no photo
Tue 07/29/08 01:08 AM
Oh & isn't it great that we can fly them all because we still have the US Constituion & Bill of Rights!

no photo
Tue 07/29/08 01:24 AM
Edited by littleredhen on Tue 07/29/08 01:28 AM
"It's not about hate, it's about preserving your heritage and remembering what great great grandparents fought for and went through." - Peccy

..."it is a loyalty to what there ancestors did. The stories many grew up with was about revolution and standing up for their rights"... - iRon

I agree with Peccy & iRon. However I have never displyed a Confederate flag. The South lost the war, the union was preserved & Old Glory is our flag.

I was born & raised in Maryland, A border state. My grandmother was a Virginia farm girl. She had a picture of Robert E Lee on her bedroom wall with her family pictures. I was taught my heritage was Ireland & Virginia, but I am an American.

Fanta46's photo
Tue 07/29/08 02:23 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Tue 07/29/08 02:32 AM

Being from the south I'll try to answer...

It is a missed placed loyalty to a heritage they share....

Not so much a loyalty to "slavery", sadly in some cases that is the case but more so, it is a loyalty to what there ancestors did. The stories many grew up with was about revolution and standing up for their rights.....Now of course the thought of owning slaves is appalling to you and I but back then that is not how they felt. To them losing their slaves was a direct assault on their lively hoods, meaning they believed they could not feed their children and they fought for their rights.....As missed placed as theos right were.

I guess its one of those things that, you would need to walk in their shoes to truly understand it from their point of view...and as for today that still applies.

I hoped this helped

Nice iRon!!

Good answer!!drinker drinker

I personally dont fly one, but I understand exactly what you said. I dont fly it because we didnt win the war, but down here many States have one form another of it included as part of the State flag!
The Racists fly the Nazi flag and call themselves skinheads!

t22learner's photo
Tue 07/29/08 02:34 AM
"Wave that flag, Hoss. Wave it high.
Do you know what it means? Do you know why?
Maybe being a rebel, ain't no big deal,
but if somebody owned your ass,
how would you feel?"

"Wave that Flag" by the Bottle Rockets

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/29/08 02:51 AM
smokin Its a white trash thing.smokin

karmafury's photo
Tue 07/29/08 03:04 AM

smokin Its a white trash thing.smokin

No it's not.

Even as a Canadian I can understand it.

History, Heritage ...... not hate.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/29/08 03:06 AM

smokin Its a white trash thing.smokin

No it's not.

Even as a Canadian I can understand it.

History, Heritage ...... not hate.

flowerforyou I was born poor white trash in the Appalachians.flowerforyou Trust me, its a white trash thingflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 07/29/08 05:01 AM
I see it up here in Northern Michigan?????
At least around here, its a red neck kinda thing.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/29/08 05:33 AM

I see it up here in Northern Michigan?????
At least around here, its a red neck kinda thing.

no photo
Tue 07/29/08 05:42 AM
what flag are you referring to....

"Confederate Navy Jack" ????

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/29/08 05:44 AM
smokin Its dumb but theres nuthin you can do about it.smokin

MikeD44333's photo
Tue 07/29/08 05:49 AM
Edited by MikeD44333 on Tue 07/29/08 05:50 AM
Also keep in mind that the KKK sport the American flag as well at rallies. Anyone can pick up a flag for their cause, but it doesn't re-write the history behind the flag. Just because a group of clowns wave the rebel flag at anti-black/anti-jewish rallies doesn't make the flag a symbol of their cause.

THe exception to this rule is the nazi flag. The flag was born out of hatred and is a symbol of hatred. The rebel flag wasn't born this way. Although slavery was a part of the war I don't believe the rebel flag is a symbol of slavery.

I do feel, however, that with the problems we have in this country today any flag you fly should be flown under an American flag, as we're all missing out on the big picture of who we are and why we're here. In saddens me when I see people hanging Easter or St. Patricks Day flags from their front porch yet can't find room to fly the flag that truly matters.

Just my $0.02.

ReddBeans's photo
Tue 07/29/08 06:24 AM
Does anyone know where the white robes of the KKK originated? How about the swastka? There were both religious symbols at one time but because a couple of hate groups adopted them as their own they are now considered symbols of hate.
Because a group that preaches hate took up the Rebel flag as one of their symbols, that doesn't mean that everyone who flies it is doing it as a symbol of hate. There are a variety of reasons behind it just as there are a variety of people who do it. The majority that do are redneck. Some people think of that label as a bad thing. A label to identify someone who is ignorant and uneducated. I know many a redneck who are quite smart and quite educated. To me a redneck is someone who is down to earth, enjoys the simple things in life and doesn't feel the need to make others feel smaller than they are. I consider myself a redneck. I also fly a rebel flag, along with my Old Glory. I am in no way ignorant nor filled with hate. To me I'm showing southern pride. But it seems showing pride of any sort is the wrong thing to do nowadays.

MikeD44333's photo
Tue 07/29/08 06:37 AM
The white robes of the KKK were not meant to be a religious symbol. They were used to insight fear in the black families/people they persecuted. The idea of a man in a hooded costume, riding on horseback through the night was a form of terrorism. The costumes were at first simple potato sacks and such worn over the head, and eventually became full robes of different colors and finally a uniform color--what we know today to be the KKK uniform.

The History Channel had a really good documentary on where the KKK came from. turns out these fruticakes had no religious base at all--it was all based on terrorism. No difference in my mind between Al Queda and the KKK.

ReddBeans's photo
Tue 07/29/08 06:39 AM

The white robes of the KKK were not meant to be a religious symbol. They were used to insight fear in the black families/people they persecuted. The idea of a man in a hooded costume, riding on horseback through the night was a form of terrorism. The costumes were at first simple potato sacks and such worn over the head, and eventually became full robes of different colors and finally a uniform color--what we know today to be the KKK uniform.

The History Channel had a really good documentary on where the KKK came from. turns out these fruticakes had no religious base at all--it was all based on terrorism. No difference in my mind between Al Queda and the KKK.

I speak of the original white robes as in the first group to use them before the KKK. I know exactly why the KKK used them. But thank you for the info.flowerforyou

elwoodsully's photo
Tue 07/29/08 06:51 AM
The swastika has it's origins in China, as a good luck charm. In China - Wan was what it was called. It goes back about 3,000 years or so. The name swastika actually comes from India. Hitler's idea of a superior race should have stated those facts.

Lynann's photo
Tue 07/29/08 07:11 AM
It's too bad that the rebel flag has been almost kidnapped by the hatemongers.

The civil war was about much more than slavery. It was about states rights and power of the federal government too.

thumper95's photo
Tue 07/29/08 07:15 AM
im southern, raised in north carolina, and am proud to be from the south. i have family that fought both sides in the war, and until people have dug as deep as they can possibly go into the history of the civil war, then most think it was all about slavery. hate to ruin your hopes, but if you look hard enough, you will find that there were many more causes that lead up the the breaking of the union, and how the south was soooooo bad in what they did, but people like sherman were revered as heros, burning innocent peoples homes, destroying their crops, and taking whatever they could want. i dont think thats too hero like. the confederate flag to me is a symbol of the struggle of a people who wanted to have what this country was founded on. life liberty and pursuit of happiness. i am not saying i agree with slavery, i know its wrong to force anyone to do something they dont want to. but the south did what they thought was right to preserve their way of life, and they were willing to fight over it. ass anyone who calls themselves an american should be willing to do. the confederate flag has nothing to do with racism where im from. it is the reminder that some people are willing to fight for whats considered their way of life.

no photo
Tue 07/29/08 10:43 AM

It's too bad that the rebel flag has been almost kidnapped by the hatemongers.

The civil war was about much more than slavery. It was about states rights and power of the federal government too.


damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 07/29/08 01:28 PM
To my family its a symbol of pride and freedom. My step dad had a great great grandfather who fought and died in the Civil War, and still has the diary the man kept, and its passed down from father to child.

When i look at the flag now, i see it as a symbol of a time when people were pissed off at how the government was running things, and they decided to start their own country and do things who they have always done. Its like at big STFU to President Lincoln. And they fought for that freedom and died for it as well.

Its a time long since gone, because nobody in this day and age would put their life on the line for a belief of a better government, even tho approval ratings are below zero for everybody elected. Its like the common man is just rolling over taking crap from their "leaders" even tho the leader is the worst piece of scum ever created by God.