Topic: ramblings of an idiot....... | |
it seems each believe most along the path at first what give peace first to themself as a child, and as days progress, thur young adolesence, and then teenage years, a need is created more each day to find what give peace for the ones surrounding onself as well as oneself, and then as an adult, and even more each day as lifetime proceed, until finally, after many days, what give peace commonly across all spectrums of all peoples is seen as the greatest truth of ones experience, and finally, at the peak of maturity of oneself, and of all mankind together, as a civilization as "growing up" thru each generation past, a truth that leaves not one outside the door of peace be the only greatest truth........
what religion has not said to love a neighbor, love enemies, love god, know god, but none seem to be telling of enough to make one act as god, and if one is to act as god, would not the same understanding of god have to be had first, lol..... what commandment has power to change anything, lol.....but if there be some truth of god, and it is heard, would not just hearing it make one then have the same knowledge of god, and so act the same just by hearing, lol........ oh, here many would deem the hearer defective, and ignorant, and dilusional, and even evil, lol.....but is this the actions of god, so then what can be the logical assumption..... so it seems the dilema is posed greater each day as mankind move further along in time marching toward maturity, what beliefs are the tre beleifs of god, if there exist a god, as the beliefs spoken seem to be as many as the faces of each....... what could be the greatest denominator of what "equal" greatest truth, except what create peace for all together, and it seems nothing more than what could encompass equalness for all mankind, and not violate any individual as expendible......... it seems many declare with all assuredness that many others are as doomed, if truth "declared" as truth is not heeded, lol..... seems many of the "professed as truths" are declared as truth simply because of commandment of beliefs held to do so, and secondly for a will to have and create self power, and thirdly, but not in any order, professed for the purpose of procuring peace and merit for oneself......... if one wish peace most for oneself, then this is not bad, but if one speak by profession to have CRITICAL data for others to pay heed to, and that not believeing such will doom another after said mortal life is over, then these are as professed and declared PROFOUND beliefs, and one that "declares" such speak as not for onself, but indeed for all others as a judge and jury as to what greatest truth is....... if one rises up with proclamations of such profound truths, then should these be believed by faith, and what is faith and are those not having accursed for not having? can not any stand up and say believe me? seems the first telling of decision be first if one seeks another to believe by commandment alone......... cannot amany come and say TRUTH.....follow or die, lol.... follow or you are bad and evil? there seems to have been many down thru time, and each end of such "professed as true" beliefs seems instead of "letting the people decide by self wisdom", use tactics of pronouncing the hearers ignorant, and unwise, and this seems to be proven by histroy to produce unrest and lack of peace for mankind as a whole....... if all senses, as percieved belief thru emotion, thru comprehension, thru physical and spiritual means, deems a truth as truth, then it is called a faith in a belief, as it is used to prseumably guide ones own words, in all reaction of words, and in all first spoken words, and then also in physical actions....... likewise, since indeed nothing can be followed by oneself if it is not spoken aloud at times as one walks, seeing words professed or spoken are not just as spoken to another, but also equally heard by oneself, allowing the mind the natural playback feature incorporated into each being, as a self-check if you will, or guide, to be played back for itself without any conscious will over, so be the natural pure reason for speaking what one believes to others..... not to say that all will profess the same as "beliefs", as the greatest belief surely seem one not "declared at all" as a belief, but rather as just thoughts, what one is thinking, and these are as many as the faces on each being, and why when pronouncing one's belief, and then prolclaiming ignorance of another for not believing, seems could not be done if a complete understanding of what "belief is" be had........ nonetheless, if one declare a PROFOUND truth, or one that is professed aloud having implications for others, then WHO has the burden of "proof" seems to be question..... is it proof of literal things easy to be proven suffiecently to be believed by many, or rather enough understanding of "complete essence" to cause another to WANT to believe by all voluntary "good reason" that seems to be what any "proof" of sound understanding and then wisdom........ if one says that no proof is had because another must have faith, then indeed, the individual that declare such has no absolute either except what they believe, as being aquired from any and all sources, and if this is spoken, and it "does not" cause another to believe, then the understanding of things believed oneself seems is not yet suffient to contain enough equal truth or "logic of all" to yet have power, to persuade for good reason....... so it seems all things are simply proven in each mind, and then, this form of anything being "proven" to any given mind is declared to be as faith, and the question of the "blame of no faith" being had down thru many past generations, lol...... if one say to another, i have no fear or concern for being naked as i walk dowm the street, and was asked why, then one aspect of proving can apply for having NEED for oneself beliefs only, and the reply simply for the sake of being asked, BUT, if the man that walks down the street naked, declares to all others they should indeed "also" walk naked, then the man that walks naked declaring seems to bear all the responsilbility of having good reason to cause another to do as well, and then this passing of "faith" is silent, and as invisible, as "common understanding" is had between the two parties, is this is completed without any commandment EVER to "have faith" being spoken........ if one has indeed seen wisdom of truth, then what commandment to have faith or believe will be spoken? it seems this is only commanded when one does not have enough words to bring common logic together for others to agree, and what more could be lacking but the ability of the one that demands believing be done, lol....... if logic of believing was to be as commmanded, then who should be the one that should listen to another? would not all be turning to the other and demanding each the other to have faith, lol...... could this bring peace or be a greatest truth for all peace amoung mankind? if each used the same logic and approach to all things met, would not all walk in obstinate self truth only, as stubborness and self righteoussness, believing that all others were as blind to greater truth, lol...... how then can this then be a truth that is of peace, creating understanding and common good for all others..... the things a belief "create" for one and FOR ALL seem to be far more important than the belief itself, making the belief of any "stated" as the least important thing, but rather the telling of HOW and WHY and WHAT any such belief will create for oneself first, and then for all others is the telling....... what can be most befitting of an intelligent and wise civilization.......peace |
Could you elaborate?
Could you elaborate? lol....... |
just to state for the record, this is not posted seeking a response, or not seeking a response, lol.......peace out
I need you to be more specific!!
![]() ![]() ![]() Seriously, no disrespect intended, but I simply can't read all this right now. Hurts looking at all that verbiage at once. Please tell me there is no test!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All the evidence shows that God was actually quite a gambler, and the universe is a great casino, where dice are thrown, and roulette wheels spin on every occasion”~stephen hawkings~
Well that's what I was thinking,
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![]() ![]() ![]() humor is what make an upside down world seem right side up..... |
just to state for the record, this is not posted seeking a response, or not seeking a response, lol.......peace out Thank you for sharing your thoughts David. Along the same lines I would like to share my own ramblings of an idiot. ![]() It has never been my conviction to tell anyone what they should or should not believe on a personal level. All of my concerns are purely humanitarian. What I denounce is the act of trying to force personal belief systems onto others claiming that those who fail to accept it are rejecting God. On a personal note I am not overly concerned with trying to discover the true essence of reality as. At least not on a level of anxiety. My only interest in such matters are driven only by pure intellectual curiousity and not by fear or anxiety. Whatever will be will be. ![]() If there exists a judgmental deity holding us captive in blindness then I will deal with that deity when it reveals itself to me and not one moment earlier. All must address their creator on their own terms, and that includes athesits who beleive that they were created by accident. Any man who believes that he has a closer relationship with the creator than any other man is indeed a foolish arrogant man himself. (or woman as the case may be) May everyone not judge their neighbor nor accuse them of being godless, for all are children of God. ![]() |
just to state for the record, this is not posted seeking a response, or not seeking a response, lol.......peace out Thank you for sharing your thoughts David. Along the same lines I would like to share my own ramblings of an idiot. ![]() It has never been my conviction to tell anyone what they should or should not believe on a personal level. All of my concerns are purely humanitarian. What I denounce is the act of trying to force personal belief systems onto others claiming that those who fail to accept it are rejecting God. On a personal note I am not overly concerned with trying to discover the true essence of reality as. At least not on a level of anxiety. My only interest in such matters are driven only by pure intellectual curiousity and not by fear or anxiety. Whatever will be will be. ![]() If there exists a judgmental deity holding us captive in blindness then I will deal with that deity when it reveals itself to me and not one moment earlier. All must address their creator on their own terms, and that includes athesits who beleive that they were created by accident. Any man who believes that he has a closer relationship with the creator than any other man is indeed a foolish arrogant man himself. (or woman as the case may be) May everyone not judge their neighbor nor accuse them of being godless, for all are children of God. ![]() ![]() |
just to state for the record, this is not posted seeking a response, or not seeking a response, lol.......peace out Thank you for sharing your thoughts David. Along the same lines I would like to share my own ramblings of an idiot. ![]() It has never been my conviction to tell anyone what they should or should not believe on a personal level. All of my concerns are purely humanitarian. What I denounce is the act of trying to force personal belief systems onto others claiming that those who fail to accept it are rejecting God. On a personal note I am not overly concerned with trying to discover the true essence of reality as. At least not on a level of anxiety. My only interest in such matters are driven only by pure intellectual curiousity and not by fear or anxiety. Whatever will be will be. ![]() If there exists a judgmental deity holding us captive in blindness then I will deal with that deity when it reveals itself to me and not one moment earlier. All must address their creator on their own terms, and that includes athesits who beleive that they were created by accident. Any man who believes that he has a closer relationship with the creator than any other man is indeed a foolish arrogant man himself. (or woman as the case may be) May everyone not judge their neighbor nor accuse them of being godless, for all are children of God. ![]() awh.....your words are as all truth mr abra....... indeed, the words written in the post are the good reasons from my perspective, why words heard and WISHED to NOT be believed, have a good reason they are not wished to be believed, and how if this made any evil, then all are evil, lol........ if it was said not to judge, then it seems this could only mean one thing and still hold true to what could create all peace for all men, that no word was to be judged as BAD........... if man can not judge with perception what be as good and bad, then what court in the land is not founded un satanic principles of judging, lol........ it was spoken "judge not less ye be judged" would not the heart answer back and say no problem, if i stike another, or say a word that makes ought, then i wish to be judged by by fellow man and friends and neighbors and be told about it, lol...... if one has no fear of being judged, then does this not show they have no fear of god, or truth of others, which seems be the greatest essence was of what jesus himself had felt, as the saying "i and the father are one" was not a view of greater diety any longer, and it was said that all were to do as he did, lol........ if each human be of god and, then whose judegment should any not hear, lol......seems making for some evil and some good, make a group that is not held to any accountability by fellow man, lol....... if none could speak anything, basing all on the theory none was to judge another person, than this would not hold true to the saying "if one has ought against his brother, go to him and tell him, lol.......... how could one have ought, and not have judged it as a bad thing that was done.....IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, LOL........ to speak what a word or belief create is not to speak that another is going to be lost in the afterlife anyhow, but evn if it did, this is heard as if not truth leading to truth, lol...... but then what sin is a sin if it be professed by the heart to be as true, lol.......NONE, by even the very professings of all text........ yes, it could easily be seen that any that say, believe or die, have simly not yet found enough information to cause good want in any to believe....... did i just speak with judgement, lol..... seems the speaker is always blaming the hearer, and the hearer the speaker, so only TIME can hold the true blame, and time always bring more truth as more words, as time does produce all and more, and what man made time to exist, lol........... are all men wise in one day...... it seems not to be so, lol......... it seems the perception mankind is commanded to be wise, and act as god, repress wisdom or truth, as if such godly words were heard, as true words from god, how could they help but create more of the same as their root origin, that is professed to be from god, lol........ if it was percieved from my post that there is one judgemental diety judging all men, as more than the heart of each being, then this was percieved due to the lack of my ability to describe completely my own essence of thought when speaking, lol.......... it is agreed with all perponderance of all the evidence, that no such being has ever, or will ever, exist, as this would create a dictatorship, which certainally does not seem to be as even christ spoke, when saying "i and the father are one", no longer referring to a father as a master at all, and it was proclaimed even from this one that all were to "do as he", and become perfect as the father in heaven, so if each become as perfect as the father in heaven, then what one is not now become as equalness or equal perfect things, so which one be the father any longer, and which be the son, lol..... it does not seem that making one truth as truth that eliminate many or any could be of the same essence of these things spoken at all....... seems not so for the purpose of acting as good, but rather for the purpose of seeing ones own heart, creating wisdom and a heart that sees itself, the great judge, and if one does judge, and the heart condem itself, then what sin is committed or seen, if the heart simply acknowledge such thing as true, as who again is all wise in one day, and if religion said for man to forgive seventy times seven, would not the same god forgive more times than asked of man to do, lol....... the post was only saying if one profess "believe or die", then THIS make oneself judge and jury of all life, lol, which show not enough information yet to see this will not create peace for all....... hey, if one can do this, then it is for a good prupose, as who in history has not believed such in any previous day, but that is not to say also words from others that show such cannot be peace for all, lol........ |
My thoughts exactly.
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walk with God
talk with God and love with God. damn the torpedos, batman. ![]() ![]() that old ship of good and evil just has to be sunk. It won't float with God. Let it become a reef for a tropical paradise beneath the surface of the deep. Well? why not? Some day, some way, some might look at the wreckage of our presence here in the 21st century and think we were alien spores of destruction LOL A diseased parasitic race of beings consuming everything in our path except that which made us. That wasn't visibly plunderable. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's refreshing to read your words David.
Because of people like you, and Jeanniebean, and Smiles and SplendidLife I feel alive again. The broccoli dreams help too. ![]() |
one could only say that all less truth brings wisdom of more truth, and the pain of believing such things of times past, is washed away when more truth blot out the less truth.........
well, all I can say is either you had too many or you really are rambling. If you didn't want a reply why the hella did you post? That is so stupid.
well, all I can say is either you had too many or you really are rambling. If you didn't want a reply why the hella did you post? That is so stupid. perhaps you did not clearly read the post you refer to, as it never stated i did not want a reply, only said it was not posted seeking one or not seeking one, which is only to say one is content with all things as they are, giving relief to many that seek to love and show good feelings, freedom from having to reply with something for the sake of anothers feelings, as a courtesy, and also at the same time inviting any post is any form, good or bad........ your post was quite insightful, and has certainally helped me to see the stupiditiy in my ways....... ![]() |
Stupid is as stupid does and humming birdies buzz
whilst honey bees and cypress trees hide pollen in their fuzz Little girls with naught to dew will compromise the yew cuz Mary had a little lamb whose fleece grew wings and flew Jeanniebeanie's whiskered broom has magic in its straw David Ben posts all his thoughts for spirits in the raw Wouldee shares his walk with God with rambling facade Tribo tosses lots of dice in hopes they'll come up odd Smiless is lost in fantasy where reality comes true Krimsa posts coherent thoughts in a crazy forum zoo Redy posts her challenges and Feral posts rebuttal Funches posts his comments without attempting to be subtle The Lonely Walker tries his best but Spider's not impressed Eljay tries to compromise and MorningSong is blessed All the muses go with RO to row their dreamy boat and those who stay behind to sow must sacrifice a goat The world spins on its axis and everyone survives at least we hope and pray they do cuz we value all their lives |
Edited by
Sat 08/09/08 12:44 AM
words of a poet, are truth of a heart, that can awake great wisdom, and not even know it........peace |
Stupid is as stupid does and humming birdies buzz whilst honey bees and cypress trees hide pollen in their fuzz Little girls with naught to dew will compromise the yew cuz Mary had a little lamb whose fleece grew wings and flew Jeanniebeanie's whiskered broom has magic in its straw David Ben posts all his thoughts for spirits in the raw Wouldee shares his walk with God with rambling facade Tribo tosses lots of dice in hopes they'll come up odd Smiless is lost in fantasy where reality comes true Krimsa posts coherent thoughts in a crazy forum zoo Redy posts her challenges and Feral posts rebuttal Funches posts his comments without attempting to be subtle The Lonely Walker tries his best but Spider's not impressed Eljay tries to compromise and MorningSong is blessed All the muses go with RO to row their dreamy boat and those who stay behind to sow must sacrifice a goat The world spins on its axis and everyone survives at least we hope and pray they do cuz we value all their lives Great poem Abra! ![]() ![]() |