Topic: Christian Aliens
wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 07:08 AM

flowerforyou For example, Could one of the aliens race known as the Draco or Greys accept Jesus as his savior and become a Christian?flowerforyou Assuming that there are aliens flowerforyou

mirror, as ridiculous as this thread is, I have to hand it to you.bigsmile

you ask some innocent questions, but they aren't very well thought through.

" He came unto his own and his own received him not"

"if you knew me, you would have known my Father that sent me"

somehow, Mirror, there are some qualifcations in there to consider.

as you already know, Christianity is mocked right and left by those that are not Christians.

But making things appear even more ridiculous are also mockery, Mirror.

Are you being respectful in your questions or just sharing some light humor?

I ask, because some of the responses are anything but light and are offensive to a Christian, in so far as it is a tolerance we must bear. Nevertheless, Mirror, that is not what I take an offense to.

I find it in poor taste that your question has encouraged such drivel to mock and taunt things not grasping their attentions.

I have a sene of hunmor, but this is not the place for such things Mirror.

In other words, your insensitivity is only eclipsed by your curiosity, but either way, you are promoting strife and contention.

It is in poor taste, Mirror.

You think on that, won't you?

flowerforyou okay sorryflowerforyou

Wait wait wait... now posters are attacked for starting non-aggressive, non-abusive and not obviously offensive or attacking posts!!!

Anyone can ask any question that they would like. Others can answer or not as they choose...

There was no attack in the OP and you acknowledge that but attack the OP anyway?!?!

Do you now think that you ARE god?

Or just the boss of this forum?

grumble grumble grumble

Right on!!

This is an alien thread and we are damn serious about aliens here.

Can there be Christian aliens?

I don't really know. I sort of doubt it.

Jesus was all about dieing for humanity, and the chosen descendants of Adam, not those flesh eating reptilian bastards or those godless soulless Zeta clones who abduct people.

But you never know. bigsmile Who am I to judge?

laugh laugh



Jumping on the train of contempt again I see.

Please follow my response to Anmoasis for more food for thought.

I gave you all room to jump on the train, but don't expect that I will give you more track to steam ahead with your offensiveness.

You have fallen into displaying your hatred and contempt without being forced.

your free will in action has exposed your ill intents that at are at the very core of the problem.

The domineering sarcasm and intolerance of your narrow mindedness only serves to expose the need for ggod manners escaping the attention of all that embrace callous diregard for anything not prurient and lustfully shallow.

;learn, grow, and be at peace

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 08:52 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 09:23 AM

flowerforyou For example, Could one of the aliens race known as the Draco or Greys accept Jesus as his savior and become a Christian?flowerforyou Assuming that there are aliens flowerforyou

mirror, as ridiculous as this thread is, I have to hand it to you.bigsmile

you ask some innocent questions, but they aren't very well thought through.

" He came unto his own and his own received him not"

"if you knew me, you would have known my Father that sent me"

somehow, Mirror, there are some qualifcations in there to consider.

as you already know, Christianity is mocked right and left by those that are not Christians.

But making things appear even more ridiculous are also mockery, Mirror.

Are you being respectful in your questions or just sharing some light humor?

I ask, because some of the responses are anything but light and are offensive to a Christian, in so far as it is a tolerance we must bear. Nevertheless, Mirror, that is not what I take an offense to.

I find it in poor taste that your question has encouraged such drivel to mock and taunt things not grasping their attentions.

I have a sene of hunmor, but this is not the place for such things Mirror.

In other words, your insensitivity is only eclipsed by your curiosity, but either way, you are promoting strife and contention.

It is in poor taste, Mirror.

You think on that, won't you?

flowerforyou okay sorryflowerforyou

Wait wait wait... now posters are attacked for starting non-aggressive, non-abusive and not obviously offensive or attacking posts!!!

Anyone can ask any question that they would like. Others can answer or not as they choose...

There was no attack in the OP and you acknowledge that but attack the OP anyway?!?!

Do you now think that you ARE god?

Or just the boss of this forum?

grumble grumble grumble

Right on!!

This is an alien thread and we are damn serious about aliens here.

Can there be Christian aliens?

I don't really know. I sort of doubt it.

Jesus was all about dieing for humanity, and the chosen descendants of Adam, not those flesh eating reptilian bastards or those godless soulless Zeta clones who abduct people.

But you never know. bigsmile Who am I to judge?

laugh laugh



Jumping on the train of contempt again I see.

Please follow my response to Anmoasis for more food for thought.

I gave you all room to jump on the train, but don't expect that I will give you more track to steam ahead with your offensiveness.

You have fallen into displaying your hatred and contempt without being forced.

your free will in action has exposed your ill intents that at are at the very core of the problem.

The domineering sarcasm and intolerance of your narrow mindedness only serves to expose the need for ggod manners escaping the attention of all that embrace callous diregard for anything not prurient and lustfully shallow.

;learn, grow, and be at peace


Hold on there just one minute wouldee. I think you should just shut up about what you think about me or my intentions. You don't have any idea or right to judge me. Who on earth do you think your are? Seriously, get a grip. Lighten up before you have a stroke.

First of all, aliens do exist. Believe it or not. And I am dead serious about my answer even if to you it seems flippant.

I not only make fun of Christianity, I make fun of my own belief in aliens. The difference is, I can certainly take what I dish out.

It is not for you to "allow" or "disallow" me to "steam ahead" with what you call my offensiveness. It is your personal problem if you are offended.

I was not even speaking to you, I was responding to the question in this thread, so mind your own business and just stay out of these kinds of threads, and stay out of my conversations. You have told me this same thing a number of times, so practice what you preach wouldee.

Aliens are creatures who are trapped in a lower state of consciousness incarnating upon the lower worlds of matter space and time. They have slower evolution than humans and they cannot ascend to the higher worlds until they evolve through the human experience. Therefore, it is my belief (I suspect anyway) that they cannot be Christians as Jesus died for humans.

Even if the story of Jesus (Christ Michael) is true and he will be the ruler of this universe, he will reign over them too.

These creatures of the dark do not have the same spiritual path as humans, and they may even be children of Lucifer for all I know.

Now Wouldee, you can make fun of my beliefs all you want but let me tell you this, if you continue, then you need to stop complaining about me making fun of yours, and stop being so offended.

Also, if you want to go around telling me to stop barging into your threads or your conversations like you have done to me in the past, then you need to start practicing what you preach.


no photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:13 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 09:26 AM
This is for anyone who gets offended by people making light of their beliefs, but mostly this is for Wouldee.

The kind of gripping seriousness that accompanies some people's core belief systems destroys all sense of humor and engenders hatred and intolerance of other people who differ in their approach to life and God.

I have been through this experience and still experience the onslaught of mocking laughter and even anger every time I express a serious belief in aliens and other creatures unproven in this reality.

So I make fun back at yours. I think you should learn to take what you dish out. If you can't take it, then stop dishing it out.


wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:31 AM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 05/07/08 09:33 AM

This is for anyone who gets offended by people making light of their beliefs, but mostly this is for Wouldee.

The kind of gripping seriousness that accompanies some people's core belief systems destroys all sense of humor and engenders hatred and intolerance of other people who differ in their approach to life and God.

I have been through this experience as still experience the onslaught of mocking laughter and even anger every time I express a serious belief in aliens and other creatures unproven in this reality.

So I make fun back at yours. I think you should learn to take what you dish out. If you can't take it, then stop dishing it out.



I don't remember ever making fun of your beliefs that weren't hinged on ridiculing another's to stand.

That is a leap.

Perhaps, you haven't realized the potency of my discourses that eludes what is apparent.

The filters that are hypocritical and assumptive.

Knowing the mind that is in me is helpful in comprehending the expressions I make known.

I am a grating reminder of the duplicitous nature of the callous indifference that hallmarks the self righteous arrogance evidenced in these threads and the silencing of those shortcomings is the lesson the will bring about your rest from my reminders.

Everything has a coherent context and the thoughtfulness of those that comprehend that do in fact steer teir consciences to be more discreet and sensitive.

Those that do not comprehend this are still in need of reminders and they are forthcoming to all that need that awareness brought to their attention.

In the end, all will enjoy expressing thwe joys in their heart without expensing the treasures of others that are not as equally prized in value.

Thaking issue with that shortcoming is apprently necessary.

Those that insist on torment and domineering these threads with their hypocrisy and hatreds worn on their sleeves can expect to be called on their callous and offensive insults.

Where you land on this with your entertaining beliefs and opinions is entirely up to you, Jeannie.

But the sum of my endeavor is not directed at stalking your own liberties.

You are only symptomatic of the blindness that prevents your sypathies and compassions from displaying their beauty as long as you follow such misguided comprehensions and conclusions as to my motives and articulate and concise aadmonitions.

It is not personal vendettas that warrant cleaning up.

It is the hidden agendas behind the masks of those hidden agendas that is being cleaned up.

learn, grow and be at peace.


wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:35 AM

This is for anyone who gets offended by people making light of their beliefs, but mostly this is for Wouldee.

The kind of gripping seriousness that accompanies some people's core belief systems destroys all sense of humor and engenders hatred and intolerance of other people who differ in their approach to life and God.

I have been through this experience as still experience the onslaught of mocking laughter and even anger every time I express a serious belief in aliens and other creatures unproven in this reality.

So I make fun back at yours. I think you should learn to take what you dish out. If you can't take it, then stop dishing it out.



I don't remember ever making fun of your beliefs that weren't hinged on ridiculing another's to stand.

That is a leap.

Perhaps, you haven't realized the potency of my discourses that eludes what is apparent.

The filters that are hypocritical and assumptive.

Knowing the mind that is in me is helpful in comprehending the expressions I make known.

I am a grating reminder of the duplicitous nature of the callous indifference that hallmarks the self righteous arrogance evidenced in these threads and the silencing of those shortcomings is the lesson the will bring about your rest from my reminders.

Everything has a coherent context and the thoughtfulness of those that comprehend that do in fact steer their consciences to be more discreet and sensitive.

Those that do not comprehend this are still in need of reminders and they are forthcoming to all that need that awareness brought to their attention.

In the end, all will enjoy expressing the joys in their heart without expensing the treasures of others that are not as equally prized in value.

Thaking issue with that shortcoming is apprently necessary.

Those that insist on torment and domineering these threads with their hypocrisy and hatreds worn on their sleeves can expect to be called on their callous and offensive insults.

Where you land on this with your entertaining beliefs and opinions is entirely up to you, Jeannie.

But the sum of my endeavor is not directed at stalking your own liberties.

You are only symptomatic of the blindness that prevents your sympathies and compassions from displaying their beauty as long as you follow such misguided comprehensions and conclusions as to my motives and articulate and concise admonitions.

It is not personal vendettas that warrant cleaning up.

It is the hidden agendas behind the masks of those hidden agendas that is being cleaned up.

learn, grow and be at peace.


no photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:36 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 10:06 AM
Now, in all seriousness, assuming the question asked in this thread was a serious one.

1. The question assumes the premise that aliens (non human life forms in this reality and or galaxy) do exist.

2. The question also may assume the premise that Christianity is true, and that Jesus died for the sins of mankind, or maybe even for the sins of all life forms ~~ to include aliens.

If the above is true this is my conclusion:

If an alien wanted to go to heaven or ascend to the higher worlds, and became a Christian or went to Jesus himself asking for help, this is what I think would have to happen.

The alien would also have to choose to cease incarnations as whatever species of alien he was and choose the simultaneous incarnational path of human being first.

The reason is, that humans are equipped with the capacity for more emotions and more love than aliens. Jesus and God is all about love, and if they cannot feel the love and emotions that humans feel, they cannot evolve to the higher density worlds.

So it is possible, but they have to change their incarnational path first.

This is in all seriousness.

Now you can commence making fun of me. I don't care. bigsmile


Also, Humans very likely evolve faster than aliens spiritually because they are on a different simultaneous incarnational path and the aliens are on a sequential incarnational path.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 09:50 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 10:00 AM
I don't remember ever making fun of your beliefs that weren't hinged on ridiculing another's to stand.

No I don't think you have made fun of my belief in aliens, except to dismiss it. Maybe you think its ridiculous?

I assure you, I am not joking about the very possible existence of these non-human life forms. I get laughed at all the time, made fun of etc.

I used to get insulted like you do, because I was really serious about it, and I was trying to convince others.

But after I stopped trying to convince others, I stopped being offended by their non-belief.

I figure some people just can't handle the truth. bigsmile



wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:00 AM

Now, in all seriousness, assuming the question asked in this thread was a serious one.

1. The question assumes the premise that aliens (non human life forms in this reality and or galaxy) do exist.

2. The questions assumes the premise that Christianity is true, and that Jesus died for the sins of mankind, or maybe even for the sins of all life forms ~~ to include aliens.

If the above is true this is my conclusion:

If an alien wanted to go to heaven or ascend to the higher worlds, and became a Christian or went to Jesus himself asking for help, this is what I think would have to happen.

The alien would also have to choose to cease incarnations as whatever species of alien he was and choose the simultaneous incarnational path of human being first.

The reason is, that humans are equipped with the capacity for more emotions and more love than aliens. Jesus and God is all about love, and if they cannot feel the love and emotions that humans feel, they cannot evolve to the higher density worlds.

So it is possible, but they have to change their incarnational path first.

This is in all seriousness.

Now you can commence making fun of me. I don't care. bigsmile


Jesus came to at least adress Adam's demise in his children's hearts and their prooccupation with sin and death.

Other than Adam's reference point, in his death, that hadn't been fully hashed out.

One of the things that Jesus said was that He was the last Adam.

That is peculiarly sequestering of his message, as to man alone.

Whether or not aliens have any part in that hinges on whether or not aliens exist at all.

They certainly weren't addressed as having any part of it, and Christianity is not a means why which such contemplations have any serious relevance.

Perhpas the choice of entertaining oneself with Christianity as a means of comtemplation of such things is humorous and insightful to you and others, but it clearly innapropriate and cavalier.

It is this type of insensitivity and ludicrous substantiation of alternative beliefs and conjecture that is abhorrant and inappropriate.

Choosing another hypothetical vehicle for such musings would be more appropriate.

Obstinately hinging the premise of your beliefs and characitures using Christianity to stand is belittling.

The issue with you is your right to have your opinion.

That is never in question.

The issue that I am addressing is the inappropriateness of callous self righteousness that excuses criticism of Christianity being used to foment strife and contention and that is clearly a risk taken when using it to stand on it like a soapbox for something a disenegenuous as the OP brought up.

Hypocrisy still grips you.

You have eyes to see and ears to hear but insist on ignoring anything not of your contrarian and licentious point of view.

Finding a far less inflammatory vehicle for musings is a choice.

Making sound choices is in order.

Mocking Christianity and feigning no wrongdoing is hypocritical and obstinately in poor taste.

It is repulsive to defend such characterizations.

The point is lost on you when you insist on being this confrontational.

It tells me and others that you are not sincere in being respectful openly.

the mask is the hypocrisy that finds its place in your heart in the argumentative efforts you employ to consciously avoid acknowledging the innapropriateness of said premise.

Not to mention the insulting offensiveness you employ to cavalierly labor over ignoring that acknowledgement ad infinitum.

Mirror let it go, why can't you?

Get over yourself.

learn, grow and be at peace.

wouldee's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:07 AM
the threads that stay alive in the religion forum do so by employing ridicule of Christianity to a large degree.

It is a popular whipping post for any grievance.

It is sure to incite and inflame Christians.

It also gets the cookie cutter response of...

SEEE SEE!! they are proselytizing.They are bashing us! they are intolerant! they are hypocrits!!

inciting a riot is a riot.

Choose another vehicle for it other than Christianity.

Certainly the creativity and effort and energy focused against Christianity can be focused elsewhere, unless, of course, that is the whole point of all of these hidden agendas.

learn, grow and be at peace.

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:18 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 05/07/08 10:19 AM

First of all, Mirror apologized to you, which I don't think was in order.

You should apologize to him.

In answering his question, I did so dispassionately and stated the premise that must be in place to even address the question.

I don't even believe in the premise that Christianity is true and accurate, but nevertheless, it has to be assumed to be, given the nature of the question.

The question is: Can aliens (if they exist) be saved or become Christians (if Christianity is true.)

Both the premise that aliens exist and Christianity is a true doctrine must be in place.

You believe in Christianity. I believe in aliens.

But it does not matter, Wouldee what we personally believe.

I am addressing the question according to the premise and only according to what I think and only according to the information I have evaluated.

I am not saying that I am right. I am only giving my opinion.

Now I am going to ask you to do something that I know will be very difficult for you.

Stop being offended by my opinions.

I am not bashing you or your beliefs.

I was addressing a question by someone else and you need not get involved at all. You need not even read this thread.

Mirror apologized to you , so drop your reference to him.

Let people talk amongst themselves without getting involved and getting so defensive.


MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:24 AM
flowerforyou It was my intention to be provocative.flowerforyouThats the whole point in starting a thread isn't it? flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:28 AM

the threads that stay alive in the religion forum do so by employing ridicule of Christianity to a large degree.

It is a popular whipping post for any grievance.

It is sure to incite and inflame Christians.

It also gets the cookie cutter response of...

SEEE SEE!! they are proselytizing.They are bashing us! they are intolerant! they are hypocrits!!

inciting a riot is a riot.

Choose another vehicle for it other than Christianity.

Certainly the creativity and effort and energy focused against Christianity can be focused elsewhere, unless, of course, that is the whole point of all of these hidden agendas.

learn, grow and be at peace.

Well I will have to say that Christians (not all of them,) who get riled up in a religion forum need to understand that they are not in a Christian forum.

It is a religion forum. There are many religions. Christianity dominates the forum and maybe they think they own it.

As Abracadabra once said, it there were a different forum, like a philosophy formum, or even a metaphysical forum, perhaps we non-Christians could talk amongst ourselves without offending Christians.

Christianity plays a roll in our lives because some of us have been down that path and left it. So it is difficult NOT to talk about it.

Sometimes we talk about it in such a way that a Christian takes offense or view it as negative or rude.

Oh well, they need to get over it because to us, Christianity is negative.

You, Wouldee, need to back off and stop trying to silence people when you decide to be offended by something.

You have no rights to sensor or silence people or scold them for what you believe to be their bad behavior or agenda. You are not the father of Christianity and you have no authority to scold anyone for their behavior, intentions, agendas, or opinions.


no photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:32 AM

flowerforyou It was my intention to be provocative.flowerforyouThats the whole point in starting a thread isn't it? flowerforyou

Debate is a good thing, and there is nothing wrong with your questions.

There was no need to apologize to wouldee in my opinion. He was the one who is out of line.


RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 05/07/08 10:32 AM
You know, I'm a christian, son of a minister, and I wasn't the least offended by the question. Of course, as a christian, I'm supposed to be very difficult to offend. Seems some haven't learned this discipline yet.

Can aliens be saved? Tough question. There are those that would argue that the presence of life on alien worlds negates the whole creation story. If there are other life forms, how can we be the only one's God would care to save? Of course we may have been the only one's to eat from the wrong tree. Why she didn't eat of the tree of life first (or after) I have no idea.

But that doesn't asnwer the question. What if the aliens also worshiped the same god, but in a different manner (like the Mormons)? I'm sure someone like Jerry Falwell would call them anti-christs coming to lure the believers away from god. Rubbish. If you are a believer, you won't be drawn away by anything some space man tells you. No more than you'd convert to Buddism. But can they convert to our religion? Sure, are they also not Gentiles, but why would they want too?

A summary example of the Christian past would show any foriegn intelligence to stay away. The most downtrodden group before 400 A.D., mercilessly slaughtered in arenas and killed for their beliefs (anyone here willing to die?), broke their religous group out of "cult" status to become a mainstream religion. Then for the next 1300 years mercilessly persecuted anyone of a different faith. Starved entire lands until they converted, invented torcher devices to "encourage proper worship," got so caught up in the fear of any other belief they had "witch hunts." If you were not taught from an early age to believe that this was the only way, could you take an objective look at the Christian past and choose to follow it?

The bible tells all Christians that they will be mocked and persecuted for their belief. And we are not to continence such mockery. Arguing with those who do not share our beliefs destroy the fabric of our faith. A faith based of forgiveness and compassion. Somewhere, around 400 A.D. we forgot that, and became a religion of convert or burn. If you can't get back to forgiveness and compassion for the least of all humans, you'll be burning right next to the athiest and wondering "why was my service not enough?"

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:11 PM
Edited by yashafox_F4X1 on Wed 05/07/08 05:13 PM
Christian Aliens? Are those like the people from Third Rock from the Sun or Coneheads? Or just the people from the planet whatever (I forget its name right now). call it Zorlob for lack of a better term.

Seriously, though, I don't think the Bible says much about alieans. I was reading a part in the OT today that put down star worship & astrology, though, and the Bible does say quite a lot about heaven and the heavens, don't ya know.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:18 PM
The Alien Deception

Rev 12:3-12

3 And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. 5 She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne. 6 Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by Yahweh, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

7 Satan Thrown Out of Heaven

And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,"Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our Yahweh, and the power of His Messiah have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our Yahweh day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time."

Could Satan when thrown out make a mockery of the 2nd comming. That now he would bring peace to the world..Blessings..Miles

joshyfox's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:19 PM
Edited by joshyfox on Wed 05/07/08 05:20 PM

Where are the facts?

It you had facts, why would you need faith? If you have all the answers, what's the point in believing to begin with?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:27 PM
Thier are tons of facts in the scriptures. But will you believe them and increase your faith

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:31 PM

the Bible is Quite Possibly the Greatest Porno,murder,Mystery ever Written...and I Mean that!

yashafox_F4X1's photo
Wed 05/07/08 05:35 PM
The aliens are from the planet Kolob and other world we go to when exalted.