How many times.....
when someone is speaking, do you think about what they are saying or what you are going to say next? Have to say what they are saying since I never know what to say next. |
We should have a get together so that we can all meet.
ppl from ohio come on in
<smack, smack> Oh, my bad... you didn't mean literaly did you? Oops, sorry!
![]() Cincinnati here. |
![]() |
Why did you pick your...
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Mon 11/24/08 07:36 PM
Good question since I've been thinking of changing mine to something more personal (and relevant) because of where I got this one...
It's the username I had at the company I worked for for ten and a half years. It was beyond easy to remember since my fingers literally just typed it on their own. ![]() |
...trying to cyberseduce all you M2 ladies, why not give 'em a tumble? Help me out here... still trying to reconcile this statement to the title of this thread. The "nice guys" know better than to try to seduce the women before they get to know them. Oh krobin..I would like to have the oppurtunity to reject a seduction.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Maybe I would stop rejecting if people could figure out that a lot of women (yes I am one of them) respond better to mental/intellectual/emotional seduction than they ever will the physical variety. |
Thanks for this one! And to think... I've been in retail for over a decade and never once heard about this. Food for thought.
...trying to cyberseduce all you M2 ladies, why not give 'em a tumble? Help me out here... still trying to reconcile this statement to the title of this thread. The "nice guys" know better than to try to seduce the women before they get to know them. |
The older I get
Sounds to me like Im the one that wins either way :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The older I get
Definitely, the older I get the more I want to be in a committed relationship. There's something about the thought of growing old and being alone that makes me want to sit in a corner and shiver. :) That's a sad sad sad thought. Absolutely true. |
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Mon 11/24/08 06:43 PM
Universal peace upheld by a world government
That sounds more like a political agenda than a spiritual agenda. Not going there... Independent investigation of truth
Would this include embracing those who study witchcraft as their independent investication into truth? Yes. Though, while witchcraft is not recognized as one of the religions, it is indeed a valid avenue of investigation for each person must make their own decisions on what is the truth for them. Bahai's are against blindly following the beliefs and teachings of the family simply for the family's own sake. And since I know someone will ask, yes, Baha'i families will allow their children to investigate and follow the paths they feel to be true. |
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Mon 11/24/08 04:14 PM
Seeing as how we believe in a progressive revelation then yes we believe in Christ and that he was a manifestation of God.
*Note... google progressive revelation and the Wikipedia link is the first up. It's pretty good. For those of you who have never heard of the Baha'i faith and are wondering what we're about, here are the basic principles: The oneness of mankind Universal peace upheld by a world government Independent investigation of truth The common foundation of all religions The essential harmony of science and religion The equality of men and women Elimination of prejudice of all kinds Universal cumpulsory education Elimination of the extremes of poverty and wealth (a spiritual solution to an economic problem) A universal auxiliary language (a common language shared by all peoples of the world in addition to each person's native tongue so that the language barriers of our current world become nonexistant) |
Do some women really think
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Mon 11/24/08 04:03 PM
Uh-oh... are mine all right?
![]() But I agree. I bypass the shirtless men since it is the equivalent of the "too much skin" pics tahat some women post. |
People with Pets
Our house currently has two cats (did have four). Fot the fish, one tank has 11, one has 8, and the nursery tank has 2 guppies and approximately 15 two week old fry. We would get a dog too if our parents (landlords) would let us.
i can't decide... posting or partitioning?
A - Z City Game - part 3
Ooty (It's in India)
Just curious if I'm the only one or not.
Edited by
Sun 11/23/08 04:52 PM
Dude you so made me flash back to the tenth grade! I went from less than nothing to a rather large size in about 4 or 5 months which then prompted most of the males in my class to nickname me stuffer.
I have only once been asked if they are real and it didn't offend me. I am always asked my size. It's a little offensive but humorus at the same time. I ask them to guess. Oh lord... men need to take bra sizing lesons. The number and letter combinations some of them come up with are off the hook. |