Topic: wandering thoughts and curious notions | |
I actually used to be agnostic. I was prepared to be swayed. Too many contradictions to be the word of a divine being. This sound exactly like where I am at now as a person and the reason I posted! I am now a very happy athiest. Now I dont have to think about it anymore. Im sure there is no god, and the only time you will find me on my knees yelling "oh god" will have nothing to do with anything immaculate or conception, but will have an awful lot to do with spreading "love" around |
Just so you know I am a Christian And I do have to pay income tax. And prayer and the ten commandments are not forced in our schools I didnt say you dont pay tax, your thieving church doesnt pay taxes on its income - you, the public. ... and so your schools dont have a morning assembly when the children are young? and they dont have nativity plays? and they dont learn exclusively about the bible, whilst failing to remember the other cults? I think that they do ... as those things happen in a British school |
Edited by
Thu 06/26/08 06:07 AM
One can always believe in John as a alternative
![]() John Lennon - Imagine Imagine there's no Heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world You may say that I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one |
One can always believe in John as a alternative ![]() John Lennon - Imagine Whilst, I would love to see this as a reality, Im afraid that humanity is doomed. Our leaders are leading us down the path of war, and it will ultimately end in decimation. Our only hope is that Mother Nature takes a hand and get Yellowstone National park to do its thing. After all, its 40,000 years late (typical woman). That should give us another ice age and we can start again. Hopefully this time, some other inspirational ideas will emerge apart from kill, savage, maim & disfigure |
smiles man, you seem like a really mellow guy but belushi is right! It a wonder our beloved leaders don't hang themselves with their heads shoved so far up their asses
Edited by
Thu 06/26/08 07:21 AM
Well I'm late and Belushi has pretty much covered the gambit.
Like Belushi I am antheist. I just LOVE telling Christians my "coming out" of god story. It's the exact same story they tell when they are born again. You know all that stuff about the weight lifted from your shoulders, feeling the tingling essence of health returning to your body, your future becoming clearer, and all because I got off the barbed wire fence of agnosticism and said, there is no god and I alone own this day and I alone am responsible for my actions. HALLALUIA Brother can I get an amen? whow, oh yea! Anyway I could tell immediately you were from one of the Christian smothered parts of the world by your comments. You would be wise to examine what you THINK you know about any god or any religious and HOW you know it. If you are in the field of science you have a good background for the logical for rational thinking. Don't forget to strap on that critical thinking cap when you consider what exists and what doesn't and why your are consider what you are considering at all? One more thing, not sure what field of science you have studied but when you examine the interactive functioning of the brain and body you begin to understand that the brain often leads you to 'believe' what you know is not so. NO that's not a contradiction. You think you have seen the most amazing things, that somehow you have been fortunate to be among the few who could have witnessed certain things and felt as you did. Let me remind you, there are more things of wonder to behold in this world, in our individual lives than you can ever imagine. That is what you KNOW, when you are moved, but that is not what your brain tells you, beware. Don't be trapped into putting on chains, don't be fooled into believing that there is more freedom in the theory of a god who limits your substance, and regulates your thoughts and determines your future. DO ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY - PLEASE visit many cultures that do not embrace the JUDEO-CHRISTIAN religions. Talk with the poeple, speak of raising children, speak of social and family committment, speak of work ethics, speak of money and community, speak of humanity and beliefs but do not commit to any, until you have experienced them all. And if that takes the rest of your life, then let the learning become your religion. |
To true mirror, I don't deny it! but thats kind of the point. On the flip side, I don't really understand scientist either. The whole thing kind of freaks me out. The closest thing to religious counsil I have ever had is a friend I grew up with who has gone to church his whole life and all he ever said is through your fears you will discover what you really believe! Trouble is, both sides kind of freak me out! science just seems to suck the life out of everything and it gets to me sometimes! I just figured I would ask people who do know. I just don't really know how to phrase what it is that is nagging at me! sounds to me that you know there is more. pray to God secretly and openly call on God to reveal Jesus Christ to your heart, which is your spirit, not that piece of soft tissue in your chest, though it will feel Him and tesitfy to your being that He touches the inner man through the inward parts in reflection. God bless you on your journey. The nagging and tugging is normal and part of this life we live. Pursue on, neighbor. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
first of all I think i've struggled with the same wonder..and ultimately i decided not to decide because these terms religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheist all carry certain connotations in our society and i refuse to be deemed by them, people try to categorize things but hey The christian god is suppose to be all loving all powerful all good he is the end he is the beginning. I honestly think that if you go to heaven when you die and if it is god that it will look above these afflictions to see into your heart and your soul.. because lets face it while i may not categorize myself i believe i commit less sins than some christians and i dont' think just because you say you believe that you do believe or that you will be saved... thats my view anyways.
One can always believe in John as a alternative ![]() John Lennon - Imagine Whilst, I would love to see this as a reality, Im afraid that humanity is doomed. Our leaders are leading us down the path of war, and it will ultimately end in decimation. Our only hope is that Mother Nature takes a hand and get Yellowstone National park to do its thing. After all, its 40,000 years late (typical woman). That should give us another ice age and we can start again. Hopefully this time, some other inspirational ideas will emerge apart from kill, savage, maim & disfigure nope if man survives, it will reain the same belushi, man is like cancer the planet either need's to rid itself of or it will keep spreading it's inherent disease till it's no longer able to infest anything thats here.A world full of witless wanker's |
who's seen the happening?? lol
One can always believe in John as a alternative ![]() John Lennon - Imagine Whilst, I would love to see this as a reality, Im afraid that humanity is doomed. Our leaders are leading us down the path of war, and it will ultimately end in decimation. Our only hope is that Mother Nature takes a hand and get Yellowstone National park to do its thing. After all, its 40,000 years late (typical woman). That should give us another ice age and we can start again. Hopefully this time, some other inspirational ideas will emerge apart from kill, savage, maim & disfigure nope if man survives, it will reain the same belushi, man is like cancer the planet either need's to rid itself of or it will keep spreading it's inherent disease till it's no longer able to infest anything thats here.A world full of witless wanker's |
okay, maybe it was more than a few nips from the flask. It was a lot of nips! OOPS! I Am drinking water this time and saying thanks to those who posted. Tis a murky world indeed but you have all made valid points and believe it or not, i do actually feel better about the whole thing! Thanks!!!
Don't fret about it.
I see creation as a physical product of God's greatness & power & beauty. That includes us most of all...His children who He loves with zeal. ![]() |
first of all I think i've struggled with the same wonder..and ultimately i decided not to decide because these terms religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheist all carry certain connotations in our society and i refuse to be deemed by them, people try to categorize things but hey The christian god is suppose to be all loving all powerful all good he is the end he is the beginning. I honestly think that if you go to heaven when you die and if it is god that it will look above these afflictions to see into your heart and your soul.. because lets face it while i may not categorize myself i believe i commit less sins than some christians and i dont' think just because you say you believe that you do believe or that you will be saved... thats my view anyways. You are so right...I'm a Christian & my faith is out of the box living. I hate being categorized by people who don't know me or my faith walk. All those terms you mentioned...I am so not with that...that's like categorizing people in some human definition. My faith is much more than that. ![]() |
pray to God secretly and openly call on God Why secretly? Is it such a shameful thing? I'd be ashamed if I called on something that doesnt exist! and how do you secretly openly call on something? reveal Jesus Christ to your heart, which is your spirit, not that piece of soft tissue in your chest, though it will feel Him and tesitfy to your being that He touches the inner man through the inward parts in reflection. I discovered logic, and science, and I learned that the existence of the world can be explained naturally, without magic. Then I learned that the bible was so unreliable, so full of contradictions, so full of really awful stuff. Then I learned the hatred that christians will bear towards someone like me, who denies the existence of their ghosts... And then I learned that the world is filled with people like me. TRY THIS. Really really look for Santa Claus. Dare him to reveal himself to you. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. This is a real analogy. Ask Santa to reveal himself and do it persistently, and you will be convinced. If you open your heart to him, you will come to know him personally. The choice is yours. Do you see the futility of this? You could no more believe in Santa than I could believe in a god. Could you really and earnestly ask Santa to reveal himself to you? Or Zeus? Or Isis? Or Shiva? Or Brahma? You are an ATHEIST in respect to these other gods, just like me. I just believe in one less god than you do. I constantly get told to "Open up your heart to Jesus", which I take to mean "Emotionally bend-over, drop your trousers and accept god-belief, because it will make you feel better. Ignore your rational thinking process. Plug up your reasoning ability. Base your opinion on your emotions, not your logic." Well, sorry, I don't work that way. I can't be bribed to suspend critical thinking by the promise of eternal life, nor with the threats of eternal pain. .. and neither as a scientist, should the OP |
first of all I think i've struggled with the same wonder..and ultimately i decided not to decide because these terms religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheist all carry certain connotations in our society and i refuse to be deemed by them, people try to categorize things but hey The christian god is suppose to be all loving all powerful all good he is the end he is the beginning. I honestly think that if you go to heaven when you die and if it is god that it will look above these afflictions to see into your heart and your soul.. because lets face it while i may not categorize myself i believe i commit less sins than some christians and i dont' think just because you say you believe that you do believe or that you will be saved... thats my view anyways. You are so right...I'm a Christian & my faith is out of the box living. I hate being categorized by people who don't know me or my faith walk. All those terms you mentioned...I am so not with that...that's like categorizing people in some human definition. My faith is much more than that. ![]() .. and yet you condone stealing. A beautiful example of christian hypocrisy You enjoyed the idea that a trucker would steal from a gas station because you dont like paying higher gas prices. Then get your butt out of your car and cycle or catch the bus. |
Why do we have to insist on making life so difficult? The answer has been shown to all of us over and over and over and over again..... ...yet again, we fail to pay attention... |
<sigh> Why do we have to insist on making life so difficult? The answer has been shown to all of us over and over and over and over again..... ...yet again, we fail to pay attention... ok ... this is going to be good ... apart from "42" what do you think is the answer? |
<sigh> Why do we have to insist on making life so difficult? The answer has been shown to all of us over and over and over and over again..... ...yet again, we fail to pay attention... ok ... this is going to be good ... apart from "42" what do you think is the answer? Why should I tell you? You yourself seem to have all the answers. |
<sigh> Why do we have to insist on making life so difficult? The answer has been shown to all of us over and over and over and over again..... ...yet again, we fail to pay attention... ok ... this is going to be good ... apart from "42" what do you think is the answer? Why should I tell you? You yourself seem to have all the answers. So, that tells me we dont agree ... you are right! dont tell me .. Im not sure I could stomach another blast from gabriel's horn |