Topic: Bush Says Drill, Drill, Drill — and Oil Drops $9!
no photo
Wed 07/16/08 11:37 AM
And Exxon paid how much income tax last year. Exactly, post the whole story for a change......Why don't you posts Exxon"s taxes quarter by quarter.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/16/08 11:42 AM

And Exxon paid how much income tax last year. Exactly, post the whole story for a change......Why don't you posts Exxon"s taxes quarter by quarter.

Are you talking to me?

I provided a link to their site. Go look!!!drinker

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/16/08 11:44 AM
-- Earnings per share were up 25% to $2.03 reflecting strong earnings and the reduced number of shares outstanding.

What do you need the tax info for?
Doesnt that speak volumes!
If you owned Exxon stock that's all you would worry about!
Your share!!!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/16/08 11:46 AM
If you had $4 million invested in their stocks, you just made $1 million in the first 3 months of this year!
That's pretty good pay for doing nothing!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/16/08 11:50 AM
If you were one of the elites, and had $20 million in Exxon stock you just made $5 million in three months.

$100 million you just increased your bank account by 25 million. Why would you care how much they paid in taxes!

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 01:06 PM
There are no "elites" only Americans. Those you label as elite pay the lion's share of the US Tax load.

Why do you seem to want to punish success?

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:05 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Wed 07/16/08 02:33 PM

Anyways, I've said what I need to on this topic. And, I'm off to bed. I know many people personally and myself included who would jump on the opportunity to enter into energy fields of oil and natural gas if there was a huge increase of employment opportunities and benefits.

But those people and you are ignoring the facts provided by experts. You are only listening to what the NeoCons and the oil companies are telling Bush to say! He too is ignoring the experts opinions just like he did before invading Iraq!

Also, we do have the technologies, a combined number of them needed to change in less time than we can lift the oil from the ground! Plus these technologies, combined, will produce far more employment opportunities than oil drilling!

Even if Congress lifts the law keeping them from drilling tomorrow. They will still have to battle every State government who's shores they wish to drill off of, negotiate deals with the ones that let them, destroy natural wilderness refuges, and battle every ecological group in the nation before they can even move an oil drilling platform into place!

This is not Russia, Venezuela, or Cuba where the government can just do what they want without confronting the people or following proper procedures!


I agree.

While additional drilling might serve our short-term needs, it will not solve our energy problems in the long run.

We need to increase efficiencies and develop more alternative sources of energy.

And yet this same time last year the excuse for the rising gas prices was lack of refining capability. Has that suddenly changed?

Or do people think oil just magically turns into gas once its drilled?

Of course the building of new oil refineries would be included in the drilling for oil. To not do so would make absolutely no sense. Problem is, like the environmentalist lobby that has put the notion in government that drilling is evil and killing us all, so have they argued even better that you can't build new oil refineries, which we haven't done so since the 1970s! We continue to only update the old, worn out refineries with new stuff. It's ridiculous.

I read today that NJ's economy would BOOM if we were allowed to off shore drill for oil. We have everything here ...all the refineries etc..

The only thing holding it up? LAUTENBERG...CORZINE...PALLONE... to name a few...

They prefer to raise taxes. LOL

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:07 PM

I am pretty sure that nobody thinks we don't need to develope alternative fuel sources. We do.

Only those with their heads in the sand think that drilling now won't help ease the cost of oil while those alternatives are developed.

Solar and wind sound great but there are development times for both of these potential sources and even when developed I foresee only about 15-20% of our energy needs being serviced by these sources.

How about Nuclear power? We need to fast track the development and implementation of more nuke plants ASAP.

The left in this country love to follow the Europeans so let’s do that with our development of nuke power just like (shudder) France has.

In the meantime it's just plain stupid to not drill for oil we know we have. Stupid I tell you. Write your congressmen and demand that they lift the restrictions placed on drilling in Alaska and of off our shores now!

Well I'm for alternative sources...mostly with technology... I am definately NOT FOR NUCLEAR plants in america.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:10 PM
Ok so the price per barrel has supposedly dropped...

when will we see it at MY bottom line. The pump where I fuel my truck.

As far a using Nuclear Fuel...

Finite resource... and a dangerous one at that... Look it up... Just another place to play in the market...

Dragoness's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:11 PM

Well so much for calling this guy mCBush... for all those who want to stereotype REPS... this just shoots your whole theory about lumping mcCain is a Bush clone. McCain never was... he's a time bomb waiting to happen is all.

In a dramatic move yesterday President Bush removed the executive-branch moratorium on offshore drilling. Today, at a news conference, Bush repeated his new position, and slammed the Democratic Congress for not removing the congressional moratorium on the Outer Continental Shelf and elsewhere. Crude-oil futures for August delivery plunged $9.26, or 6.3 percent, almost immediately as Bush was speaking, bringing the barrel price down to $136.

Now isn’t this interesting?

Democrats keep saying that it will take 10 years or longer to produce oil from the offshore areas. And they say that oil prices won’t decline for at least that long. And they, along with Obama and McCain, bash so-called oil speculators. And today we had a real-world example as to why they are wrong. All of them. Reid, Pelosi, Obama, McCain — all of them.

Traders took a look at a feisty and aggressive George Bush and started selling the market well before a single new drop of oil has been lifted. What does this tell us? Well, if Congress moves to seal the deal, oil prices will probably keep on falling. That’s the way traders work. They discount the future. Psychology and expectations can turn on a dime.

The congressional ban on offshore drilling expires September 30, so that becomes a key date. A new report from Wall Street research house Sanford C. Bernstein says that California actually could start producing new oil within one year if the moratorium were lifted. The California oil is under shallow water and already has been explored. Drilling platforms have been in place since before the moratorium. They’re talking about 10 billion barrels worth off the coast of California.

There’s also a “gang of 10” in the Senate, five Republicans and five Democrats, that is trying to work a compromise deal on lifting the moratorium. So it’s possible a lot of action on this front could occur much sooner than people seem to think.

So I repeat: Drill, drill, drill. Deregulate, decontrol, and unleash the American energy industry. Those hated traders will then keep selling oil as the laws of supply and demand and free markets keep working.

Bravo for Bush. Bravo for the traders.

Of course he waited until he was almost out of office to do it, good political move, he gets the kudos and he allowed his oil buddies to rake in the bucks for the last few years. It works out well for him, since that is all he has been about from get.

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:11 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Wed 07/16/08 02:14 PM

While we are drilling then we might as well forget about our kids futures and grand kids and say heck to the fact that our already poluted earth is in the verge of dissimination..............i guess oil is way more important than the future of our kids............oh what the hell drill until we all freakin die as long as my car has gas............frustrated frustrated

Well I'm not sure we would allow the same mistakes of the past. We have come a long way in environmental clean up & wildlife. I would not want to see us go back to the days of careless stewardship of the land. However, I am sure we can have the best of using our own resources while being good stewards of the land.

Drilling short term & do like some suggest & invest in technology. My point is you can't rule out something short term if we can help it.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:14 PM

If you were one of the elites, and had $20 million in Exxon stock you just made $5 million in three months.

$100 million you just increased your bank account by 25 million. Why would you care how much they paid in taxes!

The oil companies made a killing off of us. So now that Bush is leaving he will give us the relief he had in the bag the whole time. LOL, so now that will be the only good point on his presidential record, oh no I am forgetting his very liberal government hand out to everyone, so he has two good points now to go down in history. LOL

Fanta46's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:14 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 07/16/08 02:59 PM
Oh crap!

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise right?

I know no one who has worked harder (many as hard) or tried as hard as me, and yet while doing alright for myself, I doubt I'll ever be wealthy!
Yet many, many, many are born in this country with a silver spoon in their mouth while never giving anything to this country, They are the ones who have gotten the tax-breaks from Bush and they think its due to them because they are born with it!
The middle class are taking the brunt and they are a dying breed under the NeoCon system.
Not only are the middle class disappearing, but the gap between poor and wealthy is getting steadily wider.

You expect me and everyone else to fall for that old line just because the wealthy lower tax rate still amounts to a larger total?

How about a flat rate? Would you go for that? Would the wealthy go for that? No, they wont. Its been suggested for years and the wealthy are the ones who kill the tax break after tax break!

Maybe those who cant see that there are elites in this country are just looking down at the situation from too high a perch!

wiley's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:14 PM
Edited by wiley on Wed 07/16/08 02:15 PM

Ok so the price per barrel has supposedly dropped...

when will we see it at MY bottom line. The pump where I fuel my truck.

You won't. Nobody is mentioning the refining end of it. That was the big thing last year: we didn't have enough refineries turning crude into fuel. Since we haven't built any new ones, I doubt that has changed. But the politicians can feel good about increasing the amount of crude we can't refine.


It just means we'll be selling more crude so we can import more refined fuel later.

wiley's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:24 PM
But then refining wouldn't be an issue if they stopped producing/selling SUVs that get 12 miles/gallon too. frustrated

Quikstepper's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:32 PM

Oh crap!

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise right?

I know no one who has worked harder (many as hard) or tried as hard as me, and yet while d0ing alright for myself, I doubt I'll ever be wealthy!
Yet many, many, many are born in this country with a silver spoon in their mouth while never giving anything to this country, They are the ones who have gotten the tax-breaks from Bush and they think its due to them because they are born with it!
The middle class are taking the brunt and they are a dying breed under the NeoCon system.
Not only are the middle class disappearing, but the gap between poor and wealthy is getting steadily wider.

You expect me and everyone else to fall for that old line just because the wealthy lower tax rate still amounts to a larger total?

How about a flat rate? Would you go for that? Would the wealthy go for that? No, they wont. Its been suggested for years and the wealthy are the ones who kill the tax break after tax break!

Maybe those who cant see that there are elites in this country are just looking down at the situation from too high a perch!

I get's like they just want to make a name for themselves... fugits & budgets... it looks good on paper only.

I believe in conservative principles but know that's not what we have going on in America today. FYI...fanta...we fought against NAFTA & GATT. We were called all sorts of names for it. Us right wingers... that's right... over 20 yrs. ago. I have been saying it every since.

When someone tells you what a boon it's going to be out!

wiley's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:35 PM

I get's like they just want to make a name for themselves... fugits & budgets... it looks good on paper only.

I believe in conservative principles but know that's not what we have going on in America today. FYI...fanta...we fought against NAFTA & GATT. We were called all sorts of names for it. Us right wingers... that's right... over 20 yrs. ago. I have been saying it every since.

When someone tells you what a boon it's going to be out!

NAFTA was/is an economic suicide pact. That's for sure.

jtip1977's photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:39 PM
I can't believe it - the one gas station near my house just went down 2 CENTS!!!! Woo Hooo. Now it only costs $54.44 to fill it up instead of $54.70!!!!

no photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:43 PM

I say Drill!!!:banana:

Drill your own oil and do not steal people's oil using invasions and armed forces .

no photo
Wed 07/16/08 02:43 PM
Edited by sam53 on Wed 07/16/08 02:44 PM
Double post .