Topic: depression support
FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 03/08/07 09:33 PM
I agree with MoreBass...drinking is not going to solve anything. I
turned to Vodka. I used to come home, drink vodka...take some pills to
sleep. Wake up, drink more vodka...go to work buzzed...then come home
and do it all again. After a year, I almost killed myself with this
routine. My best friends stepped in and saved me from myself. Please
use the resource we are giving you and talk to us..lean on us...and make
some friends. We love you in this forum...and we are all here for you.

Cybear's photo
Thu 03/08/07 10:59 PM
(((((((bear~hugs))))))))To everyone here in forum.If anyone wants to
talk sometime I'm just an e~mail away ppls.I'm currently taking
20mg.Celexa but I don't have alot of faith in it really.I'm still
feeling the aftershocks from my last bout I recently was unblessed
with.I think personally my 1~1 counseling is more constructive and
productive than any meds.will be.Meds to treat Depression in my opinion
is equivalent to placing a band~aid over a cut that requires
stitches.Just my opinion everyone.Well let's stay positive everyone and
do not forget that we have each other here @JSH to support one
another.This is a very valuable tool so let's all use it shall we.It is
in all of our best interest to do so.Take care everyone and we'll all
talk some more for sure.You're Bearific Friend Always,Cybear.
(((((bear~hug))))) :tongue: flowerforyou :heart: embarassed

mtironroses's photo
Thu 03/08/07 11:15 PM

Marie55's photo
Thu 03/08/07 11:55 PM
Bear - it can take a few weeks for some of the meds to really take
effect, can't remember if Celexa is one of those. Check with the doc if
it doesn't feel like it is working, there are bunches of other ones out
there, and one of the others may be a better fit. I had one that worked
great for me, took it off and on for about 5 years, helped me sleep,
made me feel better, then they took it off the market, heck, the rest of
them don't seem to help me much, I either have side effects or don't
notice much change, but I agree with the counseling, that is really
helpful. Glad the counseling is working. Feel better my friend. Take
care and thanks for sharing.

kntrygal1964's photo
Fri 03/09/07 03:51 AM
been dealing with depression for many years and have been abandoned by
family who think its weak. have tried to commit suicide about 5 times
and unlike what most ppl think it wasnt a cry for help i really wanted
to die. been on meds off and on about 7yrs was on paxil but am on new
one pexeva which doesnt seem to do to much it helps with the depression
but it makes me very agitated. my main problem is i have no one to talk
to, i have friends the kind you say hey to and talk about little things
no one i can pick up the phone and talk to when im down in the dumps and
i deal with it daily and all the ppl that know me dont know the demons i
battle daily. its not something you can take a shot of whiskey to get
over or something like that its a real disease and its a constant battle
every day to go on and im glad to hear there are others out there like

Meeshep's photo
Fri 03/09/07 06:15 AM
(((((kntrygal1964))))) Hugs to you! I have delt with depression all my
life too. I just didn't know there was more to it that just that. After
trying to OD back in 2003 I found out I have Bi-Polar I/Manic depressive
with OCD. We are still trying to get my meds right and i'm on 4
different ones. It's hard for me to talk to people though. I feel as if
i'm a broken record saying the same things over and over. My family,
well my parents are all I have to help me through the good and bad
times. They are learning to reconize as well as myself when i'm starting
to go on a down curve. (((((hugs to all of us))))

MoreBass's photo
Sat 03/10/07 06:22 AM
your parents aren't your only support anymore; we can't physically be
there for you, but we are always here for you. i love what a caring
group of people you all are. flowerforyou flowerforyou

blittlesis35's photo
Sat 03/10/07 12:19 PM
hey all ,,, i just found out that im bipoler ,,they want me to try med"s
but i dont like the feeling they give me in all ,,help what should i doo

Marie55's photo
Sat 03/10/07 03:43 PM
I guess it depends on how the bipolar is affecting your life. If you
can function well without the meds and have a good life, then I wouldn't
worry about taking them, but if the bipolar interferes with your day to
day life and your ability to hold a job and just plain have a life, then
I would take the meds. Maybe the meds you tried weren't a good fit and
you could try some other ones. There are several out there. I deal
with depression, but not bipolar, bipolar is a lot harder to deal with
from what I have heard and know people who deal with it. Counseling is
also helpful, don't know if you have tried that or not.

MoreBass's photo
Sat 03/10/07 04:26 PM
marie is right. it can be tricky to find the right meds if you're
bipolar. if you've read my earlier posts, you know i had a friend who
was bipolar. keep communicating with your doctor, and if you're not in
counseling, i suggest you find someone. keep us updated; we'll all be
thinking of you.

brighteyes66's photo
Sat 03/10/07 06:50 PM
ther are alot of meds out there. let them try with them bipolar is
different you have highs where you could spend too much or clean too
much or over do anything
the lows can be disableing ! just remember these meds... drug that are
made for this do help! sometimes thought after a while you need to
switch to a newer meds. ists ok to have help groups, one on one, and
doctors visits its better than hospital visits

Classyjeff's photo
Mon 03/12/07 08:06 AM
Sometimes i just feel totally worthless and my life is totally not
working he way i wanted or dreamed it would be.. ive tried the drugs and
they either just made me sick or didn't work.. i just don't know
sometimes and am scared that ive wasted me life...

MoreBass's photo
Mon 03/12/07 08:17 AM
nobody's life is worthless. start giving of yourself; smile at a random
person on the street, give a server at a restaurant a bigger tip, help
an elderly neighbor run errands, give your boss a special gift, buy a
homeless person some patch adams or the butterfly
effect. your life touches the lives of everyone around you. sometimes
the smallest gesture can change someone else's life entirely. lead by
example and show those around you how to live for others. i have a
sweatshirt that says "how about a hug?" i wear it all the time, and i
get hugs and smiles from perfect strangers. a life shared is a life with

Thndrghost's photo
Mon 03/12/07 10:20 AM
I was put on anti-depressants after my husband died. Recently I have
weaned myself off of them, big mistake, but one that couldn't be
avoided. So I've been dealing with the depression again as an almost
constant companion these days. Eventually, I will get back on them. But
for now, just bare with me ok? And I'm almost always online, so if
anyone needs/wants to talk, I've been told I'm a good listener (helps me
get out of my sh*t too) :tongue:

creationsfire's photo
Mon 03/12/07 01:17 PM
Ok, so this is pretty much the first time I have opened up on the site,
but the topic is important to me.

I have been Bi-Polar w/ PTSD, SAD and Major Recurrent Depression. Meds
do work and if I didn't have them, I would be a total basket case.

I get depressed sometimes because I know that BP wont ever go away. I
was born with it. There are other factors, but the jist is that no
matter what; talk to people who understand. Anyone here that needs to
chat, rant or get someting off thier chest, please e-mail or IM. I could
use a good ear myself,:smile:

It takes guts to admit these kinds of things in an open forum, but we
all have. Cheers to all of us. More friends to make that understand,eh?



dontbeajo's photo
Mon 03/12/07 01:29 PM
Well fire you are the best and the Lord and all his angles love you
heaps. And I think you are a great person and I'm always happy to have a
chat with you.

creationsfire's photo
Mon 03/12/07 01:51 PM
Awwwwwww {{{{{dontbeajo}}}}} You are to sweet, thank youblushing

Classyjeff's photo
Mon 03/12/07 07:54 PM
i tryed meds and they didnt work.. it just i start thinking about the
stuff in my life right now and see nothing to look forward to

Marie55's photo
Mon 03/12/07 09:01 PM
Jeff - You are young. Have you tried counseling? The meds aren't always
a good fit for everyone. Have you tried volunteering and helping
someone out, like Bass said? Just making new friends and doing things,
keeping busy is a great way to help change the way you feel sometimes.
The weather is changing too and it will be getting brighter out and if
you have problems with seasonal affective disorder that will become less
as the sun is out more. There are mens groups, church groups, all kinds
of activities where people can get involved. One of my problems when I
am feeling depressed is that I withdraw and isolate myself, that is why
I am suggesting getting out and getting involved in something. Ever try
volunteering at a nursing home?? Those sweet elderly ladies and men just
love to visit and make you feel better after spending some time with
them. Just some ideas.

Cybear's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:02 AM
Bear pokes the door open with his snout.Hmmmm!How are all of dear
friends @JSH feeling.I hope everyone is doing well.I truly wish I had
all the answers here for everyone including myself,however sadly I do
not.But it is known medical fact that this(D)is treatable,and with the
help of each other's kind and caring words then we all can conquer and
overcome this illness.Trust Me!we can,and I believe that with every
fiber of my existence.And we shall!My very dear friend Marie is a
loving,compassionate and beautiful woman.She continues to offer her
valuable advise.Pay attention to her words because I'm here to tell you
her advise is 100% correct and accurate.I've begun doing some of things
she has advised in her most current reply,and my dear friends I am
feeling the shroud lift back up off me.I luv you Marie:heart: It's true
that meds may vary from person to person,so I'll give Celexa a little
time to form my final decision and if it is not effective then I'll ask
my try something diff.But once again I am compelled to inform
everyone that my 1-1 counseling and my dear fiends @JSH is making all
the diff.within my life;not meds.Just my opinion everyone,but of course
there are variables and diff.levels of the big(D)so this statement does
not apply to all.I'll finish for now then by giving everyone a
(((bear~hug)))and I ask that you stay positive K.Take care my dear
friends and may God watch over us all and guide us.Godspeed!Cybear
:tongue: flowerforyou :heart: smooched blushing embarassed