Topic: When Is The Age DIfference To Much??
Jersey_Devil's photo
Mon 08/18/08 04:19 PM
Disturbing is one way to put it!
sick ill

tracey1020's photo
Mon 08/18/08 07:06 PM

Disturbing is one way to put it!
sick ill

what's disturbing to you? the fact that i have been dating a 24 yr old? i saw another post that you had made today i believe... on a similar topic. here it is...

Topic: 20 year age difference?
If i was to date someone 20 years younger then me i would be breaking the law!
But from where i am standing 10 year younger or older seem to be the "norm".
That doesn't mean i wouldn't consider flexibility of said rules, since i do not believe in absolutes.
People are different and i would give anyone a chance.

now i am 16 yrs. his senior... but it is our choice as to whether or not we see each other. he is not a child. sorry if that offends and/or nauseates anyone. but it's our lives.

Jersey_Devil's photo
Tue 08/19/08 03:40 PM
Those were my words, yes...
Now my comment was not directed towards you, i simply could not see myself with someone 20 years older then myself.
As i said 10 years either way would be my choice.
now with that being said, it is not my place to criticize your choices.

tracey1020's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:13 PM

Those were my words, yes...
Now my comment was not directed towards you, i simply could not see myself with someone 20 years older then myself.
As i said 10 years either way would be my choice.
now with that being said, it is not my place to criticize your choices.

then thank you for not criticizing. it may not be for everyone... but it's working for us. for now anyway.

Phoenix0311's photo
Tue 08/19/08 04:25 PM
HMMMMMMMMMM... I wonder?what

JuliaA's photo
Thu 09/04/08 10:50 AM
Are we talking - dating or sex???? They are two very different things. Having had a sexual fling with a man who at the time was 14 years my junior 29/43 it was not about going clubbing-been there done that. It was not about going to the symphony or theatre-the last tux he had worn was in high school. It was about my frustration trying to find a man in his mid-40's to early 50's who had a libido that was even close to mind. Still a frustration today. Purely my experience, I would not dare to speak for or to someone else's experience. If you can find a common ground with which to hold a conversation with a man of such a different generation then you are indeed a lucky woman.

Desiluoo's photo
Thu 09/04/08 05:19 PM
If it is about sex..then by all means date away ...if you think it could be more to it that you could make a future together...than consider will his mother relate to it. Would you be embarrassed to introduce him at a party? Do you feel slightly sheepish when you are out together? If any of these questions give you pause...he is too young.:heart:

chevylover1965's photo
Thu 09/04/08 05:36 PM
age is only a number !
but i dont date any one under 25 .... or over 53 .. !

just point of view ,,,flowerforyou

Kriswithak's photo
Sun 09/07/08 09:21 AM
I have dated guys in thier 20's and found that we really didn't have much in common. My world & future plans are far different from thier's. Most guys younger than 35 still want children of thier own and I am past the baby-making stage.
On the other end of the spectrum, guys over 45 don't seem to have enough libido to keep me happy. I don't mind taking care of myself now & then but if I get turned down more than I get turned on, that's a problem.
So I try to keep it 5 years in either direction. But I still keep on open mind, my rules can be bent if the guy is tempting enough.

karmicfilly's photo
Sun 09/07/08 12:02 PM
I have dated all the ages it seems. Some made me think twice.
The younger (20's - early 30's) still want children or don't
know what they want. Then there is the guys who are divorced
and out playing the field and sleeping with anyone. They
can be any age, they just want to sow oats. Get to my age
and they become complacent and don't want to exert effort
into much. Whether that be relationships, sex, or taking
care of themselves. Would be nice to find a happy medium
just not sure what age range that would be, lol.

KimNBama's photo
Mon 09/08/08 11:59 AM
I was married to someone 13 years younger than me and now we are divorced. It was his lack of responsiability on jobs and he told the best lie's Ive ever heard in my life. Now by saying that I think older men could be the same way BUT I would prefer to date someone now between 36 and 45 (im 40) but you also can't help who you fall in love with. Damn Im more confused now than before I posted this frustrated :laughing:

beachbum069's photo
Mon 09/08/08 01:53 PM

I don't have an age limit, but I have never met a guy younger than 28 that interested me. And, even that was pushing it. I would prefer to be with someone within 5 years of my own age either older or younger.

I'm 36.:tongue:

Socratease's photo
Mon 09/08/08 04:04 PM
As long as there is a mutual affection and the younger person is mentally mature and not naive or unwise,then age shouldnt come into play..but i think a 20 yr difference can be a cutoff for most.After all,relations are hard enough without outside opinions of friends and or family straining it even further..

alonenotlonely's photo
Mon 09/08/08 05:33 PM
The age difference shouldn't matter: within legalities, it's personal choice. I've dated a woman 15 years older and learned much; I'm dating 20 years younger and I'm learning much.

I face the same judgments: as I'm 55 and she's 34, I must either be well-endowed or financially stable. Seeing an older woman with a younger man prompts me to think, "I wonder if it's working . . . if so, at what level?" and "I'd like to meet her."

Whacha think - older woman with younger man? Doesn't that make you think it's physical? And how much better you could be because you're older? It's just the normal thought of the man/dog/jerk who hasn't found his hydrant.

mirandasam1's photo
Wed 09/10/08 09:56 PM
if you have to card the person, they're too young for you. nuff said.

warmachine's photo
Wed 09/10/08 10:40 PM
Well, from my end of things, I took the risk and dated a woman who was 9 years younger than me. 3 years later, I wondered what had happened.

She wanted to go party all the time and I wanted to stay home and enjoy her company.

So, suffice to say, my experience with dating a woman much younger didn't end well... the fornication was fantastic, but thats not enough.

unsure's photo
Thu 09/11/08 05:50 AM
I honestly believe it depends on the person. Age is only a number, and each person has to feel comfortable dating that person. I myself, I have a son that is 20 now so I won't be dating anyone close to his age.
I don't understand how men can get away with dating someone half their age and everyone thinks they are a stud. If a woman does that then she has a problem..what is up with that? Hey I say if you feel comfortable doing it, go for it!! You don't have to answer to anyone, you pay your own bills and as long as you feel good about what you like!!!
I have dated someone 13 years younger then myself and the relationship was great. The only reason why we broke up was because he wanted children and I already had mine. I broke up with him and told him he needed to live his life and have his children, I thought that was the mature thing to do. He still calls me and we are still friends and we both have our own lives flowerforyou

Hajimemashite's photo
Thu 09/11/08 04:04 PM
Ok this only matters to you and the other person you want to be with so you might say one thing on here but if the person comes into your life you might change your mind

So i say there is no answer for this ?

At all bigsmile

LightVoice's photo
Thu 09/11/08 08:44 PM

Ok this only matters to you and the other person you want to be with so you might say one thing on here but if the person comes into your life you might change your mind

So i say there is no answer for this ?

At all bigsmile

You managed to read my feelings & translate them into a coherent thought......:heart:


Rico509's photo
Sun 10/19/08 01:06 PM
I'm 30,but ever since I started dating I've been attracted to older women.I dated a woman 9 years older than me.Although I set my age diff limit to 10 years older than me.I think that what really decides it's how you feel with the person you're with.If you're concern with what people think about your relationship with a much younger/older person,maybe it's because you're not comfortable with it.If that's the case,then you should end it.