it occur to you guys that WE KNOW we aren't 20 and beautiful??? Why rub it in!?! And for my own sake, after 40 we're not going to be a barbie, deal with it or date people young enough to care.
I am a stable, intelligent and well spoken person with a strong independent personality, but I still have to say that I didn't start the sexual revolution and I shouldn't have to be punished because some old girlfriend of theirs didn't like being treated like a lady. I expect it.
Another rant... guys, just because I make a good salary doesn't mean I am loaded and want to pay for your dinner or tickets... chip in! It can’t be that taboo to pay for your own drinks on a first date!
And just for the record, I don't understand why some guys think they should be talking about their past lovers... OK, so your not married, your not "involved" and your claiming your ready for the new adventure of dating... so do it and quit telling me how horrible women are to you... or go gay? LOL
OK, sorry folks, just thought I would shoot that one out there and see if someone could enlighten me...

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:07 AM
you sound like a positive person....


samauribaby's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:09 AM
Sounds like testosterone poisoning.

spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:09 AM

Sounds like testosterone poisoning.


Jules0565's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:11 AM
Edited by Jules0565 on Tue 08/19/08 06:11 AM
Male or Female.. Manners should be used. It's so easy to simply say "Please or Thank You". I raised my boys to use manners, it's the polite thing to do. I often get comments from people (teachers) stating how polite my boys are. drinker

RoamingOrator's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:15 AM
Chivalry died in the 1970's and 80's. Too bad really, I was kind of good at it. But it was the independant women of that time that killed it. The "I can" generation. Then it wasn't taught anymore.

I don't think anyone knows those rules anymore. That a man is supposed to walk on the outside of a woman down the street. So that if anything is dumped from an above window or something is splashed from a street, it hits him and not her.

Open doors? Pull out seats? Pay all checks? Offer you coat on cold evenings? I don't think anyone remembers this stuff, but I also don't think women want it anymore either. There is a downside to chivalry.

Is there a woman on her that would let a man do this? You know that includes things like no sex before marriage. No kissing until engaged. This is the stuff of actual courting, and no one does that anymore. Chivalry and courting were tied together, when one went, so did the other.

spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:15 AM

Male or Female.. Manners should be used. It's so easy to simply say "Please or Thank You". I raised my boys to use manners, it's the polite thing to do. I often get comments from people (teachers) stating how polite my boys are. drinker

I love the fact that my boy's get those... and when they don't I make my reminders! LOL
But it really isn't that unreasonable, is it? I have good manners, why do I seem to find so many people who don't? (Other than the fact I live in backwater USA, I supposelaugh)

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:15 AM
And let's not forget the many times do you go to a restaurant and hear someone blowing their nose? I was always taught to go to the restroom for such things....I do not undertand a lot of things in this world anymore but a lack of manners is just uncalled for as far as I am concerned

oldsage's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:15 AM
Sounds like my kind of lady.
welcome to the family & keep your standards where they are.

I think way to many people have forgotten basic manners & decency.

For Youflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou waving

franshade's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:17 AM
:banana: :banana: drinks well said, people (men/women) do tend to forget the little things, like saying Please and Thank you. They assume and take for granted that it's implied.

spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:17 AM

Chivalry died in the 1970's and 80's. Too bad really, I was kind of good at it. But it was the independant women of that time that killed it. The "I can" generation. Then it wasn't taught anymore.

I don't think anyone knows those rules anymore. That a man is supposed to walk on the outside of a woman down the street. So that if anything is dumped from an above window or something is splashed from a street, it hits him and not her.

Open doors? Pull out seats? Pay all checks? Offer you coat on cold evenings? I don't think anyone remembers this stuff, but I also don't think women want it anymore either. There is a downside to chivalry.

Is there a woman on her that would let a man do this? You know that includes things like no sex before marriage. No kissing until engaged. This is the stuff of actual courting, and no one does that anymore. Chivalry and courting were tied together, when one went, so did the other.

That was my general view... wishing it weren't so...

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:17 AM

Chivalry died in the 1970's and 80's. Too bad really, I was kind of good at it. But it was the independant women of that time that killed it. The "I can" generation. Then it wasn't taught anymore.

I don't think anyone knows those rules anymore. That a man is supposed to walk on the outside of a woman down the street. So that if anything is dumped from an above window or something is splashed from a street, it hits him and not her.

Open doors? Pull out seats? Pay all checks? Offer you coat on cold evenings? I don't think anyone remembers this stuff, but I also don't think women want it anymore either. There is a downside to chivalry.

Is there a woman on her that would let a man do this? You know that includes things like no sex before marriage. No kissing until engaged. This is the stuff of actual courting, and no one does that anymore. Chivalry and courting were tied together, when one went, so did the other.

MAN!!!! Speak for yourself!!!! Maybe ya'll just live too far north....Chivalry and manners are alive and well in the south and especially at MY house Thank you!!!!

spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:18 AM
Glad to know others see this... wish we could roll back the clocks and try again. Obviously we managed to get a little off track in "modern" times...

Jules0565's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:18 AM

And let's not forget the many times do you go to a restaurant and hear someone blowing their nose? I was always taught to go to the restroom for such things....I do not undertand a lot of things in this world anymore but a lack of manners is just uncalled for as far as I am concerned

I could overlook that more so than a belch or fart.sick For instance, sneezes are usually unexpected and sometimes requires the nose to be blown right then. But I agree with you.

spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:19 AM

Chivalry died in the 1970's and 80's. Too bad really, I was kind of good at it. But it was the independant women of that time that killed it. The "I can" generation. Then it wasn't taught anymore.

I don't think anyone knows those rules anymore. That a man is supposed to walk on the outside of a woman down the street. So that if anything is dumped from an above window or something is splashed from a street, it hits him and not her.

Open doors? Pull out seats? Pay all checks? Offer you coat on cold evenings? I don't think anyone remembers this stuff, but I also don't think women want it anymore either. There is a downside to chivalry.

Is there a woman on her that would let a man do this? You know that includes things like no sex before marriage. No kissing until engaged. This is the stuff of actual courting, and no one does that anymore. Chivalry and courting were tied together, when one went, so did the other.

MAN!!!! Speak for yourself!!!! Maybe ya'll just live too far north....Chivalry and manners are alive and well in the south and especially at MY house Thank you!!!!

Too bad it's so darn hot in the south or I'd move! heh heh

RoamingOrator's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:21 AM
I didn't say that I didn't have the qualities of a chivalrous man, I'm just saying those tools are useless. You won't get a woman using them, she'll start calling you "nice" and we all that means your in the "friend zone." Ugh.

Nope, a wise man throws them in sparingly to get those "wow" looks from women. You suprise one on occasion and she might stick around a while.

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:26 AM

Too bad it's so darn hot in the south or I'd move! heh heh

The times I was in Washington it was just as hot and humid as Houston!! LOL

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:27 AM
nothing is as hot and humid as houston, sir.

Too bad it's so darn hot in the south or I'd move! heh heh

The times I was in Washington it was just as hot and humid as Houston!! LOL

no photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:28 AM

nothing is as hot and humid as houston, sir.

Too bad it's so darn hot in the south or I'd move! heh heh

The times I was in Washington it was just as hot and humid as Houston!! LOL

LOL!!!!! I can tell YOU'VE never been to Louisiana!!!!

spidersnsuch's photo
Tue 08/19/08 06:28 AM

nothing is as hot and humid as houston, sir.

Too bad it's so darn hot in the south or I'd move! heh heh

The times I was in Washington it was just as hot and humid as Houston!! LOL

Unfortunately the few times I've been in Houston I would have to say yours was worse...

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