Topic: I'm MAD as Hell-What Should I Do???
no photo
Sat 02/03/07 01:42 PM
Thanks unsure...I do hear you.....

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Sat 02/03/07 01:42 PM
Thanks unsure...I do hear you.....

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 01:59 PM
He never said that he did,nt have a girlfriend and you could have asked,
stop being so dramatic and be his friend, if things don,t work out with
the other, you,ve got a man.

joe1973's photo
Sat 02/03/07 02:32 PM
helga qb was lied to. so henceforth KICK THE S.O.B. out onto the
curb.just before a semi comes

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 02:42 PM
Queenbee, is not all that revealing in describing this matter.
But she clearly said that they merely talked for about 2 weeks
and I would guess and say that it was likely over the phone, or
online. She never said that he told her that he was dating someone until
weeks after refusing her calls. Rather then jumping on this bandwagon,
it,s obvious that she is over reacting, and should accept the fact that
it is what it is and just be friends with him.

oldsage's photo
Sat 02/03/07 02:50 PM
Everyone intitled to THEIR opinion, but the majority is usually right.
We are only hearing one side, but bottom line I don't think he was
truthful, thus TOTAL LACK of INTEGRITY.
Got to have INTEGRITY to make a relationship. I side w/the majority,
lady did close to what has been described, I would wish her Via con
Dios. Opinion.

ExtremeJoy's photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:19 PM
Girl drop him like a bad habit, he didn't think about your feelings why
should you care about his?

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:43 PM
I was going to let this go....

Until I read Helga's reply. Attention: Helga,
For the record I am NOT over reacting and I DID ASK HIM if he was dating
anyone and he said NO. I made the mistake for taking him for his word
which now means nothing.

I was angry because when we talked all of those times he claimed he was
SINGLE for a year and a half and that he was just getting back into the
dating scene. Actually he was very consistent with calling me almost
every day. That is why I found it strange that his calls suddenly

I only reached out to him because I thought something had happened and I
cared....Something did happen, he was a player and a LIAR. I'm angry at
myself for believing in him.

***Anyway, I'm over it and I am keepin' it movin'.

ijegirl's photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:47 PM
like beyonce sang, tell him to go to the left and you never want to see
his brake light anymore. this year is not for players like him
tell him he good do better playing soccer

ijegirl's photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:48 PM
if he bother you again queen, let me know so that i could so him the way

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:51 PM
I hear you ijegirl.....LOL

To the left....To the left.....

ijegirl's photo
Sat 02/03/07 03:54 PM
better guy dey com, so make you chillax for Jesus you hear me so

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:06 PM
Attention: queenbee, you now state that you did ask him if he was
dating, but thats not what you said in your original comments, you said
(we talked extensively for a few weeks), which is a far cry from a year
and a half. It just seems odd that you now wish to kick a man out thats
already set the left, to the left.

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:07 PM

ExtremeJoy's photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:09 PM

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:09 PM
I,m sorry!

ExtremeJoy's photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:10 PM
To the left! halaluya

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:12 PM
Helga, I don't want or need anymore of your advise....
Perhaps you might consider going to the left with that looser....

And be careful for what lies ahead for you....

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:14 PM
And furthermore, Helga,

In my original statement with regards to the ZERO. I said we talked, do
you really think I would not ask a question like that? Come on it is
2007....and I know what time it is, I made the mistake of letting my
guard down. I'm cool now...

no photo
Sat 02/03/07 04:15 PM
You asked, sorry I could,nt fill your head with what you wanted
good luck.