Topic: depression support
Marie55's photo
Sun 02/25/07 04:54 PM
I am sorry I got off track Morebass, but I am a firm believer in
counseling and medication when needed, have seen it help lots of people,
and even bring people back from the bring of suicide. I am so sorry
about your friend.

When my daughter was 11 she attempted an OD, over not wanting to go to
school of all things, was later diagnosed with a borderline personality
disorder, but was hoapitalized at a childrens hospital for 4 weeks in
the psych ward. So I have dealt with mental health issues with her too
for years.

Sometimes takes a couple of tries to find the right fit with the right
person to talk to or the right medication.

Thank you for posting this thread to support people who are dealing with
depression it is ugly when you are in the middle of it, and you do feel
all alone. Good to know there are people around who care.

Hotchikita's photo
Sun 02/25/07 05:20 PM
Hi there is all kind of help out there on the web just go to www.
suicide help line. And you'll get a list of places.

I am part of a movement against suicide and trying to spread the word.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE.A Pearson somewhere any were love or cares for you.
Taking a life (even) yours affected the hole world cause we are all
connected. So please remember we love you.:heart: :heart: flowerforyou

MoreBass's photo
Sun 02/25/07 06:21 PM
it really is incredible how sometimes we forget how connected we all
are. everything you experience, someone else is experiencing or has
experienced before. it's a very comforting thought.

no photo
Sun 02/25/07 06:28 PM
True -- there is a tremendous comfort in being able to think "I am not

FedMan's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:21 PM
never had depression here and hope not to, I have moments where
everything seems like it's going wrong but I don't consider it
depression even though it can seem quite depressing.

Ceej's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:32 PM
If I think that my entire life span is just one moment in the time
continuum, and i am not even a pin hole on the map of the world, my
problem seems small, and stand up, take a deep breath, and decide to
live for the moment. Make each moment happy because it is not a drop in
the bucket of time immemorial.

FedMan's photo
Sun 02/25/07 10:37 PM
damn that made my brain huert almost as bad as this pic hurts mah eyes

Ceej's photo
Sun 02/25/07 11:22 PM
I used to have a tie-dye shirt like that. Is that my shirt? Sorry to
hear your brain hurts. :)

brighteyes66's photo
Mon 02/26/07 08:28 AM
imsuffering from bi polar2 its a litlle depressing alot mania and some
scyso. self medication is not the way to take care of the problems that
arise with this. im disable un able to funktion in a normal world so i
go to counciling and groups and let loose.and i take meds. i wouldnt
tell everon to take meds but some of us really need thr help
!! dont dicrage people no to go and be checked out!! this is and can be
deadly. most of us dont want to die but because noone listens some do.
mine started after my second baby was born and has lasted 10 yrs. could
be for the rest of my life i hope i make it if you feel down 1 day ok
but if you feel down and cant get up. get help!! NAMNI is a name of
a group who can start the help!

chuckbrewster's photo
Mon 02/26/07 08:46 AM
Well, seems there are a lot of views on depression and I have yet to see
one that tells me I can get through this without going completely nutz.

I am 64. I was given the news and medications for depression and
anxiety. I have several things that are a constant bother to me and
trigger the anxiety and make the depression almost unbearable.

Days and weeks without leaving the house. No phone calls or visits from
family or friends. Mostly they don't want to be around someone that
isn't happy go lucky at least part of the time.

Living alone is not the best way to deal with this as I have found out.
But, it seems I don't have any answers, even after all these years.
Talking to someone means if it is not a professional there is little or
no sense in the conversation you are going to have. I found that it ends
up with me listening to their problems and making mine worse because now
I worry about them.

I've been to counseling. Of course it was with the VA and that Dr. just
made me mad enough to leave his office before shooting myself. It's easy
for others to say just get over it. I have had that in my ear for a long
long time. Getting over it is really the whole point of me to keep

Maybe I will not live out my life as a crippled shut in... or maybe I

brighteyes66's photo
Mon 02/26/07 12:10 PM
just snap out of it is the most hated thing to hear!! people dont get
it we dont want this its not fun !! it dosent just go away. some drs are
not up to par on the latest way to treat depression. ask you family to
come over they love you even if they dont understand tell them over and
over and oover then give them the paplets or the sites. make them notice
your still there but need a little extra

Marie55's photo
Mon 02/26/07 12:48 PM
Bright you are right, snap out of it is ridiculous, if you could you
would. People don't get it if they have never dealt with it themselves.

My family didn't have a clue, and didn't want them in my business
anyway, would have made my depression even worse. My mom was a source
of my depression. So distancing from them was the best for me. Most of
the younger docs and a lot of them now are more up-to-date on it, and a
lot more in tune with what is needed to help their patients. I am a
firm believer though that if you don't feel like your doctor is hearing
you or you are not getting what you need from your doctor, find a new
doctor, I mean it. I have left doctors because they didn't listen to
me, and found excellent ones. Sometimes the doctors are overworked or
burned out, anyway, you need to take care of yourself and take charge of
your medical needs and find a doctor that is skilled in what your needs
are. Take care.

MoreBass's photo
Mon 02/26/07 01:45 PM
hang in there chuck. i know, the most terrifying thing about being
depressed is wondering if you'll ever be happy again. or forgetting what
it's like to be happy. i'm glad hear you want to keep trying. i was
lucky enough to find a counselor i got along with on my first try, but
not everyone is that fortunate. my cousin still hasn't found one that
doesn't drive her crazy. keep at it. i'm pretty sure i speak for
everyone when i say we're all cheering for you.

Hotchikita's photo
Mon 02/26/07 02:55 PM
Hi Chuck if you go to google suicide hot line you got plenty of help
lines on line. that and a good doctor and the right medication, is verry
helpful. If that dont work you really should talk to your doctor and he
will look deeper in the problem. send us a update I shure that every
body here cares enough to now how thing are doing.bigsmile

izzie's photo
Mon 02/26/07 04:45 PM
i am 25, and have been diagonesed as depressed for the last 5 years, it
has gone on for longer, but that is when i sought help. even after much
counceling, and a string of meds, i am still depressed, thanks
MoreBass.. you are right, knowing that i am not alone has helped to
brighten my day, even if only one day. we all just have to take it one
day at a time right? <3 and kisses to all, hang in there.

MoreBass's photo
Mon 02/26/07 06:02 PM
i'm glad we made you feel better. keep smiling, we're all here for each

tallandtttanned's photo
Mon 02/26/07 06:12 PM
is there any laywers in here from ontario in here?

liliuminterspinas's photo
Tue 02/27/07 05:11 PM
i was diagnosed with major depressive disorder when i was 17. they came
and picked me up from school and sent me to the er for evaluation before
sending me to a clinic. my father had called and wanted to know why i
just didn't tell him about my problem. yeah cuz it's just so easy to
talk with a father you've only seen through visitation rights. my mother
told me "well, if you wanted attention, you got it". when they
discharged me i dropped out of school. i've tried the whole 'therapist'
approach. frankly she was more concerned that i'd interrupted her damn
lunch then the fact that i needed help. as far as meds go, i was on two
different kinds and they helped me a lot. but i couldn't have them
refilled unless i saw the therapist so i just stopped taking them. i was
ok....till about 1 year ago. i've had 3 mental breakdowns since then. i
feel like i'm losing my mind. but i guess when you look at my life from
the beginning you'd know i was cursed. my uncle committed suicide 8 days
before i was born. i've had to deal with the attempted suicides of
another uncle and my brother. numerous suicides amongst friends as well
and my own temptation to run for the razor.... all in all the only
thing that has kept me from taking my own life is the fact that i know
how God feels about such things and i can't leave my best friend behind
alone(i try not to be selfish, i'm all she's got), so i tough it out as
best as i can. sure, i should probably get back on the meds, but don't
you need money for those sorts of things? medical insurance? i have
neither and until i do i'm just going to continue reading my bible and
lean on Jesus.

thank you morebass for this forum flowerforyou i feel better after
getting some of this off my chest. i'll probably be back to vent some
more and until then take care and God bless. flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Tue 02/27/07 09:29 PM
I don't know about where you live but in our area, we have sliding fee
scales at the medical clinics so you pay according to what you earn, if
you don't earn much, you pay nothing for your visit, a lot of the
clinics have sample meds to get you started and there are free drug
programs through the drug companies out there for people without medical
insurance, again depends on your income and how many people you support,
etc., but definitely worth looking into. Just because the one therapist
wasn't a fit, don't give up, I tried several before I found one I like.
She even gives me samples at times when I am low on cash and I have
medical insurance. If you are feeling like hurting yourself please
don't, go to an ER and talk to the doctor and staff there. You're right
though, about the suicides in your family, is a hard legacy to live

Take care of yourself, we care about you. If you ever want to talk,
e-mail me, I am always happy to talk. Call your doctor's office and ask
about the free drug program, but they will make you have an office visit
first, I am sure. Feel better.

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 09:52 PM
Guess we all have been or are there.
Lately, I don't get out of bed till noon (go to sleep 10-11 at night),
dr just changed my script but still will sit, drive stand and suddenly
for no reason a 'sigh' slips out and makes me realize just how far off
base I really am.