Topic: If Jesus comes back...
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Wed 06/25/08 06:21 AM

Dead people do not come back .
Oops some people believe they will come back !.
I believe no dead one is coming back so no worry for me here . grumble grumble .,2933,357463,00.html

Woman Wakes After Heart Stopped, Rigor Mortis Set In

Val Thomas’ doctors honestly can’t explain how she is alive today.

Thomas, who lives in West Virginia, is being called a medical miracle after she suffered two heart attacks and had no brain waves for more than 17 hours; reports

She was dead for 17 hours and then she came back. She was truely dead (not simply in a coma), because rigor mortis set in.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 08:57 AM

What if Jesus came back as he has promised?

the same thing would happen that happen the first time he came other words they would send his ass back to Heaven

Davew42503's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:04 AM
everyone of you have based your actions and words on a book that was formed by men during 1200 ad and even then they could not decide which books to use and then they left the final decisions up to egotstical maniacs who felt that they knew what was good for the common man and not trans late the books so that comomn man could learn...They had and maintained control for centuries...

Davew42503's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:06 AM
at that time there was only one church and it ruled the world... and persecuted anyone who stood up to it...

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Wed 06/25/08 11:11 AM

What if Jesus came back as he has promised?

I know a lot of Christians have different ideas of how this will occur and what will happen and not all of them are the same.

I was thinking about this and imagined a news broadcast on television. CNN or ABC news. Tom Brochau ..LOL

"This just in.....what?.....who?... are you kidding? Folks this report just in states that a large cloud has descended upon all major cities here and in the middle east with a giant hologram of Jesus Christ and a host of angels.....Nasa has been notified and are looking into the strange phenomena.....

Okay that's a joke, but what do you imagine the second coming would be like?

Well God's word says Jesus will come back the same way He left... He went up into the clouds & that's how He will return, down from the clouds...and the whole world will see Him.

If he is to rule, he will probably have a physical body right? How will the whole world see him at once? If he comes down through the clouds, will there be a spaceship involved? Will he have wings? How will people in both America and China see him?

Have you really thought this out? If this is to really happen and you believe it, how will this happen?

Anyone? I have not heard anyone's description yet. I look for something half way believable and at least a little reasonable or logical.

Or is everyone going to be put into some sort of hypnotic state of mind control so that they will all see this vision?


no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:11 AM

The books of the New Testament were largely settled upon by 200 AD, 125 years before the foundation of the Catholic church. The Catholic church also persecuted many Christians who were not Catholics. But that's all past history. The people of today should not be judged for the mistakes of their philosphical fore-fathers.

Davew42503's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:24 AM


The books of the New Testament were largely settled upon by 200 AD, 125 years before the foundation of the Catholic church. The Catholic church also persecuted many Christians who were not Catholics. But that's all past history. The people of today should not be judged for the mistakes of their philosphical fore-fathers.
yet all this discussion is based on those books that were changed by the catholic church. Even the New Testement was changed and altered to fit the "new" belief system of that time and it has not been altered since. Yet we all blindly accept it as fact. Now that access is allowed to some to review and translate the original documents where still available and the truths come forward there is still a persecution of peoples and beleifs...I know this is getting away from the original question here but, how can you base anything as fact on something that is not correct to begin with? The stories have been handed down thru the centuries and now with new and improved archelogical studies and procedures and the resurection of "dead" languages the shadows of doubt become darker...

Davew42503's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:25 AM
and on my final note ...It takes more than to believe in a god...You have to accept his son as your Lord and saviour. whether you beleive or not he is coming and all will kneel before him and call him king!!!

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:32 AM


The books of the New Testament were largely settled upon by 200 AD, 125 years before the foundation of the Catholic church. The Catholic church also persecuted many Christians who were not Catholics. But that's all past history. The people of today should not be judged for the mistakes of their philosphical fore-fathers.
yet all this discussion is based on those books that were changed by the catholic church. Even the New Testement was changed and altered to fit the "new" belief system of that time and it has not been altered since. Yet we all blindly accept it as fact. Now that access is allowed to some to review and translate the original documents where still available and the truths come forward there is still a persecution of peoples and beleifs...I know this is getting away from the original question here but, how can you base anything as fact on something that is not correct to begin with? The stories have been handed down thru the centuries and now with new and improved archelogical studies and procedures and the resurection of "dead" languages the shadows of doubt become darker...

That's not true, there are 25,000 ancient copies of the New testament, many of them predate the Catholic church and there are no significant differences.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:33 AM

and on my final note ...It takes more than to believe in a god...You have to accept his son as your Lord and saviour. whether you beleive or not he is coming and all will kneel before him and call him king!!!

This is what you say, but you won't describe it? How will this happen? Will he come on a spaceship? Will he float down on a cloud? How will everyone see this event at once? Why do you think everyone will kneel before him and call him king? Are you serious? What would prompt people to do that?


Belushi's photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:55 AM

and on my final note ...It takes more than to believe in a god...You have to accept his son as your Lord and saviour. whether you beleive or not he is coming and all will kneel before him and call him king!!!

This is what you say, but you won't describe it? How will this happen? Will he come on a spaceship? Will he float down on a cloud? How will everyone see this event at once? Why do you think everyone will kneel before him and call him king? Are you serious? What would prompt people to do that?


If Jesus came back here, he would be locked up and examined at Area 51 with all the other freakie aliens!

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 11:57 AM

This is what you say, but you won't describe it? How will this happen? Will he come on a spaceship? Will he float down on a cloud? How will everyone see this event at once? Why do you think everyone will kneel before him and call him king? Are you serious? What would prompt people to do that?


what a magician will tell you is don't ask how Jesus would perform that trick ..ask yourself how you would perform that trick...and in doing so you will know how that trick can be done

and I know of ways that trick can be performed ...but what people don't realize is that the trick is being used to deceive them from the real trick ..which is how would you know if was actually Jesus

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:17 PM

what a magician will tell you is don't ask how Jesus would perform that trick ..ask yourself how you would perform that trick...and in doing so you will know how that trick can be done

Hey 'funches' the 'word-for-word' bible thumping fanatics have been working on the trick for 2000 years!!!

Jerusalem is almost fully decked-out, and the invitations and party tricks have been sent for a while now!!! The date for the party is sometime in 2012.

OK! you and I didn't get invites, but so many whom are the 'good list', brag loud and strong about it, that it is hard to miss.

Personally, I think it is ELVIS!!! I mean the trick you know!!! Jesus will come back as ELVIS to test the 'good people', and obviously, the 'good people' will cooperate and and see Jesus in ELVIS, or Elvis in Jesus. It's all the same anyway!

2012!!! Look for it at a Jerusalem theatre near you!

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 12:40 PM
According to several different myths and stories, the temple mount is where the aliens landed years ago, The garden of Eden was around there somewhere. Egypt figures prominently.

The Uranita book goes into detail about what went on in the beginning of mankind's development on the earth, and I'm sure some truth is mixed in with the all that propaganda.

Apparently the Jews are the chosen people because they are descendants of Adam and Eve, and superior to all the other races on the earth. (They have tried hard over the years to keep their bloodlines 'clean' and are very strict about marriage outside of the bloodline.)

The Raelian Movement in Los Angeles claims that the Elohim were human-like visitors from the planet Elohim who genetically engineered the human race and they claim that there were several groups of them creating humans, but that one group did a "much better job" than the others and that was the group who created Adam and Eve and their descendants, the Jews.

So the Jews in both of these new cults are claiming to be superior to the rest of humanity.

I see an agenda here, even in Christianity. Even Christianity preaches that Jesus will rule as "king of the Jews" and Christians continue to support Israel because of ancient myths. Other religions all lead back to the Jewish people and how they are "the chosen ones." I see nothing but agenda agenda agenda.


tribo's photo
Wed 06/25/08 01:00 PM

and on my final note ...It takes more than to believe in a god...You have to accept his son as your Lord and saviour. whether you beleive or not he is coming and all will kneel before him and call him king!!!

This is what you say, but you won't describe it? How will this happen? Will he come on a spaceship? Will he float down on a cloud? How will everyone see this event at once? Why do you think everyone will kneel before him and call him king? Are you serious? What would prompt people to do that?


what prompt's them - meaning christians - is that they are all that is left - when this takes place. the unsaved are already gone. burnt up before jesus step's foot on earth.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 01:02 PM
hahahahahha this is fkin funny ... funches you get a point for your post.

and on my final note ...It takes more than to believe in a god...You have to accept his son as your Lord and saviour. whether you beleive or not he is coming and all will kneel before him and call him king!!!

This is what you say, but you won't describe it? How will this happen? Will he come on a spaceship? Will he float down on a cloud? How will everyone see this event at once? Why do you think everyone will kneel before him and call him king? Are you serious? What would prompt people to do that?


what prompt's them - meaning christians - is that they are all that is left - when this takes place. the unsaved are already gone. burnt up before jesus step's foot on earth.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 01:04 PM
you know what i love is how all these christians give these dates for the end of the world.. and then they stir up all this fanatic and nothing fkin happens, it was 2000 now its 2012, then it'll be 2020... never stops...

plus in my opinion as someone who doesn't claim a religion if god is an almight all powerful all good the omega and the alpha then i would think he wouldn't care what we thought or believed in as long as our souls and minds were in the right place. aka how can you be a christian if you are born in a muslim area, i mean seriously christianity is a pompous religion not all christians but certainly some.

tribo's photo
Wed 06/25/08 01:28 PM
Edited by tribo on Wed 06/25/08 01:56 PM

you know what i love is how all these christians give these dates for the end of the world.. and then they stir up all this fanatic and nothing fkin happens, it was 2000 now its 2012, then it'll be 2020... never stops...

plus in my opinion as someone who doesn't claim a religion if god is an almight all powerful all good the omega and the alpha then i would think he wouldn't care what we thought or believed in as long as our souls and minds were in the right place. aka how can you be a christian if you are born in a muslim area, i mean seriously christianity is a pompous religion not all christians but certainly some.

weve been having predictions on the end times forever since the new testament - this all comes out of believing in dispesationalism that darby put into use and being in the late 1800's if i remember correctly. then the millerite's, then hal lindsey and others - all who predicted and failed. every time it happen's there is dissapointed believer's and yet as soon as they come up with another excuse why it did not happen it's back to believing as usual BTBAS, the latest is benny hinn saying generation's are meant to be 100 yrs long which will make it be 2048 if judged by the jew's return to israel. they have no idea of where they even place thier faith or in who, they are sheep, no matter how well meaning and loving. At least before that there was a more orthodox view held by the bulk of reformed C.'s one of A millenialism, or preterism still not right but at least not some mythical fabrication of some individuals asinine theories.

no photo
Wed 06/25/08 02:03 PM

Hey 'funches' the 'word-for-word' bible thumping fanatics have been working on the trick for 2000 years!!!

Jerusalem is almost fully decked-out, and the invitations and party tricks have been sent for a while now!!! The date for the party is sometime in 2012.

OK! you and I didn't get invites, but so many whom are the 'good list', brag loud and strong about it, that it is hard to miss.

how rude ......and even after I place so many Christians on the path to true rightousness

tribo's photo
Wed 06/25/08 02:15 PM


To personally think they will go to a better place without having to be religious doesn't make one a bad superhero! I mean come on what next!

The point is that there are no rules of what will be next when you die! There are no concrete evidence either. Many base their beliefs in faith of a certain religious belief system.

I don't have to believe in a religious system to go to a better place when I die. Why should I if I believe I will go anyway?

If I have enough confidence that I do by thinking positive then that should be sufficient! And concerning sharing this belief I do that now with you so that doesn't make me selfish either.

Therefore, I believe that I can be equal to a god. Why shouldn't I? It isn't a sin in my mind and I will see you in the afterlife on the same plain anyway. lol

cant agree smiles, one thing i know of myself is i did not give myself life nor did my son give himself life etc., i can not be the creation and also the creator without knowing this. though i think you have every right to believe that if you want to, to me it's not logical. i have to accept the fact there is something beyond me that has this capability to create something from nothing, though i dont believe it's a religious based entity, i do believe it is other than me. my "god" consist of a creative force/being/other that is able to create and stops with that.