Topic: Is your ex.... | |
My ex cares about no one but herself.
My son's father started beating the crap out of him at a very young age. He finally told his daycare teacher at age three and hasn't seen him since. I knew something was going on when he started having "night terrors" at age 2, and freaked out at the store when I tried to buy a belt for him. But according to my lawyer I couldn't do anything till he talked to someone and we got more proof. still doesn't talk about it, to me at least. But has no interest in his dad or his dad's family. They are all crazy! Most kids love their grandma's. He used to call her that mean old fat lady at my dad's house. Goes to show you should get to know someone before getting knocked up! Learned my lesson!
Sadly, he's not a good dad. I know he wishes he was but he isn't. I wish he had a good relationship with them - it would have made me very happy for their sakes. I didn't ever bash him but also didn't lie for him or hide the truth when stuff was going on and thus, they've developed their own young-adult relationship (or lack thereof) with him. One of them calls him by his first name or when angry calls him "the sperm donor." The other is less involved than that. I actually pity the ex on that count...he missed out/gave up on what's probably the best thing he ever did (I know those two are my best work!)
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Sun 08/17/08 10:30 AM
for the most part my ex is a good dad.weve been apart almost a year(left last october) very loving to our son and sees him whenever he can( every other weekend..etc court ordered) hes also helped me out and taken our son when i came down with mono. our son is 18months. the only bad thing i have 2 say bout my ex- is hes not resposible. he refusses to keep our sons nap schedule while he is visiting. which is hard right now cuz he spends 2wks with him in june, july and august. it also throws off his whole routine. ive tried talkin to him but he rufuses to listen. we cant agree on anything when it comes to raising our son. he always just says" you raise him your way and ill raise him my way". ive actually had to have his MOTHER talk to him for me bcuz he wnt listen.
the only reason im really pushing our sons routine is because in november my ex will b having a new baby with his fiance, and i really feel that right now our son needs as much stability as we can provide before the new infant arrives. sorry this is so long. |
![]() I believe this will be my situation - he was an ok dad, not great, but better than a lot of others. But I am already seeing disinterest - like at open house for our son's new school, he was texting and totally distracted the whole time. I can only imagine what a girlfriend will do... Sarah |
Hummmm, I think she's a little to leinent, but she was always that way. She is dealing with the divorce too, even though she iss the one that wanted it. I spend a lot of time with my girls, 15 and 17. I live 6 miles away from them.
We are still kinda working this divorce thing out. |
i have one good x and one bad x
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Wed 08/20/08 12:48 AM
What do u do when u have to take ur children from their father by cps order with absolutely no contact until he cooperates with them because of drug abuse and u disappear for 5 years then try to give him a second chance at being a part of their lives just to find out that he hasnt changed a bit and he totally ignores that he has a daughter and then kidnaps our son? Now im trying to get my son back while dealing with one daughter wanting to know where her brother is and another daughter wanting to know why daddy didnt want or care enough about her in addition to missing her brother.
My ex is an amazing father. He would do anything for our little princess. I love it when she gets to see him. Its important, especially for little girls to have a strong father in their life. As far as we are concerned, we married young and we just didn't mesh. Him and his new gf just had a baby and I auctually like her...She treats my daughter very well.
What do u do when u have to take ur children from their father by cps order with absolutely no contact until he cooperates with them because of drug abuse and u disappear for 5 years then try to give him a second chance at being a part of their lives just to find out that he hasnt changed a bit and he totally ignores that he has a daughter and then kidnaps our son? Now im trying to get my son back while dealing with one daughter wanting to know where her brother is and another daughter wanting to know why daddy didnt want or care enough about her in addition to missing her brother. Oh my god! That's really messed up! I hope the FBI is looking for that POS! Amber alert! You and your family are in my prayers. I truly hope that things turn out ok. If you haven't already, call the FBI! |
Thank you. I need all the prayers i can get at this point. My sons 8th birthday was today and i had a really hard time dealing with missing it. I have never missed one of their birthdays before. His fathers oldest brother is trying to get him back for me on sunday though. I just pray that everything goes as planned. I am just very greatful that his brother despises him as much as i do. I havent slept in a week because of worrying about him. My sons father is very abusive physically, mentally, emotionally and verbally. Again... Thank you for your prayers.
Ok my thoughts on the ex's are this.
My eldest kids mother is a push over and lets them get away with way too much. She needs to discipline them right and quit expecting me to do it a week after they've done whatever. My youngest sons mother is lazy. She needs to put the damn cell phone down and play with her kid and teach him stuff. Take him to the park or something. I will never understand her fascination with that damn phone. |
What happened or happens between you and your ex doesn't involve your children....their relationship with their dad doesn't need to change weather you two can get along or not but for your childrens sake......make it work....they know more than you think and an figure things out better than most children love to go see their dad and even if they can't see him they talk to him on the phone and I love the look on their sweet faces when they talk to him......we didn't always get along but we saw how hard it was for the kids and made it work now I talk to him everyday......I want him to know everything that goes on like he was here with them....
What happened or happens between you and your ex doesn't involve your children....their relationship with their dad doesn't need to change weather you two can get along or not but for your childrens sake......make it work....they know more than you think and an figure things out better than most children love to go see their dad and even if they can't see him they talk to him on the phone and I love the look on their sweet faces when they talk to him......we didn't always get along but we saw how hard it was for the kids and made it work now I talk to him everyday......I want him to know everything that goes on like he was here with them.... |
My Ex is a good Mother, but a selfish Mother, and a liar. Because i am not there everyday for my daughter, whatever i do, my Daughter thinks it a big deal. One time i sent my Daughter a picture of me, and she took it to School to show everyone. My Ex got so Jealous, that she made it a point to let my Daughter know that she was the one there everyday, not me. I never forget a Birthday, or Holiday, i send her Flowers, i even take parts of my vacations, and drive to see her, stay in a hotel, and take her to place she wants to go. The worst thing my ex every did was tell my Daughter, i hit her. When my Daughter told me that it broke my Heart. I just looked her in her eyes, and told her the truth, I never raised a hand to your Mother. But other than that she treats my daughter well
My ex was turned against me and now doesn't even consider me to be my son's dad. She blames me for a lot of things, including the time my son scratched himself on the car ride home on the eyelid because a certain someone didn't trim his nails. She's taken him to the emergency room three times, including that reason and diaper rash, which was her fault, not mine, but it really doesn't matter anyway, because it's not a sign of neglect. Babies get diaper rash. She also called the police and accused me of trying to touch her breasts while I was taking Jacob from her to go up to my house. There are SO many stories, but basically, even though I know she loves him and cares about him, she's so overprotective, that she's gone very psychotic, and I don't trust her mental status around my son.
My ex is only concerned with how much money he can beg, borrow or steal from retired old women just so he can play the lottery. he actually had the gaul to ask me for 1000.00 bucks last year. roflol i nearly had a cow!