Topic: Why do most women use distance as a negative factor?
Sir_Galahad's photo
Wed 06/11/08 02:34 PM

Am I not correct when I say if someone falls for another,should not distance be dealt with after the bond is established,instead of used at the prebeginning of a possible LTR?
Is it not used to phase out men that may appear to be ugly,or repulsive in nature and isnt it easier to ditch them when both parties know they are far apart and it wont really matter,becuase there are MANY other fishes in this woerd world of ours?
Love should be first and foremost in someones mind first,jump in with both feet,and take the chance for true romance! isnt that what life is ALL about,taking gambles with ones fate,and either win,or lose,in any case it is not how one wins or loses,but how they play the game,TRUE???


Distance is a huge factor to me also! I work every weeknight, so assuming the woman works days, that basically leaves only the weekends, or the early evenings--from the time she gets off work, to the time I have to leave to head to work. Now, seeing as how I start at 8:30 p.m., if someone's three hours away, I have to leave there by 5:30 p.m. So we'd get, what, an hour and a half at best? If someone lives within 2 miles of me, I could see them every day!

There are plenty of women that could appeal to me, both in personality and attractiveness (the most attractive thing would be an interest in me, I'm not very picky). There isn't just ONE perfect match out there...who happens to live halfway across the world...there's many possibilities, so why NOT limit myself to someone closer?

Citizen_Joe's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:47 PM

and must have a drug test

i have the results faxed over to me

Do I have to study for it? laugh laugh laugh

krobin02's photo
Thu 06/12/08 08:31 PM
I don't think at this point in my life I could give equally to a LDR so I don't look too far away from home. I'm not able to relocate and I couldn't financially be able to fairly split the visiting time so I don't want to go there. I don't think that it would be fair for him (whoever him would be) to have to do all the traveling and relocating if it ever came to that.

no photo
Thu 06/12/08 08:33 PM
distance isnt a problem for me...but then again I live in another country..might be a problem for you...:wink:

TheShadow's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:03 PM

Why is distance NOT legitimate if neither one of you can or will move at some point in time? If one has children they can't normally just move to another state away from the child(rens) other parent.

ill agree on this, but at the same time. Who here has found somone in there same area, well shopuld put it as how many have. Very few, so my question would be to anyone that wants to answer it. Why bother looking if your not ready to make that change? Yeah yeah, i know some are her for friends and some are her to have fun etc etc, but lets get real here for a moment. Is it far to expect the other to have to make the effert if your not willing to meet half way?

Redshirt's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:45 AM
Have a friend who met someone. They seemed to hit it off. She was happy. Then he said, "you live to far away." They only lived 30 miles apart!!!!

ElaineSeekingJerry's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:52 AM

Have a friend who met someone. They seemed to hit it off. She was happy. Then he said, "you live to far away." They only lived 30 miles apart!!!!

Exactly. You can always find an excuse for why you don't want something to work ... distance happens to be a handy one that gets overused, imo.

BlueskyJ's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:03 AM
distance is an issue for me & i wouldn't pretend otherwise....I have my family, friends, job all here & I love Los Angeles so I'm not about to move anytime soon....traveling is not always easy as i'm tied to my classroom much of the time....however, i do enjoy writing to people in other states & getting to know them....I've made a number of friends here & for that i'm grateful....

i must say the women here are fantabulous & sometimes i find myself wishing i could just have the freedom to travel anywhere....

cajunfroggy's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:10 AM
i thought distance was an issue for me until i meet my love only 4hrs. away still kinda far when you are a single parent working and just life happens but when you know in your heart you are gonna meet someone you have some connection to distance works itself out trust me

Sir_Galahad's photo
Fri 06/13/08 01:49 PM
The people I've dated, except for ONE, all lived in the same town that I was living in, and I met them in person, instead of from a website.

I've met one person from a website, and had to travel about 75 miles to visit. Luckily we hit it off right away, and I ended up moving in with her. Lasted about two years.

That's totally different from meeting someone from another state and really having high expectations out of that working out.

shoesmonkey's photo
Fri 06/13/08 07:10 PM
Distance is a realistic issue for me. He live's an hr. and a hlf. away. Doesn't sound like much right? I've waited a month to see him for a third time and, it fell through. How much longer am I supposed to wait? It isn't working in our favor. I DO want to see him. I'm not using distance as an excuse.

texastigress's photo
Sat 06/21/08 02:29 AM
Gas prices and I prefer to keep it local.

Jtevans's photo
Sat 06/21/08 02:32 AM
with me,i only have one requirement....

i've gotta see boobs first,then we can talk smokin

brooke007's photo
Sat 06/21/08 02:54 AM

with me,i only have one requirement....

i've gotta see boobs first,then we can talk smokin

are you having any luck with that line??

no photo
Sat 06/21/08 05:50 AM
It does tend to be a problem.

Nope, I just don't have that kind of disposable income to go 800 miles just to see if the person I get along with online is a real "Match" I am locked in to where I am at for a number of reasons, for about 4 yrs.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/21/08 05:55 AM

with me,i only have one requirement....

i've gotta see boobs first,then we can talk smokin

*rolls eyes and sighs*

JT is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo demanding ohwell

laugh laugh

bad_girl's photo
Sat 06/21/08 06:07 AM
((jt)) Everyone knows thatbigsmile

with me,i only have one requirement....

i've gotta see boobs first,then we can talk smokin

bad_girl's photo
Sat 06/21/08 06:07 AM
I was concerned about distance until I met Tom, now it isn't so bad. We see other oftenlove

hikerchick's photo
Sat 06/21/08 06:34 AM
Am I not correct when I say if someone falls for another,should not distance be dealt with after the bond is established,instead of used at the prebeginning of a possible LTR?

I don't think you are correct. If you know distance will be a problem, why start something in the first place. Why forge a bond you are going to have to break?

Is it not used to phase out men that may appear to be ugly,or repulsive in nature and isnt it easier to ditch them when both parties know they are far apart and it wont really matter,becuase there are MANY other fishes in this woerd world of ours?

That's what block is for. People don't need to make excuses when they don't want to talk to someone.

Love should be first and foremost in someones mind first,jump in with both feet,and take the chance for true romance!

Love is not first and foremost in my mind; I have child to consider, a job, a house. If I can find someone who complements my life, great; if not, I am not disrupting my world for some silly dream of romance. I am not 20 years old. It's either meant to happen or it isn't; I am not going to spend all of my resources chasing a dream.

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/21/08 08:18 AM
Isn't that funny Hiker. I'm not 20 either .. but the ONLY thing I want to have a relationship about now IS love ..

The older you get the more you realize life is short .. it's not lasting for ever.

I want to experience that 'out of the ballpark, homerun' relationship .. which I think I have.

I will come up against almost any odds of any kind to have that kind of love. It's what is important to me in life at this point.
