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Topic: Am I the only one who finds some of these replies to be pain
jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:15 AM
Oh, I see...hmmm..so are you saying that if one is intelligent enough to
spell and punctuate and construct a grammatically correct sentence, that
they can't be sexy, sensual or passionate? Not only do I know what all
the parts are and where they're located and what to do with them, but I
can spell them correctly, too! Neener neener.

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:17 AM
yes most men would prefer a spelling lesson over making love anyday.
noway LOL

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:18 AM
My point is, I'm afraid I don't get your analogy.

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:20 AM
well this discussion has gone on longer than the oral sex, anal sex,
what positon, and does he love me threads by far. So it is obvious to a
couple of you here that spelling is soooo much more important....

LOL laugh laugh

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:23 AM
It is? What an odd perspective.

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:26 AM
hey, people fight/argue for whats important to them and you have
obviously shown us what is very important to you.

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:28 AM
The great thing is that you are in the minority.

spelling and books used to be used to censor the poor and keep them in
their place by the elite.

And sometimes I see that history never mends its ways.

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:32 AM
A) I'm not fighting or arguing, and,

2) While it is important to me that my potential mate be able to express
himself in a reasonably intelligent manner, the fact that I engage in a
discussion about it on a dating site doesn't mean that it takes priority
over all other matters in my life.

C) I don't participate in the "would you do the person above you"
threads because I find them to be exceedingly juvenile, not to mention
boring, nor do I discuss my private sex life, except perhaps in general
terms, with a multitude of strangers that I don't know from Adam. Hence
the word "private." I don't believe I need to market my sexuality in
that respect.

But to each his own.drinker

gardenforge's photo
Sat 03/10/07 11:51 AM
I have found this thread very amusing. While it is nice to be articulate
and spell everything correctly, some people through circumstances beyond
their control have not had the benefit of a good education. One must
never mistake education for intelligence. I have met many people who had
but little education and were extremely intelligent and on the other
hand some of the dumbest people I have ever met had PHD behind their
name. If you can overlook the fact that I am a conservative redneck,
then I can sure overlook the fact that you can't spel gud. As long as I
can understand what you write, we can communicate and exchange ideas.
Furthermore I think that no word should be spelled exactly the same way

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:04 PM
There's a line between "can't spell, don't want to spell, too lazy to
spell" and just being "informal" in a casual setting such as this one.
When a person's post is rife with various errors, coupled with "how"
they express themselves, along with the general prevailing "who cares?"
attitude that society seems to be so fond of nowadays. I know exactly
what you mean; I've seen lots of degreed professionals who, aside from
their chosen profession, were dumber'n a box of rocks.

But I think that's going to extremes and doesn't really fit into this
discussion. There are exceptions to every rule, you know.

I think my point is being deliberately misconstrued, but that's okay;
I'm used to it.bigsmile

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:11 PM
Then maybe you should articulate your "cause" better, your spelling is
okie dokie.

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:16 PM
jean, I think you have misconstrued George.
But I will let him reply.

no photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:17 PM
I mean Garden, sorry

Morena350's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:20 PM
grumble grumble grumble

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:06 PM
I'm not entirely sure how much more articulately I can articulate it. If
ya don't get it, ya just don't get it. Get it?



oldsage's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:26 PM
I am a mechanic/welder/truck driver/business owner, I am very picky
about life & the things I do/participate in. Jean is an editor,
writing/proper sentences/english are what she deals with everyday; hence
her passion. I have a hard time reading some of the posts here, makes
me wonder. I understand her frustration, I feel some of the same. I do
not want to offend anyone, but I wonder where some of these people went
to school. Gina is from a different country & is easier to understand
then some. WHY????

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:36 PM
Thanks OS...well, it is my work, but I wouldn't call it my "passion,"
per se. But...it always has been important to me which is, perhaps, one
reason I chose it as a profession....that, and because I always enjoyed
reading and writing, even as a little girl.

I had hoped my point would have been made by the post I wrote in which I
deliberately misspelled almost every word...and I think it did, to some,
but still got lost on some, I believe.

I just find it difficult to understand why someone would think that
spelling and writing correctly (not *perfectly,* mind you, but at least
making a half-assed attempt to do so) is not important, but that's just
the way it is, I guess.

One very good thing about this is, so long as that attitude exists, I'll
continue to have a job!

Woo hoo!

bigsmile bigsmile drinker

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