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Topic: I'm MAD as Hell-What Should I Do???
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Sat 02/03/07 08:14 AM
I recently met this very nice guy (so I thought) and we talked
extensively for a few weeks. We had a lot in common. Then, all of a
sudden he stopped calling me. I called him twice and he was very
distant, I was like....What's up? He was still acting strange, so I
decided to step off, it has been about two weeks since I heard from him.
Then on Thursday night, he up out of the blue calls me and tells me that
he has a girlfriend and that is why he stopped calling me, but he really
still likes me....He was also having a BIG Problem and wanted my
shoulder to cry on....I listened, and I gave sound advice. He said he
felt better and was very thankful that I listened to him. I'm not going
to get with him at this time because I feel he should have been honest
with me in the first place. He has called me again and I let it go to
the voice mail, he left a message. I feel like I should tell him to
loose my #. What do you think? I need an opinion because right now I

rocketman1872's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:16 AM
tell him to take a hike.if he was any kind of a man he would of been
honest with you from the start.

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:18 AM
Hello Rocket,

I think I will tell him to go and play in the fast lane on a highway-LOL

Anyway, it's his loss. It just hurts when you really like the person
and they turn up to be a BIG FAT LIAR!!!!

U feel me?

rocketman1872's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:20 AM
queen i agree with lex.ive been hurt like that before so i kow exactly
what your feeling.

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:21 AM
True Lex,

However, I didn't have a clue that there was some one else, we talked
about it and he claimed he was a full fledged Single Man. I will not
settle for less. Again, it's his loss because I know I am a beautiful
WOMAN inside and OUT!

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:22 AM
Tell him to hit the road...He should have been honest in the
beginning...if you let him get away with it now, what will he do in the
future??? Omission is as bad as a least in my opinion...

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:23 AM

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:23 AM
tell his tires lyin ass to hit the raod, loose your number and don't be
lookin in your direction...gurl he so ain't worth your time

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:25 AM
Thank you all for your feedback, however, I'm angry at the fact that it
is very hard for me to find a compatible man and when I do....or at
least thought I did, he turned out to be a complete JERK!!!! He was
tall, dark and handsome and smelled very good to me....(made me want to
nibble...LOL) ooooops! I'm back now, anyway.....It is OVER!

Tneal's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:31 AM
As my mother used to say. *You tell that no good account bone bag that
your not going to deal with his crap, and then we will go have dinner.*

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 02/03/07 08:37 AM
I count you as very fortunate that it didnt go on any longer than it
did. I am so sorry you got hurt in the process.
You deserve much better tho and take it from a gal who has waited many
years it IS worth the wait.
You are a beautiful intelligent woman and some smart man is gonna coma
along and treat you like the queen you are.
"keep the faith girl"...

ShyOneTeddybear's photo
Sat 02/03/07 09:05 AM

I know I am new here,,and we don't know each other,,but i feel your
pain,,that has happened to me too,,,I feel your anger as well,,what he
did to you was wrong,,he should have been up front with you from the
start,,I don't think that anyone should do that to another person. But
keep your head up,,and tell him to hit the bricks.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 02/03/07 09:14 AM
Queenbee, sure that same thing has happen to many on this site as well
as others. But the truth is you already havet that answer you have said
it yourself what you should do. You just want to hear others thoughts as
well our gut feelings are the best follow them. As you said tell him to
go play on the fast lane of the freeway. Once someone is dishonest with
you so early on they will always be that way. One lie just causes more
lies to cover up the first lie. So follow your heart and move on.

Morena350's photo
Sat 02/03/07 11:25 AM
Queen, he wasn't honest with you, to start with so don't even worry
about it, I would cut him loose, because is a bad start
if he has someone already, and still wants to talk to you, then
she is not all that he needs, he will find out and then be sorry for not
staying with the better person, you!!!!

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 12:25 PM
That is sooooo true Morena350, I didn't think about it that way before,
but that is sooooooo true. Thks!

kojack's photo
Sat 02/03/07 12:28 PM
I had similar prob with a female on here. We didn t talk on fone, were
about to I gave her my # and poof she doesn t answer my email or Im so i
moved on and suggest you do the same, there are plenty of other people
on here....

FedMan's photo
Sat 02/03/07 12:30 PM
this is not funny but what is funny is how everyone can tell others what
to do in certain cases but when it comes to their own they come and ask
for others advice. If you can give it to others then why is it so hard
to see the things you need to see through your own eyes?

purplecat's photo
Sat 02/03/07 12:31 PM
aw ((((((((((((((Queenbee)))))))))))))))
carry on and dont waste another second on that idiot , !:angry:


no photo
Sat 02/03/07 12:40 PM
Hello everyone!

Thank you ALL again for your comments on my drama....
It is nice to know that people still care. I'm ok now, movin' on to
better things in life.

Please Note: The person that I am referring to I DID NOT meet him on
this site or any other site. He was the real deal, so I
thought...Anyway, on a lighter note, life goes on and so will I!
I've gotten rid of that ZERO and I'm gonna find my HERO.

Thank you all're all a bunch of Sweethearts!
How appropriate, it's February-Valentines Month.

***He won't be my Valentine, that is for sure....***


unsure's photo
Sat 02/03/07 12:41 PM
I say that there are way to many men out there...tell him to stop
calling you and move on!! He can't like you or he would have never done
that to you~~or maybe he likes you because the other woman stopped
liking him?? NOPE tell him to move on to the next fool!!
You are nicer then I am, I would have never gave him any advice except
to kiss my butt!! So, I guess you are nicer then I am, but you just need
to move on, there are some good looking men out there and you need to
explore all of them :)

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