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Topic: why do we do this?
Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:53 AM
(Just a warning I'm going to be sensitive here for a sec)

Why when you know there is no hope to have someone, do you stay in contact with them?

They irritate you, they annoy you, but overall, you know the day will come when you won't talk to them anymore, but you carry this hope that someday.......

USmale47374's photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:56 AM
That's a good question. I've done it myself.

Mon 06/02/08 06:56 AM
Edited by STARTRAVELER on Mon 06/02/08 06:56 AM
flowerforyou I know this is a weak moment for you Lily but it's explained this way Dammit your human ! flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker

Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:57 AM

flowerforyou I know this is a weak moment for you Lily but it's explained this way Dammit your human ! flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker

watch your tongue.... I'm not human, I'm a bot. explode

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 06:58 AM
companionship or friendship maybe?

Mon 06/02/08 07:00 AM

flowerforyou I know this is a weak moment for you Lily but it's explained this way Dammit your human ! flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker

watch your tongue.... I'm not human, I'm a bot. explode

beep,beep,beep !I don't believe you .Otherwise I wold have bought one of you already !flowerforyou

Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:01 AM

flowerforyou I know this is a weak moment for you Lily but it's explained this way Dammit your human ! flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker

watch your tongue.... I'm not human, I'm a bot. explode

beep,beep,beep !I don't believe you .Otherwise I wold have bought one of you already !flowerforyou

I'm a protype, they killed the program....:wink: :tongue:

therooster's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:01 AM
drinker It's called a CRUSH for a reason!!!!!!!!flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:02 AM
:heart: I call it FRIENDSHIP.

And if someone was my friend and I wanted more and they didn't..
I wouldn't let THAT damage our friendship.drinker

duckiegiggles's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:03 AM
because some times you just see some thing in them you like
youre bored and no one eles is around to talk to and hang out with
they make you look or feel better about yourself when you talk to them or hang out with them cause they are more f'ed up then you are

Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:05 AM

drinker It's called a CRUSH for a reason!!!!!!!!flowerforyou

I don't crush... I reason the probability of a fulfilling relationship, I then asses the statistical data for issues and problems. Then I wink and smile, and if they pay attention I allow them to pursue me.

I don't crush.

Peekinin's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:06 AM
I gotta agree with Iam,,,,:wink:

I keep em in my life,,cause I don't want to lose them. Its pretty simple.

I may not want,,or they may not want anything more, but i can't let go, cause I can't imagine never talking to them again.

Losing people makes me sad:cry:

Mon 06/02/08 07:06 AM

flowerforyou I know this is a weak moment for you Lily but it's explained this way Dammit your human ! flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker drinker

watch your tongue.... I'm not human, I'm a bot. explode

beep,beep,beep !I don't believe you .Otherwise I wold have bought one of you already !flowerforyou

DAMN it figures
I'm a protype, they killed the program....:wink: :tongue:

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:10 AM
It's funny when "any of us" are asked advice about this, how cavalier we are.

We say, "just move on" or "plenty of fish in the ocean" or something equally as trite.

Also easy the cliches are to "say" when you are not involved.

duckiegiggles's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:13 AM

It's funny when "any of us" are asked advice about this, how cavalier we are.

We say, "just move on" or "plenty of fish in the ocean" or something equally as trite.

Also easy the cliches are to "say" when you are not involved.

i am
and the guy urks the hell out of me sometimes
but he has his moments when hes fun as hell and its for those moments i stay friends with him

Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:15 AM

It's funny when "any of us" are asked advice about this, how cavalier we are.

We say, "just move on" or "plenty of fish in the ocean" or something equally as trite.

Also easy the cliches are to "say" when you are not involved.

Can I crush on you? love love love

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:16 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Mon 06/02/08 07:17 AM
Sometimes even those who are bad for us....are good for us......
....if not for "those moments".....for lessons learned.

(EDIT)..Lily....I am either totally wrong for you OR exactly what you need.drinker

Lily0923's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:17 AM

Sometimes even those who are bad for us....are good for us......
....if not for "those moments".....for lessons learned.

:heart: Marry Me :heart:

therooster's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:18 AM

drinker It's called a CRUSH for a reason!!!!!!!!flowerforyou

I don't crush... I reason the probability of a fulfilling relationship, I then asses the statistical data for issues and problems. Then I wink and smile, and if they pay attention I allow them to pursue me.

I don't crush.

drinker Does'nt sound very fun or spontaneous!!!!!!!More like an application!!!!!!:flowerforyou

laugh Checked my spelling twice!!!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Beachfarmer's photo
Mon 06/02/08 07:19 AM

Sometimes even those who are bad for us....are good for us......
....if not for "those moments".....for lessons learned.

:heart: Marry Me :heart:

laugh Masochistlaugh

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