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Topic: Love & thanks ~ to our beloved Soldiers... - part 2
Rapunzel's photo
Tue 08/12/08 08:48 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Tue 08/12/08 09:03 AM
Someone Named Mama :heart:
August 8, 2005

The hallways of the nursing home smelled of antiseptic, and as I rounded each corner in the long corridor from my sister’s room to the main doors, the smell seemed to chase me, mixing with the tantalizing aromas of a Thanksgiving meal being prepared in the kitchen off to my right. I finally reached the last corner, made my turn, and started the last of the straight aways to the vibrant and living world beyond the drab green doors.
About halfway down the runway, I saw an ancient woman strapped into a wheel chair, her body limp and bowed with time, yet her eyes strained to see me as I got closer to her.
About 20 feet from her, a weary voice tiptoed from her quivering lips in uncertainty as she said “Frankie, is that you ? Frankie my baby!
My sweet baby boy! I knew you would come!”

I looked around, as her shaking arms
lifted into the air to hug this Frankie
that had come to her at last,
but there was no one there in the hall
except this old woman and me.

I kept walking slowly, and gingerly I side stepped the wheel chair to get around,
but her out stretched arms followed me.
“Frankie, my baby,” she said,
openly crying now. “I knew you would come.”

I stopped beside her, and knelt to the floor to look into the azure eyes of this tired soul.
“I told you I would mama.
I’m sorry it took so long. But I’m here now."
I hugged her, and she hugged me,
in her embrace that ached of emptiness now filled.

Love flowed through the arms of this lady,
and though her body was weary of the ages,
a strength rose from her heart
as she embraced the baby boy
she had been waiting to hold for so long.
She sobbed on my shoulder,
stumbling to say the words
that only her heart could understand,
not daring to release the embrace
of someone she so desperately needed to hold.

Finally, after reaching into the depths of ages past
and eternity to come with her tears,
she said faintly,
“Push me to my room Frankie,”
her bony fingers pointing the way at each turn.

We found her room,
and it was warm with a mothers touch.
Pictures of her past adorned the walls,
and in the midst of them hung a yellowing photo
of a young square chinned soldier
with an inscription, “I love you Mama , I’ll be back”.

Underneath, a strong hand had signed the name, “Frank”.
A date at the bottom corner
told a thousand stories . . .
February 1942.

A folded flag lay on her dresser,:cry:
wrapped in cellophane. sad
A faded piece of paper with a heading...
“Western Union Telegram”, hung on a mirror
just above it, sad
and I did not want to read it.:cry:

My heart swells in not knowing,
and cries in the possibilities.
Did Frankie come home from a war
he did not choose to start,
but chose to end?

Did he give his life somewhere,
in some strange land, for his home,
his country and his Mama? sad

Did he ever know how much he was loved? :cry:
And was that day in late November 1993
in the drab green corridor of a nursing home,
the day he was finally able
to keep a promise to a mother
who had waited for him to come back
for so many years?

I never did learn her name,
and I do not know to this day,
which head stone is hers in Wyuka Cemetery.
I do know though, that Frankie was loved,
and that she held on to life long enough
to tell him so, one last time.
She died a few days later in her sleep,
and I had been chosen to be the one
to tell her... “I love you mama.”

She's gone now. I said goodbye to her
for you Frankie, where ever you are,
and I am blessed to have held her.
She was someone special…
She was someone named flowerforyou ‘Mama’,flowerforyou
and she found the peace she needed that Thanksgiving.

Now finally, she can rest.:heart:

By Robert VanDerslice

checkinout42's photo
Tue 08/12/08 06:58 PM
Thank you Myriah and Vanessa for the poems, blogs, and articles and words of encouragement. You just keep it up, those of us who are not poetic like to read your entries.

God Bless the soldiers and their families... Keep them safe, keep them strong and bring them home safe. flowerforyou

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:03 PM
Thank you.

Been busy with work and getting ready to start my new surrogacy, so I haven't really stopped by here.

But I have been personally thanking bunches of soldiers both in person and online.

Got a new one a few weeks ago. He lives near my boss in Boston, but he's in Iraq right now.

But I pray they all come home safely, regardless where they are!waving tongue2 smitten

Journey2008's photo
Tue 08/12/08 07:52 PM

thinking of all the soldiers and their loved ones today..smitten


flowerforyou thank you so much :heart: my Sister Jackie flowerforyou

smokin drinker smokin thinking of all of our Troops, smokin drinker smokin

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: and sending extra special prayers :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: flowerforyou :heart: for Military Moms :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou < Suzanne > & for < Joyce> flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

drinker & for their brave courageous young Sons drinker

sad who are in basic training now,glasses & going through hell...sad

:cry: Help them, their comrades & other parents sad

sad get through this incredibly tough time...:cry:

:heart: love and prayers and hugs and lots of compassion for You all :heart:

Thank you Nessaflowerforyou My 30 year old son was just sworn in yesterday. He leaves for basic training next Tuesday! I just got one son home and the other one has just signed up. I love them both and am so very proud of them!!!

God bless all our miltary, and the families they leave behind!!!!

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:33 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Wed 08/13/08 10:39 AM

Thank you Myriah and Vanessa for the poems, blogs, and articles and words of encouragement. You just keep it up, those of us who are not poetic like to read your entries.

:heart: anytime, Sis...love you soooo much :heart:

God Bless the soldiers and their families... Keep them safe, keep them strong and bring them home safe. flowerforyou

:heart: :heart: :heart: Amen...Yes, God...:heart: :heart: :heart:

:cry: Hear our heartfelt prayers & our endless pleas...:cry:

:heart: Protect Our Troops at home & in foreign Countries :heart:

sad Confront this world's leaders, to cry out to You , on their knees sad

drinker End Hatred & Famine, Prejudice, War & Disease drinker

:heart: Bring awe ~ inspiring love, loyalty & peace :heart:

sad back to this Planet you lent us, we beg you!:cry: Oh God ! Please sad

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:49 AM

thinking of all the soldiers and their loved ones today..smitten


flowerforyou thank you so much :heart: my Sister Jackie flowerforyou

smokin drinker smokin thinking of all of our Troops, smokin drinker smokin

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: and sending extra special prayers :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: flowerforyou :heart: for Military Moms :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou < Suzanne > & for < Joyce> flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

drinker & for their brave courageous young Sons drinker

sad who are in basic training now,glasses & going through hell...sad

:cry: Help them, their comrades & other parents sad

sad get through this incredibly tough time...:cry:

:heart: love and prayers and hugs and lots of compassion for You all :heart:

Thank you Nessaflowerforyou My 30 year old son was just sworn in yesterday. He leaves for basic training next Tuesday! I just got one son home and the other one has just signed up. I love them both and am so very proud of them!!!

God bless all our miltary, and the families they leave behind!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhh.....:heart: :cry: :heart: :cry: :heart:

:heart: {{{{{ <<<<< Brenda >>>>> }}}}}:heart:

I feel so bad, Honey...
I forgot to mention You & your Son specifically
when i was praying for Suzanne & Joyce
and for their sons the other day...
and Your Son in Law is in the Military too,
isn't he?

blushing I 'm sorry blushing I love you flowerforyou You are so brave drinker

You have had so many Family members drinker
in the Service and in the Wars :cry:
and i know it has to be tough ...sad
I love you & will definitely be keeping you drinker
and your Family in all of my thoughts & prayers :heart:

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:57 AM
Did You Stand?
May 20, 2005

I was sitting the other day in a crowded airport, waiting for a boarding call on my flight to Arizona.
As I sat there , I noticed an old man sitting across from me facing the large picture window that gave passengers a view of the runway.
The history of a life of hardship traced the old mans eyes as they stared into the twilight of his years, and as I watched, I saw tears rolling from those ancient steel gray eyes, leaving a trail of sadness that tore at my heart.
I got up and walked to him and asked if I could join him. Without even looking up to identify me, he nodded, and I sat down, feeling awkward but intensely drawn to him in compassion for his quiet tears.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help
but notice you sitting here alone.
Are you ok?" I asked.

There was a deafening silence suddenly between us, for what seemed a long time,
and finally he spoke in a voice that was worn
and weary with age.
"Did you stand when she walked by?" he asked.

I was confused by his question,
and a bit taken off guard by the tone
of his voice that sounded almost accusatory.

"I don't understand sir, , I answered.
"Did you stand when she walked by?" he asked again, staring straight into my eyes.
"Who?" I asked him.
But he turned away from me, staring again
at the tarmac just outside our window.

I waited for an answer, but there was not going to be any.
Our conversation was over it seemed,
and I got up to leave, hearing the call
to board that by this time,
was welcome as an excuse
to get out of an awkward situation.

I started walking away,
but was troubled and torn by his question.
I boarded my plane after clearing the gate, found my seat , and settled into it,
looking back at the terminal I had just left.
He was there as I had left him,
sitting alone facing the tarmac.

I watched for several minutes,
and in that time I noticed a number of people stop to visit with him,
presumably to ask if he was ok,
and then walk away,
some of them shaking there heads,
others just gone from view at a brisk pace.
And still he sat , fixated on a plane
that was resting about 300 yards away,
surrounded by military personnel.

As I watched, a small procession
of 6 men carried a flag draped coffin
away from the plane to a waiting hearse,
where they stood after the rear door
of the black car had been closed
and they offer a salute
as the car slowly drove away.
I looked back toward the window of the terminal, and instantly my tears nearly blinded me
when I saw the old man I had been talking
to also offering a salute,
but from his wheel chair
now parked next to the window.

Since our craft had used a rolling stair gantry for passenger access, I got up, and made my way to the door of the plane, and got off.
I walked deliberately, heading for the terminal, making my way through the crowds to the old man at the window.
I walked up beside him, faced the plane as yet another coffin draped with Old Glory was placed in a waiting hearse, and I slowly raised my hand in salute, allowing my hand to drop only when the hearse rolled out of view around a security fence.

I turned slowly to the old man who by now was looking solidly into my soul with eyes of countless memories.

"I know her name now sir,
and I stood when she walked by." drinker

He was visibly moved, and he said to me in quavering voice ,"Thank you sir . . . for what you did.
My greatest wish these days is to stand again for her, but I can't.":cry:

I gave my legs in '43 :cry: and my oldest son in '67 sad
to that Lady, so she could keep walking. drinker
It hurts when no one cares that she walks by.sad

I missed my flight that day,
but my heart and soul found wings to the heavens

on the words of an 90 year old man :heart:
who dared to share a heart full of memories blushing
with me and dared to remind me flowerforyou
why Old Glory stills waves :heart:
as the beacon of Hope in a lost world.drinker

By Robert VanDerslice

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:46 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Wed 08/13/08 12:08 PM
i just can't stay away from these stories...:cry:

sad they are heart wrenching...sad True...flowerforyou

:cry: but tears are just the other side of joy happy

and we really cannot have one, :heart: without the other noway

I don't know if someone can really understand joy...happy

unless we have truly experienced sorrow sad

do we really know the ecstatic joy happy
of being fully appreciated flowerforyou
& absolutely truly loved ? :heart:

unless perhaps,
we know the all - encompassing pain of betrayal.:cry:
of love we thought we had, but it was gone.huh

:cry: Stories that invoke such emotion,:cry: such love :heart: & respect drinker :cry: drinker

sad a burning ache in your heart for the suffering of mankind sad

:heart: they make me know i am alive & have a heart :heart:

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou they help me appreciate life & love people much more flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: another true story...:heart:

:cry: A Forgotten Hero :cry:

Who is that man I asked myself
As I watched him from afar
Sitting on a park-bench there,
Trying to light an old cigar...
I wondered where he had gotten it
For the shape was not so round
And so I whispered to myself
Perhaps he found it on the ground-
Being curious like I always am
I wanted to find out more, because
I write for the daily newspaper, and
News is what I'm looking for...
So I walked over to the man
And asked, "Mind if I sit down"?
He said "Please do my friend, I wish you would
Cause no-one ever comes around"-
I asked to see just what it was that
He was holding in his hands...
He said "just a couple old war Medals
But folks today don't understand-
I've been a 'tryin'to sell'em both so
I can get a bite to eat
But folks say no, they're out of style,
World War Two medals are antiques."
I gave the old timer a five dollar bill
As I got up from the bench to leave
And I said "you keep your precious Medals friend
You've earned them I do believe."
A day or so later I picked up a paper
And was reading an article which said,
A man was found on a park-bench
And the poor old fellow was dead.sad
No one seems to have known him, since
He was homeless, no family, no land,sad
Just a couple of old War Medals :heart:
Which he clutched tightly in his hands...sad
A Bronze Star Medal and a Purple Heart
Tells us that he gave his best-and
Now one more "Forgotten Hero":cry:
Is being laid to rest. sad :heart: sad

Richard Hemphill

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 08/13/08 02:03 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Wed 08/13/08 02:13 PM

The Prophet drinker by Kahlil Gibran smokin

flowerforyou < Joy & Sorrow > :heart: < chapter 8 > flowerforyou

Then a woman said,
“Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow.” drinker

And he answered:

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises laugh
was oftentimes filled with your tears. :cry:

And how else can it be?

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, sad
the more joy you can contain. happy

Is not the cup that holds your wine drinker
the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven? smokin

And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, :heart:
the very wood that was hollowed with knives? :smile:

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart :heart:
and you shall find it is only
that which has given you sorrow :cry:
that is giving you joy. happy

When you are sorrowful
look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth
you are weeping for that
which has been your delight.

Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,”
and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.”
But I say unto you, they are inseparable.

Together they come,
and when one sits alone with you at your board,
remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

Verily you are suspended like scales
between your sorrow and your joy. happy

Only when you are empty
are you at standstill and balanced.

When the treasure-keeper lifts you
to weigh his gold and his silver,

needs must your joy or your sorrow
rise or fall. flowerforyou

bergeia's photo
Wed 08/13/08 02:36 PM
nice to see people havent forgotten us vets and current service personnel. lord knows iraq isnt as important to people nowadays, escpecially young kids it doesnt touch. (Ahem California, alot of college kids) but i didnt mind defending their rights and i never will. i just hope the army takes me back one day lol. bless you all though. warmed my day right up.

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 08/13/08 05:06 PM

nice to see people havent forgotten us vets and current service personnel. lord knows iraq isnt as important to people nowadays, escpecially young kids it doesnt touch. (Ahem California, alot of college kids) but i didnt mind defending their rights and i never will. i just hope the army takes me back one day lol. bless you all though. warmed my day right up.

drinker {{{ <<< bergeia >>> }}}drinker

drinker Welcome to the site and to this thread...drinker

flowerforyou Thank you so much for your sweet comments...flowerforyou

&drinker thank you for your service in the Military drinker

:heart: I hope you feel welcome to stop in anytime...:heart:

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:53 AM
drinker A Proud American Soldier drinker

There's a proud American amongst us today,
Who is a good friend to all; God, stand by him I Pray.
I know he loves Thee, oh Lord, with a heart that's pure.
Help him 'til you bring him home, all things to endure. :heart:

Help his family to look in on him; our dear friend.
He offered help to us, when he's down again and again.
Has a heart as pure as gold, a friend in the true sense of the word,
Lord, bring him the desires of his heart, his call to be heard. :heart:

Look in on him Lord; see what he's going through there.
Hear his voice dear Lord and heed our Prayer.
Make him well again, Lord, if it's Thine own will.
Give him the beauty you put before us, his heart to fill. :heart:

Bring his family 'round about him, in his hour of need.
Dear Lord, I know in my heart, he hath planted good seed.
Bring forth the harvest dear God, for our friend today.
Help him, in every need he hath, and God in every way. :heart:

He went to war for our Country; He'll always live on . . .
In our memory and in our hearts, and our Country, a song
To be remembered through our lifetime ~ long may he reign?
Please give me the pleasure of knowing him, there in Heaven, again. :heart:

Pearlie Duncan Walker

Wiccancowboy's photo
Thu 08/14/08 09:11 AM
How is everyone today? it just another day in the Army here wishin i was in the Arms of a gorgeous woman

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 08/14/08 09:19 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Thu 08/14/08 09:35 AM

How is everyone today? it just another day in the Army here wishin i was in the Arms of a gorgeous woman

:heart: smooched :heart: Hello There, Sweet William ...:heart: smooched :heart:

flowerforyou all is well here :heart: just another heat wave flowerforyou

happy & an amazing full moon, we're enjoying too happy

smokin Thank you for Your Brave Dedication & Outstanding Service smokin

drinker You have wisdom and life experience far beyond your years drinker

blushing I am mighty proud & priviledged to have the honor of knowing you blushing

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 08/14/08 03:29 PM
drinker American Soldier drinker

They ask him why he's leaving,
why he's shipping off to fight.
They fail to see what's on the line,
all their freedoms, all their rights. drinker

Comprehension is beyond their grasps
that someone's got to go.
And while every breath may be his last
no fear, no doubt will he ever show. drinker

Because he knows that if he dies
in some far off foreign land,
that his valiant efforts may save the lives
of his countrymen, family, and friends. drinker

And that girl's picture in his pocket,
though how he longs to hold her
will forever be carried in the heart
of this true American Soldier. drinker

By Clayton O'Connor

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 08/15/08 08:04 AM
Ballad of a Soldier

I am a Soldier. smokin My name is Freedom.drinker
I walk in the valley of the shadow of death.
I fear no evil. smokin
I stand for courage, compassion, :heart:
dignity, and life. drinker

My love is democracy.
I am the light in darkness.
I am the sword of the meek.
I do not hate.

My code is Justice.
I do not pale in the face of danger.
I will not turn a blind eye.
I do not tolerate transgression.

I am an Eagle. drinker
I empower the weak.
I march boldly.
I cry quietly.
I sleep lightly.
I love unconditionally.

Call me in the night,
I will come.
Pray for me in the darkness,
I will bring the lamp.
Whisper my name,
and I will hear.

I am the blood of innocence.
I have not one face, but many.
I am a mother, a father,
a son & a daughter.
I am no one and I am everyone. :heart:

I am a Soldier and Freedom is my name. drinker

By Juli Bailey

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 08/15/08 08:11 AM
drinker Backbone of the Army drinker

The grizzled old Sergeant stood at attention in his greens,drinker
In a ceremony to honor his service and his legacy, it seems.smokin

Twenty-plus years of sacrifice and giving America his best,drinker
Summed up in a two-line narrative and a medal pinned on his chest.smokin

Reflecting back on his life and the service that he has given,
Shows this career was a calling, and for it he was certainly driven.

Passion for God, Family, Country and comrades alike,
Shone like a beacon when they handed him the mike.

“The Backbone of the Army, that’s what we’re called, drinker
We make it happen, and it should be respected by all.” smokin

“Now, many came before us, and many have passed, drinker
I wasn’t the first, and I surely won’t be the last.” smokin

“I’ve carried the torch, with pride, just as far as I can, drinker
Now I’m passing it on, knowing that it’s in good hands.” smokin

“The Army’s in my blood, and you’re all in my heart, :heart:
But, our past contributions, well they’re only a start.” smokin

“With high expectations, and a challenge that’s great, drinker
I know that you’re up to it, and I know you can’t wait.” smokin

“America is safe tonight, and you are the reason,drinker
You carry the torch through every storm and season.” smokin

“I leave you today, with great sadness and sorrow,
Yet knowing, because of you, we’ve a brighter tomorrow.” drinker

He stood a little straighter as he shuffled away,
With a tear on his cheek, for God’s help he did pray. :heart:

Because of him and others, the Backbone is as strong as steel,
And those baptized by the fire know well the honor that he feels. drinker

By John Belles

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 08/15/08 04:11 PM

drinker Call of America's Patriots drinker

“FREEDOM!” is the cry of the free man's military
“FREEDOM!” is the cry of the proud citizen’s government
“FREEDOM!” is the cry of the free nation’s patriots
Like a choir of only the finest and proudest, they sing of freedom drinker

To the mountains, to prairies, to oceans white with foam
They remind us of our liberties and freedoms
Like the constitution does our nation's laws
They also remind us of the great threat

Like the riding horsemen the threat will bring suffering
This threat is the inevitable war for freedom to come
Freedom is not free, it has to be won
Our great nation’s punishment for freeing others is to lose our freedom

Do not fear, the will of the patriots is strong
Like the mountains of the west they stand strong with national pride
In the eyes of mine and yours the nation can’t be trusted
Like the rattlers of the desert they go behind to cause harm

Fighting, always, is the way of the true American
To the Alamo to the flag raising at Iwo Jima
Tragedies and triumphs is our countries base
“Conquer we must, when our cause is it just” is only patriotic

Like our national Anthem and that Star-Spangled Banner
We must conjure up our nations pride and glory
And let it be known to the ends of the earth
Of our nation’s deathless ordeal
Always and forever, the battle freedom shall last
In the mind and soul, is America’s glory
Like the simplest of melodies
Our nation will be known for centuries to come

In the war for our freedom we shall overcome
In the battle for our Liberty we shall overcome
To the heroes of the past, protecting us in heart
To the heroes of the future, preparing for the inevitable war

The State of our union is Strong and unbreakable
It is a union of the world's freeborn republics
As ours was created in struggle by will of the people
It shall always remain

The choirs of the land sing “God Bless America”
The children of the land say “I Pledge Allegiance”
The People of the land salute the Star-Spangled Banner
But the Patriots of the land Call to the spirit of America:
LIVE! America’s Glory has not Perished!

By Carrington Reevesdrinker

8th Grade

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 08/15/08 10:54 PM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou hey there everyone flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

:smile: I am having some Internet Security problems, :smile:

flowerforyou & i have a lot of other drinker things going on now. flowerforyou

drinker so...I'm just going to tell you,smokin a head of time, drinker

:heart: that i am not going to be around much, flowerforyou for a while... :heart:

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 08/15/08 11:04 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Fri 08/15/08 11:17 PM
A Hero Only Dies

When He's Forgotten :cry:

As long as you remember, drinker
And, you keep him in your heart, :heart:
As long as you remember,
Then, you'll never be apart blushing

A hero only dies when he's forgotten. drinker
A hero only dies when we forget. :cry:

So, I promise to remember, drinker
And, to keep him in my heart. :heart:
As long as I remember, flowerforyou
Then, We'll never be apart. :heart:

Jill Pall drinker

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