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Topic: Let's talk about Scientology
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Wed 07/02/08 08:24 AM
Edited by smiless on Wed 07/02/08 08:24 AM
Despite the twentieth century’s torrent of technological advances, our civilization is in dire need of help. Since the advent of an atomic age which spawned the distinct possibility that all life on Earth could be extinguished at the push of a button, two generations have grown up under that specter. Partially in consequence, life in our society has taken many strange twists: Children are forcibly administered tranquilizing drugs in schools in the name of control; workers are taxed one hour’s wages for every three on the job; and our youth emerge from their schools unable to read or write. Through media manipulation, whole populations are directed what to think, what to believe or what attitudes to hold. Such is the world that would be encountered by a time traveler from the start of this century, and surely he would find it strange.

It is not easy to live with purpose, dignity and happiness in a world so engrossed in materialism and so utterly blind to man’s spiritual needs. Half an hour’s walk through any urban landscape would convince virtually anyone that life could be a happier proposition.

Which brings up this relevant question: What is Scientology?

Scientology is an applied religious philosophy.

The fastest growing religious movement on Earth, Scientology has become a firmly established and active force for positive change in the world in less than half a century.

The Scientology religious philosophy contains a precise system of axioms, laws and techniques, exhaustively researched and documented as workable. As such, it provides the individual with the ability to dramatically improve conditions, not only in his own life but in the world around him.

What do you think Scientology is? Tell me if you support it or not. If you dislike it or like it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:26 AM
laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh

Chazster's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:28 AM
It is a belief that an alien dumbed a bunch of other aliens into a volcano on earth and then used a special device to keep their souls trapped here. Those souls then attach themselves to our bodies and make us believe in our other religions.

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:31 AM
Scientology is a twentieth-century religion. It comprises a vast body of knowledge extending from certain fundamental truths, and prime among those truths: Man is a spiritual being endowed with abilities well beyond those which he normally envisages. He is not only able to solve his own problems, accomplish his goals and gain lasting happiness, but also to achieve new states of awareness he may never have dreamed possible.

In one form or another, all great religions have held the hope of spiritual freedom — a condition free of material limitations and misery. The question has always been, however, how does one reach such a state, particularly while still living amidst a frantic and often overwhelming society?

Although modern life seems to pose an infinitely complex array of problems, Scientology maintains that the solutions to those problems are basically simple and within every man’s reach.

Difficulties with communication and interpersonal relationships, nagging insecurities, self-doubt and despair — each man innately possesses the potential to be free of these and many other concerns.

Scientology offers a pathway to greater freedom.

Could you agree that it may help some live a better lifestyle?

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:33 AM

laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh

laugh Tom Cruise scaring Oprah is hilarious! Why the media attacked him for that I don't understand.

Some say Will Smith is now a Scientologist, yet I remember hearing he said that his grandmother would skin him alive if he would change his religion?

Chazster's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:34 AM
I mean if living a better life consists of thinking you have a little alien controlling your body and that you have multiple lives that dont necessarily exist in chronological order then go ahead.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:34 AM

laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh

laugh Tom Cruise scaring Oprah is hilarious! Why the media attacked him for that I don't understand.

Some say Will Smith is now a Scientologist, yet I remember hearing he said that his grandmother would skin him alive if he would change his religion?

:smile: I can tell you more about Scientology than anyone on here (as far as I know):smile:

JTstrang's photo
Wed 07/02/08 02:45 PM
It's a joke. L. Ron Hubbard is a scam artist. And they brain wash people in to giving them money with standard donations to take classes. It is a cult, and they don't like being called a cult, I know from living in clearwater, FL. I am with the Anonymous Group on protesting these cult people that end up killing some of it's own members and suing anyone that speaks poorly of them. Scientology is one scary joke.

nubian's photo
Wed 07/02/08 02:48 PM

laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh
aint that the truth laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 03:04 PM
Edited by smiless on Wed 07/02/08 03:13 PM

laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh

laugh Tom Cruise scaring Oprah is hilarious! Why the media attacked him for that I don't understand.

Some say Will Smith is now a Scientologist, yet I remember hearing he said that his grandmother would skin him alive if he would change his religion?

:smile: I can tell you more about Scientology than anyone on here (as far as I know):smile:

Well that is great! Would you care to teach us?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/02/08 05:33 PM

laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh

laugh Tom Cruise scaring Oprah is hilarious! Why the media attacked him for that I don't understand.

Some say Will Smith is now a Scientologist, yet I remember hearing he said that his grandmother would skin him alive if he would change his religion?

:smile: I can tell you more about Scientology than anyone on here (as far as I know):smile:

Well that is great! Would you care to teach us?
:smile: What do you want to know?:smile:

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 07/02/08 05:40 PM
I have nothing against scientologists themselves, but its the main Church of Scientology that i don't like. They control people to the point of breaking them.

They seem to run a campaign to draw celebs into their webs to encourage "lesser" people into yet. But celebs can afford the costly classes and get higher in the ranks, yet the common folk have to sign a contract to be with the church for 3 million years and basically get enslaved. its worse when families are involved because most get ripped apart and many members of that family get emotional scars that never heal.

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 05:45 PM

It's a joke. L. Ron Hubbard is a scam artist. And they brain wash people in to giving them money with standard donations to take classes. It is a cult, and they don't like being called a cult, I know from living in clearwater, FL. I am with the Anonymous Group on protesting these cult people that end up killing some of it's own members and suing anyone that speaks poorly of them. Scientology is one scary joke.

I don't know that much about it, but I suspect that it is a cult that wants your money. Even Eckankar threatened law suits against EX members who bad mouthed them. I don't get a good feeling about it. L Ron Hubbard, Paul Twitchell, both fiction writers and scam artists.


ArtGurl's photo
Wed 07/02/08 06:23 PM
The Jason Beghe interview was the first real 'speaking out' about it that I've seen.

Wow noway

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 07:11 PM

laugh You dont want to get me started LOLlaugh

laugh Tom Cruise scaring Oprah is hilarious! Why the media attacked him for that I don't understand.

Some say Will Smith is now a Scientologist, yet I remember hearing he said that his grandmother would skin him alive if he would change his religion?

:smile: I can tell you more about Scientology than anyone on here (as far as I know):smile:

Well that is great! Would you care to teach us?
:smile: What do you want to know?:smile:

Tell me how it started and why it has over 500,000 members today. Or is it more then this?

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/02/08 07:47 PM
Scientology, officially known as The Church of Scientology, was founded in 1953 by L. Ron Hubbard (1912-1986), and popularized through his 1950 book, DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Health (over ten million copies sold). Dianetics was originally intended to be Hubbard's psychotherapeutic answer to the techniques of modern psychiatry. (The word "Dianetics" means "through the soul," and promises to reveal "the single source of all man's insanities, psychosomatic illnesses, and neuroses.") In addition to Dianetics, Scientology produces scores of other publications. A short list includes Source, The Delphian, Advance!, and The Auditor.

The history of Scientology actually begins much earlier than 1953. Hubbard had become a well known science fiction writer in the 1930s. In fact, some of his ideas which are "common to Scientology first appeared in his 1938 manuscript titled Excalibur" (Kingdom of the Cults, p. 345), more than a decade before its official founding. Wild claims have been made about Hubbard's earlier life by Scientology publications. For example, they have claimed that he "graduated in civil engineering from George Washington University as a nuclear physicist, although the university records show that he attended for two short years, during the second of which he was on academic probation, and failed physics. Hubbard's Ph.D. was said to be from a Sequoia University in California, although there is no proof of the existence of any accredited institution in California by that name that grants doctorates" (Podiatry Today, March 1990).

Gerry Armstrong, a devout Scientologist assigned by the Church to write an authorized biography of Hubbard, discovered other inconsistencies in Hubbard's history. Armstrong, who has now left Scientology, states: "Nor was Hubbard a World War II hero who miraculously cured himself of nearly fatal combat wounds, as he claimed. Hubbard never saw combat. After his discharge from the Navy in 1946, he was granted 40% disability pay for arthritis, bursitis and conjunctivitis. He continued to collect this pay long after he claimed to have discovered the secret of how to cure such ailments" (Another Gospel, Ruth Tucker, p. 301). Hubbard's reputation as an explorer, prolific science fiction writer, and parabotanist (he was one of the first to expound the idea of "communicating" with plants) enlarged to make him the worldwide spokesman for this fast-growing cult.

Biographers have also uncovered Hubbard's involvement with the Occult, which probably influenced his writings. Hubbard claimed to have had a near-death experience where he learned everything that ever puzzled the mind of man. The notorious Satanist, Aleister Crowley, was Hubbard's mentor and he lived with Crowley protégé John Parsons, engaging in sex magic at their black magic mansion hospice (Los Angeles Times, 24 June 1990, p. A1).

Despite the inconsistencies in his history, Hubbard would become one of the wealthiest and most well known leaders of a religious movement in only a few years. Scientology currently holds assets of nearly $500 million, including a 440-foot cruise ship used as a "seagoing religious retreat." Assets also include two publishing houses, a 2,845-acre California ranch used as a school for the children of church staffers, and more than 45 buildings on 500 acres in Riverside County, California. Other assets include reinforced vaults designed to preserve the church's teachings in case of earthquake or nuclear attack. (These teachings include 500,000 pages of Hubbard's writings, 6,500 reels of tape, and 42 films.)

Scientology's methodology and beliefs have also led some members into a long history of criminal and civil actions and convictions. Both the U.S. Federal and Canadian courts have found top Scientology officials and the church guilty of charges such as burglarizing, wiretapping, and conspiracy against government agencies (Time, 6 May 1991, p. 50). In 1980, for example, eleven of Scientology's top leaders, including Hubbard's wife, were jailed for bugging and burglarizing the U.S. Justice Department and other federal agencies in the 1970s.

Within the church, there have been widespread purges and defections. Some former members have filed lawsuits accusing the church of intimidating its critics, breaking up families, and using high-pressure sales techniques to separate large sums of money from its followers. In 1986, Scientology paid an estimated $5 million to settle more than 20 of the suits, without admitting wrongdoing. In exchange, the plaintiffs agreed never again to criticize Scientology or Hubbard and to have their lawsuits forever sealed from public view.

Hubbard formalized his theories into a religion in order to obtain tax-exempt status and freedom from governmental interference for some of his organizations. Scientology currently claims to have more than eight million members in more than 3,000 "churches, mission-related organizations, and groups" in more than 133 countries. (Source: 11/2001, Scientology official Internet web site.) Closer to the truth is that there are only about 50,000 active members.

The cult claims "Celebrity Centers" (a chain of clubhouses that offer expensive counseling and career guidance) in more than 100 cities in more than 15 countries. The cult appeals strongly to intellectuals and the "gifted," relying extensively on endorsements from celebrities and corporations that employ Dianetics. Various world locations for Scientology include Washington, D.C.; Clearwater, Florida (a Scientology Training Center); Sussex, England (where it operates a thirty-room mansion and a fifty-seven acre estate); and Los Angeles (claiming such movie stars and entertainers as John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Karen Black, Jennifer Aspen, Isaac Hayes, Priscilla Presley, Kristie Alley, and the late Sonny Bono -- Scientology's "representative" in the U.S. Congress).

There are numerous front organizations in the Church of Scientology used as vehicles for their objectives. Some of the more prominent would include Advanced Organization of Los Angeles, Religious Technology Center, and FLAG. Some of the more clandestine vehicles for recruitment and dissemination of Scientology are its affiliated agencies and business programs, most of which are part of W.I.S.E. (Worldwide Institute of Scientology Enterprises). There are groups like Sterling Management Systems; Steller Management; Singer Consultants; Uptrends; Owl Management; Applied Scholastics; Citizens Commission on Human Rights; Citizens Against Taxes; The Way to Happiness Foundation; Hollander Consultants; Irons, Marcus & Valko; and Uptrends (Podiatry Today, March 1990; Watchman Expositor, 1997). They also work through Concerned Businessmen of America, and through The Way to Happiness and Set a Good Example Contest, the latter two aimed at school children, and through Narconon (meaning "non-narcosis" or "no drugs"), an alleged drug rehab program consisting of 50 alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers in 21 countries, operating in 750 prisons under the name "Criminon" (Criminon, meaning "no crime," is a volunteer criminal rehabilitation program which utilizes technologies developed by Hubbard to help convicts recover pride and self-esteem). Narconon is a classic vehicle for drawing addicts into the cult.

Hubbard was a best-selling author for more than 50 years, with over 589 published works to his credit. His fiction sales total over 25 million copies, and his non-fiction works have sold more than 23 million. Many may have first come in contact with Scientology through a clean-cut young man or woman at the door offering a "free personality analysis." But the 200 questions posed are part of the recruiting program for the Church of Scientology, which is nothing but an applied religious philosophy offering "a clear, bright insight to help you blaze toward your mind's full potential."

In a nutshell, Scientology teaches that all humans descended from a race of uncreated, omnipotent gods called Thetans, who gave up their powers to enter the Material-Energy-Space-Time (MEST) world of Earth. [Hubbard's Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary explains, "The Thetan is immortal and is possessed of capabilities well in excess of those hitherto predicted for man. In the final analysis what is this thing called Thetan? It is simply you before you mocked yourself up and that is the handiest definition I know of" (p. 432). The Thetan is thus that part of each individual which is immortal and which has become contaminated or debased by the influences of MEST.] Gradually, they evolved upward by reincarnation to become humans who could not remember their deified state. Scientologists are encouraged to awaken their dormant Thetan potential by removing all mental blocks called engrams. By doing so, they can realize their true personhood, achieving total power and control over MEST. Scientology offers a psychotherapeutic process for breaking through the engrams "picked up from traumas in prior lives," to "realize" once again one's true identity as an "operating Thetan" (God) beyond the limitations of MEST.

Scientology, thereby, does nothing more than incorporate certain aspects of New Age pseudoscience, psychotherapy, and various occult practices into the ancient lie of promised godhood. Below are the highlights of what Scientology believes and practices concerning its source of authority, roots, tactics, sin and salvation, Christ, and spiritual practice:

1. Source of Authority. The official Scientology Internet web site says: "The writings and recorded spoken words of L. Ron Hubbard on the subject of Scientology collectively constitute the Scripture of the religion. He set forth the Scientology philosophy and technologies in more than 500,000 pages of writings, including dozens of books, and more than 2,000 tape-recorded lectures." Principally, Hubbard and his 1950 book, Dianetics, is the authority for Scientology. [The Church of Scientology's current Church president is Heber T. Jentzsch, but the real authority is David Miscavige.] Scientology has even found it necessary to publish a dictionary with 7,000 definitions for the use of over 3,000 Dianetic words. In 1951, Hubbard released his findings on the spirit of Man, which served as the foundation of the religion of Scientology, dealing with what Hubbard considered the fundamental truths concerning the essence of life, what came before, and the hereafter. This was later followed by another basic book, SCIENTOLOGY: The Fundamentals of Thought. Hubbard's own definition of Scientology is "Knowing how to know ... Know thyself ... and the truth shall set you free" -- an obvious twisting of the words of Jesus Christ in John 8:32 -- "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

2. Its Roots. Even though Hubbard himself declared Dianetics to be "the spiritual heir of Buddhism in the Western world," there is evidence of even darker roots. Hubbard was at one time closely linked with British Satanist and New Ager Aleister Crowley, and there are strong indications that the word Dianetics had its origins in the worship of the goddess Diana.

3. Its Tactics. Scientology attempts to give the appearance that it is both a science and a religion. Fifty hours of Scientology counseling can cost $2,350. Some former members say they invested up to $80,000, which may explain some claims that the organization's total take is over $3 million per day. ["Auditing" is by far Scientology's most expensive service. Auditing is purchased in 12 1/2-hour chunks, costing the Scientologist anywhere between $3,000 and $11,000 each, depending on where it is bought.] Members are usually well-scrubbed, respectable, middle-class types. Church "ministers" wear the conventional black priest-suit and white collar, and even sport crosses, though they point out it isn't representative of Christ's crucifix. When their teachings and tactics are questioned, Scientologists are not prone to turn the other cheek. Hubbard says, "you only get hurt when you duck." Scientology's alleged tactics of harassment, intimidation, and defamation of critics are well-known -- once an FBI raid on church quarters revealed a "hit list" of enemies. [The elite of Scientology's workers, at least 5,000 of them, belong to a zealous faction known as the Sea Organization and are given room, board, and a small weekly allowance. (Scientology web site: "Today, more than 5,000 members of this religious order occupy staff positions in upper level Scientology church organizations around the world.") They sign contracts to serve Scientology in this and future lifetimes -- for a billion years. Their motto is: "We come back." Dressed in mock navy uniforms adorned with ribbons, they bark orders with a clipped, military cadence. They hold ranks such as captain, lieutenant, and ensign. Officers, including women, are addressed as "Sir."]

4. Sin and Salvation. A major creed of L. Ron Hubbard states that "man is good," an immortal Thetan, able to create MEST. This tenet is consistent with the Dianetic belief that man is descended from the gods and may someday evolve to reclaim his Thetan potential. "Salvation" involves a process of working through levels of self-knowledge and knowledge of past lives (reincarnation) to awaken the pre-existent deity within and regain total godhood. As would be expected, the existence of an eternal heaven and hell is denied.

5. Christ. Christ is deemed merely a "cleared" individual (see #6 below), i.e., "just a man."

6. Spiritual Practice. Other doctrines and practices of Scientology include astral travel, regression to past lives, and the "urge toward existence as spirits." Through the use of a Scientology "E-meter" (something like a lie detector) in an "auditing" session, members undergo exercises and counseling to eliminate negative mental images from past lives and achieve a state of "clear." (Hubbard believed all illnesses were psychosomatic and could be cured by eliminating these past experiences from the brain.) Scientology promises members higher intelligence and greater business success through Scientology courses that cost thousands of dollars. "Upper-level" or "OT6" ("OT" stands for "Operating Thetan") teachings of Scientology are available only to members who graduate through preliminary Church of Scientology programs. Scientologists tell their members that if they get into Level 6 before going through the preliminary levels, they could "dematerialize or develop [fatal] illnesses." Scientology is creating a powerful group of brainwashed robots who believe they have found a solution for their own problems as well as a master plan for every person and nation in the world, now and forever.

7. Summary of Scientology Theology. In the beginning were the Thetans. These were to eventually create the MEST, which in actuality would not be the best thing they could have done. For when the Thetan, who inhabits the MEST, comes into conflict with other MEST, an engram is recorded in the reactive mind. This engram, whether it be remembered or not, due to unconsciousness which accompanies every engram, is stored in the reactive mind and causes the Thetan to believe false data [erroneous ideas]. It is the purpose of Scientology, through its auditing efforts, to rid the Thetan of all engrams so that in turn that Thetan, who now possesses a new educational perspective on reality, as a result of the auditing, may advance to a higher state of being or Clear. Once one reaches "Clear" (a 38-step process), there are 20 more steps before one reaches "OT," when one supposedly doesn't need a body to exist and is clear of all "engrams."

no photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:37 PM
It is considered a religion but actually is a elite cult. Now I understand why Germany is trying to get them out of their country. They have like only 5000 members I think.

It is amazing what a sci fi author can do. He creates believable stories to become a prolific author and then manages to incorporate fantasy into a real belief system.

Very interesting Mirror. If you have more info then please share.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:41 PM

It is considered a religion but actually is a elite cult. Now I understand why Germany is trying to get them out of their country. They have like only 5000 members I think.

It is amazing what a sci fi author can do. He creates believable stories to become a prolific author and then manages to incorporate fantasy into a real belief system.

Very interesting Mirror. If you have more info then please share.

glasses I have LOTS more info and there are FAR more than 5000 members.glasses There are also break away groups of Scientologists such as the "Free-zone Scientologists." glasses Im not sure the word cult applies to this group in its traditional definition.glasses Most of the New Age religions are connected to Scientology.glasses I can tell you much more about the practices and the OT levels but im afraid of getting made fun of. ohwell

Chazster's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:08 PM
no plagiarizing mirror. You need to cite your sources lol.

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 07/02/08 09:17 PM

It is considered a religion but actually is a elite cult. Now I understand why Germany is trying to get them out of their country. They have like only 5000 members I think.

It is amazing what a sci fi author can do. He creates believable stories to become a prolific author and then manages to incorporate fantasy into a real belief system.

Very interesting Mirror. If you have more info then please share.

glasses I have LOTS more info and there are FAR more than 5000 members.glasses There are also break away groups of Scientologists such as the "Free-zone Scientologists." glasses Im not sure the word cult applies to this group in its traditional definition.glasses Most of the New Age religions are connected to Scientology.glasses I can tell you much more about the practices and the OT levels but im afraid of getting made fun of. ohwell


I won't make fun of you. I'd be interested in reading more.


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