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Topic: you ever feel like me ????
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Sat 07/05/08 01:47 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sat 07/05/08 01:48 AM
Did any one ever felt as you just want to give up on thease sites all together? Iam not tring to ask for pity or make people feel sorry for me .

It's just every time i end up talking to some one they want to get to know me it never fails after a couple days i never hear from them again.

I just dont understand as i read differt forums on plenty of fish and on here it seems that if you dont have a home,car,money,or perfect wrighting skills your no good to any women.

And they wonder why nice men finish last theres to much perfection,have to be good on spelling meaning grama ect.

Iam just fed up with it all it seems as that why am i doing here i did speek to a few others on this and they had told me the same thing .So this is not only me seeing this.

I figure this if a women writes to a guy say there interested in them then why a couple days later they decide to walk away now if a man did that walk away it's a whole differnt story i seen this happend on myspace,here,plenty of fish and a couple differnt sites in the past i mean if there doing this for attention then they shouldn't be telling a man there interested at all.
Iam not saying all women do it but as i seen in three years now i had nothing but b/s with women wrighting me and then wanting to talk and get to know me and then poof there gone.

I hate to sound mean iam not im speaking up for myself and for other men who gone through this it's not funny.

I proberly get bad feed back or if i affended any one iam sorry but i have to be honest here thats all i ever seen is this.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:48 AM
smokin Did you say things that were inappropriate or creepy?smokin Thats the most common reason that the gals quit talking to guys they meet on here. smokin

Voluptuous's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:48 AM
You must be saying something that turns them off.ohwell

brooke007's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:48 AM
flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

Jill298's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:51 AM
grammer and puncuation are pretty important when you are learning about someone thru typing...

transientmind's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:53 AM

smokin Did you say things that were inappropriate or creepy?smokin Thats the most common reason that the gals quit talking to guys they meet on here. smokin
Oooh, that explains so much...

YourLove1's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:54 AM
nope , cause i look at it this way. someone dont like me , ooooh well----NEXT :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Jill298's photo
Sat 07/05/08 01:59 AM
ok... when you are talking to someone online this is really common. It's not just you. Until you actually meet and start dating, it's really not a relationship... unless of course it's something you've both discussed. Sometimes people lose interest. Sometimes just just get busy. Sometimes they start talking to someone else.

cuteFATcheeka's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:08 AM
so turn jil on the talkin to someone else thing.... as for grammar and punctuation screw that i dont use it while im online... i use .... and thats about it when startin a new thought... however to some people that might make me look uneducated but if theyre gonna assume that i probably didnt wanna talk to them anyhow..... but the only thing i can say as why i quit typin back to someone is they bore me or ask me dumbass questions like what r u wearin

Jill298's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:11 AM

so turn jil on the talkin to someone else thing.... as for grammar and punctuation screw that i dont use it while im online... i use .... and thats about it when startin a new thought... however to some people that might make me look uneducated but if theyre gonna assume that i probably didnt wanna talk to them anyhow..... but the only thing i can say as why i quit typin back to someone is they bore me or ask me dumbass questions like what r u wearin
I agree. There's many times someone sends me an email like that and I just don't respond at all.

cuteFATcheeka's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:17 AM
so jill what are u wearin....bigsmile bigsmile
but back to the original question it must be you sayin something they dont wanna respond to... so sometimes its easier to just ignore the person then to say what u mean and look like the asshole... my momma taught me long ago if u dont have nothing nice to say, dont say nothing at all.... o so i hardly use that sayin cause im more if ur gonna ask a stupid question ur gonna get a stupid answer... as forest gump says stupid is as stupid does....

Jill298's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:21 AM
I just don't take offense when someone I hardly know and only chatted with online a few times chooses to stop talking to me... their loss

cuteFATcheeka's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:24 AM
ill drink to that drinker drinker drinker my sentiments exactly.... but jeez can someone tell me when guys started becomin so sensitive...

Jill298's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:25 AM

ill drink to that drinker drinker drinker my sentiments exactly.... but jeez can someone tell me when guys started becomin so sensitive...
cuz some woman didn't give their balls back

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:28 AM
Edited by Random_Stranger on Sat 07/05/08 02:35 AM

You must be saying something that turns them off.ohwell

Bingo! I am guilty of this unintentionally. I guess God made me that way as a means to stay put for the right one or to have one look deep into their own heart.

Rest assured Mike..... Love will find you my friend. Some things are worth waiting for, regardless if they come or not. Sometimes the ride getting there is worthwhile.

We are all flawed, and sometimes we haven't found someone who is willing to love you with yours. But relationships are not promised to anyone, and sometimes we have to be content with who we are or make a change. As for me, I lived long enough to love who I am. I regret nothing of my past, for it made me the unforgettable person that I am today. I care not who can see it, it is what I believe and what I hear from others. Has it gotten me a girlfriend? No. A potential girlfriend? No.

But I am liked more and chosen as a friend. I am responsible for being myself and my duty to others is nothing more than I have displayed. That I am funny, wise, and love to entertain others. These are my gifts that keep people calling me a friend. So long as you have friends, you cannot go wrong.

It sucks sometimes being a lone, but if no one is willing to accept you, then F*** them. You are an individual and if everyone seems to be with someone but you, then it simply means you are more unique and someone more worthy will come your way.

Don't beat yourself up and if you ever need to talk about anything, I am here for you to remind you what life is trying to tell you. I care not if you know me or not, but I share your pain.


Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:38 AM
Pretty much reiterating what Random said but...

Seems people have a lot better experience when they surrender.
There's a large (probably majority) demographic here that just appreciate their online friends and love to banter in the threads.

Cliche but it all happens when you stop trying. I know people want that connection SO bad. I'm aware it's the same principal as not being nervous around a dog that has bitten you before, so it won't bite you again....but desperation like fear broadcasts itself.

Try just hanging if a big happy hour group. Suspend agenda for a few weeks and BS with some good people. Relaxed friends having a good time is magnetic. Lay in wait, don't hunt.
Most don't want to be pounced on (at first). Just talked to.

Hang out, have a beer.drinker

catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 07/05/08 03:43 AM
Yo Mike!

Maybe cuz you type out these long azz questions to hear yourself talk then never come back to respond to what people have to say..


no photo
Sat 07/05/08 09:44 AM
Whut......... People actually read this? laugh jk.

DestinysDream's photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:02 PM
It's like your post. I read it and it sounds like you have a 20 lb. bag of cement on.

Lighten up your attitude. Make sure you go into conversations not caring what they think about you as a potential date. Be yourself. Be honest. Stay real. Approach them as friends and you will do much better. Stay relaxed and if it doesn't go, well go look around some more.

no photo
Sat 07/05/08 02:02 PM
I have to say no i didn't say anything to affend any one when they would contact me i dont briong up sex in a talk or chat nor do i ever bring up any thing negative.
I just dont understand heres a exsample ok from a couple of women had ask me do i have any kids i would say yes but living with the mother and i would exsplain to them that i went through atoxic relationship with her she was very controlling and very verbal abusive but any how in connecticut during a divorce it more likey to have the women take the children and not the man.
And then they ask do i talk to my son well then i say this i wish i could but she remarried and turn my kid against me wich she did she had him on the phone and kept saying tell your father what u told me as she was coaching him.

My son said to me i dont want to be your son i want to me bob's son now and she moved to sc.

Now as a person who has been through this i have spoke to other dads out there who had this happend to them. Why do the women auto think something totaly differnt at least i was honest and told the truth.

Iam a very respectable man i dont ask much only that i get the same respect as i show them is that to much to ask?

But in any case all i have ever seen is if you dont have this and that they dont want anything to do with ya i mean god what hasd this world become .

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