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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 3
RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:50 PM

*Raquil thinks about it, a fine quality sickle... He decides on a price after a little bit.*

Let's see, what do you think about 15 gold?

"15 is not bad but I can tell that the steel is old and from the condition of the handle, I can also tell that this tool is well used. I would pay pay 15 if it were new, but a well-used sickle is still not worth one that has just been forged and assembled new from the mountains of a Dwarven forge...I offer you 10 gold pieces..."

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:55 PM

"15 is not bad but I can tell that the steel is old and from the condition of the handle, I can also tell that this tool is well used. I would pay pay 15 if it were new, but a well-used sickle is still not worth one that has just been forged and assembled new from the mountains of a Dwarven forge...I offer you 10 gold pieces..."

10 is a fair price for a normal sickle, but this was made by dwarves. Ok, it's a bit old, so I can see fit to ask for..ooh... 12?

cuppy59's photo
Mon 05/12/08 03:58 PM
Edited by cuppy59 on Mon 05/12/08 03:59 PM
Calliope turns from the table and works her way to the kitchen. "I wonder what Boromir has on the menu for today." She smells roasted wild turkey!! Her eyes light up at the thought of the succulent flavor of a juicy breast swirling around in her mouth. She turns so quickly that her pouch loosens from her waist and falls to the floor...Some contents fall out. She watches one of her die roll onto the floor...looks at the die and the number 2 comes up and quickly grabs it before she grabs the mushroom caps and the few berries that had fallen out by her feet.

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:02 PM

"15 is not bad but I can tell that the steel is old and from the condition of the handle, I can also tell that this tool is well used. I would pay pay 15 if it were new, but a well-used sickle is still not worth one that has just been forged and assembled new from the mountains of a Dwarven forge...I offer you 10 gold pieces..."

10 is a fair price for a normal sickle, but this was made by dwarves. Ok, it's a bit old, so I can see fit to ask for..ooh... 12?

Caracatus draws the sickle from his sash and looks at it again, "There is a nick in the edge, near the tip. Promise to hone the nick out and polish the blade and we have a deal."

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:04 PM

Caracatus draws the sickle from his sash and looks at it again, "There is a nick in the edge, near the tip. Promise to hone the nick out and polish the blade and we have a deal."

*He Grumbles to himself, but soon answers.*

Fine, I promise.

RicJL's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:13 PM

Calliope turns from the table and works her way to the kitchen. "I wonder what Boromir has on the menu for today." She smells roasted wild turkey!! Her eyes light up at the thought of the succulent flavor of a juicy breast swirling around in her mouth. She turns so quickly that her pouch loosens from her waist and falls to the floor...Some contents fall out. She watches one of her die roll onto the floor...looks at the die and the number 2 comes up and quickly grabs it before she grabs the mushroom caps and the few berries that had fallen out by her feet.

As he re-enters the Inn, Caracatus hears a familiar sound, coming from the kitchen, "Calliope? Is that you?"
He hurriedly crosses the floor and pushes the kitchen door open, "Hello my sweet little Hobbit...availing yourself of the portions of the wild turkey that escaped me earlier? I assure you that I have left the best morsals. My but you seem famished! There are roasted parsnips in that pot by the kitchen hearth." He points..." just be sure to save the others, one or two, I remember how you Hobbits do enjoy your vegetables..."

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:21 PM

She noticed that the merchant Raguil and Caratucus are bickering over prices in front of the Inn.She stops short of the door at the Inn, turns to look in both directions and slips inside the door. Her back pressed against the wall hoping that the soldier did not glance in her direction.

she utters, "Alatariel, hello" she sees Jericho disappear out the door. "What has hurried him so"...Calliope moves toward the table looks around the room and senses others.

I do not know Calliope. He said something about he needed to care of something then left.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:22 PM
*Rathil comes through the doorway of the Inn in his usual way that draws attention to his arrival. His oversized wide brimmed hat and crimson colored eyepatch are often the first things noticed. He walks in and plops down at a table. In behind him walks Jericho. He on the other hand tends to try to draw as little attention to himself as possible. He goes to sit at the bar as it is the farthest place he can get from the elf.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:24 PM
*Alatariel notices the two as they enter*

*nods to Rathil and smiles bashfully ay Jericho*

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:25 PM
*He finished his deal with the druid, locked up his cart and moved on, away from the tavern.*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:28 PM

*Alatariel notices the two as they enter*

*nods to Rathil and smiles bashfully ay Jericho*

*Jericho smiles back at the half elf and then rolls his eyes in Rathils direction indicating he wishes the elf wasn't here.*

*Rathil stands up and moves over to Alatariel's table*

Ah, My dear Alatariel, how are you faring today. I understand you had a chance to be welcome into my humble abode today. You should be honored. Not many people get that privilage

*He says as he shoots a look to Jericho. It is clear that Rathil is unhappy with the human.*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:28 PM
*pulls out her parchment and tries to figure out what is missing from the letter*

*becomes very puzzled and wishes that she never received this torture*

*crumples parchment and starts to throw it on the ground*

*stops in midair*

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:33 PM

*Alatariel notices the two as they enter*

*nods to Rathil and smiles bashfully ay Jericho*

*Jericho smiles back at the half elf and then rolls his eyes in Rathils direction indicating he wishes the elf wasn't here.*

*Rathil stands up and moves over to Alatariel's table*

Ah, My dear Alatariel, how are you faring today. I understand you had a chance to be welcome into my humble abode today. You should be honored. Not many people get that privilage

*He says as he shoots a look to Jericho. It is clear that Rathil is unhappy with the human.*

*pulls hand down and slides parchment back into her pack*

Rathil *nods to the elf*
I am doing fair. I did not know that was your abode. Thanks for the umm hospitality. *this is said sarcastically*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:42 PM
*Rathil changes his expression again to his normal sly grin*

Ah well, whats done is done.

*He looks her up and down*

and I see my friend gave you his pendant.

(It's like Rathil can see it even though it is not openly displayed)

I am not one to destroy such a kind gesture so if Jericho wants you to have it it is yours.

I suppose it is the safest place in town. We wouldn't want anything happening to you now would we. *He winks*

*He turns around*

By the way Jericho. Do not dispatch my agents again without my permission. A very costly error if you do it again.

*Rathil turns back to Alatariel*

Although once again whats done is done

*He slides over a bottom piece of parchment that looks like it fits into the ripped portion of the one she has*

A gift from Jericho I suppose.

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:46 PM

*Rathil changes his expression again to his normal sly grin*

Ah well, whats done is done.

*He looks her up and down*

and I see my friend gave you his pendant.

(It's like Rathil can see it even though it is not openly displayed)

I am not one to destroy such a kind gesture so if Jericho wants you to have it it is yours.

I suppose it is the safest place in town. We wouldn't want anything happening to you now would we. *He winks*

*He turns around*

By the way Jericho. Do not dispatch my agents again without my permission. A very costly error if you do it again.

*Rathil turns back to Alatariel*

Although once again whats done is done

*He slides over a bottom piece of parchment that looks like it fits into the ripped portion of the one she has*

A gift from Jericho I suppose.

*she quickly grabs the piece of parchment and the rest out of her pack*

*puts the two pieces together*

*stares at the parchment in amazement as it is a perfect fit*

Whe...where did you find it?

*a tear streaks down her face as she looks from Jericho to Rathil with a question in her eyes that can not be voiced*

unicorngal's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:49 PM
As I slowly enter the inn I see that there are a few already there.I walk to a far table and sit down not wanting to intrude on anyone but not know anyone but the little hobbit,I order an elvin wine.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:50 PM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Mon 05/12/08 04:50 PM

*Rathil changes his expression again to his normal sly grin*

Ah well, whats done is done.

*He looks her up and down*

and I see my friend gave you his pendant.

(It's like Rathil can see it even though it is not openly displayed)

I am not one to destroy such a kind gesture so if Jericho wants you to have it it is yours.

I suppose it is the safest place in town. We wouldn't want anything happening to you now would we. *He winks*

*He turns around*

By the way Jericho. Do not dispatch my agents again without my permission. A very costly error if you do it again.

*Rathil turns back to Alatariel*

Although once again whats done is done

*He slides over a bottom piece of parchment that looks like it fits into the ripped portion of the one she has*

A gift from Jericho I suppose.

*she quickly grabs the piece of parchment and the rest out of her pack*

*puts the two pieces together*

*stares at the parchment in amazement as it is a perfect fit*

Whe...where did you find it?

*a tear streaks down her face as she looks from Jericho to Rathil with a question in her eyes that can not be voiced*

This was found in Nurenhill. It seems Esane slipped up a bit in her haste to get out of town. Somebody tipped her off that my agents were looking for her because someone did not use as much discretion as he should have

*Shoots another glare at Jericho*

So we missed our chance to find Esane but this was found where she had been staying.

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:52 PM

*Rathil changes his expression again to his normal sly grin*

Ah well, whats done is done.

*He looks her up and down*

and I see my friend gave you his pendant.

(It's like Rathil can see it even though it is not openly displayed)

I am not one to destroy such a kind gesture so if Jericho wants you to have it it is yours.

I suppose it is the safest place in town. We wouldn't want anything happening to you now would we. *He winks*

*He turns around*

By the way Jericho. Do not dispatch my agents again without my permission. A very costly error if you do it again.

*Rathil turns back to Alatariel*

Although once again whats done is done

*He slides over a bottom piece of parchment that looks like it fits into the ripped portion of the one she has*

A gift from Jericho I suppose.

*she quickly grabs the piece of parchment and the rest out of her pack*

*puts the two pieces together*

*stares at the parchment in amazement as it is a perfect fit*

Whe...where did you find it?

*a tear streaks down her face as she looks from Jericho to Rathil with a question in her eyes that can not be voiced*

This was found in Nurenhill. It seems Esane slipped up a bit in her haste to get out of town. Somebody tipped her off that my agents were looking for her because someone did not use as much discretion as he should have

*Shoots another glare at Jericho*

So we missed our chance to find Esane but this was found where she had been staying.

*gives Jericho a sad smile*

Thh th thank you.
Umm I guess I owe you now then?
What is your price?

I will try to pay it as soon as I can.

txmomof2's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:52 PM
Edited by txmomof2 on Mon 05/12/08 04:53 PM

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:56 PM
*Rathil smiles at her.*

Don't worry dear, you did nothing wrong. You don't owe me a thing.

*Points over his shoulder back at Jericho though*

I will be taking whatever payment I require out of that one. Enjoy your gift

*He says with a smile*

*Jericho looks at her and offers a smile that says, It was worth it.*

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