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Topic: THE GREEN DRAGON'S INN - part 3
no photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:34 AM
Hello to everyone! I hope you are having a great time on justsayhi. This game is for those who enjoy role playing games. If you are interested then don’t hesitate to contact me to set up. It is a great way to meet people and use imagination and creativity that perhaps you never knew you had.



Welcome fellow traveler to the busiest town in the Bavidirian Lands. Where folklore- fantasy and more than a few dragon stories thrive in the historic waterfront town of Sinatorium- a charming neighborhood full of ancient shops- exquisite markets- and gullible taverns. And in the middle of it all is the Green Dragon’s Inn- a quaint- two story inn that boasts stately rooms- an intimate pub- and new innovative food experiences. The Green Dragon’s Inn is better than ever- thanks to recent renovations financed personally by Lord Elkinsinan. Enjoy fine dwarven craftsmanship furnishings- crackling fireplaces- new hardwood floors and foreign exotic rugs- plush beds- pedestal tubs and all the glorious details that make the Green Dragon’s Inn such a cozy and inviting place to stay. So come join us and enjoy a pint of Hobgoblin's Brew or a taste of our famous sweet and smooth grapan from the hills of the hobbits. Let me bring a bard and give a riddle or a story that could enhance your interest in becoming the next famous adventurer!

The owner is (Criani Peracien) – a level 15 warrior retired. Her last adventure was entering a dragon’s lair and silently took a bag of jewels and gold. The dragon awoke and attacked. Luckily she owned a magical shield and managed to take the awesome blow almost losing her life. She managed to run into a narrow tunnel and make it to Sinatorium safely with her win. She then with the gold opened the Green Dragon’s Inn to commemorate the event of the Green Dragon she encountered.

Her help is (Boromir Riniken) a son of the town’s armor smith. He is 6 feet tall blonde hair. He is a great cook and friendly to everyone.

Everyone who has a character created should go here everyday and say hello to Boromir or Criani! Thanks!

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:45 AM
< continued from this topic >
< part one of this topic is here >
*He thinks about the guards seeking information. Maybe they'll post a reward for it. If they do and he can find info on these thieves... well, he can only imagine to possibilities...*

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:01 AM
*He is also relieved to see the guards have left that were here. He has little to hide now days, but they still make him uncomfortable.*

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:30 AM
*Phara "the gnome prophetess" walks into the inn followed by a cool breeze. She's been in the wilderness for several days, one of her faverite places to be. Now she wants the company of humans and the like, so she's dropping in at the inn.*

*She finds a table and orders a meal* "Boromir, fine sir, what's on the menu today?"

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:35 AM

*Phara "the gnome prophetess" walks into the inn followed by a cool breeze. She's been in the wilderness for several days, one of her faverite places to be. Now she wants the company of humans and the like, so she's dropping in at the inn.*

*She finds a table and orders a meal* "Boromir, fine sir, what's on the menu today?"

*He watches as someone else enters again finally. He was beginning to think he would be all alone for a while.*

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:36 AM

*Phara "the gnome prophetess" walks into the inn followed by a cool breeze. She's been in the wilderness for several days, one of her faverite places to be. Now she wants the company of humans and the like, so she's dropping in at the inn.*

*She finds a table and orders a meal* "Boromir, fine sir, what's on the menu today?"

*He watches as someone else enters again finally. He was beginning to think he would be all alone for a while.*

"Good day sir!"

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:40 AM

"Good day sir!"

Yes I suppose it is, how are you doing today and have you heard of the soldiers roaming the streets lately?

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:43 AM

"Good day sir!"

Yes I suppose it is, how are you doing today and have you heard of the soldiers roaming the streets lately?

"I have not heard. Why would they be roaming about?"

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:44 AM

"Good day sir!"

Yes I suppose it is, how are you doing today and have you heard of the soldiers roaming the streets lately?

"I have not heard. Why would they be roaming about?"

Supposedly there have been a round of thefts going around and the soldiers are running around looking for information.

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:47 AM
Well, I suppose there's not a dull moment to be had around here!

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:50 AM

Well, I suppose there's not a dull moment to be had around here!

Yeah, I don't know which I'd prefer, whichever is better for business, I suppose.

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 10:58 AM
Edited by 1956CLEO on Mon 05/12/08 10:59 AM

Well, I suppose there's not a dull moment to be had around here!

Yeah, I don't know which I'd prefer, whichever is better for business, I suppose.

What has happened to have the soldiers up and about? Has anyone been hurt?

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:00 AM
Edited by joshyfox on Mon 05/12/08 11:01 AM

Well, I suppose there's not a dull moment to be had around here!

Yeah, I don't know which I'd prefer, whichever is better for business, I suppose.

What has happened to have the soldiers up and about?

Some crazy amature thieves have been stealing a bunch of things without the heat dying down first...

...I don't think they hurt anyone though.

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:03 AM
Edited by 1956CLEO on Mon 05/12/08 11:05 AM

Well, I suppose there's not a dull moment to be had around here!

Yeah, I don't know which I'd prefer, whichever is better for business, I suppose.

What has happened to have the soldiers up and about?

Some crazy amature thieves have been stealing a bunch of things without the heat dying down first...

...I don't think they hurt anyone though.

You say "amature" what would lead you to believe the thieves are amature? *Phara believes this man is speaking from experience, and she's just curious to know what experience.*

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:07 AM
Edited by joshyfox on Mon 05/12/08 11:08 AM

You say "amature" what would lead you to believe they're amature? *Phara believes this man is speaking from experience, and she's just curious to know what experience.*

Instead of waiting, lying low, and hitting someplace later, they stole from other places. Now the whole town's in a tizzy. When I was young, thieves were smarter than this.

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:09 AM

You say "amature" what would lead you to believe they're amature? *Phara believes this man is speaking from experience, and she's just curious to know what experience.*

Instead of waiting, lying low, and hitting someplace later, they stole from other places. Now the whole town's in a tizzy. When I was young, thieves were smarter than this.

What do you think would cause the thieves to be so careless?

joshyfox's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:11 AM

What do you think would cause the thieves to be so careless?

I have no idea, but one thing's clear, until they're caught, they'll try again, so we're all at risk of being robbed.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:11 AM

You say "amature" what would lead you to believe they're amature? *Phara believes this man is speaking from experience, and she's just curious to know what experience.*

Instead of waiting, lying low, and hitting someplace later, they stole from other places. Now the whole town's in a tizzy. When I was young, thieves were smarter than this.

What do you think would cause the thieves to be so careless?

*Jericho walks into the inn as she asks the question*

Could be a lot of reasons, Greed, Pressure from someone higher up then them, Time constraints, or just plain inexperience. Whatever the reason is thier hastiness is what is going to get them caught

1956CLEO's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:14 AM

You say "amature" what would lead you to believe they're amature? *Phara believes this man is speaking from experience, and she's just curious to know what experience.*

Instead of waiting, lying low, and hitting someplace later, they stole from other places. Now the whole town's in a tizzy. When I was young, thieves were smarter than this.

What do you think would cause the thieves to be so careless?

*Jericho walks into the inn as she asks the question*

Could be a lot of reasons, Greed, Pressure from someone higher up then them, Time constraints, or just plain inexperience. Whatever the reason is thier hastiness is what is going to get them caught

Ah! Good day sir! Thank you for that response! Well, I certainly hope they get caught soon!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:16 AM
We'll find out soon enough. If it truly is inexperience I suspect they will be caught within two days or so. However maybe they hit this fast because they are simply just that good. In which case it should be an interesting few weeks.

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