Topic: Am I the only one who finds some of these replies to be pain
Fri 03/09/07 04:35 PM
better than bein a dumbazz huh @ whisper.....lolz

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:35 PM
All I can say is if that is the only thing in life that gets on your
nerves and you don't have anything else to do but down others for there
spelling of want or won't there their then I guess your life and
yourself are way too perfect to understand everyday normal people like
us. Sorry had to put my two cents in on this one. All I can say is get a
life and deal with it!!

Opps was that a tad harsh I'm so sorry! grumble

But ya know what my pet peeve is people that correct my
spelling.smokin devil devil devil

Fri 03/09/07 04:37 PM
revy ture purplecat yeth aveh a udyst no htat....ese you lal nkow wath
mi sainy.....

whispertoascream's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:37 PM
Got that right Kinglaugh

whispertoascream's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:38 PM
Ok time to clean my kitchen and cooks supper

Cheers all drinker

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:39 PM

OnALark's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:39 PM
Don't give derfw3 a hard time; I think he's new here. I will admit that
when I first joined, it bothered me as well . . . but then I got to know
what this site is all about and got to know some people here.

derfw3, just go with it. People are here to have fun, to chat, to keep
from being lonely when there's nothing else to do. You can always find
a friend here.

If you are offended by their spelling or grammar, just remember, they
are most likely very talented in other ways.


jeanc200358's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:40 PM
Texasgal, are you saying that "everyday, normal people" can't (or
shouldn't be able to) spell correctly, just as a natural course of their
daily life? Was there no purpose whatsoever to going to English class
for some 12 years?

While I do understand that speaking and writing proper English is not
not *everyone's* forte, I shudder to think that to do otherwise is
what's considered "normal" these days. Sadly, the more I see comments
like yours, the more I think it is, and that is nothing short of

What I'd like to know is, when did doing something "right" become a
"cardinal sin?"

Chuckee's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:40 PM
laugh Oh god, not another one of them! smokin Dang, 38 posts and
ya think yer in pain? HAHAHAHaaaa you ain't seen nuttin yet!!drinker

Fri 03/09/07 04:45 PM
drinker cheers whisper!

BillRoot's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:47 PM
some ppl aint got nothin to do but nit pick ppl.Must be a tough world
for them.The guy that cant read or write may be able to remodel their
house better than any one else.Course he may decide not to do it

nurjoyce's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:48 PM
were not purfectttttt! (lol)
will try hardder to spill (lol)

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:50 PM
I am dislexic but I still try very hard to use the language correctly.
When i was a kid I wrote things and ideas backwards. Im 41 and still
have problems, but Im getting better with age.

But on the sceme of things, spelling is a low consideration esp. on a
site like this. Now if it was a Harvard blogging site, then you better
get your shiq together, right. :wink:

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:50 PM
jean sure funny I did not say it was a cardinal sin to not spell
correctly. But if that is all others can do is pick on ones that
misspell there words or use certain words incorrectly. Then that is
wrong to correct others and to point it out to make them stand out. I
myself misspell words not doubt. I'm not perfect and will never be. But
correcting grammar of others in here I will not. I will accept others
for who they are and how they write. As long as you know what they mean
I don't see what the big deal is. Now if they were writing a business
letter yeah I could see the problems and would help them if I could or
show them to use word. Other wis it is just making a mountain out of a
mole hill. bigsmile All good with me ya want to correct it's a free
world go for it. But then expect the reactions you will receive. If they
want help sure they would ask and would not want to be put up for
display. grumble noway bigsmile

kntrygal1964's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:51 PM

Fri 03/09/07 04:51 PM
really good point BillRoot on da mark!!.....

spay's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:52 PM

Chuckee's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:52 PM

BillRoot's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:52 PM
dont worry guy.They started the thread to bag on me again.The more they
bag the less i give a sh-t!

kntrygal1964's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:53 PM
drinker you go txsgal i cant stand ppl who think they are better than
others, this is a site to have fun at, if you want to be in an english
or spelling class then your in the wrong area..................lighten