Topic: Christian Aliens
no photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:03 PM

Christian Aliens? Are those like the people from Third Rock from the Sun or Coneheads? Or just the people from the planet whatever (I forget its name right now). call it Zorlob for lack of a better term.

Seriously, though, I don't think the Bible says much about aliens. I was reading a part in the OT today that put down star worship & astrology, though, and the Bible does say quite a lot about heaven and the heavens, don't ya know.

I suspect that the Bible does not say much about aliens because aliens were responsible for the writing of most of it. and they don't want anyone to know that so many of the so-called god sighting were just reptilian over-lords who raped humans and loved fresh blood of babies. That would account for the asking of human sacrifices of babies.

It's possible.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:37 PM
will you listen to yourself?? wouldee?

you sound like you have made yourself god ! condescending to everyone here as if you were some expert of all that god are so scary the way you play this intimidating paternal game of dominationnoway noway laugh

adj4u's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:48 PM

flowerforyou What does the bible say about aliens?flowerforyou

what do you think the angels are

drinker drinker

laugh laugh laugh laugh

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:54 PM

the threads that stay alive in the religion forum do so by employing ridicule of Christianity to a large degree.

It is a popular whipping post for any grievance.

It is sure to incite and inflame Christians.

It also gets the cookie cutter response of...

SEEE SEE!! they are proselytizing.They are bashing us! they are intolerant! they are hypocrits!!

inciting a riot is a riot.

Choose another vehicle for it other than Christianity.

Certainly the creativity and effort and energy focused against Christianity can be focused elsewhere, unless, of course, that is the whole point of all of these hidden agendas.

learn, grow and be at peace.

Well I will have to say that Christians (not all of them,) who get riled up in a religion forum need to understand that they are not in a Christian forum.

It is a religion forum. There are many religions. Christianity dominates the forum and maybe they think they own it.

As Abracadabra once said, it there were a different forum, like a philosophy formum, or even a metaphysical forum, perhaps we non-Christians could talk amongst ourselves without offending Christians.

Christianity plays a roll in our lives because some of us have been down that path and left it. So it is difficult NOT to talk about it.

Sometimes we talk about it in such a way that a Christian takes offense or view it as negative or rude.

Oh well, they need to get over it because to us, Christianity is negative.

You, Wouldee, need to back off and stop trying to silence people when you decide to be offended by something.

You have no rights to sensor or silence people or scold them for what you believe to be their bad behavior or agenda. You are not the father of Christianity and you have no authority to scold anyone for their behavior, intentions, agendas, or opinions.



you can feign innocwnse when posting in someone else's thread that stands on ridiculing Christianity.

Encouraging it to continue is where you miss the pointamd your tacit approval becomes your inheritance of the offensiveness

Picking another vehicle for characitures is fine.

Standing on Christinity to do that is where the problem is.

Mutual exclusivity would be appropriate.

The conditioning that comes from repeated abuse and a lack of awareness of the insult continues the insults ad infinitum.

That is the problem and that is the insensitivity.

Do that with off color racial jokes and you have a serious war on your hands.

Do that to the Jewish comminity, even in the slightest of hints which the Jews can articulate and turn your conscience onto mush, aND YOU HAVE THE jEWISH lEGUE AND THE HIGHEST POWERED LAWYERS IN THE wESTERN wOELD BREATHING DOWN YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH PORTENDING RUIN FOR YOU ON THE ADJUDICATION OF YOUR SLANDER.

Do it to Christians, and we get this.....

you and every other insensitive and arrogant pomposity deliberating about whether or not to heighten the antagonism.

Christian bashing is in vogue.

Christianity is a threat to the seculkar escape of evolution theory taught as fact to remove the moral burden from civil society.

Teaching fiction as fact has numbed you all that swallow this up because it gives you legal recourse to sue for your licentiousness and wanton lusts denied whenever and whever they are constrained, even if the target of such lust is not consentual.

Teaching fiction as fact numbs the mind, and the numbimg of the mind is the dumbimg down of conscience.

Evolution conjecture is just the most suitable example of this trend in our society,


you and others most certainly are free not to embrace Chistianity. Get that through your minds clearly.

But that does not give you the right to stand insulting and offensive and rude and obnoxious and deceitful, maignities on the back of it to support what you seek to share.

This thread is not guilty of all the harsh concerns that face you to consider.

I bring them up, here and elsewhere, to prove the point that such things and the like, are in poor taste, insensitive, unnecessary, doisrespectful, arrogant, self righteous,hypocritical, hateful, derogatory, mean, inciteful(not insightful), purient, veiled attacks of hidden agendas, aND GENERALLY COVERT SNIPES OF cHRISTIANITY BY THEIR USE AND EMPLOYMENT TI TITTILATE AND INFLAME AND ENTERTAIN AND CR3EATE DRAMAS AND INTRIGUES AND oops and any myriad of insulting and offensive alterior motives.

That should sum up the general problem which is only touched but a bit in this thread.

there are plenty of other religions to poke fun at life through.

It shouldn't be done, but hey, since you must then do it to another.

Standing on Christianity to mock God will start a strife rifdden and contentious argument whether intended or not, and more times than not, such is the intent.

If you cannot see this and understand this, then I guess you and others that continue it can expect further reminders from me until you are conditioned not to.

Yes, it sounds like I am talking to children.

Act like adults and quit the pretentious feigning of innocense with me.

That you left Christianity is no excuse.

Youwere never a Christian to begin with.

Don't even try to mess with me on that.


so do you, so do not lie to me. Lie to yourself, but I won't buy it and yoiu know why.

Reason? you never entered in really in the firsat place.

So let's not mince words.

You were not a Christian, but you took a good long look at it and decided it was not going to serve yourt own best interests in your own estimation of yoursaeldf. God never had anything to do with your choice. You chose yourself.

Pretty cool, huh?


I was in the world and wealthy and had it all.

Do not BS me. I was a millionaire before I was 30.

Iam 52 now and been a Christian for 21 years. Holy Spirit filled from tHat time, not the time I first believed.

Iam not mocked, nor am I deceived.

I used to think like you all.

Underestimate me to your own chagrin.

Dislike me...I could give a RIP.


Show some maturity when no one is looking. It won't hurt you.

You might just have a better day.

learn, grow and be at peace.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:20 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 10:23 PM

As I said before, Christianity is the dominate religion in this society. I am surrounded by it on all sides. It effects everyone, including non Christians. It is rather hard to ignore and so we will talk about it.

You cannot stop free expression. Yes I feel contempt for this religion because it holds no answers and only sets people against each other. You wouldee, show little love for others in your angry defensive ranting.

Christianity is everywhere and people take for granted that you are either a Christian or you are an outcast, a pagan or what ever.

Frankly I am sick of it.

I am not backing away politely anymore Wouldee. You are the one who claims CONSTANTLY that I insult people, and that I insult Christianity and yet you also claim that YOU are not insulted yourself. I don't believe you.

I have never claimed to be a "born again Christian" and I never will.

But still, I am sick of it.

I will let my voice be heard in the face of accusations like yours when I see fit.

I will no longer sit in silence in the face of the biggest lie ever perpetrated on society when it continues to be IN MY FACE.

You are in my face with your rude rantings, and you are not making any headway in your quest to rant your way to stardom on this club.

Be gone. Go find your peace before you fall from that cloud you think you are on.


no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:27 PM
calm yourself girlfriend...he has no faith...if he did he wouldn't need to expound

wouldn't need to dominate or prove his points....just like those he says would never enter the religious threads if they were certain of their ideas...

he is the mirror ....of what the evils of these insideous belief systems have done to humanity...

we can just be compassionate and keep our humour

indeed:heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:36 PM

calm yourself girlfriend...he has no faith...if he did he wouldn't need to expound

wouldn't need to dominate or prove his points....just like those he says would never enter the religious threads if they were certain of their ideas...

he is the mirror ....of what the evils of these insideous belief systems have done to humanity...

we can just be compassionate and keep our humour

indeed:heart: flowerforyou

Yes you are right. I have better things to do. I shall pray for him to find peace. flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:42 PM
exactly my point

thank you for exemplifying your hatred and contempt.

Now two of you admit it.

By the way, jeannie.

In another thread you told a Chirstian what Christianity is and is not.

But here you say you are not, as though there is a difference between a born again Christian and one who is not born again.

Here's a hint.

Unless one is born again, one is just what you are.

Quite simply, not a Christian.

But both of you ladies wish to talk about something other than the point, which is your attitudes towards Christianity, and your manners.

Self respect and dignity goes how far then?

to the door of Christianity and stops?

you make my point for me.

This is not about me.

It is about the serious contemptible hatred of Christianity and Jesus Christ.

I asked for your understanding and intelligence and better judgement to recognize the problem.

there is no need to post one way or the other.

What you say, means nothing to me.

Whjat you do with the insight in your behavior in these threads does matter.

Obcviously, your mockery tells everyone that you are both disresectful and arrogant and obstinantly bent on spewing hate and discontent.

Whether or not you are a Christian or not, you are people with beliefs and emotions and thoughtfulness.

Where it goes when Christianity is asked of you not to be included in the support of your jests, or in support of your agenda by mocking Christianity to stand on its back through mockery wthout not suspect.

You intend to hate and disgrace yourselves wit your hidden agendas.

Just learn, grow, and be at peace.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:58 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 10:59 PM
But both of you ladies wish to talk about something other than the point, which is your attitudes towards Christianity, and your manners.

My attitude is that Christianity is flawed.

It is pretty much agreed upon that it is a RELIGION.

You seem to think that only certain so-called born again Christians have any right talking about this flawed religion.

You seem to think that it is something other than it is.

You may have had some spiritual experience that makes you believe that you are special and more qualified than anyone else to speak about what you think about Christianity.

You like to fool yourselves into thinking that it is all about a personal relationship with God and that only you are privileged to have that, and that no one else has ever experienced this except "born again Christians."

This is where you are mistaken. This is totally arrogant.

However, continue to rant if it justifies your feeling of self importance.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:18 PM

But both of you ladies wish to talk about something other than the point, which is your attitudes towards Christianity, and your manners.

My attitude is that Christianity is flawed.

It is pretty much agreed upon that it is a RELIGION.

You seem to think that only certain so-called born again Christians have any right talking about this flawed religion.

You seem to think that it is something other than it is.

You may have had some spiritual experience that makes you believe that you are special and more qualified than anyone else to speak about what you think about Christianity.

You like to fool yourselves into thinking that it is all about a personal relationship with God and that only you are privileged to have that, and that no one else has ever experienced this except "born again Christians."

This is where you are mistaken. This is totally arrogant.

However, continue to rant if it justifies your feeling of self importance.

i am not a christian...i am a doctor without borders...i walk the walk what do you "DO"

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:22 PM

But both of you ladies wish to talk about something other than the point, which is your attitudes towards Christianity, and your manners.

My attitude is that Christianity is flawed.

It is pretty much agreed upon that it is a RELIGION.

You seem to think that only certain so-called born again Christians have any right talking about this flawed religion.

You seem to think that it is something other than it is.

You may have had some spiritual experience that makes you believe that you are special and more qualified than anyone else to speak about what you think about Christianity.

You like to fool yourselves into thinking that it is all about a personal relationship with God and that only you are privileged to have that, and that no one else has ever experienced this except "born again Christians."

This is where you are mistaken. This is totally arrogant.

However, continue to rant if it justifies your feeling of self importance.


You have no clue what Christianity is.

You are a false teacher.

that's all there is to it.

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:33 PM
flowerforyou I actually had Wouldee and JeannieBean in mind when I made this threadflowerforyou Everybody else that hangs around the religion threads pretty much follow you two in the discussions.flowerforyou Hence, the title "Christian Aliens". flowerforyou The "Christian" for Wouldee and "Aliens" for JeannieBean.flowerforyou It worked wonderfulyflowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:37 PM

flowerforyou I actually had Wouldee and JeannieBean in mind when I made this threadflowerforyou Everybody else that hangs around the religion threads pretty much follow you two in the discussions.flowerforyou Hence, the title "Christian Aliens". flowerforyou The "Christian" for Wouldee and "Aliens" for JeannieBean.flowerforyou It worked wonderfulyflowerforyou

i had a feelin you were secretly baiting the

and everyone thinks you're sooo innocentlaugh laugh flowerforyou

warmachine's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:39 PM

This thread made me do some digging. This has a Christan perspective to it.

davidben1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:44 PM
actually, the bible calls all men born on earth aliens....and also says all are angels in disguise, living as mortal for a time but coming first from immmortal.....

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:46 PM

But both of you ladies wish to talk about something other than the point, which is your attitudes towards Christianity, and your manners.

My attitude is that Christianity is flawed.

It is pretty much agreed upon that it is a RELIGION.

You seem to think that only certain so-called born again Christians have any right talking about this flawed religion.

You seem to think that it is something other than it is.

You may have had some spiritual experience that makes you believe that you are special and more qualified than anyone else to speak about what you think about Christianity.

You like to fool yourselves into thinking that it is all about a personal relationship with God and that only you are privileged to have that, and that no one else has ever experienced this except "born again Christians."

This is where you are mistaken. This is totally arrogant.

However, continue to rant if it justifies your feeling of self importance.

i am not a christian...i am a doctor without borders...i walk the walk what do you "DO"

When i am not aprenting my 15 year old alone, I am parenting my 15 year alone, and have been for 13 years because his mother decided to ride on the back of scooters and destroy herself with meth, which began after I brought a bad boy to jesus, and our child was an infant, and I knew nothing of it.

Wasn't the first bad boy either, nor the last.

How bad?

better you juwst know that they were bad.

meanwhile, with infant in tow, I stopped my profession as a General Building Contractor to take a job with a lerge comapny and have time for child rearing.

That is what I have been doing for thirteen years now.

I also have been fortunate to be there in the morning, and after school. \

I cook, clean, and taxi kids.

He has j\learned how to race cars and wins, is a scholar and an athlete that loves football and he accepted Christ about five years ago by his own choice. He get in the presence of the Holy Spirit enough to want all.

Typically i worked 6 hours a day over the years. Got the business to produce a comfortable six figure income, which has tanked in this California market lately.

What I have done for the Lord is none that I can boast of and the souls thatv rejoice in God, do so for themselves. I need not quantify them for you. You wouldn't believe the numbers anyway.

I have been through more crap and hardship as a Christian then I ever had in the first 30 years that made me rich . those riches are gone now.

I gave all.

Not supposed to be done, they say.

Rabbit thinks I am a money grubbibng greedy hypocritical Chrisrtian...whaT DOES HE KNOW?

hE NEVER ASKED.bigsmile OOPS CAPLOCK KEY, SOORY. that happens alot. My fingers are too fat.

Oh, tyou might like this, Ms Doctor.

I have a broken back. fell 50" in 77 and broke my L4 and L5.
The discs immediateluy around them are toast.
My bnerves have barely enough room to reach my legs. the pain nerves worklaugh but once in a whilke the function nerves don't. I am 1-1/2 " shorter than I was.

Oh, Ms. Doctor, I am blind in one eye too. cataract. The other is looking through an iterocular lens.

By the way, I am not management. I make arches and shutters and radius plates and stair parts for multi million dollar tract homes in the Bay Area. Very physical and exhausting and fun.

I also install stairs too when called upon.

I build and race cars for a hobby, intended to turn that into a business and dumped a ton of cash into it only to have the economy turn south and have to watch it sit.

But mainly that is what I do.

Which of these things will you define me by?

Carpenter? One eyed at that toolaugh
single parent?
thorn in your side?:wink:

Racer? we got 2nd in points in 06 and were leading in 07 when we had to stop with the market skid.drinker

Cool huh?

an invalid...a disabled man if I chose to see it that way.

You are a doctor, how long will I be walking?
Do you think my cataract will get fixed any day soon?

Nope, my son is going to college.

what else do you want to know, Ms. Doctor?


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:46 PM

flowerforyou I actually had Wouldee and JeannieBean in mind when I made this threadflowerforyou Everybody else that hangs around the religion threads pretty much follow you two in the discussions.flowerforyou Hence, the title "Christian Aliens". flowerforyou The "Christian" for Wouldee and "Aliens" for JeannieBean.flowerforyou It worked wonderfulyflowerforyou

i had a feelin you were secretly baiting the

and everyone thinks you're sooo innocentlaugh laugh flowerforyou
bigsmile I intended to be provocativebigsmile flowerforyou Thats the point of posting a thread isnt it?flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:53 PM
that's how you make so many friends mirror.

no pun intended

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 11:55 PM

But both of you ladies wish to talk about something other than the point, which is your attitudes towards Christianity, and your manners.

My attitude is that Christianity is flawed.

It is pretty much agreed upon that it is a RELIGION.

You seem to think that only certain so-called born again Christians have any right talking about this flawed religion.

You seem to think that it is something other than it is.

You may have had some spiritual experience that makes you believe that you are special and more qualified than anyone else to speak about what you think about Christianity.

You like to fool yourselves into thinking that it is all about a personal relationship with God and that only you are privileged to have that, and that no one else has ever experienced this except "born again Christians."

This is where you are mistaken. This is totally arrogant.

However, continue to rant if it justifies your feeling of self importance.

i am not a christian...i am a doctor without borders...i walk the walk what do you "DO"

When i am not aprenting my 15 year old alone, I am parenting my 15 year alone, and have been for 13 years because his mother decided to ride on the back of scooters and destroy herself with meth, which began after I brought a bad boy to jesus, and our child was an infant, and I knew nothing of it.

Wasn't the first bad boy either, nor the last.

How bad?

better you juwst know that they were bad.

meanwhile, with infant in tow, I stopped my profession as a General Building Contractor to take a job with a lerge comapny and have time for child rearing.

That is what I have been doing for thirteen years now.

I also have been fortunate to be there in the morning, and after school. \

I cook, clean, and taxi kids.

He has j\learned how to race cars and wins, is a scholar and an athlete that loves football and he accepted Christ about five years ago by his own choice. He get in the presence of the Holy Spirit enough to want all.

Typically i worked 6 hours a day over the years. Got the business to produce a comfortable six figure income, which has tanked in this California market lately.

What I have done for the Lord is none that I can boast of and the souls thatv rejoice in God, do so for themselves. I need not quantify them for you. You wouldn't believe the numbers anyway.

I have been through more crap and hardship as a Christian then I ever had in the first 30 years that made me rich . those riches are gone now.

I gave all.

Not supposed to be done, they say.

Rabbit thinks I am a money grubbibng greedy hypocritical Chrisrtian...whaT DOES HE KNOW?

hE NEVER ASKED.bigsmile OOPS CAPLOCK KEY, SOORY. that happens alot. My fingers are too fat.

Oh, tyou might like this, Ms Doctor.

I have a broken back. fell 50" in 77 and broke my L4 and L5.
The discs immediateluy around them are toast.
My bnerves have barely enough room to reach my legs. the pain nerves worklaugh but once in a whilke the function nerves don't. I am 1-1/2 " shorter than I was.

Oh, Ms. Doctor, I am blind in one eye too. cataract. The other is looking through an iterocular lens.

By the way, I am not management. I make arches and shutters and radius plates and stair parts for multi million dollar tract homes in the Bay Area. Very physical and exhausting and fun.

I also install stairs too when called upon.

I build and race cars for a hobby, intended to turn that into a business and dumped a ton of cash into it only to have the economy turn south and have to watch it sit.

But mainly that is what I do.

Which of these things will you define me by?

Carpenter? One eyed at that toolaugh
single parent?
thorn in your side?:wink:

Racer? we got 2nd in points in 06 and were leading in 07 when we had to stop with the market skid.drinker

Cool huh?

an invalid...a disabled man if I chose to see it that way.

You are a doctor, how long will I be walking?
Do you think my cataract will get fixed any day soon?

Nope, my son is going to college.

what else do you want to know, Ms. Doctor?


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

ahhhh so that's it...i understand now..... you feel duped!! poor you:cry:

wouldee's photo
Thu 05/08/08 12:24 AM
you asked, I told you.

So, now let's return to the point that really infuriates you.

Your ccontempt for good manners and tolerance.

and a little bit of acknowledgement that bashing Christianity and standing on it in spurious form to expound ridicule and characitures is morally equivalent in your mind.

The point that tyou so vociferously have engaged in is to stand onstinately in support of defending hate sppech and insults and offensive insensitivites when Christianity is the target victim.

That is ill will seeking a victim.

Did your oath taken assume that man has no soul?

why thwen bring the doctor into this, unless it was to establish the moral high ground?

I see none of it in your poor taste and obnoxiousness.

What I see is an arrogant person that supposes greater prestige on her person as a privelege and not a greater responsibility.

You are behaving contrary to the discipline that got you your credential.

In Christianity, you don't have to be approved of man, which will turn on you when you are no longer a viable puppet.

But with the Lord, you need only bring your heart.

May I assume correctly that your higher education affords you an elitist advantage over the simple and the abused and the lost of the world?

How about the disenfranchised and the underpriveleged?

Are they also beneath your contempt?

Apparently you have double standards.

The one is that you parade yourself as a great and benevolent healer of flesh which is temporal.

and the other, which is the obstinate and arrogant person that finds contempt for anything not serving her purpose, which is apparently ensconced in a hidden agenda that has a different standard for Chridsrtianity than it doesa for anything and everything else.

That is clearly hypocrisy.

It is also symptomatic of a soul in great turmoil, quite confused and driven to hate
