Topic: There really should be a topic here. - part 2 | |
hope it works out for ya hon
Me, too, hon. We talked more about the deal, yesterday at work. He said he would sell the truck for 1000 dollars. He would take the van as a 400 dollar down payment then 75 dollars a pay period. We figured in four months the truck would be paid off. He already has the van promised to his daughter that he is going to pick up in Louisiana. He will sell it to her for 150 dollars after he gets it from me.
well i give in and when to er there going to fix my butt tomorrow its got a bump in side thats infected its out patient sugery ill be be sore but better than i was
I hope it gets better for you, hon. With me its these bleeding himarhoids.
I am eating from the four food groups which is helping a lot.
alot of it is your on your feet alot too roy
Its been nice to have the last two days off and I am looking forward to my two week vacation from the 6th to the 19th of July. I just plan to get my check on the 7th and sit back and take it easy for 2 weeks.
uh huh hope u have as good one
Thank you.
gooo fishing royyy get your feet wet
Great idea.
ya i have a few good ones lol
Its raining. That will get your feet wet, too.
wow did you watch the storm last night lots of lighting wind too
It knocked my power out for a bit. Went to the meeting of AA in town, yesterday. I was the only one that showed up. As I was coming into the Presbyterian church across from the racetrack the left front tire blew out. I went to get the spare but it was blew out a long time ago. I called a friend from work who was in Flippin. Rob and Melissa got me a new tire. I paid Melissa 20 and owe her 50. I was glad I had my cell phone. Kathy got her money, today but the repair guy is gone at Cheever's so we got to wait till he gets back. The office lady said she couldn't release it with Kathy's debit card until she got the okay from the boss. About 500 on her money pit to get her's out of the shop. I was really hoping to make the trade with Jamie on the truck so I could stop putting money in my money pit.
awwww sorry hon
Still waiting on getting Kathy's car back. I can't blame her for wanting the air conditioning fixed. She called later and one of the repairmen is going to work on it in the morning. I got the bug stuff scattered in the yard and with the next rain it will melt into the ground. Staying out of the weather and both air conditioners are running in each room. I still got the big air conditioner out in the new room but it isn't running.
i got mine on nice and cool here,to hot out i allmost melted lol today
It is hot in her little room even with her air conditioning running. That little room is right under the roof. I have to go to work in a bit and drop by Harp's to get one of the residents a word find book.