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Topic: Your God doesn't believe in you!
davidben1's photo
Fri 07/04/08 09:57 AM
the great struggle for truth is a battle from within the mind, that MUST be fought by ALL, and all things that happen in that battle are not bad, but rather lead to good, and just MORE WISDOM......

for man to "battle" to find the truth always LEAD to MORE, and wages until one can see HOW it is all that happen around them, and that one sit in the middle of it, and all words thrown even as firing darts are as WISDOM, sent by the universe or god or greater wisdom that created such, and make for a purpose of creating and bring ALL to ALL KNOWING........if one thinks they already "have" the "truth", can anything ever be heard that make MORE.......

is any man all knowing......

is not then this a sign of innocence that FEAR being wrong the GREATEST, which comes then to be the GOD or GREATEST feeling valued........

to worship this "god" of rightness hide all MORE truth, until one sees it is themself that resist the truth of their own HEART as spoken by others.......

all men including SMILESS and FERALCATLADY speak the truth, as each contain a fragment, but these fragemnts of the truth if known by "jesus" or "satan as implied" have to come together, and the SEEING of HOW they all become as one, and are pieced together, bring wisdom and peace to one, and then to all mankind.......

it was even prophecied within text that TRUE WISDOM was the UNDERSTANDING of all the words spoken by jesus or god and satan and the devil COMBINED........

HOW CAN THIS BE IF ALL WORDS ARE NOT HEARD AS CONTAINING TRUTH..........for it is indeed the belief in god that create strife, and the believeing in the devil that create strife, but to believe in both make peace.......to believe simply in both good and bad as NEEDED for points of reference to illuninate the truth that connect the dots of all the stars of the galaxy, to lead human kind to other galaxies outside his first simple mind.....

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