Topic: Christian Aliens
HangedMan's photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:37 AM
Well, after reading this thread, Wouldee sounds an awful lot like the radical muslims (without calling for anyones death). Is that the way you wish to portray a christian Wouldee?
You are falling right into all the stereotypes you dispise so much.
You may have faith in your religion, but faith alone does not make anything true or right. Faith is just belief no matter how strongly you beleive it (and now for the piece that will set you off anew).
After all did not Hitler and his cronies believe they were doing the "right" thing. Yes, that would qualify as a belief(faith)just as Islam, mormanism(?), Taoism, and all the rest are beliefs or faiths.
So someone beleives different than you do, so someone pokes fun at your beliefs. Do this actually hurt you or make your faith weaker? If not so what? Everything is a joke in waiting.
After all if god created us he gave us our sense of humor did he not?

Peace, and have a valium would you.

wouldee's photo
Thu 05/08/08 01:15 AM

Well, after reading this thread, Wouldee sounds an awful lot like the radical muslims (without calling for anyones death). Is that the way you wish to portray a christian Wouldee?
You are falling right into all the stereotypes you dispise so much.
You may have faith in your religion, but faith alone does not make anything true or right. Faith is just belief no matter how strongly you beleive it (and now for the piece that will set you off anew).
After all did not Hitler and his cronies believe they were doing the "right" thing. Yes, that would qualify as a belief(faith)just as Islam, mormanism(?), Taoism, and all the rest are beliefs or faiths.
So someone beleives different than you do, so someone pokes fun at your beliefs. Do this actually hurt you or make your faith weaker? If not so what? Everything is a joke in waiting.
After all if god created us he gave us our sense of humor did he not?

Peace, and have a valium would you.

Usually your sense of humor is sharp as a tack, hangman.

So i will take you seriously since you are not being humorous either.

I haven't fallen in an abyss, my friend.

Never been of sounder mind.

This is the extent to which these threads have come in utter refusal to garnish any well intentioned discourse without being commandeered by the amoral that would foment their hatred of anythingnot contrarian to the degree to which this dry well has come in failing to produce any self correcting good will and tolerance.

It is never about Christianity versus any other faith.

It is Christianity that has been bashed here without ceasing and the haters have had the upper hand and debilitated the faithful with their hateful and abhorrant tactics that will call into question the hypocrisy of a humbel and meek lover of God and good will when and if and incessantly with impunity to shut them up, no maTTER THE COST TO RESPECT AND DIGNITY WHICH FLOWS BOTH WAYS.
I have watched this reach its zenith.
The haters have all learned that they can cause the Christian community to turn tail and run when they are humbled with ltying intentions that incessantly accuse and badger and insult and inflame and ridicule the Christians here with the freedom of their amoral liberties and unconstrained consciences and attitudes.

There is no respect and no dignity afforded Christians anymore in these threads.
They are incessantly hijacked in ill will with an agenda for robbing the joy of those sharing here their joy.

It has come to the point that anythingposted by a Cnhristian is mocked and ridiculed and disected by hateful mischaracterizations and insulting abuse because.........


on the other hand,








sorry for the caps. sometimes my finger hits the caplock kety when hitting an a.

Now then.

I can go on...

it will only serve to bore you.

Follow these threads. See what I see.

I have watched this going on for months

Only recently did I start hammering on these foolish haters.

I started with their leader, Abra.

He is their inspiration.

he is the worst of the bunch.

he has taught them his tactics by example.

Like it or not, he is a hijacker with ill will driving his madness.

I am a sudden disturbance and well known to all in these religion threads.

Attempts to excuse me as being on a rant and a nervous breakdown are not going to work.

There remains to be seen whose will is greater.

Whose heart is cleaner.

Whose mind is sounder to last to the end woithout breaking.

My pint has been made.
But the incessant abuse continues

The Christian community is getting stronger and bolder and not so sheepish to let the insults continue unabated.

Whether or not they will endure this and survive to have the respect of this community and be allowed by other members to shhare thse threads without assault and attack and abusive insults and belitt;ling remains to be seen.

In the meantime I am reminding the crass and the haters and the insulters and abusers of their leack of respect and dignity and the hypocrisy and selfrighteous arrogance that is displayed in their double standards.

Insisting that Christians play by their amoral tactics plays into the amoral mind.

Affording the haters the reminder that they are way out of line and disresspectful and undignified and abusive and insulting and offensive is easy to do.

That is all they do.

They have been doing it so long with autonomy that they do not realize that they are doing it anymore.

They recant for only a moment.

But they regroup and charge right back with the same old garbage and get called on it.

Only the wrong is getting called out, Hangma.

only the haters.

Only the bad seeds that hjave hijacked these threads

Done. Hangman.

you see it.

Get the respect back for the Christian community and tolerance for all religions will be safe.

As it is, none are safe.

They all see the crap in here.

Then, the Christians will have to keep it civil too.

I will bash then=m, my brothers and sisters into the ground if they do not respect the others.

I know what backlashes are, Hangman.

I can handle them too. I have the experience with that.

The Christians here will not backlash and become the abusers.

Not on my watch.

Know that.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

ps...I am too tired to edit this..try to read around the many grammatical errors sure to be in this

peace, out

Britty's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:21 AM

1 Peter 2:11-12 (New International Version)

11 Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.


davidben1's photo
Thu 05/08/08 10:56 PM
many times things spoken sound vicious but this is only when heard by wounded ears......many have good reason to have wounded ears

what be a christian that call itself a christian, as even christ never said to anyone he was a christian.....

not one within the pages of the good book ever professed to be anything but scoundrels and chief of sinners.......

why is it the only scriptures repeated are the ones telling all others they are not christians............what about "nothing can resist the will of god"......."no man has at any time found god, but rather god found man"......."and no man can come to the father unless the FATHER draw him".........if a man does not believe the so called truth, these scriputes would implicate god as the culprit, and not any man......unless a man that say he speak for him does not know all the truth to say, but only speak what he is convinced will save himself......fear

if god be the one preached from all the high places, why are not the words that spare ALL condemnation not spoken.......

jesus was beaten and mocked and crucified, because he WANTED TO, AND CHOSE to do so.....HE WAS NOT FORCED

if one wishes to die for another, that is their hearts does that one look to another and say to do the same, and despise them if they do not.....

any that follow jesus would certainly wish to extend the same courtesy to all humans as their master did.....

misery surely does seek company, as it is lonely and dissatisfied with it's sacrifice made, to attain love and saving for itself, and show by it's own words it did not do because of love for friends, but with an expectation of a reward for good service.....even these are called converts, and not seen as friends from an equal heart

should any human be forced to accept any belief by fear or persecution........the truth has to be one that is good for all that hear or it is not ALL the truth, but only a small piece that alone makes one fear and spread fear in panic or unhappiness.....

love sees nothing as a sacrifice, but rather is honored to lay down it's life for a friend, and so is certainly willing to let any be so-called wrong as each is more right the more wrongs learned.....learning by experience, no different than one driving rather than being told be told directions along with life daming consequences is surely not anything but what is used by fearful dictators and not of the love story called the bible.....

preachers of doom and self denial and self loathing only speak aloud the things they fear of themselves, trying to earn a reward of favor, or even compensation from fearful followers, when the very god they say they believe is their neighbor, that they have despised, for not believing.......but each being has a truth detector the heart, that rightfully resist only fearful half-truths

what human have blood that does not bleed red, and a heart that does not feel pain and sorrow, all having regret and lost love.......surely we are all family to be united, and ALL the truth will always prove how we are, and not make us less, and tear us apart

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 04:37 AM



so "wouldee" you're saying that it's a consprisy (alien?) to come into a dating site forum and rid it of christians that don't even act like christians anyway ....sounds a tad paraniod and a waste of time since christians that don't act like christians are actually denouncing the religion theirselves

if anything the christians that do actually follow all of God's laws should be trying to rid the site of part-time christians or atleast try to convert them into real christians ..

HangedMan's photo
Fri 05/09/08 07:09 AM
Yes, Wouldee I was being serious.

Christianity is sposed to be a religion of peace and love as is Islam. Often though the most zealous defenders of thier religion are the most vitriolic when speaking of thier religion to those that do not believe the way they do.
Why is that? So you believe what you believe. Does that mean others need that shoved down thier throats or have someone who believes to a fault they are right bash them. I don't think so.
I still say you need to lighten up it is stances like you are taking that give any religion a bad name.
After all religion is a govenrment with a spiritual twist. It is a means to control the populace. Although even I must admit that for the most part it attempts to do it in a gentler way than say a political government.
They say yo have to be able to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at others. If that is true (as it meant) then you must not laugh very often and that my friend is sad.
People believe what they deal with it and move on. That or you could take the muslim(radical) tact an just kill those who don't believe or make fun of your beliefs. It works pretty well for the muslims lately. laugh

YAY !!! I started to ramble!!!!!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

adj4u's photo
Fri 05/09/08 07:17 AM

flowerforyou Can aliens get saved and be Christians?flowerforyou

flowerforyou How come?flowerforyou

because they are angels

sssshhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i thought everyone knew that

grumble grumble grumble grumble

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 08:29 AM

flowerforyou Can aliens get saved and be Christians?flowerforyou

flowerforyou How come?flowerforyou

because they are angels

sssshhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i thought everyone knew that

grumble grumble grumble grumble

I don't think aliens are "angels" but then I don't really know how a person defines "angel."

I think, like us, they are just beings experiencing life in third density reality.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 09:36 AM

I don't think aliens are "angels" but then I don't really know how a person defines "angel."

I think, like us, they are just beings experiencing life in third density reality.


since angels wasn't born on earth that makes them an alien species ..obviously they are more powerful than humans and it also seems like their creation wasn't by the hands of God or why would he need a weapon to fight them in the war in Heaven

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 09:45 AM

I don't think aliens are "angels" but then I don't really know how a person defines "angel."

I think, like us, they are just beings experiencing life in third density reality.


since angels wasn't born on earth that makes them an alien species ..obviously they are more powerful than humans and it also seems like their creation wasn't by the hands of God or why would he need a weapon to fight them in the war in Heaven

As a pantheist I believe that all beings are a manifestation and expression of God, the prime creator.

The difference between what I call "angels" and "aliens" are that "aliens" are incarnated on the lower density planets.

The aliens I speak of I call "galaxy aliens" and only because they are not human and they are on a different incarnational path than humans.

Angels have not been humans.


no photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:07 AM

As a pantheist I believe that all beings are a manifestation and expression of God, the prime creator.

The difference between what I call "angels" and "aliens" are that "aliens" are incarnated on the lower density planets.

The aliens I speak of I call "galaxy aliens" and only because they are not human and they are on a different incarnational path than humans.

Angels have not been humans.


but if Pantheist believe that everything is an expression of the prime creator then wouldn't galaxy aliens and the lower density planets also be included in that manifestation which means that nothing is alien within the bounderies of that manifestation ..

but it you make a point that galaxy aliens are different then wouldn't that means that there are other creatures that exist beyond the scope of the prime creator ..

wouldee's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:20 AM

Yes, Wouldee I was being serious.

Christianity is sposed to be a religion of peace and love as is Islam. Often though the most zealous defenders of thier religion are the most vitriolic when speaking of thier religion to those that do not believe the way they do.
Why is that? So you believe what you believe. Does that mean others need that shoved down thier throats or have someone who believes to a fault they are right bash them. I don't think so.
I still say you need to lighten up it is stances like you are taking that give any religion a bad name.
After all religion is a govenrment with a spiritual twist. It is a means to control the populace. Although even I must admit that for the most part it attempts to do it in a gentler way than say a political government.
They say yo have to be able to laugh at yourself before you can laugh at others. If that is true (as it meant) then you must not laugh very often and that my friend is sad.
People believe what they deal with it and move on. That or you could take the muslim(radical) tact an just kill those who don't believe or make fun of your beliefs. It works pretty well for the muslims lately. laugh

YAY !!! I started to ramble!!!!!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

Vitriolic fervor....:wink:

my stance had a reason for being.

one which is not typical of me. I went there without excusebigsmile

I get what I get for it.

I am in a club that has many ungrounded and autonomous and divisive flaws and wrinkles and wart, my friend.flowerforyou

This club displays a penchant for re-inventing the wheel every generation or so as men build institutions around the anointing and grace given to particularly articulate men.

Struggles for power and influence also mirror the preservation of the clarity of our faith as articulated by men with a gift for sharing their insights into the best of which apprehends us.

There will always be men that find the need to be kinghuh

That, my friend, is never funny. It is just the competitive nature of men to profess authority, albeit, misguided more times than not.

Christian influence in this small corner of a very narrow window in a very obscure little site on a vast world wide web enjoys no credible merit to be a a battleground for domination and control by any means by any man.

Nor is the inverse true for those that find Christianity completely and thoroughly contemptible.

What I do find credible and appropriate is how we wrestle with such divisive ness with mutual respect and dignity governing our attitudes and behavior without being licentious and elitist.

Man's capacity to elucidate thought articulately and sincerely always displays the best that is called man.

It works here too.happy

love the picture hangman. Always get a laugh at your demise.laugh

we've all gone to the matresses at one point or another in our lives smokin

peace, out

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:24 AM

flowerforyou Can aliens get saved and be Christians?flowerforyou

only if they accept jesus as there saviorlaugh
Oh, and he is so real..........Get the **** out!

it was a joke......christians only beleive you can be saved by accepting christ.........i only accept what i can see as to be real

Well, the bible does say in the end that "every kneee shall bow". See ya there buddy.:wink:


YourLove1's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:30 AM
you guys are sad putting down the bible

no photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:54 AM

As a pantheist I believe that all beings are a manifestation and expression of God, the prime creator.

The difference between what I call "angels" and "aliens" are that "aliens" are incarnated on the lower density planets.

The aliens I speak of I call "galaxy aliens" and only because they are not human and they are on a different incarnational path than humans.

Angels have not been humans.


but if Pantheist believe that everything is an expression of the prime creator then wouldn't galaxy aliens and the lower density planets also be included in that manifestation which means that nothing is alien within the bounderies of that manifestation ..

Yes they are all included as manifestations of the prime creator. I only call them aliens because they are not human hence they are alien to me, as a human.

I was once an alien incarnate myself probably. It is part of the evolution of light beings.

When I speak of "aliens" I call them "galaxy aliens" and I refer to this milky way galaxy, not any other galaxies.

No, they are not alien to this galaxy. This galaxy is mostly inhabited by them (and humans are the minority.) However humans are confined to the planet earth and do not live anywhere else in this galaxy.

but it you make a point that galaxy aliens are different then wouldn't that means that there are other creatures that exist beyond the scope of the prime creator ..

Perhaps there are other prime creators separate from ours with other universes, I do not know. There are many creators and many universes. That is beyond my scope and not really relevant to me at this point.

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 05/09/08 09:59 PM
With all due respect Wouldee, I am at a loss as to how this thread took off in the way that it did for you.

As I have been absent from the threads for awhile I have no idea what has gone on here ... but truly your response to the OP seems to be based upon something other than the OP.

All opinions are valid. You seem to be taking great offence to the question although I don't know why. Someone as solid in his faith as you surely does not require validation nor does he feel the need to stop the dialogue of others.

It is not the spirit which becomes offended. :wink:

wouldee's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:30 PM
Edited by wouldee on Fri 05/09/08 10:32 PM

With all due respect Wouldee, I am at a loss as to how this thread took off in the way that it did for you.

As I have been absent from the threads for awhile I have no idea what has gone on here ... but truly your response to the OP seems to be based upon something other than the OP.

All opinions are valid. You seem to be taking great offence to the question although I don't know why. Someone as solid in his faith as you surely does not require validation nor does he feel the need to stop the dialogue of others.

It is not the spirit which becomes offended. :wink:

It is a good thing that you have missed the last week , Artsy.flowerforyou :heart:

I know you are wellbigsmile

Say hello to Michael for me, please.

It is best that the two of you were not here to be witnesses to the brawl. Very heartbreaking.



creativesoul's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:35 PM
Hey Wouldee

Artsy knows Alex and I know you, and because of this, neither one of us understood how the conversation went the way that it you do not know Alex and Alex does not know you. Funny enough, I know you and she knows Alex so we both saw this conversation from a more complete perspective.

Always respect,


ArtGurl's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:37 PM
Thank you Wouldee

I am better than 'well'

Hugs to my gurl Alex too! MMMuuuah!

wouldee's photo
Fri 05/09/08 10:50 PM
Edited by wouldee on Fri 05/09/08 10:51 PM
Hello, my friend.

thanks for sharing that. It shows your love.

Mirror understood and tapped out of it.

in and of itself, Mirror's thread is not a problem for me at all.

It served a greater purpose as an example in a bigger and broader point that could not leave Mirror's thread out for the very relevance of another battle that found substance in this one in a smaller and less significant way.

And through this thread, my words regarding the conflicts arising from another thread found a neutral ground here to observe points made without being molested by any.

To that, Mirror knows how vvaluable his sensitivity is.

It brought back an uneasy peace, but that uneasy peace is seen by many to be proof of the point I had taken upoin myself to make.

In that, Mirror is an ally.

Everyone truly is glad that things here are healing.

It was so worth the risk to my itegrity.

It was so worth risking alienating many to make all see that which only a few needed to see.

Leadership falls to the veterans here.

It is the veterans example that others follow.

The veterans here have that responsibility to think beyond their own emotions.

I am glad that the strongest here have changed course.

It has proved worth it to me.

I have made my own thin ice to walk on and knew tha from the beginning.

Getting banned would have been the wrong course, and my easy out.

It did not come to that.

I am grateful.

It would have been an even worse example of domination and hijacking of every good thing in thois beautiful little community.

A rare gem of beautiful people here worth helping find peace.

Glad you were not here.

That made it easier for me.

Peace, my friend.

love and understanding to you.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile