Topic: Prepare for war against unbelievers (Qur'an 8:60)
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 07/08/08 02:00 PM
Again a fundamentalist thread based upon misconceptions.
Not worth any serious consideration whatsoever.
Read Smiless threads, and learn how to be an objective non-christian.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 02:13 PM

Spider wrote:

Christianity is used as an excuse to commit murder and any impartial observer would have to admit that killing for religion is completely against the Old and New testament laws.

I think the book of Joshua tells a story of how "god" commanded Joshua to order his army to slaughter men, women and children. ...Why? Because they were said to be "evil" in their worship of false gods and they were said to be sacrificing babies to their gods.

Now tell me that this is not killing for or because of religion.


p.s. If they were so concerned about the poor babies being sacrificed, then they could have gone in there and rescued the babies. Or they could have at least preached their gospel to them. But they didn't.

I have been told that these "evil" people had been given 400 years to change their ways. (Convert) and they refused. Well if that is not a "Convert or die" proposition I don't know what is.

It is called either you are with us or against us : in other plain words " either you are with us or we KILL you all ".

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 07/08/08 02:59 PM

Would you mind passing the mashed potatoes? happy

something is mashed...but I'm not sure it's the potatoes...LOL

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 03:19 PM

You will have to forgive me, but I can have an opinion on anything I want - including the fact that christian's book and muslim's book are similar in their outlooks on the non-believers.

When I said "can't", I meant "shouldn't" or "it's not proper". If you met someone who was 5' 2" and insisted that he was 100 feet tall, you would probably think he was crazy. Opinions about objective facts are without merit. So you are entitled to your "opinion" in this matter, but it's wrong. It's not true.

But then I suppose history lies too, right?

It's unfortunate that you don't read my posts. I think that if you are going to debate with someone, you should show enough respect to read the post before responding. I have said again and again that "Christians" have done evil things. The inquisition, the excesses of the crusades, the witch trials... but those were actions committed by people. Christianity didn't call for those actions, people did. Christianity teaches peaceful co-existence. Christianity teaches turning the other cheek. Christianity teaches loving your neighbors. Those people acted in direct opposition to what Christianity teaches.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:31 PM
I sincerely believe that most "Christians" today, especially in the USA, are truly just "Jesus Freaks", they worship Jesus and Jesus alone. They basically denounce the God of Abraham and sweep him under the carpet every chance they get. They would love for nothing more than to shove the whole Old Testament under the carpet.

A lot of people would become Christians if they could just follow the teachings of Jesus and chuck the Old Testament out the window. But that's truly not the religion. That's a serious delusion.

I reject the Bible mainly because of the Old Testament not the New. However, the New Testament cannot stand alone. Jesus cannot stand on his own two feet, that's a fact. He stands on the shoulders of the God of Abraham. His authority to offer the gift of everlasting life, and to wash away the sins of man all rest on the idea that he is the God of Abraham. Not just the Son. It's a trinity that cannot be broken. Jesus is not, and cannot be the Son of the God of Abraham as a completely separate God, like Apollo was to Zeus. Jesus must be the God of Abraham or he is nothing. And that means that the Old Testament stands and Jesus in fact was the God of Abraham.

This the self-inconsistencies and contradictions with this whole larger picture of the religion is untenable. And this is why I have no choice but to reject it as being utterly implausible.

Just my thoughts.

And it is also true that Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all based on this very same religious folkore.

baroosie's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:42 PM
I'm sitting here with 72 virgins..... lemme tell ya.... it's hell! frustrated slaphead drool

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Tue 07/08/08 05:45 PM

However, the New Testament cannot stand alone. Jesus cannot stand on his own two feet, that's a fact. He stands on the shoulders of the God of Abraham. His authority to offer the gift of everlasting life, and to wash away the sins of man all rest on the idea that he is the God of Abraham. Not just the Son. It's a trinity that cannot be broken. Jesus is not, and cannot be the Son of the God of Abraham as a completely separate God, like Apollo was to Zeus. Jesus must be the God of Abraham or he is nothing. And that means that the Old Testament stands and Jesus in fact was the God of Abraham.

You must be some sort of theologian.

davidben1's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:34 PM

:smile: The unbelievers have declared war on "GOD":smile: Its been going on for a long timeglasses

who can save themself by declaring a flood, and declaring themself to be saved first.........would not love declare to the saver to rescue all, and if no return for oneself was possible, so be it.......

davidben1's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:46 PM
what one in this post that declare themself a "christian" has turned the other cheek.........

the very act of self-declaration remove any such possibility....

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:52 PM

:smile: The unbelievers have declared war on "GOD":smile: Its been going on for a long timeglasses

Mirror, think about the above statement for a moment. If you are an "unbeliever" of God, how could you declare a war on something you do not believe in?

"Unbelievers" just want to be left the hell alone, but for hundreds of years so-called "believers" have been hounding them, making laws, and forcing their lifestyles and beliefs down the throats of those who don't want them, killing those who believe differently.

Now is the new age of enlightenment where the "true believers" in ancient dogma are faced with reason and truth and they are having a problem accepting the many who speak out against their beliefs.

They just are not used to it. They are used to silence and compliance. They are used to people "going along with the program" and the time has come where people are not doing that any more, so they feel attacked. They feel persecuted.

They deny that for two thousand years their religious fore fathers persecuted non-believers, slaughtered pagans, hung heretics, tortured accused witches for confessions, etc. etc. They deny that this has anything to do with them or their faith. They blame it all on "bad Christians" who do not represent true Christianity.

So their problem is how do they divorce "Bad Christianity" and still believe in their Jesus? That is the problem they are faced with.

Its a big problem.

But we are not going to forget.

There is no declared war on God by unbelievers. The unbelievers are just tired of the corruption of religious orders trying to tell them how to live or what to believe.

Soul is free.


davidben1's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:20 PM
what can be attacked in words except one who has spoken words which give rise to attack.........

if one say they shall murder another, should not reason of any logic attempt to convince that this is self-defeating.......

any "christian" declare murder and death upon all others by god, no different than any other misinterpreted religion, and one would believe that this match the words of jesus.......

who that say another cannot question logic of words, is not of the same spirit, truth and energy that lead millions to death in the great inquisition, and the nazi movement........

debate of good reason by hiding behind a belief, interpretation, and personal feelings lead all that follow to more such misery............peace

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:29 PM

You will have to forgive me, but I can have an opinion on anything I want - including the fact that christian's book and muslim's book are similar in their outlooks on the non-believers.

When I said "can't", I meant "shouldn't" or "it's not proper". If you met someone who was 5' 2" and insisted that he was 100 feet tall, you would probably think he was crazy. Opinions about objective facts are without merit. So you are entitled to your "opinion" in this matter, but it's wrong. It's not true.

But then I suppose history lies too, right?

It's unfortunate that you don't read my posts. I think that if you are going to debate with someone, you should show enough respect to read the post before responding. I have said again and again that "Christians" have done evil things. The inquisition, the excesses of the crusades, the witch trials... but those were actions committed by people. Christianity didn't call for those actions, people did. Christianity teaches peaceful co-existence. Christianity teaches turning the other cheek. Christianity teaches loving your neighbors. Those people acted in direct opposition to what Christianity teaches.

But, if I have read a few of your posts correctly, you have stated that the bible is historically proven to be true.

If this is fact then the slaughter of innocent children and women commanded by god for retribution is not an act of christian freewill it is a command from your god.

as JB said ... convert or die

beauty314's photo
Wed 07/09/08 12:01 PM
Wow..where have I been? Thanx Belushi for getting that information on the is as I read then..
while I see death and destruction all over the Old testament, i still do not see it in the everlasting, intense manner presented in the Quran and your explanation confirms this in my heart. If anything exists in the Bible to rival that command in the you know the scripture? And did you find this out from the Imam..a great honor for me to hear such wordsflowerforyou

Amathyst2's photo
Wed 07/09/08 01:00 PM

flowerforyou In theory Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God.flowerforyou The ancient god of monotheism.flowerforyou Theres just a few ignorant people that claim otherwise.flowerforyou It says it right here in my college World Religions textbook.:smile: Im looking right at it.:smile:

All of these religions do believe in the same God. However they are not the same. There is one huge difference that separates them.

The Muslims and the Jews do not believe that Jesus is the son of God. They believe he was a prophet or messenger from God. But they do not see him as our lord.

This difference is what makes these religions separate.

no photo
Wed 07/09/08 01:19 PM

flowerforyou In theory Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God.flowerforyou The ancient god of monotheism.flowerforyou Theres just a few ignorant people that claim otherwise.flowerforyou It says it right here in my college World Religions textbook.:smile: Im looking right at it.:smile:

All of these religions do believe in the same God. However they are not the same. There is one huge difference that separates them.

The Muslims and the Jews do not believe that Jesus is the son of God. They believe he was a prophet or messenger from God. But they do not see him as our lord.

This difference is what makes these religions separate.

The Jews do not believe that Jesus is a prophet or a messenger from God because their religion was before Christianity by many centuries .

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 07/09/08 01:25 PM
Got any ice?

Belushi's photo
Thu 07/10/08 02:28 AM

Got any ice?

To put in a glass, wear as a naval piercing or jump into to enhance goose bumps :wink:

Belushi's photo
Thu 07/10/08 02:28 AM

I'm sitting here with 72 virgins..... lemme tell ya.... it's hell! frustrated slaphead drool

Hate to break it to you, but not all virgins are female!!

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 07/10/08 03:31 AM

flowerforyou In theory Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same God.flowerforyou The ancient god of monotheism.flowerforyou Theres just a few ignorant people that claim otherwise.flowerforyou It says it right here in my college World Religions textbook.:smile: Im looking right at it.:smile:

All of these religions do believe in the same God. However they are not the same. There is one huge difference that separates them.

The Muslims and the Jews do not believe that Jesus is the son of God. They believe he was a prophet or messenger from God. But they do not see him as our lord.

This difference is what makes these religions separate.

Yes, but that difference is insignificant.

Why do I say that?

Because Jesus was supposed to be an incarnation of the same original God.

So even though it continues on a different path, it's still the same religion, just broken off.

That the whole point about Christianity. Christians would love nothing more than to claim that they worship a different God than Judaism and Islam. But they don't. It's the same God. They just attribute Jesus to being an earthy incarnation of that same God.

Although, it truth Christians try their very best to sweep the God of Abraham under the carpet. They focus entirely on Jesus. They worship Jesus not the God of Abraham! Even though they are supposed to be one in the same God!

It's my own personal opinion that it's not even a workable scenario. This is why I personally gave up on the religion. It can't be made to make sense. And I don't believe that God is unreasonable.

However, my own personal opinion doesn't really matter. The fact is that Jesus was supposedly an incarnation of the the same God. So it's still the same religion. There's no getting around it.

And Jesus even said that he didn't come to change the laws of the original doctrine, so it can't even be said to be a new convenent or a new religion, or a new anything.

It's just the same religion with more twists. Twists that aren't even compatible with the previous doctrine.

no photo
Thu 07/10/08 07:01 AM

I'm sitting here with 72 virgins..... lemme tell ya.... it's hell! frustrated slaphead drool

Hate to break it to you, but not all virgins are female!!

or in that case not all virgins are human