Topic: Am I the only one who finds some of these replies to be pain
burgundybry's photo
Fri 03/09/07 05:30 PM
rock on, sd

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 05:39 PM
Jean -- Absolutely, and if someone's written communication is SO bad
that it's totally incomprehensible, then there's no point in continuing
with the attempt. I would submit, though, that there are only a very
few here (I can think of three) whose writings I can't make heads or
tails of.

I do think that -- right or wrong -- some of the posters here feel as
though they're being denigrated for their errors; even if this is not
the case, the mere perception is enough to create some animosity down
the road.

I personally prefer to avoid this sort of scenario, because the fact
that my spelling is better than LlamaJoe's really doesn't prove anything
except that my spelling is better than his. It doesn't make me a better
person; it's very likely that he can do a lot of things better than I
can, that he knows a lot of things I don't. I can't cook at all, I know
absolutely nothing about the stock market or Australian Rules Football
or the history of Swedish monarchs.

So I just don't make an issue of it. I WILL, however, mercilessly mock
the scammeristic Russian women who send me horribly-worded pseudoEnglish
atrocities on other sites, but that falls under the heading of "Passing
Along Scammer Info To Others," and is thereby protected under some
amendment or other.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 03/09/07 05:45 PM
Txs, I didn't go to college. I got a GED and subsequently got
certificates as a legal assistant/transcriptionist and in medical
transcription, and have been employed in in the legal field and also as
a newspaper editor for about nine years, for a total of about 20 years.

I don't think that making generic comments about spelling and grammar
and so forth is "judging" anyone, nor does it say that "I think I'm
better than you." As I stated before, I'm not perfect by any means. I
guess what I take "issue" with is society's generally lacksadaiscal
attitude about doing *anything* right nowadays.

Can't spell? So what.

Do drugs? So what.

Drink and drive? So what.

Promiscuous? So what.

(And for the record, I'm guilty (or at least was guilty) at one point or
another, of all those things in the past, but I sure as hell CARED about
people's perception of me, and I felt very guilty about engaging in such

What I find sad is the prevailing attitude that no one seems to care
anymore about anything good or right or decent or moral fact,
today's society (from discussions and attitudes I've seen on dating
forums) seems to glorify "stupidity" and immorality and chastises anyone
who has the "audacity" to post an intelligent, well-thought-out, post
which actually is created for the intention of encouraging people to

To each his own, to be sure...and, having said that, I sure as hell am
not ashamed of my intelligence and my desire to express myself
correctly, even in an informal setting such as this one.

(Disclaimer: Keep in mind a lot of my statements in this post are
generalities; I'm not saying you specifically said them about me or
anyone else).

BillRoot's photo
Fri 03/09/07 05:47 PM
your writing freegon pages on it.get over it.

Greyhound's photo
Fri 03/09/07 05:58 PM
You pour derfw, bad grammer is cousing you paine,wat a shaime.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:07 PM
Bill, if my writing is too taxing for you, please feel free to skip over
my posts. I haven't made one single solitary comment to you or about
you, specifically, so I'd appreciate it if you'd extend me the same
courtesy. Thanks.

Chuckee's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:34 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:42 PM
Hey Chuckee what's wrong ya did not want me looking at your profile to
see your hunk so ya put him up for me to see lmao sweet how are ya g/f
baby and mommy doing good? flowerforyou

TheShadow's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:43 PM
Yeah chuckee where are all the sexy pic's lmao JK sweetie

Chuckee's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:48 PM
lmaolaugh When I get big, I'll post some Demi More pics for ya
shadow, lol:wink: . As for the baby and me, my grain of rice is just
in there, and I have a horrible chest cold comming on. How ya'll doing

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:57 PM
Iam doing good now don't take anything for it unless you call that
doctor first you hear me gir lolbigsmile

derfw3's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:58 PM
I'm going to ask the moderators to close this thread (assuming they
exist) before it gets any more out of hand.

I would, in closing, like to say a few things. First, I was NOT in
any way refering to those who have learning disorders. I was in
"specialty learning" classes years ago and I would not stoop to that;
it's just low. Next, accidents happen, we all misspell words (and as I
stated earlier there are no "edit" buttons), I have to constantly look
up how to spell "incredible" or "probably" but I do it because I would
rather people not look at my writing and think "Did this guy graduate
50th in a class of 20?". Lastly, the people who poo-poo my little rant
and say that it's not a big deal I'll ask this. If you were having an
operation and your surgeon came in and spoke like a person I'm refering
to; would that fill you with confidence or dread?

Morena350's photo
Fri 03/09/07 07:05 PM
was up on here tonight, are we gonna have fun or what!!
roflmao!!!roflmao!! was up derfw3 how u doin?

AutumnLee21's photo
Fri 03/09/07 07:09 PM
you pregnant chuckee?? thats awesome congrats have anymore kids?

BillRoot's photo
Fri 03/09/07 07:13 PM
ya don't go to a new neighborhood and start bagging on the neighbors!Im
out of here.

Morena350's photo
Fri 03/09/07 07:17 PM
what is the problem with spelling? this is the net...
we can write however we want, and if you don't like my spelling

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 07:53 PM
"Lastly, the people who poo-poo my little rant and say that it's not a
big deal I'll ask this. If you were having an
operation and your surgeon came in and spoke like a person I'm refering
to; would that fill you with confidence or dread?"

Sorry, you've just lost any credibility you might have had. To equate a
spelling error with a life-and-death medical situation is beyond absurd.
If it bothers you that much, I suggest you try

nurjoyce's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:06 PM
I agree!
And if I was choosing to date someone or have a relationship or not- it
would be very important....but would I complain or hurt someone about
their spelling online? no.
I have a physician tell me I had a reading disorder, however I was very
intelligent. Said I had the better of the two because you can teach
someone to read, but not how to be intelligent.
If you are not the best at spelling or reading, does that make you

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:58 PM
Derf - it looks like lots of people are criticizing your criticism but I
have to say that any forum topic that gets this many people being so
opinionated and expressive so quickly is a successful forum topic! I've
really enjoyed reading what everyone had to say!

For myself, sometimes I *can't help* phonetic spelling. Not while
allowing my own thinking to be real, to be spontaneous. Also, I really
don't think that careful proofreading should be a requirement for casual
online conversations.

Morena350's photo
Fri 03/09/07 09:07 PM