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Topic: X wife is a problem....
tallandtttanned's photo
Thu 03/15/07 11:32 AM
why are some ex wives *****es????????????????????????????

Hotchikita's photo
Thu 03/15/07 11:33 AM
I belive that if you hide or condem sothing it just lets the kids want
it more.

I got 5 kids and they play with toy guns,but go and ask them if they
would play with a real one they would say NO.I teached them the
diffrence and the concequoice of the real thing.

I live in Canada and there is not suppost to have guns here, but I see
some in my comunety every day. And most of the time kids ho play with
them are curious, take away the curiousety and they wont play with them.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 03/15/07 02:40 PM
I have a very deep passion for firearms so i think your ex is just
TRIPPIN!!! I have a wee one and sadly I wont have one but thats because
he is a special child. Just my opinion!

swtbbw2's photo
Thu 03/15/07 02:44 PM
You ex maybe freaking out just to mess with you. I dont believe that
playing with toy guns leads to real gun use. I used to play with them
when I was a kid and I dont have one gun in my home. Its not a toy gun
that makes someone pick up a real one. Come on, look at some of the
people who have used guns to kill others. The majority of them had bad
childhoods which means they didnt even get the chance to play with a toy
gun. Toy guns do not promote violence among children. Whoever stated
that needs to do a little more research on the subject. In any case..it
sounds like there is more to this than meets the eye. Dont know how long
you been an X but just to keep the peace, if you really want it, keep
the toys you buy him at your place. Bottom line, you need to keep lines
of communication open with your child about almost everything in life
these days. Its not like it was 30 years ago...even 20 years ago. Good

gary86's photo
Thu 03/15/07 03:05 PM
i have been divorced for 19 years still everything is my faultmost exs
are like that some say they are freinds wish i would have been that
lucky but i could say a lot but have 20 year old son guess was worth the
hell for him alone

devin112's photo
Thu 03/15/07 03:06 PM

homegurlshell's photo
Thu 03/15/07 03:13 PM
There is nothing wrong with toy guns...its how you rasie your
child....(my son is only 1 1/2 and already plays with toy guns..nothing
wrong with that)

ScottyBravo's photo
Thu 03/15/07 03:18 PM
I played with toy guns my entire childhood, I don't go around shooting
people, even though some people need a good cap in the ass.Also got
spanked when I was young, but I don't abuse my kids or am I a violent
person. It's called upbringing & parenting.

Suede's photo
Thu 03/15/07 03:18 PM
My little boy has a couple of toy guns that he plays with. When he comes
to visit me and forgets to bring them with him, then a stick in the yard
becomes a gun, the empty paper towel cardboard holder becomes a gun, a
pencil becomes a gun. My point being, if a kid wants to play Cowboys and
Indians, cops and robbers, pretend he is hunting big game, if he doesn’t
have a toy gun, their imagination will make the first handy item a gun.
He has great sound effects too…that determines the size of the gun

OnALark's photo
Thu 03/15/07 03:19 PM
Tall, it isn't just exwives, believe me, it's exhusbands as well.

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 03/15/07 04:22 PM
Your house, your rules, your responsibility. If you feel the child can
play with a toy-gun, then its entirely your decision to allow it.
Conversely, if she forbids it in her house, so be it.

Tough noogies either way.

casper812003's photo
Fri 03/16/07 08:22 AM
i have 4yr old son who has a toy gun well maybe 2 of them...anyways most
of the time he isn't playing with them at first he liked them but now
that he has had them he doesn't play with them much i don't think its
wrong to let kids play with toy guns no if there is a real gun in the
home it sould be under lock and key and have every safty thing u can put
on it most kids that have been hurt with guns are kids that have never
see one or been alowed to know what they are and why they don't tuck
them so whin they find a real one at home they check it out couse its
cool looking and sence there mom and dad didn't teach them or show them
why they can't play with guns then they or someone else ends up hurt
realy bad. i think if we teach are kids right and keep it in there minds
we will do ok but have u looked at your TV? there is so much fighting on
there that kids see everyday or have u looked at some relationships?
people fight in frount of there kids and then we want to know why our
kids are vilent well its all about what we show and teach them if they
don't see it at home or on TV there seeing it everywere people are just
meen now days. oh and the ex thing...most of us have bad ex's but we
have to dill with them

cheeryo2000's photo
Fri 03/16/07 12:32 PM
There's nothing wrong with a boy or girl playing with toy guns. This
would also be a great time to teach him the difference between real and
toy guns and responsibility with the real thing.

It might also be a good time to teach him that mommy and daddy have
different rules at each of their houses and hopefully your ex will learn
that as well.

no photo
Sat 03/17/07 09:55 PM
dont feel bad. my ex burned my house down!explode explode explode
mad mad

FedMan's photo
Sat 03/17/07 10:07 PM
ummmm playing with toy guns leading to real guns? LMFAO, that's about
like saying playing with animals such as dogs while a youngster leads to
acts of one having animal sexual activity

no photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:30 PM
exs... really are a pain in the

CBOY's photo
Tue 03/20/07 05:03 PM
Your Ex sounds typical, pay her no mind and she,ll shut up about
it. You still have some say so about raising your boy.

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