it has already occurred, so has the final judgement, so has all the other thing's jesus and the apostles talked about in scripture, they all took place by 70 AD, when the destruction of Jerusalem, was accomplished by God and by the Romans. the only thing you can possibly put your faith in now is your own individual faith in your messiah, jesus, and your god. You have been taken in by a teaching that is false and have spread it throughout the modern world, your evangelical belief's of dispensational teacher's have led your itchy ear's astray, they have divided your bible wrongly, and you continue to mislead both yourselves and other's with fallacy of what's to come. There is NOTHING left to come, but death. Even if the bible researchers knew this was true, the religions would shut this information down so quick people's head would spin. How can you continue to make people believe that they are going to a better place then the rest of us if it already happened and there is no special event and blessing for them for believing in the religion. Just as the original texts to the bible were destroyed and any text that has disagreed with the most popular King James version of the bible, has been destroyed or kept under lock and key by the church itself for fear of people learning the truth about what they have been believing to be false or just stories of old. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 07/06/08 12:19 AM
God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to see to it, that His Word( the Bible ) REMAINS.
NO missing parts. And Tribo.. once more, unless you have the Holy Spirit living in you ( which ONLY can come to live in you , when you are born again), you have no proper authority to rightly divide God's Word. Man himself cannot and will not EVER be able to dicipher the TRUE Meaning of God's Word, UNLESS THE HOLY SPIRT IS IN HIM , TO LEAD AND GUIDE HIM. So Tibo..since you do not have the Holy Spirit living in you , You have no authority whatsoever, to be trying to tell us about God's Word ( the Holy Bible). Spoken in love, My Friend. ![]() |
it has already occurred, so has the final judgement, so has all the other thing's jesus and the apostles talked about in scripture, they all took place by 70 AD, when the destruction of Jerusalem, was accomplished by God and by the Romans. the only thing you can possibly put your faith in now is your own individual faith in your messiah, jesus, and your god. You have been taken in by a teaching that is false and have spread it throughout the modern world, your evangelical belief's of dispensational teacher's have led your itchy ear's astray, they have divided your bible wrongly, and you continue to mislead both yourselves and other's with fallacy of what's to come. There is NOTHING left to come, but death. Even if the bible researchers knew this was true, the religions would shut this information down so quick people's head would spin. How can you continue to make people believe that they are going to a better place then the rest of us if it already happened and there is no special event and blessing for them for believing in the religion. Just as the original texts to the bible were destroyed and any text that has disagreed with the most popular King James version of the bible, has been destroyed or kept under lock and key by the church itself for fear of people learning the truth about what they have been believing to be false or just stories of old. The funny thing is in the contradiction thread that was the very thing people where using to defend the contradictions in the bible. I've read some of the sanscript translations from back then (scans of course) Even if you found the original text the claim would be that it was altered by politics of the time. Christians didnt become jerks who killed and converted till about 600 ad. Before that, they where basicly treated like an inferior version of the jews. |
God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to see to it, that His Word( the Bible ) REMAINS. NO missing parts. And Tribo.. once more, unless you have the Holy Spirit living in you ( which ONLY can come to live in you , when you are born again), you have no proper authority to rightly divide God's Word. Man himself cannot and will not EVER be able to dicipher the TRUE Meaning of God's Word, UNLESS THE HOLY SPIRT IS IN HIM , TO LEAD AND GUIDE HIM. So Tibo..since you do not have the Holy Spirit living in you , You have no authority whatsoever, to be trying to tell us about God's Word ( the Holy Bible). Spoken in love, My Friend. ![]() words spoken in love indeed, the same love that nailed jesus to a cross, and shall ATTEMPT to do so again..... for was it not the scribes and pharisees that demanded ANY that DARE dispute THEIR interpretation of scriptures be as damned, and even as such words are spoken, the speaker damn oneself, having now professed with the mouth all judgment of another, and have even broken the greatest warning of self judgment, as to NEVER say who shall ascend, or be it then as you have spoken........ the days of singing a morning song, shall soon turn to a song of misery, and THEN shall there come a NEW DAY and NEW LIFE, that spring forth from the ashes........peace |
God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to see to it, that His Word( the Bible ) REMAINS. NO missing parts. And Tribo.. once more, unless you have the Holy Spirit living in you ( which ONLY can come to live in you , when you are born again), you have no proper authority to rightly divide God's Word. Man himself cannot and will not EVER be able to dicipher the TRUE Meaning of God's Word, UNLESS THE HOLY SPIRT IS IN HIM , TO LEAD AND GUIDE HIM. So Tibo..since you do not have the Holy Spirit living in you , You have no authority whatsoever, to be trying to tell us about God's Word ( the Holy Bible). Spoken in love, My Friend. ![]() Okay I've heard that before and it still make so sense Morningsong. It's just garbage in garbage out. It is meaningless. What you are saying is that not one person on earth will ever be able to decipher the words in the Bible UNLESS the Holy spirit is in them to lead and guide them. Then you claim that the only way to get that to happen is to accept the dogma of the idea that a man called Jesus died on a cross as a sacrifice for the sins of all man kind. In other words, you are making the statement that you have to believe that story (written in the Bible) before you can read and understand it. Well that makes NO SENSE AT ALL. Because a person MUST read and understand it before they can believe it. Because like it or not, people do choose what they will or will not believe. If someone tells you a lie, but you trust the person telling it, you might believe that lie. If someone tells you the truth but you don't trust the person telling it, you might not believe the truth. So many people believe things based on who tells them, not on what they are. This is what you are asking people to do. Believe me because I say so. Believe it because it it written in the Bible. Believe it because it is God's word. Then AFTER YOU FIRST SELL YOUR SOUL and accept the story as truth, and accept the sacrifice, and ask to become born again, then and only then will you understand and be able to decipher the Bible. No No No. This is not true. Because once you truly decide that the Bible is truth, then no matter what you read in the Bible your mind will accept it as truth and rationalize its inconsistencies as much as possible to make it seem reasonable. That is how the mind works. It is called hypnotism. You, my dear sweet fairy, are hypnotized. You will stay that way as long as you continue to visit your hypnotist. That would be your Church. Try not going for three years and let yourself come to your senses. JB |
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![]() ![]() Want me to tuck you in? LOL. ![]() |
God is a BIG ENOUGH GOD to see to it, that His Word( the Bible ) REMAINS. NO missing parts. And Tribo.. once more, unless you have the Holy Spirit living in you ( which ONLY can come to live in you , when you are born again), you have no proper authority to rightly divide God's Word. Man himself cannot and will not EVER be able to dicipher the TRUE Meaning of God's Word, UNLESS THE HOLY SPIRT IS IN HIM , TO LEAD AND GUIDE HIM. So Tibo..since you do not have the Holy Spirit living in you , You have no authority whatsoever, to be trying to tell us about God's Word ( the Holy Bible). Spoken in love, My Friend. ![]() words spoken in love indeed, the same love that nailed jesus to a cross, and shall ATTEMPT to do so again..... for was it not the scribes and pharisees that demanded ANY that DARE dispute THEIR interpretation of scriptures be as damned, and even as such words are spoken, the speaker damn oneself, having now professed with the mouth all judgment of another, and have even broken the greatest warning of self judgment, as to NEVER say who shall ascend, or be it then as you have spoken........ the days of singing a morning song, shall soon turn to a song of misery, and THEN shall there come a NEW DAY and NEW LIFE, that spring forth from the ashes........peace hmmmmmmmm.......... If the Pharisees and the Saducees had it right, they would have accepted jesus Christ when he told them He is God. Bu they didn't. Because they did not believe. Should Jesus have need come, were they to be in truth themselves? He needed be come to us. everything prophesied to the Jews within the family of Abraham required it be so. The rpesent ark being built is called the bride of Christ. It is plainly being built in public view, just like Noah's ark. Hey, Noah!! It's going to rain. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey world, the door of Jesus Christ is going to shut!!!!!Matthew 25:10. Mt 24:37, Jesus speaking, But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Want me to tuck you in? LOL. ![]() only if i get a kiss goodnight ![]() |
wouldbe......can i possibly read correctly that you think i endorse the believe of the scibes and pharisees.....
how can you respond to my post with your post having even read mine, lol...... my understanding has failed me....... I HAVE DAMNED IT MY FRIEND....... |