Topic: Your God doesn't believe in you!
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Fri 06/27/08 02:20 PM

Exodus 20
The Ten Commandments

1 And God spoke all these words:

2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3 "You shall have no other gods before [a] me.

The alien connection:

Very interesting that Egypt was called "the land of slavery" considering the idea that Egypt was the place where many strange reptilian bird headed alien gods were said to have ruled.

Also stories of an advance alien race breeding humans for slaves fits right into that scene. Egypt = the land of slavery. Jews = the slaves.

Also the Jews were said to have been the descendants of Adam. Were humans being genetically tampered with for the creation of a slave race for these gods?

Then, some other alien god came along and decided to steal the slaves. (Or "free" them) But yet he demanded to be their Lord and God and demanded that now they should have no other gods before him.

Could the price of their freedom from one master have been the bondage to another master? that, my friend is an answer waaaay outside the box! I like!flowerforyou

And it could be very well true! Sumerian Mythology leads to these conclusions also!

buffry's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:22 PM
Well hello dear friend, Ive missed you this afternoon! Greetings my brother!lolflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Lord_Psycho's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:28 PM
Asians, Muslims and Jews are Aliens in disguise!

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:33 PM

Asians, Muslims and Jews are Aliens in disguise!

Your name says it all

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: pitchfork

Lord_Psycho's photo
Fri 06/27/08 02:41 PM
wow thanks! buts its all true! Ive captured nand evaluated each race n found out that Im rite! They are in disguise!

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 06/27/08 03:36 PM
Hi just got to this thread. Havn't even read it all, sorry.

BUT I'd like to respond to the following:

Smiles wrote:
but what if that God and belief system you believe in is really the god who wishes the end of human life. Would you still believe in the bible? Would you still preach that you are a Christian.

What if that god that everyone hates "Lucifer or the devil" is actually the god who saved mankind! Allowed humans to thrive?

I know it is hard for you to accept or believe and that is fine, but let us say this is a "FACT"? Would you apologize for the harm you did by preaching christianity is good? Would you remain stubborn and say it can't be, but it is!

I'm not surprised that the first responces were an attempt to turn this around to another WHAT IT scenario. When actually a more critical mind (sometimes difficult to find in the ranks of the fundamentalist) would have pointed out that your question makes no sense and is therefor self defeating. You cannot take away part of the Christian belief and leave part of it behind.

NOW JUST TO MAKE IT EQUITABLE: Let me state, for the record, that there is one exception - the "Designer Christian". They are the new Christians and they don't like being blinded to the endless wonders and possibilities in this world, therefore, they often denounce much of the Fundamentalist belief systems, and likely , you won't get much argument from them. :wink:

drinker by the way what'll ya have? Me - Tequila preferrable with lime and salt.

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 06/27/08 03:50 PM

Wow for someone searching Redy you sure are an authority on Chirstian belief....WOW

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 06/27/08 03:54 PM
Well this is a better strategy:

I was born without a religion and live on eternal plains of heaven without the use of a religious book.

Why my god is so powerful he is chuckling at anyone who cannot accept different possiblities of how everything started.

If you truly want to walk the path of light then believe everyone will make it to heaven. Those who believe or not!

He is so wise he accepts all religions together in one grab. He also accepts all who don't believe and says join the party! He loves all and he says you don't have to limit yourself to one religious belief system. Why you don't even have to believe in one and you are safe. He is better then that!

If you truly think about it you can answer the questions I provided in the forum and not try to be elusive preaching a book that was written 2000 years ago and revised hundreds of times.

If there is a God he accepts all regardless of what they believe even if that person doesn't go page for page with the bible, koran, torah, or whatever book there is out there to read.

but you somewhat missed a point. Those who profess their Christianity to the point of fundamentalistic views NEED - REQUIRE that 'religion', and that includes all its dogma, in order to validate whatever it is about themselves that needs to be validated. "look at me, I've been chosen" "look at me I get messages from god" "look at me I've receive a miracle" "look at me I'm better than you, but I can be merciful and help you to know."

Do you understand smiles, it's not a personal belief system to them, it's their belief that makes them special, makes them more than just one of the crowd, their belief grants them 'power' that non-believers don't have. Even if that power is the kind taken up by the likes of those such as Morningsong. "I know all and I will be patient and show you the way." The benevolent teacher.

Belief that validates a person is not a belief you will get them to look beyond. No truth can grant that because no truth can have the power to strip them of the validation their belief gives them.

no photo
Fri 06/27/08 06:52 PM

Well this is a better strategy:

I was born without a religion and live on eternal plains of heaven without the use of a religious book.

Why my god is so powerful he is chuckling at anyone who cannot accept different possiblities of how everything started.

If you truly want to walk the path of light then believe everyone will make it to heaven. Those who believe or not!

He is so wise he accepts all religions together in one grab. He also accepts all who don't believe and says join the party! He loves all and he says you don't have to limit yourself to one religious belief system. Why you don't even have to believe in one and you are safe. He is better then that!

If you truly think about it you can answer the questions I provided in the forum and not try to be elusive preaching a book that was written 2000 years ago and revised hundreds of times.

If there is a God he accepts all regardless of what they believe even if that person doesn't go page for page with the bible, koran, torah, or whatever book there is out there to read.

but you somewhat missed a point. Those who profess their Christianity to the point of fundamentalistic views NEED - REQUIRE that 'religion', and that includes all its dogma, in order to validate whatever it is about themselves that needs to be validated. "look at me, I've been chosen" "look at me I get messages from god" "look at me I've receive a miracle" "look at me I'm better than you, but I can be merciful and help you to know."

Do you understand smiles, it's not a personal belief system to them, it's their belief that makes them special, makes them more than just one of the crowd, their belief grants them 'power' that non-believers don't have. Even if that power is the kind taken up by the likes of those such as Morningsong. "I know all and I will be patient and show you the way." The benevolent teacher.

Belief that validates a person is not a belief you will get them to look beyond. No truth can grant that because no truth can have the power to strip them of the validation their belief gives them.

Yes I understand now. I see that to think otherwise would strip them bear from the relationship they have with God and the christian belief system they set their hearts into.

For their sake I hope they are right.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 01:17 AM

.......What if I'm wrong about God?...........

By Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily

I get this question all the time:
"What if you're wrong about God?
What if there is no God?
So where do you get off pushing your morality on the rest of us?"

My answer is simple.
First of all, I don't believe it's possible I'm wrong.
The Bible is a supernatural book ,the greatest most accurate history of mankind ever written, with more wisdom on an average page than can be found in entire modern libraries.
I don't think so.
You bet.

But let's just suppose I am wrong.
Suppose there is no afterlife ,no Heaven, no Hell, just here and now.

Then, without a doubt, the blueprint for life described in the Scriptures still leads to the most fulfilling and productive way for us to spend our time on earth.

Think about it.
Can you imagine if more people lived their lives according to the rules of the Bible?: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

The Bible provides for us the basis for a life of fulfillment. Live by the rules and you will likely live longer and more happily than someone who doesn't.

So what if I am wrong?
Will my faith leave us worse off or better off?
I think the answer is clear and obvious.

Now, what if we scrapped the old rules?
Suppose we rewrote the book of life according to the conventions of modernism, humanism, secularism?

What would be the ground rules of such a society?
If it feels good, do it?
Do unto others before they do unto you?
And what would be the moral authority for this other code?
If there is no ultimate, supreme being to judge our actions, then who is to make the rules?
Who is to endow us with our human rights?
The United Nations?

You know the answer to these questions.
Just search your soul for them.
God has etched His moral code on the hearts of every person.

If I'm wrong, I will have lived a sometimes difficult, yet rewarding and fulfilling life of expectation, hope and joy.
I will not have missed out on anything meaningful.
If I'm right, I get to spend eternity in paradise.

But what if you're wrong?
What kind of a world would you have built?
How much real happiness will you have experienced?
And when your life is over, what will you have missed?


Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/28/08 05:57 AM

If you study Sumerian Mythology you will see that it leads down that many are worshipping the wrong god.

Supposingly the god that created us for slave purpose didn't need us anymore and wanted to eliminate the human race and the god (half brother) prevented this from happening.

So most are worshipping the very god that cares less about us.

I know, I know many will say this is absurd and embrace (my religion) and you will be saved.

I am just quoting what was read in Sumerian Mythology and led me to ask this question you read when opening this forum.

i just want to say

that i don't appreciate

the title of your thread...

my God Does believe in me

and He cares a whole lot for me

and about you too for that matter

and you are not

in any position to say otherwise

As far as I know, we live in a free country and can say whatever we please, regardless if it upsets you. Who are you to say who is in the position to speak?

...and there yu have it...marginalized thinking with truth laying dead in the streets.

Is it no wonder why people can't find peace that surpasses their problems????

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:01 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 06/28/08 06:01 AM

If you study Sumerian Mythology you will see that it leads down that many are worshipping the wrong god.

Supposingly the god that created us for slave purpose didn't need us anymore and wanted to eliminate the human race and the god (half brother) prevented this from happening.

So most are worshipping the very god that cares less about us.

I know, I know many will say this is absurd and embrace (my religion) and you will be saved.

I am just quoting what was read in Sumerian Mythology and led me to ask this question you read when opening this forum.

i just want to say

that i don't appreciate

the title of your thread...

my God Does believe in me

and He cares a whole lot for me

and about you too for that matter

and you are not

in any position to say otherwise

It is to bad that you don't have any influence in what I have to post in a religious thread. I can post it to see how people react to it. It is a question that many ask and I would like to see what people believe or have to say. We have all kinds of people who visit this site. Some are religious and others are not. Many are not offended and appreciate the question.

If you don't like the thread then perhaps you should stay out of it.

I am in the position to ask or believe whatever I want and I care less what you think.

The real point here was that you made a statement that you can't back up because there are too many Christians who can say it's not so... they give testimony of God's heart that you know nothing about.

Your ENTIRE premise is being made on a LACK of YOUR knowledge about something. That mostly being God & HIS heart toward us.

"THE" point is that you haven't made your case. :smile: No need to get nasty about it.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:07 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 06/28/08 06:11 AM

Religion = Brainwash = wars and disagreements.

Look at the example from this post alone.

What ashame no one can answer the question I posted.

Have a great day for those who can think beyond religious dogmatic belief systems.

awww the caster of the first stone.....

I did answer your question....because the answer doesn't fit your idea....oh well get over it.

Who said it doesn't fit my idea?? Did I say that? For all I care you can believe what the Bible says.

and second I am not upset at all with this post. You can throw all the stones you want and I wouldn't even care!

What I have seen in here is alot of talk that doesn't go with the question intended.

The question is if you believe the god that you worship isn't the god you thought it would be, what would you do about it. That is the only question. I am not asking for a lesson in christianity, I am looking for a actual answer.

It is so simple, but thus far I get from christians that they are "true christians" and are not required to answer this.

What a bunch of bull crap!!!laugh laugh

I did say what I thought that it was poppycock what you wrote.....First of all the God that I worship and praise is very for you to say what you did just made melaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

why the heck would anyone worship a God they didn't believe in........geezzzzzz

So now I have answered it twice....and it might behoove you to take a few Bible Study classes.

Again you avoid the question and no it is not poppycrock. These are valid questions.

Sometimes people follow a group believing it is a good thing they are doing and find out later it wasn't! Some call it peer pressure and claim later they didn't know!

The question is "what if" your god that you faithfully follow is proven as a fact is actually the god that wanted to end human life even if you were faithful to him and the god that did preserve life isn't getting the actual recognition he should.

Stop avoiding the question! It is not hard to answer!

If again you say why would I think my god is the wrong god and blah blah blah then you are avoiding the question yet again and I will just let it go for it isn't worth the back and forth discussion.

I already did & got no replies. It seems that people just like to argue instead of hearing about the Christian experience so I'll post it again.

LOL... a silly notion. This is why I say that... all of life's temptations are nothing more than a's like walking around life with a carrot in your face & never really getting the prize. That's the curse put on us because of the devil's lies. walk with God fills me with joy & life, & satisfies even my very soul. God's glory could of love & power & presence has everything I need. BTW...there is also kingdom heaven living here on earth. It's VERY true.

Now why would I want to dwell on an idea that I KNOW is not true? Think about that....

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:10 AM

I have told my experiences in many many threads....not just the coffeehouse. And anyone is welcome there.....I don't discriminate who or who doesn't come to my threads ever. And you very welcome for the share.

I know you don't intentionally say anything to upset. And I for sure feel strongly that you and anyone else are entitled to believe as you wish. What I will not tolerate is someone saying my God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Bible are myths......then the pitbull for Christ will be on ya every time. I again say to you....don't it's your choice....but it can't be denied that they are happening all around us....I have no problem with Karma...because I believe that basically every human being with whatever they do in life...It will either come back to you ten fold or it will bite you in the butt (karma)

But also understand that God answers prayers on his time. And when people think I pray and pray and he doesn't answer....This is a total wrong frame of mind. I would ask them. Why is it when life is peaches and cream do you thank God? And why is it that when things are bad in peoples lives they want to blame God. I know again through my own experiences that everything is done in God's time and for his purpose. But I also know that my faith is sooooooo strong and unwavering and this is what connects human being to the Living God.

I think the main difference is that I pray knowing that God when it is right will answer prayer. When my friend Kitt madamx (jsh) was diagnosed for the second time with Cancer....I put a prayer chain. Within 9 days of being diagnosed she went back to doctors who showed her the pictures and had circled where all the cancer was.....gone gone gone. Now I know that the Lord my God answered this prayer....Why? Because even though I had been talking to kitt for awhile she had doubts...and after this she was on fire for the Lord. Does that mean that others things don't happen...of course not.....the cancer returned to her intestines and she has mutliple other things going on. But she knows now and is a testimony to God for what he has done in her life...And to me for God this is what it is all about. If one person can give testimony to things in their life and it brings that person to have a personal relationship with Christ.....then all worth it.. So you might have to have ask your Christian friends where their hearts are when they are praying and asking for God's intervention.

If it seems like it's getting worse....then know that God is using them for some other purpose. We have this wonderful wonderful Christian man at church who has battled cancer 17 times over the same amount of years.....He has given testimony after testmony of God Grace and healing....But this does not stop it from happening? Why do you think that is? Because God has a greater purpose for him. And has he in all those years ever gotten mad at God....not once....His faith is that strong.

It's not that God won't help all, if the prayer is coming from the right place....It just means it's not time yet. I don't at all think I am any more special then any other human being......and like I said.....How many people fluff off when the Lord is trying to speak to them. Don't fluff it off......Stop and really listen...Now another thing that makes it really hard for people is to use the Bible as it was intended. I can't tell you how many times when I am ministering to people and I say Lord please give me the words and the wisdom and the scripture I need. I will open the Bible and there it is. Although my teachers don't like it so much...It works for me. Also understand that the Lord my God is with me every waking moment of every day. If I am not ministering or praying....I am anointing him and thanking for all that he does in my life....And all the Glory to God always.

And this is exactly what I mean. Your ears and eyes in your opinion are open to hearing the word of God...But sweetie your heart is closed and you will never hear from God if you don't believe in Him with every fiber of your being. You can ask from now until doomsday....He will never answer....

Matthew 13: 10-23

10The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?"

11He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 13This is why I speak to them in parables:
"Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand. 14In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
" 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15For this people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.'[a] 16But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

18"Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. 22The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. 23But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."

It is not a matter of luck......It is all about Faith and the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ...It is said before Christ comes back every man woman and child will know his word. But also God gave you freewill to choose....You can either choose to follow Christ or not. There is no luck involved.

Now also understand one more thing. About 15 years ago I was at church a baby Christian and a Prophet by the name of Lola came to our church. She was giving a word of God to all the elder women of the church. I was sitting there thinking this is such crap. Then she came to me....She looked and looked away and then with a tear in her eye....she said the Lord has big plans for you...But you must forgive your brother. She ad my full attention as no one knew and I mean no one....So I knew right then and there that God was speaking through Lola. She went on to say your going to be like a paper boy on the street of New York City, "Come come hear about the Lord." Now I could of ignored but Lola also said you are going to be receiving many gifts of the Lord. Tongues, and prophecy. I listened, took notes and that was that....10 years later I was given those gifts. And I don't take them lightly at all. I know am a humble servant of God and no matter what anyone says...they would never in a million billion years convince me God is not real.

And of course sweet man.....You can believe anything you wish.....If yo believe that God doesn't have his seed firmly planted within me....your choice....but I say unto you......I do know......and God humbles me, loves me, and has made my life a wonderful thing, in which all the gifts he bestowes on me are given back to others in my life 10 fold.....Do you think that us meeting right now right at this moment was a fluke? nope......God does things always with purpose and puts people in others path with great great purpose.

God Bless

You seem to be very versed in the bible. This is not a personal attack, but you said a prophet came to you in church. The bible clearly states that after Jesus there are only false prophets. I do not know the bible verse offhand at the moment. But will post it later when my mother gets home from work. Just letting you know, that it is in there.

You can tell who the false prophet are by their works... if they are using God's word correctly...there are MANY ways we can tell if God is using that person.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:54 AM
To me this is no proof of a God. Sorry! What has been written 2000 years ago could be irrelevant for those who believed in something else 4000 years before Christianity was established. It is a never ending debate of who has the better belief and relationship with God. I think you will see in future generations that religion will reduce in size. Yes I know many disagree to this, but here is why I think it would happen.

Let us say that..

If someone were to come to you today and say, "I am God!", what would you do? Yes, you would immediately ask for proof. Of course you would. And you would not want goofy proof.You would want real, solid, tangible proof.

No normal person, and I mean no one, would accept anything less than rock solid proof from a person who claims to be God.

Why should it be any different with Jesus? Jesus was a man who claims to be God. If he is God, then he ought to be able to prove it in a real, inimitable way. If he cannot prove it then, quite clearly, he is not God.

A Christian would say, "But Jesus HAS proven it! Just look at all of the miracles he did in the Bible! He healed the sick! He changed water into wine! That PROVES that Jesus is the Lord!" Does that make sense to you? Imagine that someone, today, were to come up to you and say, "I am God, and I will prove that I am God by healing the sick and turning water into wine!" What would you say? Be honest. You would not believe this person because:

Everyone has seen all sorts of "faith healers" who can "heal" the sick. And we all know that this sort of "healing" is quackery. If it were true, then we would not need doctors, hospitals or prescription medicines.

Turning water into wine... Doesn't that sound like something that a B-grade David-Copperfield-wannabe magician would do in a nightclub act? There are a dozen ways that you could stage things to make it look like water is turning into wine. There is no reason why a normal person would accept a magic trick as proof that someone is God.

Neither of these miracles can be scientifically tested today. Not one of Jesus' miracles left any tangible evidence for scientists to study.
It is as simple as that. If someone claimed to be God today, you would never believe it if the evidence consisted of faith healing and magic tricks. Never. Yet billions of people claim that Jesus' faith healing and magic tricks prove that he is God.
Let's imagine that Jesus truly is God. What might he have done to prove it? He could have started by taking one of his most famous quotes from the Bible and acting on it. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says quite clearly:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
To prove that he is God, Jesus would have moved a mountain. Especially since it is so easy. And Jesus would have written something down to explain himself. Here's what the first page of Jesus' book might have looked like:
My name is Jesus, and I am God. I know there are a lot of people out there who will doubt that I am God, so let me start off by proving it to you. Take a look at Mount Sinai. Everyone knows that, until today, Mount Sinai stood near here. It is the mountain where God, my father, gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
Mount Sinai vanished this morning, and what was left in its place was a perfectly smooth, polished stone base measuring four miles square. Hundreds of years from now, people will find that Mount Sinai landed near a place that will be called Newark, New Jersey. When scientists dig into the mountain, they will find that the bottom of the mountain is also completely smooth and polished, and that the bottom of the mountain in New Jersey perfectly matches the polished plain nearby. Scientists will be able to align the mountain and the plain, looking at it rock crystal by rock crystal at a microscopic level. I have said many times that, if you have faith, you can move mountains. I moved Mount Sinai to show how easy it is, and to prove that I am God.

I know that that may not be enough, so let me offer a second proof. If you draw a circle, you know that there is distance across the circle. Let us call it the diameter of the circle. There is also a distance around the outside of the circle. Let us call it the circumference. If you divide the circumference by the diameter, you get another number. Let us call it Pi, and its first 6 digits are 3.14159. Pi is an irrational number. It is a number that is made up of an infinite number of non-repeating digits.

There will come a day when machines called computers will calculate billions of digits of Pi. If you calculate Pi out to the millionth trillionth digit, here is what you will find:


Now, having proven that I am God to any rational being, through my documentable movement of a mountain and through my foreknowledge of Pi at the millionth trillionth position, here is what I want to say to the human race as your creator, and as the creator of the universe...

Wouldn't that be awesome and amazing? If we had such a book, and if Mount Sinai had actually moved, then there would be no questions about Jesus. We would all believe that he is God. How could we not? Imagine what such a book would say on the following pages. A book like that, I am sure, would leave all of us in awe.
Why would Jesus not do that? God, supposedly, has already written a book called the Bible. And God, supposedly, has already done all sorts of things according to that book. God, supposedly, parted the Red Sea, carved the Ten Commandments into stone, went to the trouble to incarnate himself, etc. So why not have Jesus write a book, and leave behind real, tangible evidence for all of us to see?

For any normal, rational person, the reason is obvious -- God is imaginary. We would not believe that anyone today is God without concrete proof. Jesus doesn't get a pass because he lived 2,000 years ago. Jesus, if he existed at all, was a human being just like you and me. All of the stories in the Bible are just that -- stories.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/28/08 07:14 AM

To me this is no proof of a God. Sorry! What has been written 2000 years ago could be irrelevant for those who believed in something else 4000 years before Christianity was established. It is a never ending debate of who has the better belief and relationship with God. I think you will see in future generations that religion will reduce in size. Yes I know many disagree to this, but here is why I think it would happen.

Let us say that..

If someone were to come to you today and say, "I am God!", what would you do? Yes, you would immediately ask for proof. Of course you would. And you would not want goofy proof.You would want real, solid, tangible proof.

No normal person, and I mean no one, would accept anything less than rock solid proof from a person who claims to be God.

Why should it be any different with Jesus? Jesus was a man who claims to be God. If he is God, then he ought to be able to prove it in a real, inimitable way. If he cannot prove it then, quite clearly, he is not God.

A Christian would say, "But Jesus HAS proven it! Just look at all of the miracles he did in the Bible! He healed the sick! He changed water into wine! That PROVES that Jesus is the Lord!" Does that make sense to you? Imagine that someone, today, were to come up to you and say, "I am God, and I will prove that I am God by healing the sick and turning water into wine!" What would you say? Be honest. You would not believe this person because:

Everyone has seen all sorts of "faith healers" who can "heal" the sick. And we all know that this sort of "healing" is quackery. If it were true, then we would not need doctors, hospitals or prescription medicines.

Turning water into wine... Doesn't that sound like something that a B-grade David-Copperfield-wannabe magician would do in a nightclub act? There are a dozen ways that you could stage things to make it look like water is turning into wine. There is no reason why a normal person would accept a magic trick as proof that someone is God.

Neither of these miracles can be scientifically tested today. Not one of Jesus' miracles left any tangible evidence for scientists to study.
It is as simple as that. If someone claimed to be God today, you would never believe it if the evidence consisted of faith healing and magic tricks. Never. Yet billions of people claim that Jesus' faith healing and magic tricks prove that he is God.
Let's imagine that Jesus truly is God. What might he have done to prove it? He could have started by taking one of his most famous quotes from the Bible and acting on it. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says quite clearly:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
To prove that he is God, Jesus would have moved a mountain. Especially since it is so easy. And Jesus would have written something down to explain himself. Here's what the first page of Jesus' book might have looked like:
My name is Jesus, and I am God. I know there are a lot of people out there who will doubt that I am God, so let me start off by proving it to you. Take a look at Mount Sinai. Everyone knows that, until today, Mount Sinai stood near here. It is the mountain where God, my father, gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
Mount Sinai vanished this morning, and what was left in its place was a perfectly smooth, polished stone base measuring four miles square. Hundreds of years from now, people will find that Mount Sinai landed near a place that will be called Newark, New Jersey. When scientists dig into the mountain, they will find that the bottom of the mountain is also completely smooth and polished, and that the bottom of the mountain in New Jersey perfectly matches the polished plain nearby. Scientists will be able to align the mountain and the plain, looking at it rock crystal by rock crystal at a microscopic level. I have said many times that, if you have faith, you can move mountains. I moved Mount Sinai to show how easy it is, and to prove that I am God.

I know that that may not be enough, so let me offer a second proof. If you draw a circle, you know that there is distance across the circle. Let us call it the diameter of the circle. There is also a distance around the outside of the circle. Let us call it the circumference. If you divide the circumference by the diameter, you get another number. Let us call it Pi, and its first 6 digits are 3.14159. Pi is an irrational number. It is a number that is made up of an infinite number of non-repeating digits.

There will come a day when machines called computers will calculate billions of digits of Pi. If you calculate Pi out to the millionth trillionth digit, here is what you will find:


Now, having proven that I am God to any rational being, through my documentable movement of a mountain and through my foreknowledge of Pi at the millionth trillionth position, here is what I want to say to the human race as your creator, and as the creator of the universe...

Wouldn't that be awesome and amazing? If we had such a book, and if Mount Sinai had actually moved, then there would be no questions about Jesus. We would all believe that he is God. How could we not? Imagine what such a book would say on the following pages. A book like that, I am sure, would leave all of us in awe.
Why would Jesus not do that? God, supposedly, has already written a book called the Bible. And God, supposedly, has already done all sorts of things according to that book. God, supposedly, parted the Red Sea, carved the Ten Commandments into stone, went to the trouble to incarnate himself, etc. So why not have Jesus write a book, and leave behind real, tangible evidence for all of us to see?

For any normal, rational person, the reason is obvious -- God is imaginary. We would not believe that anyone today is God without concrete proof. Jesus doesn't get a pass because he lived 2,000 years ago. Jesus, if he existed at all, was a human being just like you and me. All of the stories in the Bible are just that -- stories.

This is earthly carnal thinking & has no place in heavenly acts. That's why you don't get refuse to think outside the box.

Stories? Tell that to people who are getting healed...tell that to people who are expereincing signs & wonders... tell that to all those who know what it means to have kingdom living here on earth.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 07:53 AM

To me this is no proof of a God. Sorry! What has been written 2000 years ago could be irrelevant for those who believed in something else 4000 years before Christianity was established. It is a never ending debate of who has the better belief and relationship with God. I think you will see in future generations that religion will reduce in size. Yes I know many disagree to this, but here is why I think it would happen.

Let us say that..

If someone were to come to you today and say, "I am God!", what would you do? Yes, you would immediately ask for proof. Of course you would. And you would not want goofy proof.You would want real, solid, tangible proof.

No normal person, and I mean no one, would accept anything less than rock solid proof from a person who claims to be God.

Why should it be any different with Jesus? Jesus was a man who claims to be God. If he is God, then he ought to be able to prove it in a real, inimitable way. If he cannot prove it then, quite clearly, he is not God.

A Christian would say, "But Jesus HAS proven it! Just look at all of the miracles he did in the Bible! He healed the sick! He changed water into wine! That PROVES that Jesus is the Lord!" Does that make sense to you? Imagine that someone, today, were to come up to you and say, "I am God, and I will prove that I am God by healing the sick and turning water into wine!" What would you say? Be honest. You would not believe this person because:

Everyone has seen all sorts of "faith healers" who can "heal" the sick. And we all know that this sort of "healing" is quackery. If it were true, then we would not need doctors, hospitals or prescription medicines.

Turning water into wine... Doesn't that sound like something that a B-grade David-Copperfield-wannabe magician would do in a nightclub act? There are a dozen ways that you could stage things to make it look like water is turning into wine. There is no reason why a normal person would accept a magic trick as proof that someone is God.

Neither of these miracles can be scientifically tested today. Not one of Jesus' miracles left any tangible evidence for scientists to study.
It is as simple as that. If someone claimed to be God today, you would never believe it if the evidence consisted of faith healing and magic tricks. Never. Yet billions of people claim that Jesus' faith healing and magic tricks prove that he is God.
Let's imagine that Jesus truly is God. What might he have done to prove it? He could have started by taking one of his most famous quotes from the Bible and acting on it. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says quite clearly:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
To prove that he is God, Jesus would have moved a mountain. Especially since it is so easy. And Jesus would have written something down to explain himself. Here's what the first page of Jesus' book might have looked like:
My name is Jesus, and I am God. I know there are a lot of people out there who will doubt that I am God, so let me start off by proving it to you. Take a look at Mount Sinai. Everyone knows that, until today, Mount Sinai stood near here. It is the mountain where God, my father, gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
Mount Sinai vanished this morning, and what was left in its place was a perfectly smooth, polished stone base measuring four miles square. Hundreds of years from now, people will find that Mount Sinai landed near a place that will be called Newark, New Jersey. When scientists dig into the mountain, they will find that the bottom of the mountain is also completely smooth and polished, and that the bottom of the mountain in New Jersey perfectly matches the polished plain nearby. Scientists will be able to align the mountain and the plain, looking at it rock crystal by rock crystal at a microscopic level. I have said many times that, if you have faith, you can move mountains. I moved Mount Sinai to show how easy it is, and to prove that I am God.

I know that that may not be enough, so let me offer a second proof. If you draw a circle, you know that there is distance across the circle. Let us call it the diameter of the circle. There is also a distance around the outside of the circle. Let us call it the circumference. If you divide the circumference by the diameter, you get another number. Let us call it Pi, and its first 6 digits are 3.14159. Pi is an irrational number. It is a number that is made up of an infinite number of non-repeating digits.

There will come a day when machines called computers will calculate billions of digits of Pi. If you calculate Pi out to the millionth trillionth digit, here is what you will find:


Now, having proven that I am God to any rational being, through my documentable movement of a mountain and through my foreknowledge of Pi at the millionth trillionth position, here is what I want to say to the human race as your creator, and as the creator of the universe...

Wouldn't that be awesome and amazing? If we had such a book, and if Mount Sinai had actually moved, then there would be no questions about Jesus. We would all believe that he is God. How could we not? Imagine what such a book would say on the following pages. A book like that, I am sure, would leave all of us in awe.
Why would Jesus not do that? God, supposedly, has already written a book called the Bible. And God, supposedly, has already done all sorts of things according to that book. God, supposedly, parted the Red Sea, carved the Ten Commandments into stone, went to the trouble to incarnate himself, etc. So why not have Jesus write a book, and leave behind real, tangible evidence for all of us to see?

For any normal, rational person, the reason is obvious -- God is imaginary. We would not believe that anyone today is God without concrete proof. Jesus doesn't get a pass because he lived 2,000 years ago. Jesus, if he existed at all, was a human being just like you and me. All of the stories in the Bible are just that -- stories.

This is earthly carnal thinking & has no place in heavenly acts. That's why you don't get refuse to think outside the box.

Stories? Tell that to people who are getting healed...tell that to people who are expereincing signs & wonders... tell that to all those who know what it means to have kingdom living here on earth.

Many believe that we do think outside the box for we allow different possiblities!

Will power to feel better can be attained without religion believe it or not!

buffry's photo
Sat 06/28/08 08:43 AM
I agree with you on that Smiless! With or without god, a person can feel accomplished in their lives. Believe it or not, some atheists/non believers are good people with a lot to offer. I have accomplished much in my life without the aid of God. I take credit for the things I have done and take much pride in it. I experience a high on life all of the time. The same high that those of you choose to see as the Holy Spirit. I just choose to see it as a job well done.

baroosie's photo
Sat 06/28/08 08:52 AM
Let me put it this way..... if there's a 1/100000th% chance there's a hell, i'm not gonna take it! laugh

Lord_Psycho's photo
Sat 06/28/08 08:53 AM
Of all I know Ive accomplished doin things on my own without any1s help! Being the 1 helpin others then get nothin in return but deep inside it hurts so much that u cant help it but u just accept it as the way it is. GOd or No GOD! Life is just the same!